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1. hum or sing in a soft, low voice, especially in a sentimental manner.


The white haired male glanced over at the female who had finally been forced to wash the dishes. He gazed at her, chin in his palm, his eyes trained to his lover to make sure she was actually doing her job and not slacking or wasting time. It was silent, the other sulking over dishes she had to clean, but proceeded to do so.  He yawned finding his eyelids heavy, so he closed them. A noise filled the room.  He stopped breathing for a second trying to hear it in its entirety without interruption. Was Moon humming? The rhythm was hypnitoc, the sound of her voice calming. He opened one eye, noticing the slight bounce to her moments. He chuckled a bit and quietly got up heading over to her.

"What are you doing?" He asks

"I'm humming duh"

"Well where did you hear it? It's nice"

"Would you believe me if I said I listened to the sympony of the forest?" Moon questioned, deciding to quote Colors of the Wind in an obnoxious way.

"That's a completely different song Moon" Creepy interjected, raising an eyebrow. She grinned and in turn  flung soap onto the ceiling with an exaggerated motion. It had been an accident, but it happened.

They both just sort of stared at it.
"Doesn't that defeat the purpose of cleaning?"
"Shhhhhh it is cleaning. Just in a un- predictable way" the female stated.

He gave a small little sigh before voicing the obvious. "It doesn't help the dishes get clean".

"I don't appreciate the sass sir"  she said turning back to the dishes and continuing her little escapade.

"Seriously though where did you hear it from?" He asked genuinely curious as to its origin. 

Deciding to cooperate for once she looked over at her mate. "I'll tell ya the truth.  Its sort of boring though" she says pausing a moment, deciding how she wanted to execute going about this. Deciding to let tension build she kept silent. Thankfully he knew what was happening and was undeterred.  "Fine. Truth is my mother used to sing it to me."

It started to become habit throughout the course of the next few weeks. He listened to her hum, the melody soon imprinting itself in his memory. Then the other started to develop a fever. This concerned him of course, however he had jobs to balance and couldn't be there for the full twenty four hours. He arrived home from work, being as quiet as possible as to not disturb the hopefully resting female. He didn't need the lights on to see in the dark, luminescent green orbs allowing him to map the area.  So he maneuvered his way to the bedroom after settling in, finding Moon curled up her chest moving rymthically with her breathing. He crawled into bed with her moving close to cuddle her. He was reminded of the song and started to hum hoping it lulled himself to sleep and kept his lover calm. He was surprised when her eyes opened. "Aren't you supposed to be asleep?"

"Well you were humming I couldn't miss it" she grinned starting to hum with him, happy to do so.

Creepy chuckled and wrapped his arms around her waist holding her close. "Just sleep so you can get better".

"Aye aye captain".


He sits alone in room, humming the song longing for a response back. The fiends of the night heeded a response twisting the slightest breeze to the sound of her voice , luring him into the woods where he wanders like a lost traveler hoping to reclaim part of the past that was impossible to do so.

He shifted forms to that of a white wolf, trotting through the arrangement of trees, shadows casted from the leaves of the canopy above flickered among his pelt. He came across a lake stopping to gaze down.
The silver object in the makeshift  mirror that once held his lovers name stared back at him fragmented in the surface's ripples.

And it is here in which he calls to her again, and it is here time after time in  which she fails to awaken and hum their special little melody.  Salvaged memories were awoken with every note causing unwanted emotions to rise within his being, eyes squeezing shut as if it would usher away the remnants of what once was. He shook his pelt voice once more raising, calling out to her; his attempt wisked away into the gentle blowing breeze and carried across the sky, painting the wind with a promise that would last for eternity.


I finally finished yayyy

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