In The Midst of Terror 3 (6th Grade/INCOMPLETE)

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In The Midst of Terror 3

By Maxi France

Part 5

Our journey to the road was really stressful. Not only did we have to avoid a ton of trees and boulders but we also had to avoid the "zombies" coming towards us. I'm guessing that they saw us and the sight of us made them growl their way into the forest, following us. God, I didn't think they were that smart. Regardless though, we still got away and made it into a town, which was called Needham. Once me and Blackman got into Needham, we decided what to do first quickly (we were obviously pressed for time, because of the Zs).

Blackman was at the wheel of the Honda when we arrived.

"So, what's our game plan?" he asked me while he was driving.

"I kinda want to find my family first. I mean, if that's OK with you..."
"Yeah, it's fine. We'll start with yours first."
"Wait, really? Wow, thanks."

"That's OK."

Now we really needed to hurry up. I could already recognize their greenish, messed-up skin tone.
"Let's move! This car is faster than them, come on!" I shouted at Blackman.

We drove a little faster now down the main road. I started to get a good feeling of where we were going to get my mom first, but even if the direction in which we were going is just a straight shot, I couldn't help but to glance at the street sign names and the houses on those streets intersecting with the main road. Spruce, Oak, Elm and Pine. All of those streets had practically abandoned homes, with some staying in for protection against the Zs. Although I could tell through the rear-view mirror that there weren't any of them following us anymore, thank God, after forty minutes or so, I could see where we needed to turn in order to get to my mom's house.

"Slow down," I told Blackman, who was focused on the road, and he obeyed.

There was an intersection coming up soon with another main road and my mom's house was near that road, so I told Blackman to get ready to turn right on that road, which was called Washington Street. My mom's house was situated on a dead end that intersects with that road, and so that's where we needed to go to pick her up, or rescue her. Blackman made a right turn on Washington Street and we began heading towards my mom's house.

"I'll tell you when I see it. It should be about a mile," I instructed Blackman.

"'K," he replied.

I was still on the lookout for Zs at that time, as my guard was still up after the highway incident. Luckily, when we arrived at the dead end, there were barely any of them lurking around (one of them was distracted and somehow not paying any attention to us). We parked the Honda in my mom's driveway and we started inspecting the place, beginning with 

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