Sparking/Surge Bodyguard Shu Kurenai X Crush Reader

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No one's's my idea and it's gonna be too long oneshot.

Y/n : DAAAAAD!!!

You come to your house garden where your dad is sitting on couch with a cup of coffee.

Y/n : Daaaaaaaaaaad!!!

Your dad looked at you and smile and you hugged your dad are Sato Y/n the daughter of the most successful and powerful Chief Prosecutor of Japan.

Mr.Sato : What happened anjel ?

Y/n : Dad...look mom is forcing me to eat vegetables.

You said while pouting and your mom come towards you.

Mr.Sato : But that's good for your health.

Y/n : But dad I hate it...please not today.

Mrs.Sato : This is your daily excuses...come on baby eat it.

Y/n : don't want it tell mom that I don't want to eat it today.

Mr.Sato : It's okay honey if she don't want to eat then leave it.

Mrs.Sato : But-

??? : Good morning sir...good morning ma'am.

A young boy who had a crimson eyes with white hairs approached to your parents and bowed to them.

Mr.Sato : Good morning Kurenai...are we leaving now ?

Shu : Yes sir...the court will start in 30 minutes.

Mr.Sato : Let me get ready...honey I'll be leaving now and will be back soon.

He said to your mother.

Mrs.Sato : Okay then...

She smiled and left.

Mr.Sato : Y/ should also go to your University.

You were just staring at Shu and nodded.

Y/n : Dad...

Mr.Sato : Yes ?

Y/n : Can you drop me at my University ?

Mr.Sato : But Y/n...I have-

Y/n : Please dad!!!

You said while showing him puppy eyes.

Mr.Sato : Fine...get ready fast.

Y/n : YESSSS!!!

You smile widely and ran into the house in excitement.

Mr.Sato : Get the car ready Kurenai.

Shu : Okay sir...

He bowed and left.

~After 15 minutes~

It was a silent ride Mr.Sato and you were sitting on backseat and Shu is sitting on passenger seat with a straight face, Mr.Sato is busy on Mac book checking out some papers and you were busy in staring at Shu side were blushing and smiling but a bit sad too because Shu didn't spare a single glance at you and now you reached to your University and Shu step out of the car and opened the car door for you.

Shu : We are here ma'am.

He said while his eyes were down on ground.

Y/n : Bye dad...

You kissed your father's cheek and he nodded with a smile.

Mr.Sato : Take care my anjel.

You step out of the car and closed the car door then you looked at Shu who is looking down.

Y/n : Bye...Mr.Bodyguard.

You said with a smile but he didn't said anything and you sighed and hold his hand and put a piece of paper in his palm.

Y/n : I'll miss you Mr.Bodyguard.

You said and ran into the University and Shu is just kept on staring at the paper because he know what is there written inside the paper, he sighed at your stubborn behaviour and get inside the car then he open the paper.

"You are looking even more handsome today, you know that I love you...I'll miss you my hero...please take care of yourself.

~Your Y/n"

He immediately crawl the paper and put it inside his pocket and trying to keep his heartbeat normal and he looked out of the window and a small smile formed on his lips but soon it faded away.

~|Time Skip|~
~After University~

Illya : What are you waiting for ? Call your Mr.Bodyguard.

Y/n : But what if he didn't come ?

Illya : Oh! Come on Y/n...he will, he have no other choice beside following your orders.

Y/n : But he is my dad's bodyguard not mine that he will come here to pick me up leaving my dad alone in court.

Illya : Just say you are scared like someone is following you and I bet he will come running here for you and take you with him like a hero.

Y/n : Fine...let me call him.

You dialed his number and he quickly picked it up.

Shu : Hello ?

Y/n : W-Where are you ?

Shu : Sorry ?

Y/n : I am waiting for you here at University.

Shu : Didn't your driver come to pick you up ma'am ?

Y/n : No...that's why I am scared...please come fast I think someone is following me.

He didn't said anything and hangup the call.

Illya : What did he said ?

Y/n : He hangup the's all your fault and you even tell that driver to go back.

Actually your driver come to pick you up but as your plan to bring Shu here, you both told the driver to go back.

Illya : Don't worry...I have my car...I'll drop you.

Y/n : Then let's go...I am already very tired.

You were about to go towards her car but a black car stopped in front of you and Shu step out of the car and come towards you with worried face and you were shocked to see him this soon.

Shu : Are you okay ma'am ?

Y/n : O-Of course I am but how you come ? Didn't you cut the call ?

Shu : Let's go home...

He said ignoring your question.

Y/n : I asked you something Mr.Bodyguard.

Shu : It's getting late ma'am...I have to go back to law firm.

You rolled your eyes and sat on passenger seat beside him and he sat on driver seat.

Y/n : Bye Illya...see you tomorrow.

Illya : Bye Y/niee-chan...have fun~

She winks at you with a smirk and Shu start the engine and drove away...there was a silence in the car as you were a little shy to ask anything to him and he don't want to say anything.

Y/n : Had your lunch ?

Shu : Hmmm...

Y/n : What do y-you think about m-me ?

You asked while playing with your fingers but he didn't said anything.

Y/n : Don't be silent...I am asking you something Mr.Bodyguard.

He still didn't utter a single word.

Y/n : Stop Ignoring me Mr.Kurenai or else I'll cry.

You was hurt the way he Ignored you and your proposal.

Y/n : You know that I lov-

Shu : We are here ma'am.

He stops the car and step out of the car and then he opened the car door for you and you come out.

Y/n : Aren't you going to come inside with me ?

Shu : I have to return back to law firm....please understand.

Y/n : Oh! Understand huh ?

You smirked and throw your bag on him and he catch it.

Y/n : Bring my bag to my room...I am very tired to carry it.

You started walking into the house and he sighed and follow behind you and now he hesitately entered in your room.

Y/n : Put it on the couch.

He put your bag on couch and turned around to see you locking the door.

Shu : Sorry ma'am...I have to leave now.

He said and come towards you but you pinned him against the wall.

Y/n : Now kiss me...

His eyes widened but he can't push you away, it's not like he can't push you but it will be disrespect.

Y/n : I said kiss me Mr.Bodyguard.

Shu : What are you even saying ma'am ? Are you kidding me ?

Y/n : No...I am serious, now kiss me Mr.Kurenai.

Shu : W-Why would I kiss you ma'am ?

Y/n : Because I want to taste your cherry lips and stop calling me ma'am.

Shu : Just let it go please...we can't be together because I don't have feelings for you.

Y/n : Say whatever you want but I know you love me.

You grabbed his collar.

Shu : It's getting late for me.

Y/n : Then kiss me and go.

Shu : Please let me go ma'am.

Y/n : You don't want to kiss me ? You hate me ? Oh! I get feel disgust of kissing me...right ?

Shu : It's nothing like that...stop assuming things on your own.

Y/n : Then ? Why are you holding back yourself ?

Shu : Because I don't have any feeling like you.

Y/n : Don't lie...

Shu : I am not lying.

You control your tears and forced a smile, you leave his collar and went towards the closet and took out your dress then you went in the bathroom shutting the door making a loud sound.

Shu : M-Ma'am...


He sighed, he won't lie that he likes you but his status holding him back, he is just your father's bodyguard and the thought of that he can't fullfil your wishes...he walked out of your room and you were crying your heart out under the shower.

~After 1 Week~

Shu was lost in his thoughts this week was like hell to him because you totally Ignored his existence, he is glad but sad too as till now he never know that your ignorance will hurt him this much...he want that old girl back who talks to him, tease him, smile and blush at him and giving those love letters everyday.

Fubuki : Are you okay buddy ?

Shu : Yes...I am fine...

He faked a smile.

Fubuki : But you-


A man with few guards entered in the company and Shu and Fubuki immediately stood in front of him.

Fubuki : Excuse me sir...can I know how you come inside ?

Ashtem : I want to talk to Sato.

Shu : Sorry sir but we can't allow you inside of Mr.Sato's office without any appointment.

Ashtem : Stay in your limits and get away from my way...guards push them away.

He ordered his guards who started to push them away and Ashtem walked inside Mr.Sato's office while kicking the door.

Mr.Sato : What the hell ? You ?

Shu : Sir...he forcefully enter in the office.

He point his gun at Ashtem.

Mr.Sato : What do you want Ashtem ?

Ashtem : I want you to get my brother out of the jail.

Mr.Sato : He is a fucking criminal.

Ashtem : Tell me your amount...I won't disappoint you.

He said while smirking and Mr.Sato walked towards him.

Mr.Sato : I am not like that...I am a honest man so, stop dreaming that you can buy me with money.

Ashtem : Listen to me Mr.Sato...let's be friends, do whatever you want but just get my brother out of the jail and I will let you live peacefully.

Mr.Sato : I reject your offer and soon I will throw you too behind the jail.

Ashtem : So, you won't listen to me ?

Mr.Sato : Kindly get out of my office.

Ashtem : Sato Y/n~

He said with a dangerous smirk and Mr.Sato and Shu body gets freeze.

Mr.Sato : D-Don't you dare to hurt my d-daughter.

Ashtem : Opps sorry but my men's are already at University to get that beautiful girl...I see her she is really so pretty and I wonder how she will look under me on bed-

He received a very hard punch from Shu but Ashtem just laughed and wipe the blood from the corner of his lips.

Ashtem : Tell to your bodyguard to stay in his limits.

He said while glaring at Shu whose blood boiling in anger, he felt too angry when Ashtem talking about you like this.

Shu : You-

Mr.Sato : Kurenai...stop.

Shu : But sir-

Mr.Sato : I said stop and Ashtem please don't do anything to my daughter.

Ashtem : Then beg for it.

He said and sat on Mr.Sato's office chair like a king and Shu turned his hands into fists and he looked at Mr.Sato and Mr.Sato nodded and he understood and quickly run out of the office.

Mr.Sato : I-I beg you please don't do anything to my daughter.

He was begging to Ashtem who just enjoying and laughing evily.

~At University~

You were shivering in fear as there were all Ashtem men's who is searching for you with a gun in their hands while firing in air making all people run here and there in fear.

Y/n : I-I am so s-scared...I won't l-leave you alone Illya.

Illya : Y/n...I can't protect you please hide somewhere...they all are here for you please go and hide.


He shouted making everyone flinched. 

Illya : He is c-coming...Y/n please go.

Y/n : N-No...I-

Illya : I SAID GO Y/N!!!

You flinched and started crying, Illya sighed and grabbed your hand and pulled you into a biology lab and closed the door from outside.

Illya : Stay here and keep quiet.

She run away but suddenly someone held her arm and pulled her into a room.

Illya : What the-

Shu : Shhh!!! It's me...

Illya let out a sighed if relieved.

Illya : Oh! you come here Shu ?

Shu : It's not time to ask questions just tell me where is Y/n ?

Illya : I locked her into a biology lab.

Shu : Ben...Illya is here in room no. 7 and it's your responsibility to take her out of here safely.

He said to one of his partner from the earpiece phone.

Shu : Be careful Illya...

He said and ran towards the biology lab and entered in.

Shu : Y/n!!!

Y/n : S-Shu...

You ran towards him and hugged him tightly and he hugs you back while closing his eyes thanking to God that you are safe.

Y/n : P-Please don't leave me.

Shu : I won' are safe, let's get out of here.

He pulled away and wipe your tears and you both safely get out of Universe from the back door and quickly hide behind a tree as there were so many Ashtem men's outside too.

Shu : We have to run fast to get in the car.

You nodded slowly.

Shu : Hold my hand...

He interwined his fingers with yours.

Shu : I won't let anyone harm you.

Y/n : I trust you...

Suddenly you both heard a gunshot.

Shu : Ken...bring the car back at the University.

He said from his earpiece phone and soon a car stopped a little far away from you.

Shu : Let's go Y/n...

You hesitately nod and hold his hand tightly and you both ran fast towards the car.


Your breathe hitched and you felt like dying, Shu ran more faster and pushed you on the backseat then he also immediately get inside the car.

Shu : fast!!!

Ken start the engine and started driving away leaving Ashtem men's behind who is firing at the car but the car soon faded away with a full speed.

Shu : Y/n...

He started panicking when he saw you was having a problem in was having a panicked attack.

Shu : Hey Y/n...look at me you are need to panick...Y/n are you listening me ?

Y/n : S-Shu...I-

You lost your sense and fall unconscious in his arms.

Shu : Shit...Ken drive to the hospital.

Shu mind : I won't let anything happen to you Y/n...I think I should inform Mr.Sato.

~|Time Skip|~
~At Night~

You whimper in sleep then you slowly open your eyes but soon you panicked when you found yourself in a unfamiliar room.

Y/n : W-Where am I ? Shu...where is my S-Shu ?

You get up from the bed and ran towards the door and was about to open it but Shu entered in the room.

Y/n : S-Shu...

You hugged him tightly.

Shu : Hey calm are safe.

Y/n : Why you leave me a-alone ?

Shu : Sorry but I was just preparing dinner for us.

You pulled away and looked at him confusly.

Y/n : For us ? Dinner and you ? Where are we ?

You asked with your curious doe eyes.

Shu : In America...

Y/n : In America ? Why ? Where is my mom and dad ?

Shu : First eat then we will talk later.

Y/n : Okay...

~After Dinner~

Y/n : So, you are saying that my dad told you to bring me away from Japan so, you bring me America and we are going to stay here until my dad is done with that mafia Ashtem case ?

You repeat his words like a parrot and he nodded.

Y/n : So ?

Shu : So ?

You smirked.

Y/n : So, you and me ?

Shu : Yeah!

He looked at you confusly.


You screamed happily and Shu facepalm himself.

Y/n : Let's see...

You leaned closer to his face.

Y/n : Now let's you will save yourself from me Mr.Kurenai.

You said in a seductive tone and he gulped.

You smirked and walked towards his room.

Shu mind : How I am gonna tolerate her ? Most important thing how will I control myself around her ? God please show mercy on me.

~Next Morning~


You screamed as you entered in the living room and Shu heart almost come out and you jump on the couch beside Shu and you looked at him with a shy smile.

Y/n : Shu...

Shu : Hmmm ?

Y/n : Actually~

You move closer to him making him move back and you smirked internally and move your hand to his shirt and held his collar.

Y/n : Actually...I d-don't have c-clothes Mr.Bodyguard.

Shu : Oh! You can say that normally.

He remove your hand.

Y/n : But what about my clothes ?

Shu : I'll buy some clothes for you till then you can wear my hoodie.

Y/n : Really ?

You smirked and he nodded.

Y/n : Shu...

You cupped his face and he froze but he felt so good by your touch, it feels like a heaven to him when your soft hands touch his skin...he can feel the tingles all over his body.

Y/n : Please be honest with your answer and don't hurt a little cute girl like me.

You said in a baby voice and he chuckled a bit.

Y/n : Shu...I can feel the love in your eyes for me then what is stopping you back ? Please don't think about anything else just think about me and you...think about us.

He kept on staring at you, he wants to pull you into a tight hug but he hold his control back and breaks the eye contact.

Shu : Go and take a bath...I'll prepare breakfast.

You pouts what he stood up and went in the kitchen.

Y/n mind : Do whatever you want Mr.Kurenai but at the end I will make you confess me by yourself.

~After 30 minutes~

You both were returning back after shopping and Shu was holding shopping bags and you was walking with a ice-cream in your hand and blabbering non-stop.

Y/n : Wow!!! This place is so beautiful but where are your parents Shu ?

Shu : I lost them 5 years ago.

He said with a sad smile.

Y/n : Oh! I am sorry to hear that.

Shu : It's okay but I have a twin sister here.

Y/n : Oh! So, when are you going to introduce me to her ?

Shu : They will be here tomorrow.

Y/n : They ?

Shu : Yes, my sister and her husband.

Y/n : Oh!

~Next Day~

Sora : Omg! She is so cute.

She giggles while squeezing your cheeks and you kinda enjoy their company.

S/h ( Sora husband ) : Ummm but is she your girlfriend Shu ?

Shu : No...

Sora looked at you and noticed your sad face.

Sora : What happened ?

Y/n : I am sad...

S/h : Sad ? But why ?

Y/n : because Shu don't love me.

Sora : Like how ?

Y/n : What how sis ? Can't you see love in my eyes for him ? I love him so freaking much but this albino head keep rejecting me...can you feel my sadness ? Can you feel my pain of getting rejected ? Can you feel how badly I hurt by his ignorance ? Can you feel I am so sad.

You pouts sadly.

Sora : You love him ?

You nodded.

S/h : So, did you propose him ?

Y/n : I even forgot the counting that how many times I proposed him.

S/h : Are you perhaps like a top here ?

Sora and Shu : What the hell!!! Are you blind ?

They looked at him in disbelief and he gave them a awkward smile.

Y/n : Are you kidding me ? I am 100% his babygirl and he is my daddy, my master, my boss, my papi or whatever heck it is.

Shu jaw dropped as this pervert side of you he saw the first time, he can't imagine that what else dirty thoughts there are inside your mind with a innocent face.

Sora : can you Ignored a girl who love you this much ?

Shu :'s nothing like that.

Sora : Then what is this ?

Shu : Sis...I am just a mare attraction for her.

You stood up angirly and looked at Shu with a angry expressions.

Y/n : Don't you dare to make joke of my love Mr.Kurenai, first it isn't just a attraction I love you and I mean it and second stop giving your fear the name of my childishness because you don't have courage to love don't have guts to fight for our love in front of my don't have a courage to accept your are a big liar.

You said in frustration and Shu just keep silent and you ran into the house leaving them behind.

Sora : Brother-

Shu : She is right I am not strong enough to fight for us in front of her father but sis I ain't wrong tho, I am just a Bodyguard and she is my boss daughter...her father will never ever give his daughter to a person like me...she is the only daughter of her parents and do you think I can give her everything enough like her parents ?

S/h : Everyone is not same brother, what if her father accept you for his daughter happiness ? Y/n loves you so much and I am 100% sure her father will never do anything to make her least don't give up like this.

Sora : Yes, he is right brother....please don't do anything which you regret later, don't let go off your love, she loves you so much but if you let her go then maybe she will never come back...please think before taking any step.

Shu just quietly listening their words and a small smile formed on his face.

Shu : but she is mad at me now.

Sora : Just give her your answer maybe she won't be mad at you anymore.

Right now you were laying on bed then suddenly someone knocked on the door, you didn't respond but the person kept on knocking making you annoyed.


Shu : I want to talk to you.

Y/n : The person you want to talk is currently sleeping so, kindly get lost.

You said in a serious tone making him laughed a bit.

Shu : I am sorry but please don't Ignored me.

Y/n : I am so much mad Mr.Kurenai so, just go away.

Shu : Fine...

He whispered and walked away but after some time he again knocked on the door and you was about to shout but stop when you saw a paper slide inside the room from below of the get up from the bed and get the paper.

"Don't you want to know my answer ?"

Y/n : What ? What's the meaning of this ?

~Next Morning~

You come to the living room after freshen up and saw a paper on the table, you walked there and took the paper.

"Good morning beautiful, can you please let me know of going on a date with you ?"

Your eyes widened not believing it, you looked around and went in the kitchen thinking Shu is preparing breakfast but you didn't found him there but you saw another paper on the dinning table.

"I am ready for the date beautiful"


You ran towards the house garden and saw him sitting on grass while staring at the sky, he smiled when he felt a pair of arms around him from behind.

Y/n : I swear I won't let you still have choice.

Shu : I am ready to stuck with you forever.

You smile widely and come in front of him then you sit on his lap.

Shu : So, would this beautiful girl love to go on a date with her handsome Mr.Bodyguard ?

Y/n : This beautiful girl is dying to go on a date with her handsome Mr.Bodyguard.

He kissed your forehead.

Shu : Let's start it from here.

Y/n : A beautiful journey.

~After 1 week~

You both were in backyard cuddling with each other suddenly his phone rang and he took out his phone and his eyes widened.

Shu : S-Sir...

He picked up the call.

Shu : H-Hello sir...

Mr.Sato : How are you Kurenai ?

Shu : I am fine sir I mean we are fine.

Mr.Sato : That's good and where is my daughter ?

Shu mind : Fuck what should I say ? That I am cuddling with his daughter.

He looked nervous and you looked at him confusly.

Shu : S-She is watching T.V.

Mr.Sato : Oh! Actually I handle everything here and Ashtem is already under arrest and after the day tomorrow is last hearing of Court and I'll close his chapter forever so, you can come back with my daughter after tomorrow.

Shu : Oh! Okay sir...

Mr.Sato : Hmmm take care you both.

He hangup the call.

~After 2 days~

Now you was hugging your mother while crying like a baby because you really miss them and Shu is standing there with a wide smile on his face.

Valt : Is any toothpaste ads is going ?

Shu : What ? No...

Fubuki : Then why are you showing your teeths ?

Shu : Because I am happy...

Valt : Happy for what ?

Shu : For my baby...

Fubuki : Baby who ?

Shu : Y/n...

Valt : Y/n...who ?

Shu : My girlfriend...

Fubuki : Girlfriend how ?

Shu : After confession...

Valt : Are you joking ?

Shu : You know that I am not a joker guy.

Fubuki and Valt were so hella confused.

~After an hour~

Y/n : have something to tell you.

Shu eyes widened.

Mrs.Sato : What is it sweetie ?

Y/n : I got a boyfriend...

Mr.Sato : Oh! Who ?

Y/n : Guess who ?

Mrs.Sato : Let me guess...ummm Free ? Your Spanish friend ?

Y/n : No mom...he is just my friend and he already have a girlfriend Christina Kuroda.

Mr.Sato : Then your Mr.Bodyguard ?

Shu gulped while looking at Mr.Sato.

Y/n : YESSS! Now guess who is he ?

Mr.Sato : Fubuki ?

Mrs.Sato : Valt ?

Mr.Sato : Rantaro ?

Mrs.Sato : Ken ?

Mr.Sato : Ben ?

Mrs.Sato : Daigo ?

Mr.Sato : Suoh ?

Mrs.Sato : Wakiya ?

Now it was getting irritating for Shu because they both know everyone's name but not his...he can also be one but now they are getting on his nerves.


He shout and his eyes widened when he realizes your parents are looking at him with blank face and you smile widely.

Mr.Sato : What did you said ?

Shu : S-Sorry sir...

Mr.Sato : What sorry ? It took you this long to confess it ?

Shu : I am sorry-

He stop and looked at him confusly.

Shu : What ?

Mrs.Sato : What took you so long to confess huh ?

Shu : Ma'am...what are you saying ?

He was so confused and you burst into laughing.

Y/n : didn't get it ?

Shu : Sorry but what ?

Y/n : Actually they know about us from the beginning and I am sorry I hide it from you because I want you to confess me by your own and they both are happy for us...they don't have any problem with it.

It took a minute to Shu to process what you just said and the next moment his eyes filled with tears.

Mr.Sato : Fubuki...

Fubuki : Yes sir ?

Mr.Sato : Start the preparation for wedding.

Fubuki : Okay sir...

He smiled while looking at Shu then he left.

Mrs.Sato : Stop crying dear...we are happy for both of you.

Shu : T-Thank you so much...I-I am so thankful to both of you.

You wipe his tears and hugged him tightly and he hugs you back.

Shu : I love you so much Princess.

Y/n : I love you too Mr.Bodyguard.


I hope you like this oneshot 🥰

How many of you want Shu Kurenai as your personal Bodyguard...I mean your Personal~ Bodyguard 😏

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