I Got Bored...... (Chapter!!!!)

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Miko's P.O.V.
I woke up due to the light hitting my square in the face. "Gah! Curse mornings and sunlight! I hate it! I hate it! I hate it!" I grumbled as I grabbed my pillow and placed it over my head.

(Anyone else have that problem at least once? Where your having the best dream or you finally got to actually sleep properly for more than 9 hours, but then the morning sunlight is just like "BISH NO!!! YOU'S A GONNA GET UP AND YOUR GOING TO SUCK IT UP, AND YOUR GONNA LIKE IT!!!!" Anyone have that happen to them? Please raise your hand. *raises hand, looks around, realizes no one is gonna raise their hand. Puts hand down* th-that is fine....... i-i didn't ex-expect anyone to r-raise their hand anyway....... Imma go to my corner now and continue writing this story. *goes over to dark corner and cries while typing the story*)

I heard the sound of people chattering out front of my hut. I grumbled as I stayed in bed. What? It is really comfy! I heard someone enter my hut and coming closer to me, on instinct, I used the pillow to distract the person as I grabbed my katana with my other hand and held it dangerously close to the intruders throat. At least, I thought it was an intruder. But it was only Kovu. Kovu held up his hands in a way of saying he ment no harm. I took my katana away from his throat, sheathed it, grabbed my pillow that I smacked Kovu with, and flopped back onto my bed. "Sorry Kovu. I thought you were a different demon coming after me." I said as I sighed and lightly smacked my forehead. Kovu chuckled. "No. It is okay. I should be the one to apologize. For I came into your hut without announcing myself first. That was very rude of me to do." Kovu said while rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly. I lightly laughed. "Anyway, what brights you to my hut, Kovu? Beside the unexpected wake up call?" I said with a light smirk. 'I'm never going to let it down today' I thought. "Well, I was thinking, after breakfast, that you would like to train? I mean, not to be rude, but everyone of us trains here the moment after they eat breakfast, as a way of getting stronger. In case anything happens." Kovu said, looking down, as if he thought I was going to reject him from his offer. I got out on bed and placed a hand lightly on his shoulder. He was startled and looked up at me with wide eyes. "Of course I'll train with ya. Unlike most people, I don't say no to getting stronger and being with someone who I met for only a short time, but is like a big brother to me. So yes. I'll change into some training gear, we can eat, then, we can train. How does that sound?" I asked. Tilting my head to the side and gave a soft smile. Kovu smile. "That would be great! I'll wait for you outside here!" He said as he quickly walked out of my hut. I sighed as I walked over to the side of the hut that had the chest, dresser, and closet. I opened the closet and found lots of nice clothing. I looked through and picked out this one.

(Minus the shoes)

I grabbed my katana and placed it on my right hip. What? I'm left handed! I'm special! Anyway, I walked out with my head held high, even though I was terrified that they might kill me behind Kovu's back, I need to show them that I am brave, not afraid of them and is willing to kill them at any moment. I had my bag on my back filled with new weapons, food, potions, and new poisons. When I walked out, I walked quickly, with Kovu leading the way, for a distance before we stopped. We set our stuff and supplies down under a shady tree, before walking into the clearing and readied our weapons. I smirked. "Kovu, you know, if you get scared or need to run away, you can call quits now." I laughed at his priceless expression. And so, our training begun.

*time skip to noon, brought to you by a horny Inuyasha!*

Miko's P.O.V.
Kovu and I sat under the tree that had our stuff and supplies. I sighed. "Hey. Do you smell that?" Kovu said as he sniffed the air. I closed my eyes and sniffed the air.


My eyes jolted open as I suddenly stood up. "..... fire..... And the smoke is coming from the campsite!" I yelled as I grabbed my stuff and supplies before running towards the campsite. Kovu followed on my heels. Just as I was about to break through the clearing to the campsite, Kovu pulled me back. I looked at him with a harsh glare. "Whay are you doing? Your people are in trouble!" I tried to pull away, but he only tightened his grip. "You need to run. It is not safe here. Please, run away from here. Please Miko, I beg of you, run away and don't look back!" Kovu said as he pushed me away from the campsite as Kovu ran into the campsite. And I ran away. Tears blurring my vision as I stumbled away. After about a week, I was walking through the forest. I haven't eaten since I left the campsite. I was then pounced on from behind, and i blacked out.

I woke up to the sound of growling and snarling. I sat up and realizes I was in a wolf demon cave. And a few were looking at me like I was the main course. 'Crap! What am I going to do? I can't run or fight, cause I'm weak from hunger, but I can't play dead and let them eat me either! What am I going to do?!' I thought as I glared at the wolf demons and wolves that were looking at me. Some of them jumped and backed away from me, while others glared back. I sighed and looked at my surroundings to see what I can do to escape. I found none. I was then grabbed and thrown to the center. "Ow! Hey! What is the big idea?! Throwing a woman around like that! You need to learn respect!" I snarled at the person that threw me. Only to stop when I saw him. A male. Black hair that was in a pony tail, sapphire eyes, and was wearing wolf furs. He seemed to be really confident and full of himself. 'Like someone else I know.' I chuckles lightly to myself, thinking of Inuyasha and Sesshomaru. I then frowned. I left them..... I broke their hearts..... they won't save me now, mating season of not. I hurt them. I can't fix it now. "Who are you and why were you walking through our forest?!" The wolf demon snarled at me. I smiled nervously. "Who I am is not important and I was walking through your forest cause...... I was bored....?

Hey my Kitsune pups! I'm really sorry it is so late! I had huge writers block and very high stress levels from school. I know this is shorter than normal, and I'm sorry about that. I will try to update sooner and make them longer. Anyway, hope you enjoy this chapter. If you could do The and comment on how I did, that would be awesome! Bye for now, my Kitsune pups! Stay amazing, stay beautiful, stay YOU!

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