Unexpected Mates Last Part

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Let's start it...

Right now you are walking somewhere with Shu where you have no one as you don't know anyone here.

Y/n mind : Am I going to be alright ?

You looked at Shu who is not looking at you just lost into his own thoughts and walking.

Y/n mind : Why my life become like this ? I dreamed of having a true love who will actually love me but I got someone who doesn't even bother to look at me.

As you both entered the werewolf Pack...every werewolf were looking at you with questionable look that's when someone shout.

Woman : We don't want her here!!!

Listening to her most of them started shouting.

Man : We don't want her in our Pack!!!

Everyone : KILL HER!!!

You panicked and Shu stop hearing them.


You slowly hide behind Shu.

Shu : SILENCE!!!

Everyone become quite.

Shu : Wizard, witch or vampire I don't care!!! She is my mate and she will become the Luna of this Pack so, everyone should respect her!!!

Everyone was shocked but they have to accept the fact that a wizard is going to be their Luna and they also will never go against their alpha then Shu grabbed your hand and take you in his castle then he looked at you and sighed heavily.

Shu : I don't care If you are a wizard...now you are this Pack's Luna.

He crossed his arms over his chest.

Shu : As you are here you have to follow some rules.

Your eyes widened cause you never follow any rule when you were in your castle because your brothers always treat you like a princess.

Shu : Rule no.1 you have to maintain some things here no.2 you can't go anywhere without my permission no.3 you won't stay with me.

You felt sad and nodded.

Shu : Commander Fubuki!!!

Fubuki come there with emotionaless face.

Shu : Show her the room.

Fubuki bowed at him and looked at you.

Fubuki : Please follow me.

He walked away and you followed him then he took you in a beautiful princess like room then he was about to leave but...

Y/n : Brother...

He raised an eyebrow and looked at you with confused face.

Fubuki : What did you just call me ?

Y/n : Brother...can I call you brother ?

You said cutely melting his heart.

Fubuki : Yeah! Okay...

You smile widely.

Y/n : I wanna ask something...can I ?

Fubuki : Sure...what is it ?

Y/n : What does Luna mean ?

He was shocked yet surprised by your question as you didn't know anything about werewolves cause you only studied about wizards and magic.

Fubuki : Well! The Alpha's mate are called Luna, a kind of queen of werewolves Pack and most likely Luna is the mother of the Pack she is motherly to everyone and take care of the Pack like her children and in our Pack Luna have been the kindest person and now it's up to you If you are going to show your kindness to everyone or not.

You pout.

Y/n : Why will I not show my kindness ? Am I that bad ? My brothers teach me to be a good person and care for everyone.

Fubuki mind : She have a pure heart...she is not like them...she is different.

He smiled.

Fubuki : Okay...now you can take rest...I will see you tomorrow.

You nodded and he left.

~Next Day~

Now you are sleeping peacefully then you wake up and realised you have been sleeping for so long and it's already afternoon.

Y/n : Oh shit!!! I slept a lot today.

You got up from bed hurriedly and did your morning routine and get ready then ran downstairs to see a woman most like a maid she looked at you and raised an eyebrow.

Maid: Your morning starts now ?

She said mockingly.

Maid : For us the morning already starts before the sunrise...I thought wizards are always on time but you are so lazy.

You felt sad and looked down hearing her words afterall the werewolves hate wizards a lot.

Y/n : Actually aunty...my brothers had always wake me up, I can't wake up by myself...I only wake up whenever someone woke me up.

She rolled her eyes.

Maid : What else can you do ? Black magic ? You wizards are all do black magic.

Y/n : What ? Black magic ? No no aunty...we do white magic and If anyone do black magic then they are called sinner and they will be sent to the Azkaban so, I am not a sinner.

Maid : Azkaban ?

Y/n : Yes...it's a place If anyone did a crime then they will be sent there as a punishment and that's inescapable...no one can escape from there.

She become a bit curious.

Maid : That means white magic and black magic are different ?

You nodded.

Y/n : Yes...some does the black magic and they are in dark side and we don't do that so, we are in right side.

She nodded as she get to know something new that's when your stomach growled a little.

Maid : Hungry ?

You feel embarassed and nodded slowly and all of sudden she become soft towards you while talking with you for some minutes as she realised you are not a bad person.

Maid : Wait...I will make something for you.

You smile widely.

Y/n : I will help you aunty.

She take you in the kitchen and started to make something for you and you help her while talking with each other and after sometimes you both done cooking then you sat down on the chair.

Y/n : Did you eat aunty ?

Maid : No...

Y/n : Come and eat with me.

She smiled and sat down beside you as she is really impressed by your behaviour but still she was suspended her cause wizards are so good in acting.

Maid : Anyways...what's your name ?

Y/n : It's Y/n...

You smile and she smiled back then you both started eating.

Maid : So, tell me something about your life.

Y/n : Well! My parents died and after that my brothers had raised me...they taught me how to behave properly and be a good wizard.

Maid : Oh! That's really good.

Suddenly she started coughing.

Y/n : Water ?

She nodded and you took a empty glass.

Y/n : パーニ プラカット ホー 

You spelled something and the glass automatically filled with water making her eyes widened in shock then you gave it to her but she denied having the water by your hands.

Y/n : It's just a water...drink it.

She took the glass and drank the water.


She was too shocked.

Y/n : I did that with magic.

Maid : Oh my god!!!

Y/n : Wanna see more magic ?

She nodded in excitement.

Y/n : メラ ジャードゥ カマル ディカ

You spelled something and all the plates started to go into the sink automatically and getting washed by itself while she was watching everything with wide open mouth.

Maid : OH MY GOD!!! 

You laughed.

Maid : You all can do everything with magic ? That means you all don't walk ? Do you all walk by magic ?

You giggle.

Y/n : Not really but I do everything with magic cause I am lazy but my brothers told me not to do everything with magic but still I do.

She laughed along with you that's when Shu come there and you both looked at him and the maid immediately bowed at him.

Shu : Your magics are really interesting.

You smile nervously.

Y/n : Yeah! We can do anything.

He come closer to you and stand in front of you closely.

Shu : Anything ?

Y/n : Y-Yeah anything...

Shu : What else can you do ?

Y/n : Like we can make someone turned into a stone, crow and many things.

He laughed a bit hearing this.



Lui : Cause my sister is staying in the werewolf Pack.

Wizard Queen : We wanted to sent her there as a spy...we wanted to use her but we don't want that werewolf here.

Lui : You wanted that but I want my sister to stay away from those werewolves...she didn't know anything about them.

Wizard King : She have to learn!!! SHE IS A WIZARD!!! WE HAVE TO USE HER!!! If she can't do that then what's the point of sending her there.

Lui become too angry.

Lui : Your majesty If something happened to my sister then I won't let you both go that easily...mark my words!!!

He left from there.

~On the other side~

Now Sora is alone in the room which was given by Lui that's when Lui come there.

Lui : Don't worry Sora...think this as your own palace...you can do anything here.

He called a maid.

Lui : Take care of my mate...assure that she is not having any problem here.

The maid bowed at him then she left while Sora was really impressed by his behaviour.

~At Pack~

Now the maid took you outside to show you their Pack as you both are walking...everyone was staring at you.

Y/n : Why are they staring at me like this ? Am I that beautiful ?

Maid : No...you are horrible.

You placed your hand on your chest dramatically.

Y/n : Ouch! It hurts...

She laughed.

Maid : Just kidding...actually this is the first time a wizard walking freely in our Pack that's why they are giving that stare.

Suddenly some kids come running towards you.

Kids : Luna!!! Luna!!! We heard that you know magic!!! Can you show us ? Please Luna!!!

You smile and pat their head.

Y/n : Wanna see ?

They screamed together making you chuckled.

Y/n : Okay then...

You spelled something and all the flowers there bloomed and all the kids started clapping while werewolves was so amazed then again you spelled something and some butterflies started to roam around giving a spring vibe making everyone amazed by the view suddenly someone yelled.

??? : Stay away from them!!!

A girl come towards you and pulled the kids away from you.

Y/n : Why ?

??? : Don't you dare to harm these kids!!!

Everyone got worried and took their kids away from you protectively.

Maid : Why will she harm them Akari ? She was just playing with them.

Akari : Don't believe her...she will spell something then BOOM! Everything will be finish.

Y/n : But I didn't learnt those magic aunty.

Everyone laughed.


Y/n : Oh! Then grandmother ?

Everyone laughed hard and Akari become too angry.

Akari : STOP IT!!!

Y/n : Sorry sorry sister...who are you ?

Akari crossed her arms over her chest.

Akari : I am the royal advisor's granddaughter.

She said proudly.

Y/n : Oh! But don't be too proud on yourself because you are only the royal advisor's granddaughter.

Akari feel so embarassed and immediately ran away from there while everyone burst into laughing.


The vampire king Phi was so tensed after what happened in the party and was walking here and there in frustration.


His commander tried to calm him down.

Commander : Everything can't be yours king.

Phi become too angry and his eyes turned red.

Phi : What did you say ?

Commander : Your majesty...don't mine me maybe that was destiny.

Phi : I write my own destiny!!!

That's when a guard come there and bowed at Phi.

Guard : Your majesty...someone come to meet you.

Phi : Send that person here.

The guard bowed and left then after a while a girl come there.

Phi : What brought you here Akari ?

Akari : To give you Y/n.

Phi smirked devilishly.

Phi : How ?

Akari : I have a plan...

She started to told him her plan and after hearing everything Phi started to laugh evily.

Akari : We have to convince witch and wizard to join us in our plan.

Phi : Of course they will afterall they are behind werewolves kingdom.

~Next Day~

Right now you are playing with some kids in the castle, you become so friendly with everyone and everyone gladly accept you...now you are telling some stories to the kids about your magical life and everyone was listening to you carefully while Shu is also listening to you with a smile that's when his soldier come there while running.

Soldier : A-Alpha...alpha...

Shu : What happened ?

Soldier : Alpha...the witch, wizard and vampire had declared a war on us.

Shu : WHAT ?

Everyone started to panick and became worried.

Shu : Why war all of a sudden ?

Soldier : Don't know alpha but they already started to attacking on us.

Shu : If they want a fight then we will fight!!!

He ordered his guards and soldiers to prepare for the war and he also ordered to take all the females and kids to the safest place then guards took you all in a safe place.

Akari : That's all happening because of this wizard!!!

She said pointing at you and everyone agreed with her.

Y/n : Why me ? I didn't do anything.

Akari : Yes you did...you did it with your black magic and told your wizard family about it.

Y/n : I didn't learn to talk from one place to another place yet and also I didn't even contact with my brothers after coming here.

Akari : No trust in wizards...you all can do anything at any time.

Now everyone started to blame you for the war and after sometimes some Betas come there with injuries and inform everyone that their situation isn't good and they are losing then some of the females started to treat their injuries.

Y/n : Idea!!!

You started to make something with creeper leaves and some other things and started to treat Betas injuries and their injuries started to heal so fast making everyone amazed by your magic again and started to trust you a bit.


Shu is now losing hopes that's when someone come there.

Guard : ALPHA!!! Princess Sora is here!!!

Shu got shocked to see Sora there and he immediately hugged her.

Shu : We are losing sister...I can't do anything.

Sora : We won't lose brother.

Shu : But how ?

Fubuki : Princess Sora...how did you come here ?

She broke the hug.

Sora : They brought me here.

She said pointing at Lui, Free and Christina.

Guard : Another wizards!!!

Sora : Don't worry...they are here to help us.

She told everyone about the secrets of vampires, witches and wizards that how to take them down and win the war.

Shu : Now it's my time to do something.

He gathered his best fighters and left from there and come out of the castle to see Phi standing in front of him.

Shu : Why this war ?

Phi : Because you snatched everything from me which is mine!!!

Shu : Yours ? What ?

Phi : Y/n!!! She is mine!!!

Shu : She is my mate!!! She is mine!!!

Phi : That will never gonna happen.

Shu growled loudly.

Phi : Okay then let's play a game...in our fight who will win the fight will have Y/n forever.

Shu : Fine!!!

They both started to fight till their last breathe and after an hour of fighting they both become so weak and was almost at the edge of the death then Shu finally killed Phi mercilessly and fall on the ground almost lifelessly and everyone surrounded by him.

Y/n : Shu!!!

You come running towards Shu and you looked at your ring and saw it's colour was almost vanished.

Y/n : No!!! Shu!!! Don't leave me!!!

You started crying and Shu closed his eyes with a heavy breathe and you screamed.

Y/n : NOOOOOO!!! SHU!!!

You spelled something but nothing worked that's when Lui come there.

Y/n : Brother!!! Please do something!!! Save my love!!! Save him please brother!!! I am begging you!!! 

You cried hard then Lui spelled something and touched Shu's chest and after a while Shu slowly open his eyes and his injuries got heal so fast then you immediately hugged him while crying and he also hugged you back.

Shu : Shhh!!! Stop crying Y/n...I am alright.

Everyone shouted in happiness seeing their alpha alright.

~After 1 Month~

Christina become the queen of witch, Free become the king of vampire and Lui turned into the king of wizard from the grand wizard and they three rule everything nicely and they proved that witch, wizard, vampire and werewolf can be lovers...Shu reprimand Akari from his Pack and Christina sent her to the Azkaban as her punishment and everyone gladly accept you as their Luna and started to respect you so much.

~After 3 Months~

Now Fubuki gave you a beautiful dress.

Y/n : What is this for ?

Fubuki : Wear this and come on the backyard garden.

Y/n : But why ?

Fubuki : It's a surprise...

He left your room and you wore that dress and come on the backyard garden just to see Shu standing there, looking extremely handsome like a prince charming...you stared at him and he come towards you and held your hand gently.

Shu : My mate...

Y/n : Huh ?

Shu : I couldn't show my feelings to you because I wasn't in a situation to believe anyone that's why I can't show you my love but deep down I really love you so much.

You blushed.

Y/n : I have been waiting for my true love for so long and I was really happy when I found you...I LOVE YOU TOO!!!

He smiled.

Shu : So, will you be my Luna ?

You pout.

Y/n : Am I not already your Luna ?

He laughed.

Shu : You are but there's a official way...I want to make you my Luna by marking you as mine.

You blushed hard as you knew from the werewolf history that alpha mark their Luna by mating.

Shu : That's not what you are thinking.

He laughed.

Shu : You are so naughty but don't worry If you want then it can come true.

He smirked and you blushed even more hard.

Shu : There will be our official wedding where I will accept you as my life partner in front of everyone.

You smile widely and feel the luckiest and happiest girl in the world.

~At Wedding Day~

Now you are officially married to Shu while Lui and Sora also get married and live together happily then the priest announced you as the Luna of the Pack and now you throw your bouquet and it landed on Christina's hands but she wasn't happy about it.

Christina : No use because I don't have my true love yet.

She turned around to see Free standing in front of her so closely and staring deeply into her eyes.

Free : Your true love is right in front of you.

Christina looked at her ring and saw it's colour changing into red making her happy.

Christina : OMG! Means you are really my true love ?

Free nodded and pulled her closer to him and gently kissed her and she kissed back then after a minute they pulled away leaving Christina blushing mess.

Y/n : OOOHOOO Christina~

Lui : Christina is blushing~

You and Lui started to tease her making her blushing more while Shu is watching everything feeling really happy.

Shu : This is what I want...peace.

There are both good and bad people in the world but it doesn't mean we have to hate the bad ones, we never knew there is good in bad and bad in good...If everyone lives with faith and love then the world becomes more beautiful and there will be peace all over the world.


I hope you like it
Thanks for reading ☺️
Love you sugars ❤️

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