Baseball Player's Crush

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Let's start it...

Here you are sitting in a stadium with your best friend Lisa and cheering for her boyfriend's team because she forced you to cheer for her boyfriend and you are cheering for her boyfriend but your eyes was stuck on a handsome and charming player...Shu Kurenai, the youngest and popular baseball player and he is the leader of Raging Bulls team and Lisa's boyfriend was also in his team.

Anchor 1 : Raging Bulls need just 1 point to win the match!!!

Anchor 2 : The Raging Bulls leader has taken his place and ready to hit the ball...let's see whether he will be able to hit the ball out of the line or the opponent team will win this match!!!

Anchor 1 : But we should not forget that Shu Kurenai has never lost a single match till now!!!

The bowler bowled the ball at a full speed and Shu hit the ball with a lightening speed and the ball was flying in the air and in a minute out of the line.


The whole stadium screamed due to happiness and the fangirls gone crazy while the Raging Bulls team hugged each other in victory.


Lisa hugged you tightly while jumping and screaming in happiness.


Anchor 1 : Do you heard those screams ? The stadium gone crazy with excitement!!!

Anchor 2 : Why not they be happy when their favourite champion Shu Kurenai wins the match...congratulations Raging Bulls!!!

Lisa throw a towel with a water bottle at you and dragged you down to the court.

Y/n : What am I supposed to do with them ?

Lisa : Give them to Shu...I'll go and give these to my boyfriend.

She ran towards Fubuki and you looked at the towel and water bottle in your hands then you heard a scream and looked up to see a bunch of girls squishing each other in a specific spot.


Y/n : These girls seriously gone crazy.

You looked around and saw one of Shu's friend sitting down while panting heavily.

Y/n : Let's give them to him.

You went towards him and sat down beside him.

Y/n : Here take need it.

Wakiya : Oh! Thank you Y/n...I really need it.

He take the towel and water bottle from your hand and wipe the sweat then drank the water.

Wakiya : It's a surprise seeing you giving me water bottle and towel cause I thought you'll give them to Shu.

Y/n : I was about to give them to him but seeing his fangirls squishing each other around him make me change my mind...I don't wanna get squished by his fangirls.

He chuckled.

Y/n : Anyways I am going now, it was nice talking to you and your team did excellent...all the best for the upcoming matches.

Wakiya : Thank you so much and it was nice talking to you too.

Y/n : Bye...

You smile and walked away.

Wakiya : Shu choose the right girl.

~At Sitting Area~

Wakiya : Hey Shu...why you seems upset ? You should be happy as we won the match.

Shu : You know Wakiya...Y/n didn't come to me after the match, I saw her smiling at me during the match and I thought she will come to me and congrats me after the match but she didn't come.

Wakiya : I know cause she come to me and gave me the water bottle with towel and we had little chat.

Shu : WHAT ? She gave you the water bottle with towel and you guys had little chat.

Wakiya : Yes cause she don't wanna get squished by your fangirls so, she come to me.

Shu : Oh god!! I lost a great opportunity to propose her!! I thought I'll propose her after my match.

Wakiya : Don't still have chances.

Shu : How ?

Wakiya : Why don't you held a victory party at the club and tell Fubuki to invite Lisa and Y/n then you can take her to the movie theatre and confess there.

Shu : That's a great idea...thank you for it Wakiya...I'll go and invite everyone.

Wakiya : Welcome and all the best 👍

~At Party~

Y/n : Why did you force me to come here with you ? You know na I hate parties.

Lisa : But its Shu's victory party and he invited everyone so, you had to be here.

Y/n : Ugh!!!

Lisa : FUBUKI!!!

Fubuki : Yes my love...take a seat.

They both sat down beside each other and clinging onto each other while you sat a bit far away from them.

Lisa : Where is Shu ?

Fubuki : He is on the way...he will be here soon.

Lisa : Then shall we go and spend some alone time together ?

Fubuki : Yeah sure my lady.

They both stood up and you looked at Lisa while glaring at her.

Y/n : Hey Lisa!! Where do you think you are going ? First you forcefully took me here and secondly you are leaving me here alone!!

Lisa : Y/n...just wait for sometimes, we will be here soon and I'll tell Shu to be here with you.

You sighed.

Y/n : can go...

She smiled widely.

Lisa : Thank you bestie...

They both left the club.

Y/n : Why am I even here ?

You looked around with boring look and soon found a familiar guy coming towards you.

Shu : Hey Y/n...

He sat down beside you closely.

Y/n : H-Hi Shu...

Shu : How are you ?

Y/n : I am f-fine...what about you ?

Shu : Same and I am really glad that you come to my party but why are you alone ? Where is your best friend ?

Y/n : She goes out with Fubuki.

Shu : Oh! Ummm...can I ask you something ?

Y/n : Yeah! Ask...

Shu : Wanna go to a movie theatre with me ?

Your eyes widened.

Y/n : H-Huh ?

Shu : We can go and watch movie there and spend some time there as I see you are bored here so, wanna come with me ?

Y/n : O-Okay...

He smiled and you both stood up and left the club to the movie theatre.

~At Theatre~

Shu : Y/n...please stop's just a movie.

Y/n : H-He just left h-her like nothing...he pretend to l-love her but in the end he h-hurt her.

You continue to cry while he was trying to comfort you.

Shu mind : I think it's the right time to confess my feelings.

He pulled you closer and take your hand and placed it on his chest and you looked at him confusly.

Y/n : Shu---

Shu : Y/n...I actually brought you here with me alone so, that I can confess something.

Y/n : W-What something ?

Shu : I know love isn't normal, It's special and extra special when it's your first love like mine...the beat of my heart is normal but it increased when you are near me, everytime you smile at me during the match gives me strength and I wanted to become the reason of your smile.

Your eyes widened.

Y/n : W-What ?

Shu : I know you must be shocked and doubting me but that's okay you can take your time, you can even reject me but please at least give me a chance to prove my love for you...after that the decision is all yours and If you give this homeless person a small place in your heart then he will forever be grateful...I love you Y/n.

Your eyes filled with tears.

Y/n : I am gonna cry now, you don't know how it feels when your crush proposed you and I'll let you stay in my heart infact we both will stay together...I love you too Shu.

He smiled and pulled you into a deep kiss while the tears of happiness falling down from your eyes.


Thanks for reading 😊
Love you sugars ❤️
Have a great day 👍

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