September 2015

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In September 2015 Sang began her Junior year of High School and as tradition stated there were a few parties being organized before school work made itself present. One Thursday evening Sang was getting ready with her best friend Hana. They were both eager to go and meet up with a few other friends, drink, and dance. Shy little Sang was no more. Her mother was right as soon as she started school, she shed her shy persona and blossomed into a social butterfly.

As soon as she arrived at the house party people greeted her left and right. She would wave and hug those who she knew most. After a summer abroad with her family it felt nice to be back around the people she knew most although there were a large number of people from other schools.

"Puberty went to work this summer," Hana spoke over the loud speakers.

"Tell me about it, did you see what it did to Jae?" Sang agreed while weaving through the crowd in order to get into the kitchen.

"I can't decide who to dance with," Hana giggled, waving in the direction of an orange haired guy.

"You don't need to, you can dance with all of them," Sang nudged her while wiggling her eyebrows.

Her best friend laughed forgetting about the boys for a minute as they prepared themselves drinks. They were not planning on getting wasted tonight, but knew it was bound to happen anyway. 

One drink turned into three and then to five as they danced with the crowd and their cups kept getting refilled. The jello shots Sang loved turned into her demise when nausea settled in her stomach later that night.

Jungkook arrived late to the party Taehyung and Jimin kept blowing up his phone non stop convincing him to come and here he was. He was hesitant at first because it was a party hosted by a kid from another school, but he loved a good party and the peer pressure also drew him in.

The front yard of the house was filled with students with red solo cups. Walking inside there were even more people dancing along to the music. He shot his friends a text in an attempt to locate them when he saw them by the stairs laughing hysterically with some girls. When they saw him approaching they waved him over and introduced him. 

"Girls, this is our friend Jungkook," Jimin yelled, pointing at him.

"Jungkook, this is Hana and Ara," Taehyung took over presenting them.

Jungkook smiled and shook their hands regretting coming over if his friends already had their catch of the night. He would only serve as a fifth wheel and as an escort to get them home safely.

"Don't look so glum Hana said her best friend will be here soon, she went to get a drink," Taehyung said in his ear, "We got your back."

Jungkook nodded and waited and waited and waited. No other girl appeared and he began thinking it was just Taehyung's way to get him to stay. He would've stayed anyway, he couldn't leave his friends in this state. He nursed the same red solo cup all night keeping an eye on wild friends he would've joined in on the party, but he barely knew anybody from his school. He was out of his comfort zone.

As the party dwindled down he went up the stairs in search of a cleaner bathroom that was not filled with couples making out. He walked along the lone hallway only to find a girl puking her guts out on the toilet. He considered leaving, but noticed she was having a hard time and her long curled hair was dangerously close to falling into the toilet.

Hesitantly, he walked into the bathroom and gently grabbed hold of her hair and brushed it back from the toilet bowl. Jungkook patted her back as another wave of vomit took over her.

As she calmed down, she quietly spoke, "Thank's for that."

"No problem, I guessed you didn't want your hair filled with toilet water and throw up."

She softly laughed giggling yet she didn't dare to pick up her head from the toilet bowl as she felt another wave of nausea hit her.

Jungkook stayed with the mystery girl for a few minutes until he felt his phone chime alerting him he had a message. Holding her hair with one hand he checked to see Jimin's message telling him it was time to go.

"Um-I have to go," he told the girl.

"I'm gonna stay here till my best friend picks up my sorry ass," she told Jungkook, "Thanks for the support though."

"You're welcome, " Jungkook smiled and with one last pat to the back left the bathroom softly shutting the door behind him.

Feeling the tinsiest bit better Sang picked up her head from the toilet and searched for the bad she had thrown on the ground. Fishing for her phone, she sent a text to Hana to come up and get her so they could go home.

"There you are Sang!" Hana said as she burst through the door, "I thought you had left with another guy."

"Nah, I was here dying with a random dude holding my hair back," Sang mentioned like it was nothing.

"Okay? Was he cute?" Hana stared at her weirdly.

"I don't know I didn't get to see his face since I was dying while puking my guts out... he had a nice voice though," Sang shrugged. In the back of her mind she wished she would've seen his face.

"Alright, you weirdo let's go home. We have class in the morning," Hana held out her hands to help.

That Thurday night in 2015 was the second time Sang and Jungkook almost met. 

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