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"Master, your cup of tea is here," my butler said as he knocks into my room. I groaned, looking at the bronze door as I heard the knocking sound getting louder by every minute. I coughed as I tried to clear out my voice.

"Come in, you're late," I said as I quickly sat up from the bed and glared at the person opening the door. My butler quickly peeked in the room, staring at me as I stared at him with utter annoyance. It was quite normal to look at him like this since I was much more superior than him.

"Pardon master?" He asks me as he came in with my Lady Grey tea and lays it on the desk beside me. I quickly looked at the hot tea on the desk and scoffed at his remark. Though, I have to admit, the tea is very exquisite looking.

"You are late Nicholas. You know what that means. You should never be late," I said sternly as he bows down and let me sip my tea. I quickly put my tea down as he stood there awkwardly, waiting for my response.

I swear. This butler will never learn.

"I'm sorry master, it would never happen again," He said as he bows down politely. I waved him off as I dust off the dirt from my clothes.

Full of promises. Bloody hell. Promises are always meant to be broken. They were never meant to be taken so seriously. They're just nothing but words left in someone's mouth, waiting to be digested into nothing.

I simply nodded as he walks away. I could hear him slowly twisting the doorknob. My breath hitches as he was about to leave.

"Wait," I said as I put my cup back to the tray. He stops and quickly looks back at me. His eyes piercing right through me with confusion.

"I want you to have the day off," I said as I slowly stood up from my bed. I then fixed my sleeves as he stood upright as he shook his head.

"Master, I simply-" I then interrupted him.

"No, you deserved it," I said as I smiled and grab my cane. I then walked towards the door and opened it widely.

"Surely you have some better things to do. After all, I have no sudden errands for today, am I right?" I said as I saw Nicholas nodding.

"Yes, my lord," he asnwered back.

"Have fun," I said as I quickly flashed him a smile then left the room.



The bell rang afterwards. Rosellia didn't even hesitate to pull me so quickly as I almost stumbled upon a bunch of people. I kept on apologizing as I did.

This was very embarrassing. There were a lot of students here and being pulled just to see the new student wasn't even my plan at all.

"Anne! Come on! There's a new boy in school!" she exclaimed me as she dragged me outside to see the transferee. I then held my book tightly as I was pulled in the crowd - hearing murmurs and gossiping around me.

"Let me go, Rosellia. I have better things to do," I said as I try to pry myself away from her grasp to go back inside. When I succeeded, I then heard her yelling.

"Anne? Anne! Come back here!" I could hear her shouting from behind and then suddenly, I was back outside.

My hands were intertwined with hers, again. But then, I felt like it wasn't hers. It wasn't soft. The hand was a bit rough, like it had experienced such hard times.

"I said I have better things to do Rose- Oof!" I turned around and gasped as I quickly collided to something hard and lost my balance.

I then closed my eyes, waiting for an impact.

But nothing happened.

All I could hear is some people gasping, gossipping and some muttering. Why must the world be cruel to me? I thought of pushing the transferee while my eyes were still closed.

However, I felt a hand around my waist so I opened my eyes. There, I saw a guy with crimson eyes, staring back at me. His hands went up to my cheeks as it made me nervous and hot.

Please don't tell me that I'm blushing red right now.

"Are you alright, my lady?" he asked as I looked at the crowd that were still looking at us.

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