#195 Sin Fragrance

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Sin Fragrance by @Alissam_

I found there was a excess of exclamation marks. Don't need so many.

Careful with capitals. Be sure to follow the rules of basic grammar.

Phrasing of certain words could have been improved (I commented a few examples).

I love the similes and the depth of them (the one about autumn particularly).

Comma splices - fix these with either a dash or a semi colon.

I feel like we really didn't get a lot of insight into Ann. Maybe expand on this as I felt like we only got info on Luke and Zain. Likewise, all characters could have been expanded on more since they were a bit two dimensional.

I'll tag you in a critique where I've explained dialogue to someone else.

Remember that this is a critique, NOT a criticism. Please spread the word!

If you would like a critique, please read the guidelines, fill out the form, and complete the payment, all which can be found at the beginning of this book. :)

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