Chapter 47: Chaos

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From the very beginning, I knew that Augustus had pure hate and greed wrapped around his heart.

It felt like the world was yelling at me to stop being the kind person that I was and show the earl my true colors as a Prince.

But I withheld that to ensure that he'll feel welcome in my castle.

And now, I'm regretting it already.

Azaila looked at me as I crossed my arms, looking at the window to watch my sister practicing her gun once again.

Lately, she had been getting better at aiming, which was already a good sign. That already means that she could protect herself from any danger.

Right now, I couldn't read Augustus' mind. It seemed like he was still choosing from the two of us.

He had been watching Azaila and she would sometimes notice him. She warns me every time since it already bothered her.

Augustus barely glances at me though - which was a very weird notion considering that we were both royals and hating each other at this point.

Sitting on my bed, Azaila then approaches me and massaged my shoulders. "Brice, you shouldn't stress yourself about this."

"We can handle the situation," she then adds before I wiped the sweat around my forehead and brushed my fingers to fix my unkempt hair.

I can't just let this happen. There is still something inside me that wants to protect Azaila at all cost - if she really was the target of that maniac.

Judging by the stares he was giving her, he was most focused on her - probably studying her every movement.

And even if Azaila knows self-defense, I can't help but feel the worry rising up.

There are a lot of skilled people that he could hire and no hesitation whatsoever will come to them when they face Azaila.

I don't want to repeat the Nova incident all over again. Killing another person won't be a great situation to be stuck in.

My hands trembled. This was the third time I had been like this.

"Brice," Azaila called me, cutting me from my thoughts. "Are you alright?"

"I'm...thinking." There was no other words that came out from my mouth after that statement.

How can I explain this to her?

That our lives are already in danger and I fear that I wasn't Augustus' target all along

"Brice, there's no need to panic." She tried to caress my shoulders but I just moved myself away from her and pushed her hands off.

Her frown grew as I sighed loudly, hiding my face with his hands.

Taking another glance at the window, I knew that Nicholas and Anne should be aware of what was happening here in London.

I can't just take any risks.

If I don't make a move now, something terrible might happen and I'll just regret doing nothing.

Before I could even walk to my desk, Azaila went towards the balcony to look outside - only to hear a loud gunshot.

Out of instinct, I ran and caught her in my arms as soon as she fell down and reached for her leg.

"Brice! My leg..." she then trailed off as another gunshot rang.

But this time, it wasn't the same sound as the first. Luckily, it wasn't going towards us.

So, I decided to carry her and put her into Navii's room. If her leg doesn't get any proper treatment, she won't be able to walk again.

Her face scrunched up in pain as I lay here down on the bed. "Brice, it hurts a lot."

The right leg was already bleeding so I had no choice but to get some painkillers and make sure that the bullet didn't hit any major artery.

If it got stuck on her upper leg then there would be a possibility but she'll have crutches. If it's not a minimal damage, she'd have to say goodbye to that leg.

"You'll be alright. I have you. You're in my arms."

That was the only thing I said as soon as her eyes became glossy all of the sudden - her lips almost looked like they were shivering. I knew that she was trying to hide her every emotion from me but it wasn't helping.

I was still nervous.

Holding her in my arms, I took out the medical tools that Navii had when we were still children.

This one was packed for emergencies only but I didn't really expect that I'll have to use this on Azaila.

My heart pounds a bit faster as soon as she tried to grab my hand for support. I knew she had a rough day and was still shocked about what happened - probably the adrenaline rushing in.

Using the belt that I had, I made sure to make it as a tourniquet on her leg to stop the blood flow and compress it to ensure that it can't affect any vein or artery within the leg.

"Don't move, okay? Can you still handle it?"  My eyes then widened when she suddenly gripped my hand tight, her eyes shutting close with tears running down her cheeks.

Knowing that I have only such time left, I took out a white cloth to wash the area where the bullet was.

"It hurts a lot, Brice." The only thing that I could manage was a nod. I couldn't speak. I couldn't say anything at all.

It almost felt like someone sewed my mouth shut as soon as I saw her just laying there, helpless and weak right in front of me.

Sterilization was the next step and I knew that she'll at least get comfort if I gave her some painkillers.

As soon as I grabbed the bottle, she stopped me and shook her head in disagreement - her almost lifeless eyes begging me not to.

"No, don't worry. I can take it," she reassured me as soon as I tried pushing the painkillers towards her. "Just take the bullet out and I'll be fine."

"I have to make sure that it didn't break a bone, Azaila," I told her as she then lets out a scream once I got another cloth - this time, a gray one - poured a small amount of alcohol on it and gently lay it on her bullet wound, cleaning it a bit as she bit her lip on the process.

Her hands then reached for the blue pillow that was beside her and letting it all out right there. I could see that she wasn't going to let go anytime soon so I made sure to calm her as I did the procedure.

"I got you, Azi. My princess, my queen."

She didn't have the time to look back at me. Another nod came, which was good but still not enough.

Echoes of cries then came rushing as I removed the cloth and cleansed it with the white towel that was dipped on the water earlier.

That damn bastard must pay for what he did to my queen.

Using the rod that I had, I made sure to warn her, "Azi, this one is going to hurt like hell. Are you still with me?"

"Just make it quick. Please, it hurts. Bloody hell."

Holding the metal rod on my hands, I made sure to stick it in - making the wound wide enough for me to take the bullet out.

Though, it looked like she wasn't taking it up great.

Noticing her whimpering and almost passing out in my arms, I made sure to kiss her forehead and held her hand - carresing it afterwards.

"Everything will be fine. Breathe, my queen."

Finally, I grab a hold of the forceps and lined it to take the bullet out or else it would cause more damage than there is to it.

When I took it out, I noticed that it was a .45 ACP that hit her. Medical X-ray might be needed if ever the bullet did break or punched a hole through her bones.

And that one might be the most problematic. If it did damage the femur or the tibia, Azaila won't be able to walk without support.

Before I could even ask Azaila about her leg, her almost lifeless figure caught my attention.

No, this can't be right.

As soon as I sat back down and stared at her, she was no loger hugging the pillow close. Instead, she was breathing slowly with her hands on the mattress, motionless but still alive.

A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I took out an elasyic adhesive bandages and made sure to bandage up her wound.

She doesn't deserve this. To be honest, I should have been the one shot on that spot.

I won't let this pass now. Augustus was trying to kill Azaila.

There had been times that I left him off the hook - even though there had been times he had caused mischief in my castle.

But not this time. I'm willing to pay every consequence to make him suffer.

Even if it means that death would be the end of me.

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