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'Let me out!' I shouted, trying to move my hands or my feet, but they were limp at my side, bound in the deadly web.

'I don't mean any harm,' I tried to plead to my captor but there was nothing I could see except for the starch white sky.

As I tried to roll over, the web wrapped more tightly around me and soon enough it was even difficult to breathe.

I struggled, gasping as the rope gripped me in the deathly trap of an anaconda.

'Your sister is a Vešterka. How can we trust you?' a very shrill voice enquired.

I peered through the webs gagging me, to see a mass of black fabric, the only dark thing in this world of light.

There were four of them surrounding me. Their skin was coal black and hungry black eyes gleamed on their sharp faces.

'W... Who're' I panted.

'Your destruction.'

'But why?'

'We're the guards from the Netherworld and we're there to punish those that intrude into this sacred land. You aren't a fairy, you human, and we know you have a connection with a Vešterka.' another voice replied.

'Are you enemies of the Vešterkas?'

I couldn't keep the surprise from my voice.

'Enemies? They dine on the people of Violet Hollow. They catch the sprites and make a meal of them...'

'They eat sprites?'

Something churned in my stomach. I am not a vegetarian and I too eat living beings. But to feed on beings who can talk and who are like humans is a step too much. I felt nauseous.

'Didn't your witch sister tell you? They even tear apart our wings and our bodies and store us in jars or put us in cauldrons to concoct their potions. Potions with which they spread malice in the human world.'

Serefina's voice jolted me from my fear.

Thinking about her, I suddenly realized what had happened and how I was in this predicament.

'You betrayed me,' I shouted, trying to move my body.

The rope clung tighter with a jabbing pain in my ribs.

'Don't move,' warned one of the guards.

'Or it will break your ribs,' warned another.

Anaconda wasn't a bad comparison after all.

I stilled instantaneously.

'We,' said Serefina flying closer and right over my face, 'Are more loyal to our people than confused humans that intrude into our territory to search for a Vešterka.'

'And, we knew what we had to do. Our guards know best.' grumbled Belle.

'Perhaps he'll know some information about any weaknesses of the Vešterkas. Maybe our guardians can finally get a way to contain them. He's valuable.' smirked Shimmer.

'We'll take him to the Netherworld an see how far he'll keep the information when we put him on the potions,' the first guard commented.

'What potions?' I couldn't help ask again though I knew, each extra question would be the death of me.

'The potions of torture!'

And something sinister in their voice made my blood run cold.

'Come,' they clicked their chitinous fingers and the ropes started dragging me.

' What's going on?' another voice halted my death march.

Everyone in the procession froze including me as this was the voice I could identify even after death.

'C... Clar...ramay,' I stuttered.
'Who's Claramay? I'm Sapphire,' she came and stood before me. Her eyes were molten blue and they seemed to be looking into my soul. It was the kind of look that makes you cross your arms over your chest in defence.

Unfortunately for me, I was tied.

Her blue attire with the trail of blue petals on the ground behind her, made her look like a guardian angel.

'I don't trust that bitch,' Shimmer whispered behind me.

Gracefully and confidently Claramay glided forward, till she was blocking our progress.

'Where are you taking the human?' she cast a disinterested look at me.

That glassy stare was enough to make me realize that I was no one for her anymore.

'Madame, we...'

'Aren't you supposed to report any breach of security to the headquarters and the guardians?' her pointed question cut them off.

'Yes, Madame. But we...'

'Don't the guardians need to know about the incident here? Did you actually want to suppress this and drag this man to hell without a trial? We don't even know what's the purpose of his visit.'

'But he knows a Vešterka called Poppy,' Shimmer interrupted and I couldn't help admire her for her courage.

I, for my part, wouldn't dare to cross Claramay when she's in such a mood.

'For your kind information, that doesn't prove anything,' Claramay turned to me.'Young man, you're very lucky we aren't one of the inhabitants of the Grey Meadow. Unlike the system there, we have a free and fair court and we never deliver punishment to a person until proven guilty.'

The look on her face showed no recognition of me or our acquaintance.

She gave a sharp look at the guards who promptly bowed their heads in acceptance.

'Throw him into the palace dungeons,' she ordered.

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