Sparking/ Surge Flirty Shu Kurenai X Reader

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Request by kpopbts959 thanks for your request...I hope you like this.

Shu Kurenai...your boss, you are his secretary and worked in Raging Bulls sports company for bladers...he is one of the most famous and strongest blader in Japan and also a member of Big 5 but one thing about him, always makes you a little angry and sometimes makes you feel special around him...he is so kind, caring, friendly and also very...Flirty, he loves to flirt with you, he never flirts with any other girl but he always do with you.

You sometimes shout on him because whenever he flirts with felt something strange in your heart and when you try to Ignored him, his flirty ass gone too far...he being clingy on you, that's why you never try to Ignored him anymore and now you are walking towards his office and knocked on door.

Shu : Come in!!!

He said and you went in and bowed.

Y/n : Good morning Mr.Kurenai.

Shu : My every morning is good because of you, beautiful.

Y/n mind : Here he go again like always.

Shu : I told you princess not to call me Mr.Kurenai and also no need to bowed everytime you saw it ?

Y/n : But sir-

Shu : Darling...I told you to call me Shu not Mr.Kurenai...i don't like to hear this by your pretty mouth.

Y/n : YAHHH! SHU!!! I told you not to call me by this name...I am trying to be professional.

Shu : Fine...sorry but you are looking so hot in that outfit babygirl.

Y/n : SHU!!! I told you not to flirt with me.

Shu : But I can't resist a hot and beautiful girl like you.

He said and winks at you.

Y/n : I am going!!!

Shu : Okay...okay...sorry.

Y/n : Fine but don't flirt with me again.

Shu : I will try but I know I can't.

He laughed and suddenly his phone rang and he took out his phone and picked up the call.

Shu : Hello Mom ?

Mrs.Kurenai : Hello my son...I have a good news for you.

Shu : What is it mom ?

Mrs.Kurenai : Mrs.Akiyama told that her daughter likes you and she wants to marry you.

Shu sighed heavily before continuing.

Shu : Mom...I told you not to look for girls, they are just greedy for money.

Mrs.Kurenai : No...she is not like that Shu...she is so nice girl, you will like her for sure.

Shu : But mom...I already have a girlfriend.

Mrs.Kurenai : Wait...what ? Really ? You have a girlfriend ? OMG!!! I am so excited to meet her.

You were so shocked hearing that.

Y/n mind : What ? He has a girlfriend ? Then why the hell he always flirts with me ?

You was feeling heartbroken and so unhappy.

Mrs.Kurenai : So, come with her to the function...we are having tonight.

Shu : Okay mom...I will.

He hangup the call and looked at you but he noticed your sad face but you didn't notice his stare as you were too lost in your thoughts.

Shu : My princess back to the earth.

You flinched a little hearing his voice.

Y/n : H-Huh ? Oh! Shu...sorry I was thinking something.

Shu : What you were thinking about ?

Y/n : You didn't told me that you have a girlfriend.

Shu : Why ? Are you sad darling ?

Y/n : N-No...I am just a-asking.

Shu : My mom is always searching girls for me, this time she has got R/G, who sleeps with every man's for money but my parents didn't know that as R/G parents is also too greedy for money...I said to her that, I have a girlfriend just to save me from R/G and in tonight function, you are coming with me.

Your eyes widened.

Y/n : What ? Why ?

Shu : You are coming with me in party as my fake girlfriend, you just have to acted like you are my girlfriend.

He said and your jaw dropped.

Y/n : Whattttt ? Noooooo!!! I can't.

Shu : Please Y/n...just for tonight please!!!

He makes puppy eyes and you sighed and nodded.

Y/n : Okay but what if your parents found out that I am just your secretary then ?

Shu : Don't worry, they won't so, be ready tonight.

Y/n : but Shu...what should I wear ?

Shu : I will buy a party wear dress for you so, let's go to the mall.

He said while getting up from his chair and you nodded.

~|Time Skip|~
~ In Venue~

Right now you both were in the function and you were feeling so nervous just by looking at the decorations, it was so luxurious and also everyone eyes were stuck on you but mostly boys because the dress Shu buy for you is a little bit revealing from shoulders and a bit revealing from were walking with Shu but his eyes also stuck on you, you feel someone's stare so, you looked at him.

( Imagine your dress like this )

Y/n : What happened ? Why are you looking at me like this ?

Shu : Babygirl~ you are looking so beautiful and sexy in my favourite coloured dress.

You blushed at his statement.

Y/n : T-Thanks Shu...

Shu : Don't thank me...I am just stated a fact.

You chuckled and his parents come towards you.

Mr.Kurenai : Ohhh! Our daughter-in-law is so beautiful.

Mrs.Kurenai : Yes!!! You are so beautiful like an princess.

Y/n : T-Thanks sir t-thanks ma'am.

They both chuckled.

Mrs.Kurenai : No need to call us like this, you are going to be our daughter-in-law soon...very soon so, just call us mom and dad.

Y/n : O-Okay m-mom.

They both giggles at your nervousness.

Shu : want to announce something.

He said and went to the stage and took the mic.

Shu : Ladies and Gentlemen's...I actually wanted to tell you something.

Everyone looked at him and listening him carefully.

Shu : Y/n isn't my girlfriend, she is my secretary but here is someone who can make me feels so special easily, makes my heart flutter at her every time I saw her....a girl who can feels my emotions so much, I love her more than myself...I love her more than this world.

You felt hurt because you were acting like his girlfriend which is totally fake, tears slowly rolled down from your cheeks but you immediately wipe them and started walking away.

Shu : Yahh! Y/n...where are you going ? I am giving speech for you and you are going.

You stopped on your track and turned towards him.

Y/n : For m-me ?

Shu : Yes for you, only for you my sweetheart.

Everyone looked at you and all the lights on you making you looking like a most beautiful fairy.

Shu : You are the only one whom I love the most, you come in my life like an anjel...Miss Y/n...will you marry me ?

Your eyes widened and you were too shocked and everyone started shouting.


You looked at everyone then at his parents.

Mr and Mrs.Kurenai : Say yes Y/n!!!

You chuckled and looked at Shu.

Y/n : Yes!!! Million times yes!!!

Everyone started clapping and cheering for both of you.


He shout and you smile widely and the next moment, he come towards you while running and hugged you tightly.

Shu : Thank you!!! Thank you so much Y/n.

You hugged him back.

Y/n : Don't thank me...I am just stated a fact.

He chuckled and broke the hug.

Shu : I promise to keep you happiest girl in the world...I promise to love you with the bottom of my heart...I promise to be with you in every situation...I promise I will never let the tears formed in your beautiful eyes.

You were feeling so happy and emotional at the same time.

Y/n : I love you so much Shu.

Shu : I love you more my beautiful.

His parents was feeling so happy and excited.

Mr and Mrs.Kurenai : FINALLY!!!


I hope you like this and stay up for another oneshot 🤗

Love you ❤️
Have a nice day/night 😘

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