NEWS (July 2024)

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I want to apologize to everyone who is still waiting after 5 months. I'm just one person and I have a busy life outside Wattpad. Despite I only read two chapters, I do put a lot of time and effort into one critique. I can take up to an entire hour for each chapter which can be quite draining for me depending on the story and how much or how little I have to say. 

Let me tell you what I have going on, so you can understand why it's slow. You might think, "No, no, it's fine. You don't have to explain yourself." Ssssshush (I awkwardly try to press my finger over your lips and poke your cheek instead) XD Let me talk. Let me tell ya. It's also fun stuff.


1. I'm going to self-publish a YA portal fantasy E-book in October (fingers crossed I can make it) and I'm dealing with editors and a designer and an illustrator and so forth. The editors are at the final stages, so not much to do on my part...hopefully. The designer and illustrator are going to be for the paperback/hardcover versions and for the bookish merch (also stuff to send to ARCs and that whole bit).

2. I have to work on two academic papers for my academic career that I will not be doing after they are gone and out. I have left that life behind long ago :P But I still have to finish what I started, ya know? There are professor co-authors involved. I can't just ditch them.

3. For my author career, I have to make content to keep connected and to market and stuff. You can find me @ foxwoodauthor on Instagram, if you like. I'm always looking to find new people to interact with over there :)

4. I also started publishing on Ream (made by writers for writers to get more readers). They've recently had a change of leaders and will be changing things up over there, so I might have to ride the wave, so to speak, of whatever is coming. That means editing and posting more than a single chapter :P

5. I'm also writing a new story and I also have to edit another story for self-publishing, and I have a YouTube channel reviewing writing advice articles...not to mention sometimes I do beta reading for writer friends, and I also just read books for fun and review them on IG...

6. I have this critique book here on Wattpad. You may have seen it ;) It's got a long list.

And then you know, life happens :P

I appreciate your patience :)

If you've changed the title, your username, or forgot you were even a part of this whole thing, well, you can comment in this chapter and let me know all the things and your thoughts :D

Special Question: What are you working on now? =========>

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