Chapter 2

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Minka almost jumps when she finds that the person who showed up, probably on purpose, at her door, is none other than her ancient rival's older sister. Treasa Minnett.

She stutters, being unable to conceal her embarrassment. She never expected Treasa would show up, but, at the same time, she's glad that it isn't Caroline, after all.

The two of them - Minka and Caroline - have never been in very good terms, especially since the former accidentally spilled some tea on Caroline's linum shirt, therefore ruining it, during the presentation of a music festival.

After then, the two of them have only talked to make snide comments on each other, with Treasa trying hard to conceal her embarrassment with her charisma and her bright personality. Still, things would go downhill every time they crossed paths.

Anyway, Minka finds Treasa pleasant and nice, maybe a little too bubbly but also down-to-earth and sincere; probably she would even make friends with her if she weren't related to Caroline. Things can change, though, regardless of how they unraveled.

This is why Treasa is trying hard to weigh every single word, in order not to upset her interlocutor. She doesn't want to make a poor figure, more than anything else. But she also wants to make sure that Caroline has her party, even though it's going to be a surprise.

"H-h-hello..." she mutters, probably looking unconvinced and looking away every once in a while. Minka, however, notices this and forces her to look at her with a glare. Treasa doesn't appreciate it, to the point that she considers leaving. But she has to stay, or else her plan will fail.

"You don't need to shoot me glares. I'm not a monster." Treasa only realizes she might have said something hurtful after she pronounces this sentence. Every attempt to look away as a sign of apology ends in failure, which leads her not to regret anymore what she said beforehand.

For some reason, however, Minka's hard glare softens, turning into an apologetic glance. She doesn't want to sound cold, but, most importantly, she doesn't want to upset her guest further. "I guess I have to listen to you," she states, clearly feeling embarrassed and not knowing what else to say to make things right.

"Okay, what I need to tell you is something you may not like." Treasa inhales deeply, then she closes her eyes and counts to ten in her mind before reopening them and exhaling with all the power she has in her lungs.

Minka smiles weakly at her. "Go on, I listen," she says, trying to reassure Treasa about her intentions. If she were actually to start a fight with her, she wouldn't listen to her or, even worse, she'd try to talk over her.

"I'd like you to do me a favor, if you want, naturally." Treasa's smile is forced and unnatural; the wrinkles on her face are clearly noticeable, but Minka is doing whatever she can to ignore them. After all, why should she complain about her interlocutor's looks? They're just supposed to talk to each other, face to face, heart to heart. That's it.

Treasa takes a deep breath and goes on talking. "There's a person that needs your help, Minka. The point is, she's too shy and she's afraid of saying things she might regret." Her attempt to be as vague as possible, not even mentioning her sister, seems to work right now, as Minka is listening carefully to her without showing any sign of suspicion.

"The person who needs your help is someone you know, Minka." Treasa's latest statement makes Minka more and more curious. She wonders who may be this girl who's requesting for her help, despite not bothering showing up in person. Though, a help request can't be ignored, especially if it's so heartfelt and comes for what seems to be a valid reason.

Paying attention not to pronounce her sister's name, Treasa keeps talking upon catching Minka's glance. "She hasn't had a party in ages, and I'd like you to help me to make her happy. So, I'd like you to help me to organize a little surprise for her."

Minka doesn't know what to do. She loves surprises, but she isn't exactly a party lover. Every single time she attends one, she ends up making a poor figure, embarrassing herself or the host. She made a lot of enemies because of that and the last thing she wants to do is getting also on Treasa's bad grace.

"I'd be more than glad to help you, Treasa. Thank you really for asking." Minka is astonished and confused when she pronounces those words. She has just said them without thinking twice of what she's doing. Therefore, now that she accepted, she can't back off.

Fortunately for her, Treasa doesn't reveal the name of the person the surprise party is for. She, after thanking Minka for accepting her proposal, hands her a paper with her phone number, before rushing out of the house. "I'll call you soon," are her last words before heading back home.

After closing the door behind her, Minka sits back on the couch, rethinking of what Treasa told her. Making other people happier is what she's always done, but this time she feels uncomfortable to do so. There must be something that Treasa didn't mention, but, even if that was the case, it's not a matter of hers. She only has to do as asked.


Treasa, who's clearly rejoicing about the success of her mission and the subtlety at how she accomplished it, can't wait to go back home. Perhaps to watch a good film, play a videogame or, why not, just to take a long and relaxing bath.

As soon as she opens her house's door, she enters the living room and lets herself fall on the soft couch, without bothering closing the door for a good amount of time, at least ten to fifteen minutes. However, as she notices that she still has to close it, she stopped by someone touching the knob.

She sees a girl, who must be of Latin American descent, or at least in part; she has long flowy hair, which is naturally black on one side and dyed platinum blonde on the other one. Her dark eyes are curious and glowy; her smile is striking and contagious. The way she's touching the knob is interestingly sensual.

Treasa immediately recognizes her, calling her name. "Rienna."

The other girl leaves the knob and turns at her. "Treasa."

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