Chapter 24: Disappearance

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It's just like an ordinary morning for him, unless he spend his free time in the canteen of SPD even though he didn't had a better things to do.

"Heaven... This is heaven..."

Noir are busy digging into his sandwich with his usual coffee, meanwhile there are a yellow-haired girl in front of him, sipping a warm chocolate milk like she never had one.

"You never taste a chocolate milk before?" Almerich speak to her, much to their surprise. "No, but it's not this good." She take another sip. "Ahhh Hessenstadt are such a nice state, isn't it?" She enjoyed the warm milk too much, but it's understanding since she mostly just stay in cold area such as Russia, so she must love warm beverage.

"Other than the ridiculous tax, yes it is." Noir finally speak, which welcome by Almerich's giggle. "Noir you need to stop being so broke. I told you to conserve your saving, didn't I?" He's being half serious, though his tone are still cherry.

Surprisingly, for a cold day, the group are having such a great mood. Probably because it's been so peaceful post the bandit-terrorizing incident. The SPD got such a high praise for their success, and Fahmir are busy speaking as their representative.

Meanwhile, Laya take a short holiday, while Gourd returned to his home in the village. Tybard decide to stay for a while, but he didn't do much other than to search for a sparring partner. Noir, Almerich, and Melisa just spend their peaceful day...

It's too peaceful, something felt off...

"Ohh, this is the 6th case for this week." Noir just start reading the newspaper, and the headline already talking about the disappearance series lately.

His two companion glance at him, still eating their own meal. "This one are a young photographer, and... Mother and her 11 years old son?"

It's been five days since a mysterious disappearance happened, and while the SPD already investigate, they found nothing. All they know is that the case happened on a small village called Blightsmire.

"Weird... Fahmir didn't issue any order yet." Almerich take another bite in his apple pie as his eyes analyze the newspaper. "Well, public maybe just hear about it this week, but the rumor that it's been happened for quite of time."

Noir glance at the newspaper, showing the image of the beautiful mountain sceneries of Blightsmire. "Could it be that Fahmir had some plan, but didn't want to told us yet?" He speculate. The two others are thinking as well, and only the boy answered. "Could be. He's not the type who overlook on small case just because he got bigger business to do."

Just as they're done eating, a familiar man entered the canteen. He bring plastic bag filled with snacks and in his side, there are a young man with blue hair and red headband. It's Reynold and Tybard.

He joined the tabble as he open the snacks. Most are a snack bar, biscuits, cereal, milk boxes, and instant noodle. Noir gaze at the wide array of foods and took an assumption based on the fact they all an instant food that could last long yet enough to fill your stomach. "Are you going for a trip?" He asked.

Tybard nod. "We're going for a trip, and you guys included. So pack it up, because we'll go to Blightsmire tomorrow." His word hit the three right in the spot. Just when they're done talking about the it, now they're going there.

"So, you must heard about the disappearance case. Fahmir are doing his own research despite being busy, and as he finally had the time, he quicken his plan to tomorrow. He said that he got a vision, and it's not a good one." Reynold are speaking with his usual serious manner.

"So, what we're going to do in there?" Melisa finally speak. Tybard shook his head. "No order yet, but probably just investigation. We should be prepared anyway, since he said there are chance that we could be there for days."

Reynold then leave all the foods and excuse himself. "Already going?" Noir asked. Reynold answered shortly. "Yeah, I had few important preparation to do."

Before leaving, he turn his head to them slightly. "You guys better be well prepared, because this might get dangerous."

Without explaining further, he leave the room.


Danfalke Province, Southern Highway, 14.28 PM

Using the jeep of Reynold, the group are going into Blightsmire, and they all well prepared... Noir bring lots of cup noodle, the snacks that Reynold gave, and he himself are wearing a headphone. Almerich had his bag filled with books, a pack of tea, two big bottle of mineral water, then the milk boxes and cereal from before. Melisa bring five pair of clothes, two pants, and two skirt, without carrying any other food supply than a non-fat cereal bar. Tybard carry so many cookies, bacons, and other food source, but he already eating them even now.

Reynold driving, but of not, he'll put his palm on his face now. "I told them to go full prepared... I'm wrong to expect anything nice from them." He sighed, but knowing his allies, this is mostly happened.

"Ahem, almost forgot to tell..." He broke the casual atmosphere, trying to discuss their business again. "Laya and Gourd isn't here, so Fahmir issue this two guy that you never meet before. They from the local Danfalke branch, so they know about the region better than us. Other than the two, we also took Christine and Danny into the mission as they would be useful for our investigation later."

Noir put off his headphone as Reynold speak. "Well, this seems getting into a big case. I wondered if there are something big involved." He replied to the man casually. "No clues yet, but Fahmir are quite dreadful about this case. He might had something to speak for us later." Reynold replied.

After ten more minute or more, they arrived at Blightsmire village; a mountainous tourist destination that are just open two years ago. Danfalke itself are mountainous southern region of the nation, but after a resort been made, Blightsmire become tourism spot for their fresh air, calming foggy atmosphere, and dense green forest. Blightsmire however are just an ordinary rural village, that however somehow, the tourist visit it for a short period, and get lost there.


Danfalke, Blightsmire, 14:41PM

The jeep entered through the village entrance. As the group observe the place, they can see why the village attract the tourist. Old houses with many traditional ornament of their culture, and there even few wooden statue in similar style of an Indian totem pole.

"So, this is Blightsmire... What should we do now?" The white haired one open his phone to see the map of the village via his browser. It's small, but there are humongous forest around the end if the village.

"We'll meet Fahmir first in the camp. It's not so far from here." Reynold continue to drove his car into the village, and soon entered the nearby forest. After five minute uphill the dirty road, the jeep get into an open grassy field with few camp on the area. Fahmir are there, but instead with his expensive car, he use the police car of SPD unit.

"Took you quite of time." Fahmir get out from the car as he take out his cigarette. Someone else coming out from the car, and it's a woman with long wavy mahogany brown-red hair color. "Astina? What you're doing here?" Reynold halt in his spot, seems taking some space between him and the lady.

The woman close the book that she read and put it back to her back. "To research the geography of the area, of course. And you?" She asked back. Reynold scratched his head. "To burn the forest. Nah, obviously to accompany my team on the investigation." He speak sarcastically.

Fahmir took a low cough as he stand aside the woman. "Well, to those other than Reynold, let me introduce her. This lady is Augustina De Santis, an Italian geographers and a high school teacher. While not officially joined the SPD, she been helping Mirage unit since she's specialized at mythology, occultism based on social-cultural of the subject, and of course geography, including the possible mythical inhabitant of the land.  She also happened to had a Phantasm herself, and it's on the same rank as me and Reynold."

"Just call me Astina. Augustina is too long." She quickly add a note after Fahmir done with the explanation. Reynold cough as he take over the spotlight, seems eager to talk. "Just for clarification, her Phantasm is level SS, but mine still way more powerful." It earned him a sharp stare from the lady. "Anyway Astina, it's my turn to introduce my side... The white haired one is Noir, the black haired one is Almerich, the blonde is Melisa, and the blue haired is Tybard." Reynold sums up his team based on their hair color, which gained him another stare from Almerich and Melisa.

"Anyway, Ms. Astina... Do you had any clue about what happened in here?" Noir asked her ahead. She opened her book and seems to be pleased that he asked. "Good question! The geography of the land shown that Blightsmire surrounded by two massive forest region, and a big mountain ahead. According to the culture, the mountain suppose to be sacred, yet it's only attracted the tourist even more. I also had theory of an abduction by the local cultist or possibility of a certain mythical monster included, such as troll, orc or even werewolves... But that's just a theory." She end the explanation with a smile of satisfaction.

The group didn't responded directly but just nodding. "Anyway, we would do the research later. Now go into the empty tent on the corner, and for you, Reynold." Fahmir point a tent in the middle. "You go there with me and Astina." Reynold didn't speak but just comply.

As Noir and his team entered the tent, there Christine and Danny playing card game. "Oh, you guys finally come!" Danny greet the team with excitement.

Noir go ahead petting his head as they put their belongings down. As they rest, the group had a heartwarming chat about their journey to the place and the whole disappearance case.

"So, Danny... Did you detected anything weird?" Almerich ask the boy while he wait for his tea. "Well... I didn't found any trace of human or other beings, only trees and animals. There does... Something different when I use my radar, but I can't tell what."

His confession put a slight grim on the group, and Melisa felt a chill already. She weak against horror story and ghost sightings, and it sometimes made Almerich wondered why she choose to joined the Mirage unit.

Christine reluctantly tried to speak, and after a long sigh, she start confessing as well. "I also had something to said... To be honest, my Inner Voice Phantasm suppose to be useless other than communicative purposes via telepathy, but it's also possible to be used to hear voices we usually can't hear... And I hear many strange inaudible whispers and what seems to be a desperate, distant scream."

Obviously, Melisa are shivering in terror, while Almerich and Noir are thinking seriously. Even for those who deal with supernatural case, a mysterious case such as this still gave them chill, especially when you can't shake it off by saying "It's just your mind" or "It can't be true", since they know that there does something happened.

Soon the sun would fade from the sky as night come, and the the darkness would enshroud the forest once again...


Author's Note

Long time no see guys, and hope you like this chapter! I pretty much enjoyed this new arc, and this seems going to be great. I hope you would like it as well. :)

Next chapter would come on the next week, around six days later. See you later until then! 

Confession: When I write this chapter, it was midnight, and it give me some really bad shiver, especially since the light are off. 0__0

Edit: Do little change on Astina's introduction and extended Reynold's speech right after that.

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