Chapter 34: An Island Beyond the Sea

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A man in his 30' was resting in a wooden chair in front of his garden. His elegant, long black hair and his earl grey tea made him as if he's a bloodline of a nobble. "Nothing better than taking a sip of tea in a peaceful day like this.." He sip the warm, bitter tea.

It's been few weeks without any big case, since the last incident in Blightsmire. Everyone either having some off days or going away. The city itself still in recovery, but most of the damage already covered, other than few buildings, public facility, and the stadium. Everything went smoothly and will recover back to normal soon.

Suddenly, he felt a slight hint of abnormality. A tiny glimpse of magic energy approach him, and as he await, then come a white dove with letter in its beak. "This letter and this magic.. Miguel?" He pet the bird as it chirp, then he took the letter. As its mission finished, the dove disintegrate into white fragments.

"He won't use his magic only to say hello, because even guys like him can use phone..." He thought."Then this must be important." He unwrap the letter and read it:

To Fahmir von Stadthelm

My friend, sky was still blue, sun still shine, but an impending shadow are undoubtedly closer to us.

I had no time for a proper greeting, and you must know it from the nature of the situation. Yes, this is urgent. I officially ask your help; both as your old friend, and as your client. I wish to had your force beside of me, as this was beyond my control. Don't worry, I would handle the payment later.

I can't explain the detail here, but I could only tell you this... If you truly Fahmir, then you would understand this sentence:

The prophecy were true. The temple could be in danger.

I hope you would respond soon.

Your friend, Miguel Aberque.

As Fahmir close the paper, he held it in his hand tightly. His relaxed face turned to dread worry as he uttering words. "The temple... This isn't the time for enjoying a cup of tea! I need to prepare everyone now!"


On the next day...

Spain, Airport, 13.07 PM

Sun blaze the ground as always. Group of young teenagers in casual outfits was waiting in outside of the airport for a cabs.

"So.. Can you told me the detail yet? Going to Spain all of sudden, and you said it was emergency?" Noir complaint. He wear sunglasses, a pale blue denim jacket and simple black shirt, with bottom pants in same color.

"I didn't even get the full detail yet. And once again, we're not going to Spain. Once we arrived at the port, we'll go to Catalonia." Fahmir answer as he fix his sunglasses. He wear his usual formal suit, though this time was less formal as he wear black leather coat.

Almerich wear loose grey pants with brown stripped-shirt and black hoodie with red touch. He sighed. "Catalonia? As a new nation, they're small and quite peaceful. What kind of case could happened there?" Almerich asked.

"I don't know yet..." Fahmir replied in flat tone. Melisa cross her hand and glare to them. "Come on!! You said we're going on a trip, not another job!!" She greatly disappointed. Can be seen how she wear lemon sunny blouse, white frilly skirt, and pink sandals. Fully equipped to take on the beach.

"Sorry Melisa, I though it's a trip when Fahmir told us to pack up, and on the next day, we're going to visit a tropical island." Then a cold tone from no one but Almerich heard."It's actually Mediterranean climate, but close enough. Anyway, for those who keep complaining..." Noir was sweating as Almerich switch his eye glance to her and it turned into a glare. His eyes show repulsion of her, as seems it's speaking 'go away!'. And true, as he speak "Then don't go if you don't like it."

Both start their glare galore again, and once again, Noir was in middle of them. Before it actually continue into an early Phantasm battle, another girl stood up. "Okay you two! Enjoy the weather, and NO fighting!!" Laya sway her finger. She wear sleeveless black shirt and mocha-colored cargo pants. 

In behind, the biggest man only wear long sleeved grey jacket and blue jeans. He suddenly speak. "They arrived." And so then, two taxi arrived. From the front one, a man in blue hair, a glasses boy with short pale brown hair, and an older man with hazelnut brown emerge. "We're ready to go!" Tybard come out from the window with a big grin.


Balearic Sea, Passenger ship, 14:23 PM

In that ship, most of the Mirages rest in the dock, enjoying the view of the endless blue horizon and sea waves in that sunny day.

"Almost arrived at Balearic island soon. Ahh we're gonna sleep at hotel and play at the beach!" Tybard announce his plan as smiling brightly in expectation just like a child. "Bro, we're not on picnic... But I admit that's sound fun!" Noir reply, and both smiling at each other. Truly, anyone who expect that Tybard is less childish then Noir, then they're in big mistake.

"Guys, wanna have some melon syrup?" Johan come with a plate consist of cups with fresh-looking emerald drink, complete with the fruits. "Wohoo nice!" Tybard dig in first, while Noir frown. "Where do you get these? You're not using your Phantasm on the chef, isn't it?" He jokes.

"Silly, I ordered them when Fahmir said we should go get some drink. He said we'll go for a little investigation right after we check in on our hotel." He put the plate below the parasol, then drink the syrup as well.

"I still wonder though.." Almerich spoke as soon his drink finished. "Why he need to invite so many people into this mission? Airline ticket isn't cheap even for him, and I doubt he do it all so we could enjoy a nice trip to an island." The others didn't respond right after, but considering it was Fahmir, then Almerich had a really good point.

"Let's just say that Fahmir just being cautious, as Catalonia is far from Hessenstadt, so we could not call for immediate backup... Or he does want everyone to enjoy a vacation once in a while." Noir suggest an answer. Tybard and the rest agree, unless Laya, which didn't mind it all and keep munching the fruits.

A distant call disrupt the discussion. "Guys, the island already nearby! Pack your things!" Reynold speak aloud from far. As they turn to his direction, can be seen that few miles ahead, probably less than 10 kilometer, an island with towering cliffs and colorful rooftops filled the sides.

Balearic islands, an archipelago of small islands, which now part of Catalonia's monarchy ever since they declared independence. Right now, Balearic island is filled with tourist. Many of the locals open a restaurant or work as a tourist guide nowadays.

The ship dock soon on Majorca, the biggest island in Balearic. As the Mirages take a step in, they took a sightseeing on the beautiful port and nearby shops. The architecture, art style and taste in general is quite unique, merry and colorful, making tourist to be pleased right before they even arrived at the island.

"So... our duty?" Almerich put his hand at his hip as he ask Fahmir. "Let's see... I need to speak to my friend first. Guess you guys could wait at either the hotel or go eat somewhere else." Fahmir busy texting someone, probably the one he just mentioned as friend.

"Okay..." He send his last message as he put his phone in the pocket right after he peek at the clock. "Enjoy your time, because we don't know yet of what about to come later." He go as he wave his hand slightly, heading to the road up ahead the hills.


Majorca island of Balearic, Seaside Cafe, 15.28 PM

View of the ocean can be seen as the terrace slowly get higher the further to the beach is. In that restaurant, the view was beautiful, with various tourist and locals passing by. Some cart even sometimes pass by, mainly to attract tourist as easy way to in-and-go through the hills.

In the rooftop of the building, 7 teenagers sit nearby each other in using two parasol-table merged together. Various dishes was there, mostly are seafood with Spanish-like taste. Complete with the famous dessert of the cafe; "Sunny Banana Split", with yellow ice cream, strawberry syrup, and watermelon slices.

"Almost an hour already. Fahmir sure take his time.." Noir bite his spoon in his mouth. "Maybe he got distracted by pretty girls at the beach!" Tybard joke around as he chuckle. Fahmir suppose to said he would call them as soon their objective was clear, but it took more time than what they expected.

Laya put a big gulp of her banana split. "Come on Ty, stop mentioning about boss and just enjoy the meal. After this, we all have fun at the beach! Agree?" Tybard maybe childish, but Laya was even more careless. She often speak aloud without thinking much first, or maybe not at all. However, I admit her idea was tempting, and we did wish for a fun trip though.

"...Maybe get loose a bit was fine. Fahmir said for us to take our time, and nothing could go wrong with took some little rest at the beach." Almerich spoke in his usual dull face. Everyone was speechless and looking at him, while he was being clueless. For Almerich to agree on ditching job and priority over trivial matter such as playing at the beach? Tomorrow, we gonna had meteor rain or mega earthquake.

And so, they decide they would play a bit while waiting for Fahmir, which also would take much of his time.


Somewhere in Serra de Tramuntana...

Atop the mountains in the far southwest of Majorca island, there was a man who just paid his cabs and now must continue by feet. After an agonizing, tiresome rocky journey to the top, he take an instant rest as he panting heavily, yet with still his serious composed face.

In top of the hill, there was a small house rest in the edge of the cliff. Wavy blue sea can be seen clearly, as the hilltop wasn't so big nor had many trees. Fahmir took his time to rest, he seriously hate activity that require labor. He rather fight for hours than climbing mountains, because the first thing can be solved using his nimble agility, analysis, technique, and experience. The second one? You only need stamina, endurance, and some muscle power. Fahmir lack in all.

Soon a man with blonde long hair around the age of Fahmir come out from his house. He had a soft, gentle impression, fitting with his pale white skin and slender figure. He's Miguel.

"Good day, my friend-" Miguel was about to greet his friend with a bright hospitality, then he notice his dear friend was nearly dying. "Your house... is too far... and too high..." He spoke with still his usual serious, matured tone, but covered by his fatigue. Miguel could only smile and shook his face slowly.

"So, Miguel... Shall we speak now?" Fahmir fix his black coat, trying to fix his self image as well. "Of course. Shall we discuss along with a good old tea and biscuit?" Miguel open the door for the man. "Affirmative, please." Fahmir smiled.

The house was minimalist, very modest and traditional. The atmosphere was warm and serene, with many woods and pottery decoration, a painting of a far away forest, furnace with carpet and furry sofa in front, and a small stair into the next floor, which lead to the bedroom. In many corner of the house scattered with bookshelves in classic elaborated topic inside. Rarely politic, some was theories, many was philosophy, and even many more was an old book about histories of an unknown society. Let me get it straight; about magic.

Fahmir sat in the long table of dinning room, but was very small and only could hosted up to 6 people. In top was handmade pale napkin and wooden plates, and a larger bowl with fruits, especially green and red apples. Truly, Miguel had taste in design when it about color, thought Fahmir. His house made to looks warm, in mean of modest and simple, with dominant color pale white and brown. There no flashy color, unless that apple, painting and decoration, and the furnace when it's on. Fahmir prefer house like this than the colorful one.

Miguel gave basket of cookies and pour down a tea, traditionally made. "So..." Fahmir began speaking as he bit the cookies. Perfectly made, he review his cookie in mind. Hand made, made with all natural ingredient, flawless without any fake flavor and preservative. "Where you get this urgent message?" His tone as serious and sour as always.

Miguel close his eyes, preparing himself. "You remember when this islands still part of my motherland, Spain?" He instead spoke nostalgia. "That time, some people still respect this island as sacred. Right now, there hardly anyone who do, since it's just a huge tourism spot and newly made cities... Thanks god that the temple didn't." He sighed again and push his chair off the table.

He continue speaking as he walk through the room, into one of the wood cabinet. He took a small box and bring what's inside out. "However, for reason... The seal gradually weakened since years ago. It's only about time." He show the content; a small fragment from what seems to be a horn.

"The seal? So the power of the temple fade?" Fahmir spoke. "Yes... the power does..." Miguel look at the horn fragment and took it to his hand. "Or perhaps... His power grow stronger." The composed face of Fahmir perfectly dissolve into terror. "....From the demon itself!? That can't be!!" His eyes open wide. Miguel nod.

"It's only a small chance..." He pull his chair and sit down again, then put the horn fragment back. He push the box to Fahmir for him to see it. "...But if his power truly returned, then the island will fall to chaos. The archipelago of the Balearic have now become part of Catalonia, and imagine how much would die if it collapsed!!" Miguel was in dread, he even raise his voice. His usual tone and face is an everlasting kindness.

"There is no time..." Fahmir stare at the horn fragment. "We should speak to the guardians of the temple."


Author's Note.

We're back again at another new arc, and this one is pretty big, I should say! 

This arc originally made many months ago, around... *see draft* I think around January... 0__0 Yes it's that old.

After delayed few months, I get inactive due to many reason, such as my condition before I move to my current house. At that time, the basic idea of this arc already made, but vastly different from now. When I say vast, it's a pretty big difference. Originally this will contain dragon and a priestess-like figure. Then during that time, I created the previous arc, and decide the priestess should just go there, resulting Isabella. The dragon then removed as demon instead since it's more fitting. 

Then, it changed again and again, until I change the setting from Spain to Catalonia by turning it into a whole new nation, for reason I won't reveal yet. It's also a great coincidence I use Balearic island since it had a demonic legend, and the geography of the place also just perfect.

Short long story, this arc delayed for a long time because it's complex, unstable and hard to be decided, require many research, and the concept itself change many time. Finally it was ready, and I'm pretty satisfied with the result. :3

Wanna know how complicated it is? Wait for the next chapter. There would be some historical highlight that honestly pretty confusing. We'll only talk and focus on the certain part of it, but there some free explanation behind the island's history, and I don't expect you guys to understand it. XD Oh well, don't worry. You'll still get about the plot.

That's all for now. Next chapter might submitted next week or maybe ten days later? I'm not sure since I had lots of stories to write and this arc also need lots of care. So I'll be careful.

Anyway, that's all for now. Hope you enjoyed it! :3 

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