Chapter 6: Guns and Roses

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Anne's Pov

I looked at Nicholas as he walks away. I saw the rose he dropped earlier and I picked it up.

I shouldn't have asked him.

I looked at his retreating figure and suddenly follows him. I need to apologize. No.

I have to apologize.

"Nicholas! Wait!" I called as I tried to walk faster.

He ignored me and went downstairs. I was about to follow but someone quickly grab a hold of me tightly and covers my mouth.

"Mmph!" I struggled to my captor's grasp as it chuckled.

"You won't get away Anne. That Brice can't tell me what to do," he said as I quickly saw my captor's face.


I quickly bites his gloved hand and tries to run away. He yelped but suddenly grabs my collar. I struggled as he maniacally laughs.

"You won't get away this time,"

Nicholas' Pov

I stepped towards the kitchen and sat down on a chair. The castle is a bit eerie. All I heard was silence.

No Anne.

No Brice.

I sighed as I rub my temples and try not to remember my parent's death. I knew that Anne didn't know what happened to them but I was quite shocked and frustrated.

I should probably apologize for storming off.

I stood up and saw Brice looking around. He saw me and quickly approaches me.

"Nicholas, have you seen Anne around?" He asked me as I looked at him, startled.

"She's not with you my lord?"

"I thought she was with you Nicholas. Where's Augustus?" He asked me and quickly realized.

He got Anne.

I quickly ran upstairs as Brice followed me. I checked room to room and quickly encountered a locked door. I tried to open it and kick it but no avail.

"Do you have any spare key with you?"

"Not really. That one isn't even locked. The door knobs are busted. Unless..."

I quickly ran downstairs and into the garden. I climbed up using the loose bricks and carefully made my way to the window.

I looked around to see if Brice was still following me but then noticed a ladder. I should have used that earlier rather than trying to get myself killed.

I sighed as I tied a handkerchief around my hands and break down the window. Anne gasped and quickly tries to hug me.

"No my lady! If you try to hug me, we're going to-" I was immediately interrupted by a hug. My grips loosen and we quickly fell off.

Luckily, I grabbed the ledge of a brick and try to pull myself up along with Anne.

"Nich-what the hell?!" I heard the prince looking at us, startled at the situation.

"My lord, can you fetch the ladder beside you?"

He didn't waste any time as he grabbed the ladder and safely placed it beside me. I let Anne climb down to it as I soon followed.

I quickly hugged Anne as soon as we were on the ground.

"Anne, I'm truly sorry for what I did earlier. Storming off wasn't really the best option," I said as I gave her another rose.

Brice quickly smiled and left, probably leaving some space for us. Anne genuinely smiled and hugs back.

"I know. I shouldn't have probably asked you. It wasn't my best option too," she said as she kisses my cheek.

I blushed and tried to look away. She quickly giggled as she pokes my nose.

"Someone's blushing~"

"My lady, please do not make fun of me," I smiply said, trying to keep it monotone.

She puts her hands on my chest and tries to kiss me again but I lightly pushed her away. She looked a little hurt but I chuckled.

"You have to catch me first," I said as I ran away from her.

She blinked and suddenly realized what I had said.

"Hey! That's not fair!"

"It is fair my lady!" I said as I let her catch me.

So this is what happiness feels like. It's so bizarre.

She quickly giggled and stares at my eyes. I looked at her then at her lips.
We slowly leaned in and...


I quickly pulled Anne away and hugged her. There stood Augustus, holding a sword and slowly approaches us.

"What did I tell you Nicholas? Stay away from the girl!"

I quickly let Anne go as she quickly ran inside. I stood there, crossing my arms.

"You simply didn't tell any of that my lord. In fact, you wouldn't even know her if it wasn't for me,"

"What did you say? If you haven't even remember the contract you signed, well, you should probably try to," He said as he drew his sword to me.

"If I could remember well, I was the one who saved you from that assassination. You wouldn't even be alive if it wasn't for me," he continued.

Suddenly, Brice barged in on our little cat fight as he held Anne's hand. He quickly pulled his gun out and pointed it at Augustus.

"It seems you were a little busy Augustus so I tried to join your little conversation,"

"Such a little nosy, aren't you Brice?"

"Call me a nosy brat and try to disrespect your butler, I won't even hesitate to pull the trigger,"

"Since when did you get that my lord?" I asked him.

He quickly smirks as he looks at me.

"Take a wild guess Nicholas,"



Augustus stood there, bored. He wasn't quite fond of little chit chats.

"If you know how to shoot, why can't you let me see it?"

"Do you want me to?" Brice said as he aims near Augustus and pulls the trigger.

The bullet went past Augustus and it made him a little nervous. I smirked at the fear plastered on his face.

"This isn't over Brice," he said as he left.

Brice sighed as he puts the gun in his back. We knew that Augustus wasn't done yet. My lord was very cunning. He would always try to take what isn't his. Even the throne.

"I knew it isn't," Brice muttered as we went inside.

Anne looked at me and holds my hand tightly. I looked at her and smiled.

"I won't let him get you,"

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