Crucifijo I

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The weekend passes, and Monday comes again. Sandee has already signed up for her badminton, as do Ann for cheerdance and football girls. Everyone's already in the gym for assembly.

"SportsFest, we know it," says April. "Although it's this Thursday already. Vicky? Have you signed up yet?"

"Yeah," Vick replies. "Basketball."

"Oooooh," responds April. "Let's be real, you jump really high but you're pretty short, too. I don't think it's worth it."

"April, say that again, but slower," Sandee comments.

"Llleeettt'''sss bbbeee rrreeeaaalll,,, yyyooouuu jjjuuummmppp rrreeeaaalllyyy hhhiiiggghhh bbbuuuttt yyyooouuu'''rrreee ppprrreeetttyyy ssshhhooorrrttt,,, tttoooooo... Iii dddooonnn'''ttt ttthhhiiinnnkkk iiittt'''sss wwwooorrrttthhh iiittt..."

"That's not what she fucking meant," says the twelve year old girl in this book who has, by far, said a swear word a total of only 9 times (which is surprising, to say the least)

"I signed up for volleyball," April replies.

"Now that I think about it," says Sandee. "Why is there cheerdance if we haven't been taught team cheer yet?"

"High school," says Grayson on stage. "Go to your respective SportsFest houses. Campana on over there, Cangrejo over there, Navio over there, and Crucifijo over there."

How specific.

Ann hurries over to the Crucifijo zone. Almost everyone, she notices, is a Crucifijo in Crucifijo.

"Hey, Ann!" waves Ykielle. "I forgot you were in Crucifijo too, y'know!"

"Well, I won't forget you, uh, Ykielle," Ann replies. "You're Ykielle, and not Kim, right?"

"Yeah. At this point you should be able to tell between us already, but I can't judge you."

"Guys, get closer!" shouts a sixth form girl. "Crucifijo, I'm one of your house masters. You can call me Chinny."

"Not by the hair of my Chinny-Chin Chin," Ann whispers to herself.

"Wow, Ann," says Ykielle. "I heard that, you know."

"May I just ask," Chinny continues. "Who here has not signed up for any sport yet?"

Multiple people raise their hand. "Oh, dear. You need to sign up soon. If you don't know where to sign up, check your G-mail. We've sent the sign-up sheet to all of you there. We need to finalize it soon, you know!"

"Mei hasn't signed up yet?" Ykielle questions in surprise. "She was so sure that she'd join badminton! Maybe there are issues with her e-mail?"

"Most likely, yeah," Ann replies. "What sport are you doing? Besides cheerdance, of course. I met you during practice."

"Volleyball, obviously. And speaking of cheerdance, it's so unlike you to enter! I'm not saying you shouldn't have, since you're really great with the bamboo and all. I'm just saying."

"I know I'm trash at basketball and volleyball, I won't guarantee Crucifijo a win in the hundred meter dash, and the relay slots were full. Not to mention I don't have a racquet for badminton."


"I wanted to give cheerdance and football tries, because I'm not satisfied with only one," states Ann. "I want to win."

"So do I!" says Ykielle, smiling.

"Everyone, listen up," says Chinny. "We're going to teach you the Crucifijo cheer! Because if we cheer for each other, whether in times of trouble or times of victory, we will win the first annual SportsFest. Is that right, Crucifijo?!"

"Yes!" the Crucifijo shout.

"I can't hear you! Louder!"

"YES!" the Crucifijo scream.

"Awesome!" Chinny exclaims. "I'll let Jhonathan here teach you the cheer. He knows it best."

"Thanks, Chinny," Jhonathan gratifies. "First, let me ask you: Can you spell?"

I dunno, man, maybe there's some eighth year somewhere here that can't fucking read and write. Who knows.

"Because if you can spell," Jhonathan continues. "Then you can cheer for Crucifijo. Because the cheer goes like this. House Masters!"

"C!" they shout. "R-U-C! I-F-I! J---O! CRU-CI-FI-JO!"

A/N: I'm preparing audio versions of the cheers but they probably won't come out soon considering I don't have a mic :/

"Simple, right?" says Jhonathan. "You begin with the 'C', then the 'R-U-C', then the 'I-F-I', then lastly, the 'J-O'. It doesn't take too much time to get used to."

"Asul, sul, sul, suuul, hey! Asul, Navio!" the Navio shout.

"Oh, our cheer's better than Navio's by a lot," Ann remarks, leaning towards Ykielle.

"I agree," Ykielle replies.

"All together now! Crucifijo spelling!" shouts Jhonathan.

"One! Two! Three! Four!" Chinny counts.

"C! R-U-C! I-F-I! J-O! CRU-CI-FI-JO!"

"That was excellent!" appraises Chinny. "Now what I what you guys to do is to sort yourselves by sport. Basketball here, football over here, volleyball over there, and badminton right here. If you are enlisted in multiple sports, go to your 'priority' sport."

"Bye, Ykielle!" says Ann as she makes her way to the Football Girls' line.

"Damn, this is a lot of people," Ann tells herself.

"Hi, Ann!" greets a girl she recognises as Marie. "I didn't know you were interested in football!"

"No, I just picked it because I'm bad at everything else," Ann responds. "I am in cheerdance, though."

"Oh," says Marie. "I'm going for volleyball and basketball too, just that I'm just gonna be there to substitute. At one point, someone has to sub."

"Yeah, actually," Ann agrees.

"Do you guys have a team captain yet?" asks Jhonathan.

"Not yet," some of the footballers respond.

"Talk among yourselves and agree on a captain, then."

"Who's gonna be football captain? If no one wants it'll be me," a tall Grade 10 girl speaks out.

"You can be the captain," someone else says. Ann follows up with a similar statement.

"So it's me?" she confirms.

"Yep," the entire Crucifijo football girls team affirms.

"Jorge Foreman from 10-A," Marie tells Jhonathan. "That's our captain."

"You know her?" Ann queries.

"Not really. But she's Mandee's sister."

"Now that you're all sorted, I need you to listen," says Chinny. "We have house elders besides us. For those who don't know, this is Mr. Russel Fischer."

"Mr. Fischer's in Crucifijo?!" Marie exclaims. "Yes!"

"Yes, I am indeed the Mr. Fischer," he says. He was tall, and at the same time fat, but every student of his has complimented his dashingly good looks at one point, not to mention everyone tries their hardest not to pass his class, but to find out who his girlfriend is.

"I will be one of your three teacher representatives for Crucifijo, along with Mr. Sahara and Mr. Sheppard."

"Listen up, Crucifijo!" yells Mr. Sahara. "If you want to win the first SportsFest, something we've all been waiting for, you need to fight, fight, fight for it! Do what they can't do, because you're the best! Can we win this first SportsFest?!"


"Maybe," says Ykielle.

"Everybody, C!" says Chinny stepping forward.

"R-U-C! I-F-I! J-O! CRU-CI-FI-JO!"

"Remember, those who haven't signed up for anything better do as soon as possible. The deadline is tomorrow," Chinny reminds. "Before we end, we huddle. Because we're a team!"

She places her hand in front of
all the Crucifijo. Everyone follows. "After three, shout out your favorite SportsFest house!"

"One," says Jhonathan. "Two. Three!"

"Crucifijo!" everyone shouts out loud, lifting their hands up into the air.

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