The journey begins

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-Third point of view-

In the Shrouded forest, four persons were walking without an apparent destination, two of them making a lot of noise during a discussion, while the other two were calmly walking behind on their own conversation.

Asriel: Don't you think is a little uncomfortable to be hearing their discussion?

2B: Well, I'm merely ignoring them, but I think is good to see that they are getting along.

Asriel: I guess you are right, by the way, do you know what were they referring with harem and legal wife?

2B: So, you really don't know what those are.

Asriel: I know what a wife is, I'm not a monkey tailed kid who thinks that is related to food, and I think I have a notion of the other thing, I just don't understand why they mentioned it.

2B: Ruby was talking about novels and comics with that thematic, it was just a result of the conversation.

Asriel: Well, I don't think Ruby was being serious anyway.

2B: Don't you like the idea?

Asriel: Of what? marry her?

2B: Yeah, I thought getting a romantic companion was one of the principal objectives of humans.

Asriel started to blush madly after hearing that, and soon enough started imagining the situation; a simple house, two kids running on the backyard while playing with their father, and Ruby coming out of the house calling them to eat dinner. But as soon as that thought came to his mind he cast it away.

2B: Is everything ok?

Asriel: Sorry, just my imagination running wild.

2B: How so?

Asriel: Just forget it please.

2B: Still, you haven't answered my question yet.

Asriel: I don't think it would be bad to marry any of them, but come on, we just met each other.

2B: Well, I'm probably not the best to talk about love or those things.

Asriel: Really?

2B: I'm a combat unit, I'm not really used to express or recognize feelings.

After that an uncomfortable silence fell between the two, making the loud discussion of their travel companions be noticeable again.

Ahri: Again! we didn't come to this world to become the heroes who will defeat a big evil villain!

Ruby: Why won't you let me dream!?

2B: Are you two still discussing that?

Ahri: Well she is the one that won't stop saying stupid things about being heroes and...

Ruby: I'm just day dreaming, ok? what it's happening is the dream of hundreds of teens on my world.

Asriel: Really? why someone would want to be taken from their homes leaving behind their families?

Ruby: Huh?

Almost immediately after Asriel's commentary Ruby's mood changed to a saddened one, making Asriel panic a little.

Asriel: Are you ok!? Did I say something wrong? I'm really sorry if I did.

Ruby: No! don't worry, it wasn't you, I just... returned to reality for a moment there.

The last part of the sentence was said on a lower tone, so nobody else heard it, except for Ahri, thanks to her fox ears. Ruby started to walk a couple of meters ahead of the rest, still giving a depressed feeling. Then Ahri got close to Asriel and whispered to his ear.

Ahri: I'll talk to her latter to cheer her up, don't worry it wasn't your fault.

The four continued to walk across the forest in silence after that.

-Time skip-

It was a couple of minutes before night arrives and everyone was still silent, until 2B spoke.

2B: I've been noticing this for a while, but the light is getting weaker minute by minute.

Ahri: Well yeah, it's getting late, is only natural for night to arrive.

2B: Night?

Everybody stopped walking and turned to see 2B after that.

Ahri: Why do you sound so confused? it's just the night.

2B: I've never seen a night before; the sun was always shining in the sky back in my world.

Ruby: How is that even possible?

2B: I don't know, it has been like that for centuries, and having to deal with war after war didn't give us time to investigate.

Ahri: You know, your world sounds a little... bad.

2B: I can't deny that, the hundreds of years of constant war between machines and android won't pass without consequences.

Silence fell again over the four travelers, until Asriel came with an idea to break the tension in the air.

Asriel: Well, what about we make a bonfire and talk until we go to sleep?

Ruby: I think we need to get something to eat first, I'm starving.

Ahri: I think I can hunt something on these woods.

Ruby: Don't worry, I'll look for something, you make the bonfire and prepare the rest.

Ruby speeded out without letting Ahri answer, making everyone get confused by the rose petals that she left behind. Ahri was the first to return to her senses, with 2B after her.

2B: I'll get some wood to make the bonfire.

Ahri: Do you have any way to cut down a tree?

2B didn't answer and just extended her hand in front of her, the next moment a huge axe appeared on her hand leaving little light cubes on the air. The axe looked a little odd, since the handle was poorly made, only connected by some scrap metal screwed to keep it together. The blade seemed to be in the same condition as the handle, connected to it by screwed metal plates.

Ahri: That answer my question, but rises a new one, don't you think that axe is, oh I don't know, a terrible one?

2B: It's a common axe used by the machines on my world, it's the closest thing I have on my inventory to a woodsman axe.

Ahri: Ok, just be careful with it ok, I feel like the blade may detached itself any second.

With that said 2B walked off to look for a tree small enough to cut down without causing a great damage, leaving Ahri and Asriel alone. Silence fell between the two of them again. While Ahri was playing a little with her tails, Asriel was looking on Ruby's scroll, trying to discover more features of the device; soon enough he found Ruby's music gallery and played a random song.

Ahri was surprised by the sudden music, so she got close to Asriel to see what he was doing, when the lyrics started to sound Asriel got surprised again and became oblivious to his surroundings, his attention was stolen by the song, it was the first time he heard something like music, the beauty of the melody made him feel relieved somehow, but then the song became more dynamic and the instruments sounded louder; far from being uncomfortable, Asriel became exited, as the song kept going he felt like his hearth was captivated, and suddenly the song became slower again, giving him another moment of relieve, and as the song became faster again, his hearth became more exited, his face showed it, a huge wave of energy assaulted his body and for a moment he felt strangely alive, like his senses and body were stronger and sharper, like he was receiving energy from somewhere. When the song stopped, he laid on the ground, his body was back to normal; a variety of questions came to his mind, but one thing stood over the rest, he loved the feeling he got hearing music, his face was showing a bright smile. Seeing all that, Ahri finally said something.

Ahri: I assume you liked it.

Asriel stood up immediately and looked to Ahri's eyes, just to nod energetically with a smile still stuck on his face.

Ahri: Well, why don't you put more music then? I liked it too so go ahead.

Asriel put another random song, Ahri just stood there, contemplating the innocent smiling face in front of her.

Ahri (thoughts): I've never knew someone so innocent and pure, even Sona was a little mischievous from time to time. Now that I think of her, and that I know that Asriel like music, those two would really get along, their both mutes after all, I wonder if they would be able to communicate. I'm sure Sona would like him anyway. But seeing him smile so purely like that, damn he's cute; talking about cuteness, I need to talk with Ruby.

To Ahri's fortune, 2B arrived with some wood to make the bonfire, so Ahri took this chance to go to talk with Ruby.

Ahri: I'm going to talk with Ruby, B please take care of this kid over here.

2B: B? and what kid?

Ahri: Just take care of Asriel please.

2B: Ok then.

With that Ahri dashed away from the two, looking carefully as she run through the trees trying to find anything that could lead her to Ruby. It took several minutes, but she finally found Ruby, she was sitting in front of a little lake, only illuminated by the moonlight, with her face buried in her knees. Ahri walked slowly to her, calling her attention when she reached her side.

Ahri: Hey, is everything ok?

Ruby: Huh? Ahri? Y-yeah, I-I'm fine, don't worry about it.

Ahri: You know, when I asked if you were ok, it means that I want you to tell me what's wrong. Because something is bothering you, and that's obvious.

Ruby: I... I just started thinking better about this situation, and what it really means. We don't know how we got here, or how to go back. I just thought, what about my family? Will I ever be able to return to them?

Ahri: So, it was that. Listen, I may not be the best to talk about this, and now that I think so, I think you may be the only one among us with a family. But I'm sure we'll find a way for you to return to your family.

Ruby: Me? What about you? And what do you mean that I'm the only one with family? Don't you have someone to get back to?

Ahri: Sadly, no. I don't have any family, maybe a couple of friends, but there's no one I can really call my family. So, I think I really don't care much if I go back or stay here forever.

Ruby: No one for you to call family...

Ahri: I don't know about 2B, but Asriel doesn't have anyone either.

Ruby: Don't you feel lonely?

Ahri: Mmmm, sometimes, yes. But if I just complain about my life, I'll never get anything better from it. So, cheer up now! you don't need to worry, I'm sure we'll find a way to get you to your family, I will return you to your home, I promise.

After saying that Ahri stood up and turned around ready to turn back, but she felt someone pulling from her sleeve. She turned around, only to find Ruby smiling with some tears on her eyes, making Ahri stare amazed.

Ruby: Maybe, maybe you can come back with me, all of you, I don't know either about 2B, but you and Asriel could come back with me, with my family, I'm sure my dad and sister would be happy to meet both of you. Maybe we can give you a place you could call home.

Ahri was taken by surprise, she never imagined that Ruby would suggest something like that, that she would invite her to be part of a family.

Ahri: I don't know, don't you think someone like me may attract unnecessary attention to your family?

Ruby: Why would you? I don't see anything bad on you, if anything you'll be incredibly popular between men, you don't see such a beautiful woman very often.

Ahri blushed a little to this, she wasn't used to receive compliments with such pure intention, she was surprised too when Asriel said something like that to her, but this time it had a different effect, it felt like the pure admiration of a little sister.

Ahri: I'll think about it.

Ruby's expression turned into a bright smile. Making Ahri's hearth shake a little.

Ahri: You should return with Asriel and 2B, I'll be around here looking for something to eat.

Ruby: Oh, yeah, I forgot about that.

Ahri: Come on, I'll catch up later.

Ruby: We'll be waiting for you, don't take too long.

And with that, Ruby ran off to reunite with the others, leaving Ahri alone with her thoughts.

Ahri: Phew, between that girl and that mute boy, I don't know if I could take both smiling at me with those pure and innocent eyes at the same time without dying out of cuteness.

-Back with Asriel and 2B right after Ahri left-

Asriel was enjoying the music with his entire soul, like he has found the great passion of his life, meanwhile 2B was preparing the wood to make the bonfire. In the middle of that, she stopped and looked to the sky, but the trees obstructed her sight; and for the first time on her life, she let her curiosity lead her actions, climbing the trees and reaching the top. She stood there for a second, admiring the stars, feeling the tranquility of the night for the first time.

2B (thoughts): 9S would love this, he always liked to enjoy the beauty of the world, something that I always ignored. Maybe now I could have a real life, maybe I can let go, and never return to that endless war, that endless cycle of life and death, maybe I can stop suffering the pain of killing him over and over again. Maybe, just maybe...

A light pulse of energy caught her attention, for a moment it felt like one of the music notes resonated stronger than the rest. 2B immediately jumped down from the tree, only to find Asriel sitting on the ground, his face was filled with surprise, Ruby's scroll was a couple of meters away from him, still reproducing music. When Asriel noticed 2B he moved his body to reach the device, stopped the music and opened the app he used to talk until now. After a couple of second of typing, an artificial voice sounded.

Asriel: Did you feel that?

2B: Yes, what happened?

Asriel: I don't know for sure, I was just enjoying the music and suddenly felt a great amount of energy rushing through my body, the next thing I noticed was that the wood was on fire and I was laying on the ground.

2B turned her gaze to the bonfire, and just like Asriel said, the wood that she brought and prepared was on fire.

2B: Are you sure that nothing else happened.

Asriel: Now that you mention it, I think I saw some weird tubes rising from the ground.

2B: Where?

Asriel: Around me, but they disappeared right after the pulse.

2B: Any idea of what those tubes were?

Asriel: No, I don't know if I really saw them or not.

Both stayed silent for a while thinking about what just happened, but not much later Asriel broke the silence.

Asriel: Hey, about what you did a while ago, the giant axe, where did that came from?

2B: It's a digital storage on my combat attire. It digitalizes the objects of my election to be able to carry them without having problems with the space or weight.

Asriel: Combat attire? Do you mean your dress?

2B: Yes, is a convenient tool installed on every YoRHa units' attire. I never actually understand how it works since I'm just a battle model, I'm not a scanner or an engineer, I just know it makes things digital and storage them, nothing more.

Asriel: What are those scanners and engineers that you mentioned?

2B: The scanners are non-combatant units, well, generally, they can learn how to fight and become really reliable on combat, you can say that they are designed to learn and grow faster, they were the most recent models on YoRHa when I was still in my world, my partner was a scanner model actually. He was the unit number 9, 9S, I was assigned to look over him since he was the most advanced unit at that moment, to be honest, I'm not a battle unit exactly, my real designation was 2E, an executioner, my work was to look over 9S and kill him if he made to learn something that may affect the entire system of YoRHa, mainly confidential data that exposed hidden truths.

Asriel: So, is he still alive?

2B: If you wonder if I killed him, then yes. More than once.

Asriel: What? How?

2B: We are just androids, we could always upload our memories to another body, erasing any dangerous information from them.

Asriel: You...

2B: I always asked myself, if we are really alive, or we are just programed to have that fake feeling, if we are just mindless puppets fighting in an endless war.

Silence filled the air for a couple of second until.

Asriel: You are alive. Your feelings are just as real as mine's.

2B: How coul-

Asriel: Because you can think, you can question yourself, you can express those feelings, what you are made of don't make a difference between me and you.

2B: But, how can you be so sure.

Asriel: I don't need to, I just have hope. I know we have just been together one day, but on this one day, I didn't feel any difference between you and us, and I can assure you, it'll be the same no matter how many years I spend with you. I can see a soul inside you, and it's not any different from mine.

2B just stayed there, admiring the simple and honest smile in front of her. Trying to process the past conversation, a lot of opposite feelings and ideas collided on her mind.

Asriel noticed this and made an unusual suggestion.

Asriel: Why don't you sing?

2B: What?

Asriel: Sing, everything that you are feeling, everything that bothers you, just express it, music is a good way to express what's in your soul. Just let it out, it doesn't matter if you think is pure nonsense.

2B: I've never done that before.

Asriel: Don't worry, me neither, but if I could talk I would sing a lot of things. It's funny, don't you think? I just discovered music a couple of minutes ago, and I already feel a passion burning in me.

2B: It may worth a try.

Asriel changed back the menu of the scroll to the music gallery and put a song without lyrics to let 2B sing. And a couple of seconds after the music started, 2B began singing.

Asriel, stood up at the middle of the song and offered a hand to 2B, she was hesitant at the beginning, but she finally took it, he then pulled her closer to him, much to 2B surprise.

Both started dancing illuminated only by the bonfire until the song ended.

2B: Thanks, I needed that.

Asriel only smiled back to her, somehow making her feel more relieved, but the sudden pink atmosphere was interrupted by a cheerful and familiar voice.

Ruby: Wow, I leave for half an hour, and I found you two are already dancing and hugging each other on a romantic soiree?

The sudden commentary made both Asriel and 2B jump a little in surprise; Ruby just walked closer to the bonfire and sat down close to it before talking again.

Ruby: I didn't think you'll like the music on my scroll that much.

Asriel just smiled ironically to Ruby's remark. But then a teasing smile appeared on her face.

Ruby: By the way, are you planning to stop hugging each other soon or not?

2B noticed that she was still hugging Asriel, making her blush in shame and throwing him away, he flew a couple of meters before hitting a tree. The poor man was stunned by the sudden action of the android, while Ruby was laughing uncontrollably at the situation.


2B: I-I'm sorry! I was flustered and out of myself! I didn't want to hurt you!

Asriel raised a hand with a thumb up showing he was ok. Which made Ruby star laughing even more. Right in the middle of the cheerful atmosphere a third voice resounded.

Ahri: OK, I got a pair of rabbits, who is ready for dinn- what is going on here?

-Little time skip after dinner-

Ruby: Ok, I think is time to sleep, who is going to be the first watch?

Ahri: I'll do it don't worry

Asriel raised his hand offering himself too.

Ahri: I'll wake you up when I feel tired, ok?

He simply nodded to the suggest

2B: I guess I could use some sleep.

Ruby: Oh, that's right, do you need to sleep?

2B: I don't need it, but its always good to let my body rest completely, I haven't rest in an entire month, so I guess I need it.

Ruby: Ok then, good night everyone.

2B: Sleep well.

Ahri: I'll be guarding you so sleep to your hearts content

When the three were asleep Ahri got a little closer to them, Ruby was peacefully sleeping, while 2B was cuddling up against Asriel.

Ahri: Hmm, since when she became that close to him?

She was curious about why 2B got that close to Asriel while sleeping, but decided to let it be for the moment, I wasn't like it affected her someway so, why not let her have that little pleasure?

After a couple of minutes, she took Ruby's scroll to learn about it, a little long after she began snooping around in the device, she discovered a photo gallery, she confirmed if Ruby was still asleep and kept looking, there weren't much photos, must of the images were weapons or blueprints, but there were a couple of photos of her and what appear to be her friends and family, but there was one photo that caught her attention, Ruby was with other three girls, they looked a little older than her.

Ahri: So, this are your friends... damn it! One day, just one day Ahri, and you arleady made a promise. Well, I guess the only thing left to do is to fulfill it. This journey is only beginning.

Well, this was the third chapter, I'm planning to make all of them this long, (I just hope someone reads it completely) whatever, feel free to comment however you want, hope someone like it, bye.

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