Halloween Special

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Hey sugars ❤️ Happy Halloween to all of you 🎃👻☠️ let's celebrate together

Let's start it...

A room is filled with laughter as a group of friends were teasing a couple.

Free : Shu...your twin brother got a girlfriend so, when will you look for a partner for yourself ?

Shu : I don't know Free...I want to focus on my career.

Fubuki : Bro...that's such a boring life without any partner.

Christina : Yes right...you are so workaholic Shu.

Shu : I guess I am...

Red Eye : Okay guys...leave my brother alone.

Y/n : I am going to get some drinks.

Red Eye : You will not drink Y/n...not even a single drop.

Y/n : Why ?

Red Eye : Cause whenever you drink you forgot who you are.

Y/n : C'mon...how can I forget that I am your future wife ?

You said while wrapping your arm around his shoulder making him smirked.

Everyone : Oooohoooo~

Red Eye smashed his lips onto yours and started kissing you passionately making you fall on the bed with Red Eye on top of you while others closed their eyes but Shu smiled cause he is used to see it everyday.

~After Sometimes~

You, Red Eye and Shu come in the living room after your friends left and saw everyone sitting on couch with a serious face.

Y/n : Ummm...is everything okay ?

Y/m : We want to talk to you guys about something really important...come and sit.

You three sat on couch.

Mr.Kurenai : Actually we want to talk about the marriage of Y/n and...

Red Eye and your heart filled with joy but immediately fade away when you both heard something unexpected.

Mr.Kurenai : Shu...

You three looked so shocked.

Mrs.Kurenai : It is your grandmother's last wish so, please don't say no.

You didn't said anything and looked at Red Eye who looked at you with hopeful eyes and you looked back at your parents with a blank face then nodded making Red Eye and Shu even more shocked.

Y/f : What about you Shu ?

Shu : H-Huh ? Me ? But why me ? Why not Red Eye ?

Mr.Kurenai : Because your grandmother want you to marry Y/n and Red Eye to marry Sasha.

Red Eye burn in anger and stood up.


Mrs.Kurenai : Red Eye!!! Lower your voice down!!!

Red Eye : I am not marrying Sasha and that's clear.

He left the living room.

Y/m : So, Shu...are you okay with it ?

Shu stayed silent for a moment then he nodded slowly making everyone happy and you got up and went to the terrace.

Y/n : I am really shocked that even after hearing mine and Shu's marriage Red Eye didn't reveal our relationship...does he really loves me or not ?

You and Red Eye was into a relationship since 2 years but no one knows about it except Shu cause Red Eye didn't tell anyone as he is a no.1 CEO of Tokyo and you are just an normal employee and Red Eye cared about his reputation more than his relationship...he is madly obsessed with you but he don't have any courage to reveal his relationship cause he is scared of what people will think about him that a successful businessman is in a relationship with an normal employee.

Y/n : How can you stay silent Red Eye ? Why didn't you reveal our relationship ?

Suddenly someone come towards you and held your arm tightly making you hiss in pain.

Y/n : Red Eye...stop! It hurts.

Red Eye : It hurts huh ? Then what about the pain that you gave me ?

Y/n : It's not my fault!

Red Eye : It's your fault Y/n...you could have said no and could have said that you want to marry me not Shu!

Y/n : I can't say no to grandmother...it's her last wish.

Red Eye : Tell me Y/n...what's the difference between me and Shu ? If he can have you then why not me ?

Y/n : There must be a big difference between you and Shu that's why grandmother choose him for me not you.

Red Eye : You are mine Y/n...only mine.

Y/n : If you really want me to be yours then why you never told our parents about our relationship ? I always told you to tell them but you always deny.

He didn't said anything and stay silent. 

Y/n : Now I understand the difference between you and Shu that you are a coward but Shu is strong and he can fight for his love ones...he is not like you who is scared of people thoughts or reputation.

Red Eye : Then I'll prove you that I am not a coward and I'll have you by hook or crook.

He let go off your arm and turned around to leave but he saw Shu was standing there.

Shu : Red Eye...

Red Eye ignored him and left making Shu sad.

Y/n : Don't be sad Shu...he will forget about this all soon.

Shu : Hope so but are you happy with this marriage ?

Y/n : What do you think ?

Shu : I don't think you are happy about it.

Y/n : Maybe yes or no...I don't know.

Shu : What do you mean ?

Y/n : I feel like I made a right decision by agree with this marriage.

Shu : How ?

Y/n : There is something about Red Eye that gives me anxiety...his talk, his words always has a meaning behind it...I know the meaning behind his words and I can say he is dangerous.

Shu : Y/n...I have a request.

Y/n : Go ahead...

Shu : Once you said 'I do' then mean it...never turn your back on me.

Y/n : I promise Shu...

He smiled and you both looked down from the terrace and saw Red Eye went in his car then left.

~At Beach~

Red Eye was walking on the wet sand, bare foot while tears was rolling down from his eyes.

Red Eye : Y/n is right...I am a coward and when our parents told us about her and Shu's marriage why I didn't stood for myself or for Y/n ? Maybe I care about my reputation more than our relationship but what can I do ? My ego always took over me and now I am regretting it.

He wipe his tears harshly.

Red Eye : I am sorry for being a coward Y/n but I promise I'll fight for our love now.

~At Home~

You are sitting on couch watching a TV then suddenly you felt someone sit beside you.

Red Eye : Y/n...please don't leave me...I am ready to tell our parents about our relationship.

Y/n : You are late Red Eye.

Red Eye : Then let's stay in a relationship even after your marriage...I know Shu won't mind it.

You looked at him angrily.

Y/n : He won't mind it but I do...I don't want to cheat my husband cause I promise Shu that I'll never turn my back on him.

Red Eye : Wow! Just wow!!! You guys aren't even married but already started making promises.

He grab your wrist tightly and pulled you closer towards him.

Red Eye : You are mine Y/n...only mine!!!

Y/n : Leave me Red Eye! You are hurting me!

He didn't leave you and you started hissing in pain.


Red Eye let go off your hand and you immediately got up and went towards Shu.

Shu : I take care of you like a father but you don't have any rights to hurt or touch my fiancee!!

Red Eye : What ? Fiancee ? She is my girlfriend!!

Shu : You lost the rights to call her your girlfriend when you didn't stood for her.

Red Eye stayed silent as he have no words to say.

Shu : I am sorry Red Eye but all of this is your fault, I always suggest you to reveal your relationship but you never did cause of your ego and reputation so, now your reputation is in your hands...save it for yourself.

He held your hand and left from there and you looked back at Red Eye who seems so broken but you can't do anything now.

Red Eye mind : You stole my happiness from me...now I'll steal every single thing from you Shu and I mean it.

~At Wedding Day~

Shu is getting ready for his wedding looking handsome as always and make his way towards the door but suddenly the door open revealing Red Eye entered inside.

Shu : Red Eye...

Red Eye looked at him with so much hatred which made Shu's heart ache.

Red Eye : I hate you!!! I hate you so much!!!

Shu saw the hatred in Red Eye's eyes which he wanted to throw away cause it hurts him when his own brother hate him this much...Shu loves Red Eye more than anything, take every blame on himself just to protect him, give him everything which makes him happy but he get in return only hate.

Red Eye : I admit that you give me everything just to make me happy but for payback you took my life away from me and I'll never forgive you for that!!!

He raised his hand to slap Shu but Shu held his hand tightly.

Shu : I never meant to take her away from you Red Eye...she is given to me by your ego...accept the truth now.

He left the room and Red Eye growl in anger and started punching on the wall making his hand bleed but he didn't care and kept on punching.

Red Eye : I hate you Shu Kurenai!!! I fucking hate you so much!!!

He went in the bathroom and wash his hand and left the room and come to the wedding hall just to see you and Shu standing in front of each other while holding each other hands.

Priest : Do you Y/n take Shu Kurenai as your lawful husband ?

Y/n : I-I...

Shu : Think carefully...no need to rush.

You got a warm feeling in your heart, this is what you loves about him...his care and thoughts.

Y/n : I do...

You said while smiling and Shu get surprised cause how confidently you said that makes him happy.

Priest : Do you Shu Kurenai take Y/n as your lawful wife ?

Shu looked at Red Eye and his heart broke seeing tears in Red Eye's eyes...he sighed and looked back at you.

Shu : I do...

Priest : I announced you both as a husband and wife...you may kiss the bride.

Shu come closer to you who is nervous but the next moment you felt butterflies in your tummy when he gently kissed your forehead and everyone started clapping while Red Eye left the wedding hall with a pain in his heart.

~After 1 Week~

To be honest you and Shu is happy with each other, you both respect each other privacy and you always felt a warm feeling in your heart with Shu which you never felt with Red Eye and on the other side Red Eye is going crazy day by day.

Y/n : What should I make for Shu today ? I should make spaghetti carbonara...it's his favourite.

You started making dinner for your husband suddenly you heard footsteps coming towards you but you didn't bother to look thinking it must be Shu but you immediately looked beside you when you smell a familiar scent and saw Red Eye standing beside you too closely.

Y/n : Red Eye...

You immediately back away from him.

Y/n : Do you want something ?

Red Eye : Yes...I want you.

Y/n : Stop it Red Eye...I am married now so, you can't say such words to me anymore.

Red Eye : You are mine Y/n and I can say anything to you, I can touch you whenever I want even you can't stop me.

You was about to say something but he pulled you closer to him and kissed you making you widened your eyes in shock but then you immediately pushed him away when you heard a deep familiar voice.

Shu : Y/n...

Y/n : S-Shu...

Shu didn't said anything and went in his room and you was about to follow him but Red Eye held your hand.

Y/n : Don't touch me you jerk!!!

You glare at him and took your hand out of his grip and ran behind Shu.

Red Eye : You will be mine soon Y/n.

You entered inside your shared bedroom and saw Shu standing at the window looking out and you went towards him.

Y/n : S-Shu...let me explain.

Shu : Explain ? What explain ? That you still loves Red Eye and want to be with him ? I already know that and I am not hurt because I can understand moving on is really hard especially when the person lives in the same roof as you but we made a promise that day once you said 'I do' then mean it...please respect that promise but If you can't keep this promise then let's divorce and tell our parents that our marriage life is not working then you can marry Red Eye!!!

Y/n : No Shu...listen---

Before you could continue he went in the bathroom.

Y/n : I know it's a part of your game Red Eye but I won't let you win this game.

~Days Passed~

Red Eye tried to create a misunderstandings between you and Shu but you always prove him wrong while yours and Shu's marriage life is going well and you both come close to each other and your bonding grew even more stronger but Red Eye hatred towards Shu growing up even more.

Y/n : Hahahaha that was the most embarassing moment hahaha...I still remember that.

You and Shu was sitting on the chairs beside the pool and laughing while remembering past memories and you kept on teasing him.

Shu : Stop teasing me now.

You kept on teasing him and he got up from his chair and you also got up and ran away from him and he followed you behind.

Y/n : Catch me If you can.

As soon as he catch you he fall into the pool and you also fall with him and you both get fully soaked and laughed seeing each other wet.

Shu : Now we are fully wet.

Y/n : It's because of you but you are looking so funny like this.

You both kept on laughing but suddenly you both stop laughing and stare into each other's eyes suddenly he pulled you closer to him by your waist and you rest your hands on his shoulders and get lost into each other.

Shu : Y/n...you make me feel something which I never felt before and I know this is love, whenever I look at you or close to you my heart started to beat very fast...I know you love my brother and I am okay with it cause I can understand it's hard moving on but please never cheat me...If you want to be with Red Eye then I'm ready to give you divorce---

You put your finger on his lips.

Y/n : Did I ever said that I want divorce ? Why you always talk about divorce ? If I wanted divorce then I would had asked you even before our marriage but I don't want it cause I am happy with you.

Shu : But what about Red Eye ? He really loves you...didn't you see how crazy he is going everyday ?

Y/n : He do loves me but mostly he is obsessed with me and his own obsession is killing him.

Shu : Hmmm...

He peck your forehead.

Shu : I think you are right.

You put your head on his chest and he wrapped his arms protectively around you and closed his eyes getting lost into each other but Red Eye blood boiled in anger seeing you both too close to each other.

Red Eye : I'll not let you live peacefully Shu Kurenai.

He dialed a number and call someone.

Red Eye : Kill Shu Kurenai...I'll give you a huge amount of money.

He hangup the call and smirked evily.

Red Eye : Tomorrow is your last day Shu Kurenai.

~Next Day~

Right now Shu is returning home from his office and it was late at night and there is no any other vehicle seen in the road, it was empty and he looked back through his car's mirror and saw a black car was following him since he left from company.

Shu : Strange...why this car kept on following me ?

He speed up his car but that black car also speed up and suddenly his car's tire got shot making his car disbalanced and hit a pole and he fall unconscious then a group of boys pull Shu out of his car and took him in their car.

Boy : Boss...we catch him.

Red Eye : Good...take him at XXXXX place.

Boy : Okay boss...

They drove away.

~After Sometimes~

Shu open his eyes when a cold water thrown on his face and he looked around to see a really dark and abandoned place then he saw a guy sitting on car in front of him and he immediately recognised the person.

Shu : R-Red Eye...

Red Eye : So, my brother finally awake.

Shu understand the situation and he felt a pain in his heart knowing his own brother kidnapped him.

Shu : Why ?

Red Eye : Why ? Why huh ?

He jump off the car and started laughing like maniac.

Red Eye : WHY ? WHY ? WHY ?

He walked towards Shu and grab his hairs tightly.


Shu : It's your fault that you care about your so called reputation more than your relationship but now why are you running behind Y/n ? Don't you care about your reputation anymore ? Just accept the truth Red Eye...all of this is your fault.


He point his gun at Shu's head and Shu closed his eyes letting out his last words.

Shu : I love you Y/n...

Red Eye growled in anger and shot multiple bullets at Shu's head who died on the spot.

Red Eye : I am sorry brother but I can only have Y/n when you die...hope you will not interfere in our lives anymore.

He looked at his men.

Red Eye : Burn his body...not even his ashes should be left.

He turned around and left.

~Next Day~

You are crying continuously, a whole night passed but there is no sign of Shu anywhere.

Y/n : M-Mom...please f-find him.

Y/m : Sweetie...please stop crying...he will be back soon.

Mrs.Kurenai : Red Eye go and look for your brother...I am getting bad feelings...I hope my son is safe.

Red Eye : Don't worry mom...I will look for him.

He walked out of the house with a smirk and you follow him behind.

Y/n : RED EYE!!!

He looked at you and you grab his collar tightly.

Y/n : I know you have done something with Shu...tell me where is he ?

Red Eye : Take it easy baby...aren't you falling in love too deeply with him that you are crying since last night and even dare to hold my collar for him .

Y/n : You know what ? I did a mistake by loving a person like you.

His eyes turned dark.

Red Eye : So, loving me is a mistake for you ?

Y/n : Yes!!!

Red Eye : You'll regret saying this to me Y/n.

He pushed you slightly and get inside his car then left while you stand there with tears in your eyes.

~After Few Days~

Still there is no sign of Shu and you would cry everyday for him which pissed Red Eye off but he didn't said anything in front of others.

Y/n : Where are you Shu ? Are you even alive ? If not then remember you are always alive in my heart.

You saw Red Eye laughing staring at Shu's picture but he stop laughing when he saw you coming towards him with so much hatred in your eyes for him.

Red Eye : C'mon baby...how long will you be mad at me ?

Y/n : You are making me hate you even more, If you had let go off me then maybe this hatred would have a little love in it but no...you are a psycho!!!

You went inside your room and started seeing the photo frames where Red Eye and Shu was hugging each other with a smile.

Y/n : I am feeling like a villian now.

You smile sadly staring at their pictures.

Y/n : I am the cause of Red Eye hatred towards Shu and Shu's death.

Suddenly you saw blood was dripping from the frame and make a cross line on Shu's face with blood, your eyes widened in shock and fear and you immediately covered your mouth with your hands then you saw their photo frames started falling down on floor with blood stains on them.


You screamed and fall unconscious on floor but before completely falling unconscious you saw something was written on the wall with blood.

Shu Kurenai is back for revenge

You closed your eyes and your mind went blank.

~Days Passed~

That incident really effect your mental health as you always scared and would screamed at midnight and cry saying there is someone but everyone would say that's your hallucinations but Red Eye also started feeling weird...he always feel like someone is behind him or watching him but he always ignored it thinking it might be his hallucinations like you.

Red Eye : No one is here...it's just my hallucinations, I think because of Y/n I also started to feel things which I never felt before...I should stop thinking about Shu's death.

He was working in his study room but suddenly the lights started flickering like someone is playing with the switch on and off.

Red Eye : What happened to the lights ?

He went towards the switch board thinking it must be voltage problem but he flinched when he heard a sound of something falling down on floor.

Red Eye : What's with that sound ?

He went towards the object and got shocked seeing the gun lying on the floor the same gun with which he killed Shu.

Red Eye : H-How it fall down ? I remember clearly I put in inside the drawer ? Then how ?

He picked up the gun and suddenly he felt a presence behind him so, he immediately turned around and point his gun in front but no one was there then he heard a familiar deep voice.

??? : Wanna kill me once again with the same gun brother ?

Red Eye dropped the gun on the floor and heard a creepy laugh which shivers down his spine.

??? : What happened brother ? You still didn't recognised me ?

Suddenly all the things in the room started moving here and there, flying in air then dropped on the floor.

Red Eye : AHHHHHHH!!!

He ran towards the door but the door closed with a loud slam and he saw something dripping off from the roof and he realised that it was blood.

??? : Brother...

Red Eye gulped hard and looked up slowly and saw a whole burn body hanging by the fan.

Red Eye : AHHHHH!!! MOM!!! DAD!!!

His eyes widened when he felt someone grab his neck tightly and started choking him badly and he felt his body in air like someone was taking control over his body.


Red Eye started coughing badly and struggling to free from the grip then suddenly his body dropped on the floor and he fall unconscious.

~After 1 Week~

Red Eye starts screaming, cry and frightened because of something and everyone is really concerned about him and hired many therapist for him but every therapist would say they can't handle him in any ways.

Mrs.Kurenai : I don't know what is happening with my son ? Why is he become like this ? He always talk with everyone in stutter.

Mr.Kurenai : Maybe Shu's death effect him really deeply as he loves Shu a lot.

You all are sitting on couch and talking about Red Eye suddenly some police officers entered inside.

Officer : Where is Red Eye ?

Mrs.Kurenai : What happened officer ?

Officer : Just call him...

Mrs.Kurenai : But what happened---

Red Eye : Yes ? Did someone call me ?

Officer : Red Eye...you are under arrest.

They handcuffed Red Eye who didn't speak a single word and you all looked at him with confused face.

Mr.Kurenai : But what my son did ?

Officer : After watching this I bet you wouldn't even want to spit on his face.

One of the officer connect his phone with the TV and a video started playing and after watching that video you all looked so shocked while tears was rolling down from everyone's eyes.

Mr.Kurenai : W-Why Red Eye ?

Mrs.Kurenai walked towards Red Eye and slapped him hardly.

Mrs.Kurenai : IF YOU WANTED Y/n THEN YOU COULD HAVE TOLD US!!! DO YOU THINK WE WOULD SAY NO TO YOU ? W-We love and c-care for you Red Eye and I-If you wanted to m-marry Y/n then y-you could have told u-us...we would have b-been fixed your m-marriage with Y/n but instead of that you k-killed your own brother.

Red Eye didn't said anything and just stood there regretting everything he did to his own brother while Mrs.Kurenai sat on couch and started crying hard.

Mr.Kurenai : Officers!!! Take him away from our sight!!!

They took Red Eye with them and you all started crying hard.

~After Few Weeks~

In these weeks no one visit Red Eye to meet him in jail and after few days more the court announced the punishment for him 'hang till death' and Red Eye accept his sin and soon the news of Red Eye's death announced and everything finished now.


I hope you like it
Thanks for reading ☺️
Love you sugars ❤️
Happy Halloween 🎃👻

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