Beginning of the unknown

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I was...

What was I doing? I can't remember much of last night.

Just scattered images.

A shrine, a bright light, and a horrible pain going through my body.

Was I trying to do something? Or was someone else?

???: ngh.


I try to get up, but my body still feels stiff, pain is running through every inch of it.

???: Uuugggggg, where am I?

Another voice? What is going on? Is someone hurt nearby?

I really need to get up, the pain is vanishing from my legs, and little by little from the rest of my body. I think I can do it now, come on, let's try again...

-Third person point of view-

As soon as the man started to try to stand up, three women began to do the same.

One of them, the first one to fully recover her consciousness, started to look around, seeing the other three persons waking up the same way as her.

Two of them were young women, just like her, and the other one was a young man. The four of them appeared to be on a shrine a couple meters above ground level, in the middle of a plain. She distinguished a forest at the end of it, by the side that the sun was emerging from, as well as a lake in front of the shrine. Soon enough she saw the woman at her side had awakened and began to speak.

???: Who are you?

???: Huh? Are you talking to me?

???: You are the only one awake here, so yeah, I'm talking to you.

Seeing her well, she was more a teen than a mature woman. She was a fair-skinned young girl with silver eyes, and black, neck-length, choppy hair that graduates to dark red at the tips. She was wearing a long sleeved, thick, black blouse with a high collar and red trim on the sleeves, a black waist cincher with red lacing up the front, and a black skirt with red trim. She was also wearing a pair of thick black stockings and black combat boots with red laces, red trim around the top and red soles. Her outfit was topped by a red hooded cloak fastened to her shoulders by cross-shaped pins.

???: What is your name?

Ruby: Ruby, Ruby Rose, and you?

Ahri: Ahri, just that.

???: Mmmhhh

Both looked to the side where the new voice was coming from and saw the third woman waking up, Ruby held her breath the moment she saw her, but Ahri wasn't really impressed.

The third woman looked more mature than Ruby, she had perfect porcelain skin, and neck-length white hair in a similar style of Ruby. She was wearing a black dress, with beautiful patterns on the skirt, and a little opening on the chest and upper back displaying the same kind of pattern; her skirt was also revealing her right leg. She was wearing a pair of thigh high boots with high heels. The sleeves of her dress ended in a plumage like appearance, and under them were white gloves that became black when they reached her hands. And, what appeared to be a blindfold on her face.

As she(?) started to look around, she noticed the others.

???: Identify yourself, right now.

Out of nowhere, there was a sword in her hand, pointing to the girls. Ahri was surprised while Ruby screamed out of fear.


Ahri: Yeah! What she said!

???: Names, now.

Ruby: Ruby Rose.

Ahri: Ahri. Aaaaand what about you? Who are you?

2B: I'm YoRHa unit Number 2 Type B

Ahri/Ruby: Say what now?

2B: Just call me 2B.

Right in the middle of that conversation, the last person there started to wake up, but none of the girls noticed it. The young man's sight started to wander, until it stopped on one of the girls, and just like that, time seemed to stop for him. That woman was beautiful. Not just that, she was giving off a feeling of perfection. She was wearing a dress; the top of it was mostly red with white stripes on the upper area. The skirt was the opposite of the rest of the dress, white with red stripes at the bottom, golden patterns visible at the edges. She also had sleeves disconnected from the main part of her clothing, following the same color pattern of the upper part of the dress, and a pair of boots with the same color scheme. She had a beautiful bluish black hair and a pair of stunning golden eyes. The skin that her outfit showed seemed simply perfect. It wouldn't be weird of someone confused her with a goddess.

But the most stunning thing about her were the fox ears upon her head, as well as nine fluffy fox tails. Soon enough Ruby seemed to notice the only man among them and talked to him.

Ruby: Emmm. Are you ok?

But he seemed to be unaware of her voice, at that moment Ahri noticed the stare of the guy and returned him to reality.

Ahri: Hey! Can you quit staring at me? It's giving me the creeps.

Soon enough the guy returned to reality and started to panic in shame. Ruby and Ahri seemed amused by that, but 2B show an exasperated expression. As the guy calmed down, Ruby asked something else.

Ruby: Sooooo, who are you?

The guy opened his mouth like he was going to speak, but then showed a scared expression and started to make gestures as if he was trying to scream. After a couple of tries, he stopped and turned back to the three girls, resorting to panic once again.

Ahri: What's wrong? You can't speak?

The guy nodded to Ahri's assumption, and showed a saddened face the next second.

Ahri: I have a friend that have the same problem, do you know sign language?

The guy denied, still sad about it.

Ruby saw a little area down the shrine with no grass on it.

Ruby: Maybe you can write on the ground over there.

She pointed to the ground down the shrine while giving the suggestion, the guy seemed thoughtful for a second before accepting her offer.

As the four went down the stairs of the shrine, the guy stole another look at the girls, the three of them were truly beautiful. Even if Ahri's beauty was incredibly charming, Ruby had fine, cute features that gave her a feeling of purity and innocence, making it enough to steal your gaze with the same ease as Ahri. 2B was in the same category as Ahri, her perfect features could make someone believe that she was made with the objective of achieving perfection, and being successful at it. Even if she was covering her eyes with a blindfold, one could tell that she was one high level beauty. As they arrived to the ground the guy crouched to write on the earth. Then 2B was the one who asked.

2B: Who are you?

The guy was going to write something on the ground with a confident look on his face, but the next instant he froze in place, his confident look was now replaced with a desperate one, and once again he started panicking.

Now the three girls showed exasperated expressions on their faces, and Ruby was the one who tried to calm down the guy.

Ruby: What's wrong this time?

The guy started to write desperately on the ground with his finger.

*I can't remember my name*

The three girls read it and turned to the guy with a confused look.

2B: Do you remember anything else?

Ahri: Yeah, do you know anything about this place?

Ruby: Are you hungry?

The other three looked to Ruby with an "are you serious?" gaze, making her step back a little feeling ashamed.

Then the guy crouched again to write something on the ground.

*I can't remember anything.*

OK! I decided to post this once more because I saw A LOT of gramatical errors, however I want to give a huge thanks to Wolfyrino who was the one that helped me making all the corrections on this chapter, as well as the future chapters. Thanks again to everyone for reading and thanks again to Wolfyrino for helping me in this. Hope you liked it, bye :3

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