Your my family

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Nora sat in the teams dorm staring upon the ground attempting to keep the smile across her face.

Yes, today was now Christmas Eve, but there was only one problem. Nora had no family to go to, since they burned that very day 7 years ago. Pyrrha and Jaune left to their families along with the wrest of team RWBY. It was just her and Ren.

The same words jammed in her head stabbed at her heart as only tears could flood her eyes. 'It was all because of me... I killed them. I killed them all.' that all just stabbed her over and over and finally the tears had now left her eyes.

She couldn't stop as they continued to leave from her eyes and roll off her cheeks. Footsteps could be heard coming closer toward the cooped up room. It must have been Ren and she was in a frenzy just to stop her tears. In a Rush she through herself on the bed to give an illusion she had fallen asleep.

The turn of the nob could be heard as Ren slowly entered the room. "Nora..." Ren had said before the room fell dead silent. It continued until Ren sighed then whispered.

"Nora... I know your not asleep."

Nora could only nervously giggle as she slowly lifted herself from the bed and avoided eye contact with her male "friend."

"Hehe How did you know?" She said her voice screeching as she tried to hold back her sour feelings.

"Nora I know you. You don't sleep alone, you always have to have the covers over you, and its 8 o'clock you always sleep around 10 and wake up an hour late for classes." Ren listed as he sat on the edge of Nora's bed with a concerned face. "Are you alright Nora?"

Nora's throat  ached in pain as she tried hard to lie with her smile and stuttery voice. "Y-Yeah. I'm fine don't worry about it Ren."

She looked away gridding her teeth. It was so hard to lie for the ginger haired girl. Being so high and upbeat never meant she was good at such things. To rapped up in her own thoughts she finally noticed to strong arms clutching around her waste. She was hugged from behind by Ren.

"Its because of what happened right?" His soft voice echoed into her ear. He was close enough that she felt his quiet breath against her neck and when he moved his lips would brush against her ear.

That's when she had lost the urge to fight. All of her poor feeling were rolling off of her cheeks. Rens low voice calmed her and she turner to hide herself in Rens shoulder.

"It was because of me Ren. Its because of me that our family is gone. That your family is gone. If I wasn't slow clumsy and stupid you be having a nice life with your family." Nora spoke the tears streaking onto Rens clothes.

She felt Rens grip tighten around her as he spoke calmly. "Nora. Your my family."

Nora felt herself tense up as those words were heard. Eventually she looked up to see Ren giving a sweet smile towards her.

"Oh." Ren held Nora in one arm as he reached into his pocket with his other and pulled out a small box rapped in pink and green paper and a neatly tied pink and white bow at the top. "This is for you."

She hesitated at first, then took the small box from Rens hand. She removed the raping to see the most amazing thing in front of her. It was a golden chain bracelet with a hammer and a storm flower made of silver.

"R-Ren T-This.. THIS IS AWESOME!!!" Nora squealed as she looked at the bracelet in aw.

"I'm glad you like it." He said softly.

"Well~~~ I have a present for you to!" She said now hyperactive as ever.

"Really?" Ren seamed surprised as Nora grew a cheesy grin on her face.

She then pressed her lips against Rens, only for a seconds but it felt like a lifetime and when they both pulled away they just laughed.

"Merry Christmas Nora." Ren whispered.

"And Happy Honokaa!" Nora said jokingly.

"And Happy Honokaa." He said lightly booping his girls nose as the snow began to poor around Beacon in the holiday spirit.   

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