Chozetsu/Turbo Aggressive Husband Shu Kurenai X Abused Wife Reader

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Request by PoonamChoubey7
I hope you'll enjoy it...

~ Explanation~ means behaving in an angry or rude way that shows you want to fight or argue with someone. Not only the fighting means Aggressive, it shows the person's behaviour and personality.

Abuse : It means harrassing or beating someone and some examples of abuse include ( Slapping, Pinching harshly, Choking, Kicking, Beating, Shoving or inappropriately using drugs or physical restraints ).

There are four main categories of abuse : Physical Abuse, Emotional Abuse, Sexual Abuse and Neglect Abuse.

Emotional abuse includes non-physical behaviour that are meant to control, isolate, or frighten you. Emotional abuse can involve any of the following :

1) Verbal Abuse : Yelling at you, insulting you or swearing at you.

2) Rejection : Constantly rejecting your thoughts, ideas and opinions.

3) Gaslighting : Making you doubt on your own feelings and thoughts and even your sanity by manipulating the truth.

~End of Explanation~ 

Okay enough explanation...I hope you understand sugars ❤️ now let's continue 😉

~At Night~

It's 12:30 am at midnight and you are waiting for your husband to come.

Y/n mind : I'm really worried about him but why he is not coming back home yet ? Is something bad happened to him ?

Many negative thoughts were running in your mind then suddenly you heard door opening quickly looked straight and saw your husband.

Shu : You didn't sleep yet ?

He ask in a cold tone and you stood up from the couch.

Y/n : I was waiting for you Shu.

Shu : How many times do I need to tell you that don't wait for me...CAN'T YOU UNDERSTAND A SMALL THING ?

He almost yell at you and you gulped hard.

Y/n : I am really s-sorry...

He glared at you and went to his room and you went in the kitchen to heated up the food and after that you went to his room.

Y/n : Shu ?

You didn't found him in his room then you heard water dropping sound.

Y/n : Oh! He is taking shower.

After few minutes he come out from the bathroom only in towel and saw you.

Shu : What the hell are you doing in my room ?

Y/n : Actually your dinner is ready that's why I come here to call you for dinner.

Shu : No need...I'm not hungry, I already ate my dinner.

Y/n : O-Oh! Okay...

You left his room and come to your room and locked the door.

~Little Information~

It's been 1 year of yours and Shu's marriage but you both stay in  different rooms because in the first day of your marriage he said "If you are uncomfortable to stay with me in same room then you can stay in another room" that time you thought maybe he don't want to share his room with you that's why you stay in another room...he never talk to you properly nor he glanced at you for once, all the time he always cold and aggressive towards you for no reason.

~End of Information~

Y/n mind : Maybe he don't love me or he already have someone in his life...his behaviour sometimes scared me so much like he will beat me that's why I always keep distance away from him.

Your thoughts got interrupted when someone knocked on your bedroom's door.

Shu : May I come in ?

Y/n : Yeah!'s your own home you can come here don't need permission for it.

He opened the door and come inside with burning eyes.

Shu : I want to talk to you about something important.

Y/n : Y-Yeah! Say...

Shu : What did you say about me to my mom ?

Y/n : I-I---

Shu : I know what you say to my mom about me...why did you say that we don't SHARE the same room and I never give you ANYTIME and also I always shout at you and behave aggressive towards you want to show others that your husband is EMOTIONAL ABUSIVE ?

Y/n : N-No! get me wrong...I didn't said that i-intentionally.

Shu : SHUT UP!!!

Out of sudden he shout making you flinched hard and hold the metal scale which was near your bed and you panicked thinking that he will beat you with scale.

Y/n : I-I'm sorry Shu...I'll not r-repeat this mistake a-again.

You started sobbing softly and he come closer to you and wipe your tears and said in a cold yet angry tone.

Shu : Keep that in your mind...If you do this again then you'll see the consequences...I don't like when you told to others about our personal matter.

You nodded while still sobbing.

Shu : Now stop crying and sleep like a good girl.

You nodded and immediately lay down on bed and cover yourself with blanket.

Shu : Now sleep and don't you dare to repeat this mistake again.

He left and you fall asleep after sometimes of crying.

~Next Day~
~At Night~

Now you are waiting for your husband as usual but today it's too late.

Y/n : Why he is not coming yet ?

Suddenly you heard doorbell ringing sound so, you immediately ran towards the door and open it just to see a girl was holding Shu for support and he was not in his senses.

Girl : Excuse me miss...who are you ?

Y/n : I am his wife but what happened to him ?

Girl : Actually me and Shu was on a party which held by his business partner and he told me to come with him but there he drink too much that's why I come to drop him here.

Y/n : O-Oh! Okay...

Girl : Please take your husband...he can't even stand properly.

You nodded and was about to touch him but...

Shu : DoN't leAvE mE...s-stay WiTh Me pLeaSe~

He said in drunken voice and that's it your heart broke into pieces.

Y/n : Y-You can take him to his room...there is his bedroom.

You point towards his bedroom and she went there while holding him and after few minutes she come out of his room.

Girl : He fall asleep...please take care of him.

You nodded and she left from there and you went to his room to check him and saw him sleeping peacefully.

Y/n : So, this is the reason why you always misbehaved with me and sometimes you were too aggressive in behaviour...why did you do this to me Shu ? Am I that much bad wife ? Why didn't you just tell me that you already have someone in your life ? Why you agree to marry me ? Why ?

Slowly tears started to flowing from your eyes but you wipe them.

Y/n : It's okay Y/n...stay strong.

You look at his sleepy face and a small smile formed on your lips to see his calm face.

Y/n : Don't worry Shu...soon I'll go away from your life forever.

You left his room and come to your room and finally burst into tears...the whole night you spend while crying non-stop.

~Next Day~
~At Morning~

Right now you are standing at your bedroom's balcony and watching the beautiful view of rain but you felt someone's presence standing behind you very closely.

Shu : Good morning...

You didn't response and didn't even turn around to look at him for once.

~After 1 week~

In this 1 week you didn't talk to him and even keep distance away from him more than before but seems like he doesn't care.

Y/n mind : Why will he care ? He never treated me as his wife and all the time he do only aggressive behaviour towards me.

Suddenly you saw him coming towards your direction and you quickly looked away.

Shu : Y/n...where is my watch ? I can't find it.

Without saying anything you went in his room and in a second come back with his watch and gave it to him without looking at him.

Shu : What will you make for dinner tonight ?

You still didn't reply him and he burst into anger.


That's it your tears started to streaming down from your cheeks.

Shu : You know what ? Marrying you was the biggest mistake of my life.

You just keep quiet while crying silently and he started to throwing things here and there and that time you got too scared and hide behind the sofa while still crying hardly...he come towards you and held your jaw tightly.

Shu : Seems like you got so much guts...just once I get you in my hand that time I'll show you who I am.

He let go off your jaw harshly and left from there angrily.

Y/n : I'll never f-forgive you...I h-hate you Shu...I hate y-you.

~Few days later~
~At Evening~

You were sitting on couch silently and he was doing his paperwork while sitting beside you and in these days you never dare to look at him and he also didn't even glance at you and today is his day off so, that's why he is in home...suddenly you both heard doorbell ringing sound and you was about to go but he stood up and went towards the door and open it.

Shu :

You quickly looked at the door and saw his parents.

Y/n : Mom!!! Dad!!!

You ran towards them and hugged them tightly.

Mrs.Kurenai : Oh! My are you ? Is my son taking good care of you ?

Y/n :

Shu : both must be hungry right ? Let's go and have dinner first then talk later.

Mr.Kurenai : Okay...I also want to taste the food which is made by my daughter-in-law's hand.

You broke the hug and you all went to the dinning table and have the dinner while talking.

~After Dinner~

Now you all were sitting on couch, having fun then suddenly his mother ask something unexpected.

Mrs.Kurenai : I heard that you both stay in different it true ?

Shu : Yeah! It's true because your lovely daughter-in-law is not comfortable to stay in same room with me.

Mr.Kurenai : Is it true Y/n ?

You just keep quiet because you have nothing to say about it and it's true that you are the one who told him to gave you another room to stay.

Shu : See...I guess you both get your answer.

Mrs.Kurenai : Listen you go to your room because I want to talk to her because from now on she'll stay with you in same room.

Shu : Whatever...I don't care.

He stood up and left from there and went to his room.

Mrs.Kurenai : Listen dear after marriage every wife should stay with their husbands in same room and he must be feel lonely because you always stay in another room and keep distance from him and from today you'll stay with him in same room.

Y/n : No! mom...please...

Mrs.Kurenai : No buts...

She stood up and held your hand then started to dragging you towards Shu's room and take you inside his room.

Mrs.Kurenai : Shu...don't you dare to fight with her or argument and If I see anything like that then I'll never talk to you it ?

She left from his room and you were standing on your spot like a statue then he got up from his bed and went towards the door to lock it and turned around to look at you.

Shu : I am sorry that my parents forced you stay in same room with me and I am sorry again because...I'll force you now babygirl.

He smirked and your eyes widened.

Y/n : W-What do you m-mean Shu ?

He put his finger on your lips and said in a seductive voice.

Shu : Shhhhh!!! It's not's daddy for you tonight and I am sorry once more because I'll be so rough on you.

You were shocked due to his sudden change behaviour.

Y/n : What are you saying ?

Shu : Remember...that day I told you that once I get you in my hand I'll show you who I am and tonight I am going to teach you a very good lesson for always staying away from me.

He said and throw you on bed and started to kissing you roughly and after few seconds you kissed him back...


After doing that you both were breathing heavily and you look at him and said.

Y/n : Why did you do it with me ? It's shouldn't have cheated on your girlfriend.

He looked at you confusly.

Shu : My girlfriend ?

Y/n : Listen I know the girl who drop you home that day is your girlfriend because you told her to stay with you.

He raised an eyebrow and started to laughed hard.

Shu : She is my bestfriend who drop me that day and when I was drunk I thought that she is you that's why I told her to stay with me and she is already married okay ?

Y/n : WHAT??? Then tell me why you always behaviour aggressive towards me ?

Shu : It's because the day when you said that you want to stay in another room not with me that's make me so much angry and the thing make me more angry and aggressive when you always keep distance away from me and I always burst into anger because I can't tolerate that the person whom I loved the most always stay away from me.

Y/n : Y-You love m-me ?

Shu : Yes...I love you since the day I first saw you but I think you don't feel the same.

Y/n : love you too Shu and I am sorry that I always keep distance away from you because I thought that you'll beat me.

His eyes widened.

Shu : Wtf ? Are you crazy ? How can you think that I'll beat you ?

Y/n : Sorry...

You whispered and he kissed your forehead making you smile.

Shu : It's okay but don't misunderstood me again.

Y/n : Okay...

You both hugged each other and fell asleep while talking to each other.

The worst distance between two people is MISUNDERSTANDING.


Thanks for reading 😊
Love you ❤️💕

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