Chapter 46 : I'm a pure Blooded.. Ancient Guardian

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When the wall crushed into pieces by that gaint's attacked, we all ran outside into the garden. We all were in a deadly shock, didn't know what would happen next...but ...but right then...

I heard Kaira's voice.

I saw her standing in traumatic state, far in the corner of the garden. But I felt relief when I saw no one notice her, specially that gaint, he was still totally focused on Windelin.



I was in shock, everything was feeling like a movie...a real fantasy movie but really dangerous. I used to like the fantasy and mythical movies but today when it was happening in real with me...I mean in real...literally in real. I didn't like it at all.

I was praying that it was just a bad dream and wanted to over soon.

I was wishing.

"Someone please wake me up and..and just tell that it was a mere dream and we are going to celebrate Kaira's 19th birthday".

It was a dense cloudy night and air was child cold. I had no idea that how? Kaira's family got involved in all that mess? And why those dangerous people killing each other at their home?

When we were in the garden, a thought of Jenny and Jennifer came across my head. I got scared. I remembered, I left them outside but now no was there and car was also not at its place.

I was just hoping, perhaps they left the house after hearing those horrifying voices.

"I wish, they were left". I Felt a little relief inside my heart.

But next thing I realised, there was no sign of Kaira anywhere. I didn't see her since I entered her house.

"Where was Kaira?"

I was not feeling okey, bad thoughts kept coming in my head. I was hoping for her wellbeing.

I saw gaint was heading towards the old man, he didn't want to leave any opportunity to humiliate and insult him. He was ready striking with his weapon with a cruel smile.

He was really a henious person and not feeling guilty killing an old man.

Meanwhile the red hair and the
blonde jumped on him. They both struck a combo attack but gaint didn't budge at all from his place while he was giving them a mocking smile.

"Perhaps, I will have you both killed before him. You little insects".

He blocked their attack very easily with his large weapon, which he was holding in his right hand.

By his a simple attempt he pushed them back vigorously and within in a blink he blew a next fire attack on both of them. He was so fast that they both couldn't process his attacks.

Before they could fall hard on the ground that gaint already reached there, where they were about to fall and casted another fire attack. This time they blew far away in the garden. Their body got partially burned and blood was streaming out of their wounds.

That was all a very horrific scene.

Gaint was really way far stronger than them. They both were very weak in his camparision. They could not even give him a little scratch.

I thought, now he might spare them....but no I was wrong. In a second i found him standing next to them.

He walked close to red hair and smashed his fingers with his boots, crushing them brutally. He was crying in pain but gaint was acting like as if he was getting satisfaction, watching his pain.

He raised his hand, ready to finish him once for all. That time I felt so helpless. I saw June, anger was building inside him. I know he wanted to stop him but Jonathan grabbed his shoulder and stopped him.

"No June. No!!". He baged him.

"But Jonathan don't you see."

"He was brutally beating them. If we don't do anything now, they will definitely die".

"They must be Windelin's friends. We should help them".

"We should help Windelin".

"An another attack will definitely kill them. They have been wounded badly". June argued back.

"No june. We are normal humans! We can't stand a chance against them. Understand my brother. Please!!". He bagged him again and tried to tight his grip around his shoulder but he couldn't stop him.

June couldn't restrain himself, he darted towards gaint. I saw Kaira's parents and brothers were calling him to come back. They were bagging him to stop. I saw Kaira's mother ran after June.

"Leave them alone".

"I said leave them alone". June demanded aggressively.

Gaint looked at him.

"You ordered!! You even don't have right to talk to me."

"You... pathetic humans". He said with a look of disgust on his face.

"You do not even fall into the category of insects". And he crushed further his wounded arm with his heels. Red hair was shouting in pain.

"Just get lost in front of my eyes, you pathetic humans". He spat, full of hatred and bitterness in his words.

June looked around.

He was looking for something .... something to attack. There was a sword laying on ground. June took that sword in his hand and targeted at him. He threw sword with his full strength.

Gaint hadn't expected that, sudden attack, caught him completely off guard. He had almost succeeded in dodging the attack but still a slight cut mark appeared on his right cheek.

He was blazing with anger might be because of that bruise which he got by .... "a human".

In a blink he towered over june and glared down at him. He grabed him by his neck and raised him in the air. June was struggling to breath. Everyone was shouting

We all couldn't stop ourselves and pounced at him. We wanted to save June. I remembered, he was holding june with a hand and with another hand he pushed all of us away. We all fell hardly on the ground.

"It seems like you all eager to die..ha"

"Then die"

He was ready to attack, meantime, I saw which I never expected in my dreams.

It was Kaira in the air my eyes bulged out. I...I was frozen in disbelief. I couldn't ready to believe at my vision. She was my friend Kaira who was a very normal human being then what was that. She was not look like a normal person...she was looking different.

I realised her both hands were now covered with black and green coloured tattoo, having a very unique pattern which I had never seen before. And there was a glowing aura around her.

First time I saw a very shocking expression across that gaint's face. He loosened his grip and June fell down on the ground. All of sudden his whole attention turned towards Kaira.

"So you are that girl, we are looking for".


"It is better for you to come down and kneel".

"Surrender yourself infront of me and beg for your life"

"How dare you to hurt my brother, you should thought about the consequences" Kaira said firmly more likely in a warning tone.

"You are threatening me"

He gave a loud laughter. His hysterical laughter made everybody scared.

"You are threatening Agens"

"You little b!tch come down otherwise I'll forcefully pull you down by your hair".

"You fool"

"I am a pure blood Ancient Guardian"

"You are nothing in my comparison"

"So it is in your favour just...go back to your world without harming my family". Kaira said.

I didn't believe what i just heard... Kaira.. kaira was an ancient guardian. My god!!

"You b!tch".

Gaint was shouting furiously, his eyes were blazing red with anger. He raised his weapon and soon a huge fire ball produced at the edge. When it was at it's limit, he targeted straight on Kaira.

My heart dropped with fear.

I thought. "May be Kaira...Kaira...."

I didn't want to speak those words. She was my one of best buddy. I didn't want to see her die.

That huge fire discharged directly towards Kaira....I..I didn't realised, tears streaming down on my face.

Kaira didn't move on her place. She waved her hand up, her surrounding energy aura increased in size, glowing more and sparks were flaring out from it.

Fire ball was ready to hit her but soon a shield appeared in front of her. That shield was so powerful that fire ball couldn't damage it while it was totally absorbed by the shield.

It was the first time I had seen a completely an alien notion in that gaint's eyes. He was shocked but still not ready to give up. He clinched his jaws.

"I'm undefeated. Do you understand" he shouted and casted an another attack.

He released fire blasts that split into multiple fragments, ready to attack her from different directions. That attack created a powerfull wind blow and we all pushed back.

Protecting shield of her immediately turned into a sphere, covered her completely. That energy sphere then bounced back all the fire hitted at its surface.

Fire was everywhere. It was look like as if it was rain of fire. Soon tree went up in flames. We were stifled by the smoke and dust, we ran backwards.

I saw Kaira's mother didn't, she was still crying, looking up in the sky where Kaira was. I can understand her feelings, seeing her daughter in that situation was really painful.

I insisted har but she refused. But I had to save her life so I put her into my arms and brought her inside the house against her wish.

June and David also carried Windelin at the safe place but still those both young men were exposed under the sky.

Lane and Jonathan took the risk and rescue them but still they were unconscious and suffered with major injuries.



It was called fate. Gaint wanted to harm Kaira but instead got injured.

I saw, her surrounding shield, slowly vanished in the air, glowing aura also disappeared but kaira was still there, high in the sky.

She looked down, soon a silver energy circle appeared below her feet. It was glowing like a diamond in the dark. That energy circle kept increasing in size and extinguishing all the fire as well.

I really amazed to see my lovely sister. I always thought she was fragile, delicate and needed our protection but she proved me wrong. Kaira proved us, she was a strong and a brave girl.

I felt so proud of her that I couldn't express in words. She was beautiful, unselfish spirit shined out like a bright star in that cloudy night.

Suddenly, I gasped in horror.

Kaira was losing her balance and started falling down. I thought, Perhaps she lost her her conscious.

But I didn't understand what just happened to my little sister she looked completely okey just a moment ago.

I cried out.


I was feeling burning pain in my chest.


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