Chapter 49: When You're Gone

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That was something stuck in my head after I woke up from my unconscious state. I thought that being shot was the end of me.

There were a lot of sayings that once you're shot on one of your critical nerves on the leg, it's going to be lethal.

It can be connected with some other veins or important parts - restraining your leg to function properly along with your other body system.

And knowing that there is a possibility terrified me.

So far, I was resting up a bit. There were no other damages since it was bandaged. Though, I feel the numbness on my right leg. It will probably better later. A bit tired but it will be fine, I thought.

Staring at Brice, who was currently sitting on my side with his eyes closed and hands on the bed, my thoughts lingered back at the event that happened earlier. I can't believe that Augustus had shot me that fast.

With that distance, it could've been a miss.

And it was really a surprise to know that I didn't notice him there.

Wincing from the pain that struck my leg, the only thing on my mind now was to stand up and get out from the bed.

My expectation to walk perfectly had vanished ever so suddenly when I had contact with the floor as soon as I tried to walk on my two legs - causing a loud thud and waking up Brice.

His eyes opened and looked towards me - suddenly pushing himself up from his seat and kneeled beside me.

As soon as he approached me, he held me in his arms and put his hand on my right leg. The tears that I held for so long had now escaped, a loud sob finally echoed throughout the room.

I couldn't feel anything. Not even his touch.

" right leg," I told him as his face formed a frown, head hung low as I tried to massage it with my right hand - pushing myself to feel something, even if it was just a tiny sensation or something that would assure me that it was still fine.

But, nothing came.

"Why can't I feel anything? My's-" Tears kept on rolling down from the corner of my eyes and unto my cheeks as my gaze turned towards to Brice.

And suddenly, my voice trailed off like that.

His sky blue eyes only gave me a sympathetic look before he stood up and looked away from me - trying to hide his face and trying not to talk to me, almost looked like he was even ready to leave.

I wanted to know. My eyes stared at his figure for so long. There was a pang on my chest.

Even my lover doesn't want me to know anything.

Was it broken? Paralyzed forever? I badly needed to know every detail.

"Brice..." The tone of my voice made him flinch. His hands were now in his pockets, not daring to say a word. "Brice, please. I don't want to feel helpless."

"Tell me...what's wrong with my leg? Why can't I feel anything?" I asked him as he just gave out a loud sigh, his hands brushing up his messy blonde hair.

"I already called a doctor. I think it's best if you'll hear it from him than tell you everything I know." A frown formed in my lips. I can't believe this. He won't tell me anything.

As he tried not to face me, he still managed to try and apologize about everything. "I'm sorry, Azi. This is all my fault."

"I shouldn't have let you be involved with me," he told me before he then insults himself with words that I didn't expect to hear from him.

"I'm foolish. Careless. I'm an idiotic prince, bloody hell," he muttered under his breath, the venom in his tone almost drowning his words and thoughts. Putting a hand on his shoulder, my eyes looked over to see nothing but sorrow on those sky blue eyes of his.

"What are you saying, Brice? You're not making any sense." His hand then grabbed mine, making eye contact too long for my liking. And this time, he had furrowed his eyebrows and wasn't really smiling at all. If this lasts, tears would probably form right on the corners of his eyes.

"Everyone around me dies. Can't you see that?" The touch of his hand made me want to stay there forever and tell him that he was wrong. To say that I was still alive and will always stay that way. But, he was too consumed in his own to even listen to what I wanted to prove to him.

"I'm letting you go. For good."

When he had tried to let me go, I couldn't help but reach back to him - pulling him to an embrace that I wanted to last for a lifetime. I don't want to lose him. He's already here. All I want him to do is to stay and never let me go; to fight for our love so strong that even death won't keep us apart.

"Brice, that doesn't mean you have to push me away!" My words felt like they were ignored at the very moment. As if everything I say goes from one ear to another. He doesn't pay that much attention now.

When he tried to pull my hands off, it automatically gripped much tighter than it was before. No, I'm not letting him go that easily.

I love him.

His legs gave out, sitting on the bed beside me as he finally lets himself be engulfed right in my arms. Poor guy, he doesn't even deserve this. "Brice, please, let's talk."

The look on his face wasn't going to change anytime soon and I know that. Without even hesitating, I heard him loud and clear. "I'm pushing you away for a reason."

"Love is not like this. We should fight this together," I told him as he shook his head at me. He was stubborn, I was sure of this. But I'm still trying to change his decisions for good.

His sad eyes stared at me. "This is for your safety, my queen."

"No, I'm not letting you push me away like this!" When he still tried to pull away, my hands grabbed his hands and got him back to hug him tight. Just stop, you're hurting yourself. And I'm hurting too.

"Please, just listen to me!" I begged, I'd almost kneeling if it wasn't for my leg. The tears that I've been preventing to escape from my eyes had now rolled on my cheeks, falling down so quickly as he hung his head low.

"I already lost too many people in my life."

You won't lose me, Brice. Please stop. I don't want to see you like this. I'm here for you.

"I can't bear to lose you too."

My eyes wander off to his hands as I kissed his cheeks to soothe him. Even when his eyes were full of worry and sadness, I still tried to change every negative thing that was lingering on his mind.

'You won't. I promise you."

I tried to continue until he actually gets the point I've been trying to prove. "And this is my decision. Not yours."

"I'm staying."

"Azaila-" I cut him off with a kiss on the lips.

For a few moments, I felt that we had an intimate connection between each other. His hands then went to my waist, pulling me much closer to him. Soft lips had been in contact with mine, our hands tangled with each other.

After we pulled away, Brice gave me a surprised look as I huffed. "Don't. I don't want to hear you saying anything against my decision."

"I love you," he told me as my mouth went agape. Sincerity was written all over his features. This made my heart beat so fast that I couldn't control it anymore.

Why are you making me feel this way, my prince?

"I-I love you too, Brice."

He gave me a heart-warming smile before he stood up and dusted off his pants. I really thought that he had gave up and agreed. Planting a kiss on my forehead, my lips pursed and my mouth remained agape as he walked away from me - not helping me to stand.

His last word was etched on my mind. My hands trembled as he spoke. "This is for your safety."

"W-Wait, what do you mean?" There were a lot of thoughts lingering in my mind that very moment. I thought that he would drop this subject. But, why was he acting like this?

"I'll put Quincy on duty to guard you."

No, not her. I don't want to be locked in this damn room.

My hands tried to reach out to him - almost pleading him not to leave me alone and certainly not giving me the right to explore the castle just like before. A frown then appears on his face, shaking his head in disapproval to what I was trying to tell him. He probably figured it out that easily.

"You're not leaving this room until the doctor approves." There was sadness in voice as soon as he turned his back from me, walked out of the room, and closed the door.

Struggling once more to stand, the only thing I could do was to still try to jump on one leg just to reach the doorknob before losing my balance as soon as I was near.

"Brice!" I tried to yell out. Maybe there's a chance that he'll come back and help me. When a minute had passed, I just sighed and put a hand on my forehead.

"Damn it, Brice." Muttering under my breath, a large knock on the door pulled me out of my senses. My eyes quickly darted up the door, asking whoever was behind it.

"Who is it?"

"This is me, your majesty."

When I heard Quincy's voice, I told her that it wasn't locked so she could easily come in. Her eyes quickly went to my direction as she got shocked when I was already on the floor. Once she helps me up by giving me a hand, she then lets me sit on the bed as she stood there.

"The majesty wants me to look after you while you heal."

Shaking my head, I told her, "To be honest, I don't think it will heal anytime soon."

"How come?" she asked back, clearly confused to why I had said that.

"First, I can't move a muscle." Pointing out my legs as I explained everything I felt. "And second, Brice wouldn't react that way if I could heal from this."

"If he reacted that way, I'm sure that it's already bad news."

"Maybe he's just worried about how you'll react, my lady. Or maybe he doesn't want you to worry that much." She then shrugs as if she knew how Brice would react to this kind of situation. My eyes then wandered back to my leg before I gave out a loud sigh of distress.

"The wait terrifies me the most, Quincy."

Before she could even answer, we both heard Brice's voice from the outside. "The doctor's here."

The doctor looked much more older than Brice, had round glasses, a stethoscpoe wrapped in his leg, and he had his bag full of tools with him. A frown suddenly appeared on his face when he had saw me. To be honest, I wasn't sure if it was necessary. Brice had already treated my leg.

Not wanting anymore suspense to happen, I spoke, "Please tell me that I can still walk."

"I haven't checked your leg yet, Mrs. Winston," he told me as my eyes widened. Wait, that's not my surname.

"Oh, you must be mistaken. I'm not-" Before I could even finish, a loud cough startled me and got my attention. There stood Brice at the doorframe, leaning on it while his arms were crossed. I almost feel myself rolling my eyes at this point.

"Mrs. Winston. Yes, that's certainly me."

Luckily, the doctor did not question me much about my reaction. Instead, he explained everything that had happened to my leg. "Prince Brice told me that the upper bone was the one damaged."

"Your femur had been shot and not the Tibia, the lower part. Due to the bullet of the gun, a .45 ACP, correct me if I'm wrong." He then hinted to Brice as my lover just told him to continue.

"It seemed that the bullet made a hole through it."

Time almost stopped when he had said this. I couldn't move. My lips didn't even cooperate with me at that time. It felt dry that it sealed shut once they wanted a reaction from me.

Their gaze were all fixated at me. Brice even approached me, rubbing my back and even lets me hug him for comfort. And, I did.

"What do you mean, doctor?" That was the only thing that I can manage to say.

"I'm sorry, your majesty," he started off before he continued. Setting his bag on a chair, he walked out for a few minutes before coming back with two pair of clutches while Quincy opened the door to push the wheelchair in.

"Clutches or wheelchair seems to be the efficient way."

"Do you mean-"

"Your right leg. You won't be able to move it anymore. The upper leg bone's broken. You'll need support to be able to walk."

My eyes then darted back to Brice, who was beside me while he sat there in silence. "Brice, is this-"

"It's true. I'm sorry," he apologized as I couldn't prevent my tears from falling down on my hands. No, this can't be right. I'm just dreaming. I'll wake up soon.

"I can't believe this. I-"

Before I could even continue, the doctor noticed the tension within the room and decided to say, "I'll let you two talk for now."

Quincy then followed, giving us one last glance before she eveutally left the room, closing the door right behind her.

"I'm practically useless now," I muttered under my breath as Brice held me in his arms.

"Don't say that," his voice whispered right next to my ears, his hands eventually entertwining with mine. As my eyes stared at him, he just gave me a smile. How can you stay positive at times like this?

"I am," I argued back, pointing at my right leg with hatred. "I can't help you with anything anymore."

"You still have your hands and your left leg. You're going to be fine." I don't really know if I should be happy with that remark or be bothered by the fact that it sounded as if he was sassing me.

"Define 'fine' to me." He then fixed his position, sitting much more straight now before putting his head on my hair, his hands wrapping around me.

"Well, you're still the Azaila I love. Except I couldn't see her fearless side anymore," he started off before putting his right hand on my chin and making me face him so suddenly.

"Come on, where is that smile?"

I couldn't help but smile at that.

"There it is."

Once he saw it, he then kissed my forehead and let my head lay on his shoulder. "And you do know that this means that you would have my full attention."

A smile then formed on my lips. "I'd like to start today then."

"Which reminds me..." He then trailed off before he called out his personal maid.

"Quincy, can you prepare me some of my chamomile tea? It's already been days since I get to drink that." My eyes widenend when she opened the door and peeked inside to answer.

"Should I prepare Azaila's too, my lord?"

My lover nods back, smiling as he replied, "By all means."

Once Quincy left, Brice quickly asked me when I kept on trying to go to the edge of the bed to stand, "Do you want any help?"

"No, I can manage," I replied, pursing my lips as I reached out to the pair of clutches. "You can go on ahead. I have my these."

"Or, I can just carry you there," he countered back as my hands waved him off. There was no way that I'm going to put much more work on him. He already saved my life. That should be enough already.

"No, I'm serious, Brice." I just smiled at him.

Though, he returned it back a frown. "Are you sure?"

"I still have things to do. You can go ahead. I'll be there with you after I finish," I lied as he finally gave up - knowing to himself that he couldn't change my mind right now.

"Fine. Always be cautious, okay? I don't want you getting hurt again."

"Okay, I promise."

"I'll wait you there." Those were his last words before he left the room. Holding the clutches that I have, I pushed myself up to stand. This was going to be harder than I thought it would be.

As soon as I got a knife hidden on my gown, I looked at the mirror and nodded. This was the only protection I have from that earl. If he pulls out his gun, I'd throw this at him and hopefully kill him on the spot. Or I can just sneak at him while at it.

Walking towards the door, I heard footsteps so I finally went to check it out and leave the room. "Brice?"

My eyes widened as I saw Augustus looking at me with a bored expression. My hand went towards my knife - preparing to pull out my knife if I needed to.

"You-" I trailed off as Augustus waved me off like I was nobody.

"You don't need to worry about anything," he told me before he gave a mischievous smirk that almost turned him into a maniac.

"After all, you're not my real target."

Once he said that, he walked off like it was nothing as I just stood there, mouth agape, eyes wide, and trembling as I should be. If I wasn't the target, then shooting me was just a part of his plan. He knew that I'll probably stand in his way of killing Brice.

The only thing in my mind was to get to Brice as quickly as I can. Even if I was struggling on my clutches.

Descending from the stairs, I quickly yelled his name - letting it echo within the castle. "Brice! Brice, are you-"

When I saw him on the ground, kneeling as he coughs up blood, I didn't pay much attention to my state. Instead, I tried to reach him as soon as fasten my pace before sitting down next to him, rubbing his back soothingly.

"Brice! No, darling, stay with me."

Letting out another cough, he let himself fall on my arms. "I don't feel good. The tea-"

He then pointed on his cup as I glared at it with anger. "Augustus probably-"

"Shh, I know. I'll make him pay for what he did to you," I told him as he just gave off a nod, his eyes unfocused as he struggled to breathe.

"Will you still be here with me when I'm gone?" he then asked, trying to hold my hands as I gripped on it tight, not wanting to let go.

"Brice, don't say that. Look at me, stay with me. We promised to marry each other, remember?" I told him as I hugged him. But, he was no longer responding. All I could hear was his shallow yet slow breathing.

"I'm here. Darling, I'm right here. Please, stay." Whispering sweet words were the last thing I could do before he closed his eyes, his last breath being the most painful memory of this day.

Tears fell down on my cheeks as I looked back to him to see him motionless and pale. "No, Brice. Please, wake up!"

"My prince!" My yells echoed within the lifeless castle that mourned to the death of its owner.

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