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Poppy's POV

I don't know how much time passed as I continued to look into the hungry gaze of the predator. The gleaming, golden eyes of the panther seemed to have hypnotized me.

It bared its canines. I couldn't even move, as I stood rooted to the spot.

The panther perhaps tired of bidding out its time, started advancing, one step at a time — very cautiously.

I looked around for the stranger to save me with his magic, but he was no where. I was completely left on my own to face the beast.

Just as its advancing footsteps crunched the leaves underneath, it would in no time perhaps be crunching my bones.

It was then that I shook myself awake and started backing off one step at a time for every step that the panther took.

The beast's eyes shone with bloodlust. His eyes were glued to me.

He leaped.

I broke into a run. But before I could go a few yards, my legs caught some brambles and I lost my balance, just as the panther leaped on top of me.

A scream ripped apart the stillness. I realized it was the cry of anguish, multiplied by my fear of imminent death.

The panther froze mid flight and dropped to the ground, writhing. It was as if the creature was in intense pain.

It made tiny meowing sounds like an injured cat and rolled on the forest floor. It was like an invisible hand was cutting off its air.

In a few seconds it's thrashing came to a stop. It was almost as if I could smell the death on the beast.

Very cautiously I approached him, afraid that it was just feigning and would leap up any moment. But it lay still — very still.

I brushed my fingers over the shiny coat — smooth as silk.

The majestic beast however lay limp and cold.

'You did it.' a familiar voice spoke and I saw the strange wizard approaching me. 'You used your magic curse on him.'

'I — what?' I couldn't be more surprised.

'Exactly yes. Your used your magic to kill him. You needed one trigger, one spark of fear to let the magic in you blossom and here it is. Death is the biggest fear.'

He seemed so smug, I wanted to break his neck, then and there.

'I didn't do any magic,' I said, waving my hands. A spark shot out from my fingers suddenly and hit the nearest tree which immediately erupted in flames before my eyes.

'Your magic needs training, needs control. You have to learn to channelise your potential. Come to my palace. I can teach you to reign your vast powers.' he offered.

'No, I want to go back to my world.' I protested, looking at my hands, turning them over, still unsure where the sparks came from.

My skin was just like earlier, no burns, no suddenly purplish tinge, like they did in stories, but then how did I kill a panther and burn down a tree?

'You are filled with destructive magic' he said to no one in particular. 'What if this tree was some human? What if it was your home — your brother maybe? You could kill anyone. You'd be branded as a witch, paraded and lynched or worse, burnt alive at stake like all the other Vešterkas out there. Will you risk it all?'

'But I...' another spark shot out and this time it aimed straight for the stranger.

He immediately muttered some gibberish and the spark hit an invisible wall and fell off just like a child's arrow bounces off the wall.

'You're getting too dangerous. You need training...'

None of what he said entered my head as I realized how destructive my hands were. I could kill just anything just by waving my hand.

The realization hit me hard, as I sunk to the floor in mortification of my condition.

What had I become? I am a monster, an abomination. My family and the society will never accept me back again...

I felt warm tears on my cheek and found a hand gently wiping them away. The man was crouching in front of me looking into my eyes.

'Trust me,' he said, 'I'll keep you safe.'

'But why me?'

'You're born to be a Vešterka. You are born with magic coursing through your veins. Everything is not dark. You just need to realize your potential and you can only do that if you don't act foolish by staying back and getting yourself tortured by the humans. They are no one to you.

'I'll go with you. Teach me.' I got up from the forest floor, extending my arms to him. He took them in his, almost like a father guides his daughter and gave me a gentle smile. 'Don't worry. It'll be okay.'

I suppressed a sob.

He wrapped one arm around me and chanted a spell.

I felt the magic in the air, an uncanny sensation I had learnt to identify by now.

A flurry of activity unfolded in the air before us. A glowing green mist appeared out of thin air. The eerie fog swirled around as the stranger waved his hand.

'Here's our portal to my land. Welcome to Grey Meadow.' he commented.

'The name of the place sounds dull and lifeless. Are you sure I'll be able to fit in?'

'Nobody is a born misfit, my child. Human mentalities of division and differentiation is what creates misfits. People are made outcasts on the basis of baseless rules that humans or the magical creatures made.' he soothed.

'Are you as lonely as me?'

'I had been kicked out from the world of magic due to something I had done years ago.' he lowered his eyes.

That wasn't a topic he wanted to talk about.

'But now, I'm happy. I'm the master of my own world and the people who threw me out are the ones who are afraid of my powers. Poppy dear, you'll be happy in my world.'

I managed a small smile, 'What should I call you?'

'I'm known by the name of Guardian Emerald around here. And you shall be called Ruby.'


'I rechristened you. You're going to start a new life with a new name, at a new place and you have lots to learn.' he said, pausing thoughtfully. 'By the way, it's way past midnight and I don't know if you remember, but it's your birthday. Happy birthday, Ruby.'

I was numbed with shock. I turned eighteen and my life was upside down once again.

Who knew so much could change in a few hours?

Emerald turned around and jumped into the mist, which was a cue for me to follow.

Was I ready to embrace this change of fortune?


The face of Aaron flashed before my eyes once.

But I steeled my heart and jumped into the shimmering clouds which engulfed me.

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