Chapter 37: Full-Scale Assault

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Inside the main ship used by Velazquez family, on the storage room, a veiled man prepared a certain ritual. He take out a chalk and draw on the floor, adding circle to circle and symbols inside, writings, and lastly, a stone. A rune stone.

"It's now connected. Go." He speak to his communication device, and after few minute of wait, spark of energy start to come from the circle as a figure with red hood materialize slowly, illuminating the dark room. 

"Ahhh I never like to use teleportation... My body felt weird..." A young man with spiky hair complaint. "Don't complaint. It's the most effective form of transportation." The older man respond unemotionally. He reach reach the cargo around and grab the papers that he just put there as he entered the room. 

"This is the detail of the mission. I already told you the summary, but if you're interested, you should read these." He gave the man some paper and walk out toward the entrance, followed by the other. They goes through the engine room, walking up to the dock. 

"Hey Deva, are we gonna face Noir and Almerich again?" He grin enthusiastically. Deva just turn to him to answer with a plain tone. "Yes. Ricardo and his group of weirdo isn't reliable, and we can't trust his father." He turn back forward as they reach the dock, where Ricardo have been preparing his weapons. Many blades and guns scattered around, from halberd, long sword, axes, assault rifle, shotgun, to a grenade launcher. Two of his Luchador is there, while another one can be seen on the pathway nearby.

"Not this, not this.... Hmmmm...." He get occupied by his own mind and didn't realize, or didn't care, about the two guest. "No good, I need to get more. Adomus! Bring me shelf number three!" He shout at the big blue-skinned man on the pathway, and he immediately respond by doing so. 

"Ahhh Deva! And... Is that a friend of yours?" He point to Varain, which replied with a big cheerful smile. "I'm Varain! Just Varain!" He extend his hand to the man, which welcomed him nicely. "Cool name and easy to remember. I like it! Just call me Ricardo." He laughed, and the other guy laughed too.

"So Ricardo, is these all belonged to you?" He look around the weaponry and snatch the nearest knife to try. "You like them? I collect all kind of weaponry all over the world! Glad I find someone who could appreciate them!" He laugh again merrily. Deva surprised that the two are compatible, but show no care at all about it.

"Well I'm searching for the right weapons to fill this empty shelf. You see, we can only carry one shelf since we only had one strongman to do the carrying, and he- Ahhh there he is!" Ricardo stand up the moment he see his underling bring a refrigerator-sized shelf, which slightly reminding of coffin too.

"He's Adomus, one of my Luchador, six loyal fighters of mine. Among the six, he specialize in brute force with outstanding strength and durability. His body even modified to withstand pain and damage to its maximum point." Ricardo proudly introduce his unit as the big man drop the shelf to the ground carefully. It's clearly very heavy, maybe heavier than a refrigerator.

"These two in here is another example of my Luchadores. He's Kenneth, also known as the Grizzly Murderer. A sadistic-masochist man that used to be a chain killer, and still obsessed with mutilating people even now. On the other side, she's Eliana, usually called Eli. Though seems to be mute, she could speak and she's a really nice girl. Just don't get her mad or she'll goes berserk." Ricardo introduce the two other Luchador casually and the two couldn't respond back at the slightest, nor the other two who's being introduced to them.

As he speak, Ricardo was opening the shelf. It's locked with few safe code, and after few click, the lock opened. Inside, there is wide arrange of weaponry, mostly melee items such as swords, axes, and spears. All of them however looks special and not mass-produced compared to the one that scattered around the dock. Seems they all either magical weapons or enchanted.

He carefully start to take them out one by one, piece by piece. "Deva, Varain, you're allowed to borrow some if you want." Ricardo hum a song as he choose his custom armory. "No thank you. How about you?" Deva decline and look at Varain. "I want them, like, lots of them, but I doubt I'll use them..." He sigh, actually want to try all these fine armament. Even their design already deliciously sleek and beautiful.

"You can always try. How about this one?" He handed the man a dagger with fantastic serrated edge, decorated with green lines. "This is Vipertear, made from poisonous magical snake. Be careful, since they're so poisonous." Varain take the blade on his right hand and scan the details from edge to edge. It does a fine magical weapons and easy to use. He swing and stab the air with it. Also very light. He want to try all those weaponry but doubting they would be effective because his Phantasm already could shape into any weaponry, but having weapons with different attribute such as poison would definitely be fun.

"I'll try this, thank you~" He put it back to the scabbard and store it inside his robe. "What about those two?" Varain asked. "They already got their own custom weapons, so don't mind them." Ricardo busily pick weapons one after another and stuff it to his empty shelf, then lock it.

"Let's make haste with the preparation. We'll go with the chopper again, just like before." Ricardo pointing to the shelf and Adomus effortlessly pick it then carry it on his shoulder. They soon goes back in to the ship, preparing their last preparation before the mission start.

Velazquez family gathered last night on their secret base near the ocean to get into this ship, where they relocate all their weaponry and asset for the later usage on the attack. Most go by car, unlike Ricardo and his gang that use the helicopter. Normally, he had the chopper to just go into his own way, but Ricardo need to attend the briefing first with his father, not to mentioned that all his armory was shipped on the ship since the helicopter can't carry them all. They review the mission and everything, which according to their leader, was all about resurrecting Baal and restoring his idols. Ricardo however already got his own plan...

After ready, they go with the ship to Balearic, which is the most suitable transportation since using the air will only attract attention. Here they are now at Majorca island, where its coincidental on where Noir and his team can spot them.

The group still scope them from afar. Their binocular isn't enough to see the peoples from such distance, but they know whose ship is that. Velazquez known as mercenary family, so even if they use such ship on the public, no one will be curious. The problem is, if they attack them, the public will be instead accusing the Mirage.

"Can't we just attack them already? You know, Noir, with your Claymore?" Laya asked impatiently. "Huh!? It's impossible! The maximum distance for accurate shot is just few hundred meters!" He shout back at her. "Ask Almer if you want to do that. Right, Almer?" Noir turn to the ravenette, which can only exhale, rubbing his face slowly.

"Guys... This is public area and we're not doing open-scale war. We need to wait until they attack, or at least, we can't attack head on to their ship. This is far outside of our jurisdiction and it would be considered crime to destroy their property without an investigation first."

As they argue, Gourd notice a heliport on the back of the cruise ship and it start its engine now. "Guys... Look." He point there. Everyone quickly get into their scoop and view the helicopter that start levitating already. As the rotating rotor finally turn to a full circle, the chopper start flying and heading into their way, sending wave of wind and sound blast before it gone away.

"What the...." Noir get his transceiver and call on Fahmir. "One of them divert alone using a helicopter. Fahmir, where they going!?"

"I knew it... Some of them going to depart from the group and move independently. I'll keep an eye of their movement. You guys move back and ambush the ordinary enemies around you from strategic location. We'll deal with the chopper later." Fahmir speak through the transceiver to Noir. According to the plan, Fahmir predicted them to launch attack from shore to mainland, so whoever first in contact with them should move back and attack them carefully, not head-on straight to their main force.

"Alright, we'll move back slightly. Almer." Noir speak and look at Almerich, calling him to continue it. "We'll move back from the city to a villages up the mountain, then attack their convoy on the road by surprise." He instruct the plan. The group nod and rush in from the rooftop to the emergency stairs and retreat from the area.


Another nearby city in Majorca, Balearic...

A team of four man was waiting at top of a building until they been informed about the change of tide where their enemy have been spotted by the other team, and now heading to the center of Balearic.

"So, where'd we need to go? They won't reach us anytime soon." Tybard as the group as they walk down the building, moving quickly into another town as they speak. "Hmmm I don't know the cities around for sure, but I rather attack from high place and spot them from afar." Melisa replied.

They look at Johan and Gourd, which did not contribute at all to the discussion. "Uhhh... I think I prefer to attack them from behind or side. I'm not good at direct offensive position..." Johan laughed awkwardly. "I.... Just follow what you guys want..." While Gourd also being as passive as always. Really, Tybard shook his head on seeing such two being combined in one group, while on the other side, they got the hot-headed one such as Laya, and at least a passionate fighter such as Noir and Reynold. 

However, in term of power, all team is perfectly balanced. Not like they could complain about it.

They agree on going to higher ground and wait for their enemy to come. When they come, none of them would see it coming...

Meanwhile the Velazquez's convoy move from the shore to the mountains of Balearic using cars, mostly military trucks. On the way to the forest, on the uphill, the driver was carefully navigate through the cliff, until all the truck stop all of sudden.

"Hey, why stop all off-" The drivers behind the front line come out and yell, but halt it when he see boulders was blocking the road. Just when they come out from their vehicles, suddenly a large boulder from the hill up there fall down straight to one of the truck and crush it down. As the soldier went panic, soon another boulder follow up and destroy another truck. 

"One... More...!" Gourd use his Phantasm, Atlas's Guts, that capable to lift extremely heavy object, to carry the boulders to both block the road and now to smash their trucks off. The soldiers are running away, but then green mist come out from the way behind, tranquilizing them as soon they inhale it. The remaining soldier grab a gas mask to prevent the gas from affecting them, which was working. 

They were nervous, did not know where the enemy may attack. In the mist, they aim their weapons around, and then scream start to heard. The soldier went panic and trying to figure out what happened. Beyond their sight, up on the hill, Melisa charge her energy arrows and shoot any of the enemy that she could spot there, of course with just non-lethal arrow since not like she could bear killing anyone unless needed. However, some of them was smart enough to hide behind the boulder, knowing the attack come from above.

"I guess it's my turn~" A sound come as soon the green gas dissipate. Tybard was using his headband to cover his mouth and nose so he could hide inside the smoke screen. The soldiers about to react as soon he speak, but it's too late as a jab punch hit them, and then a straight punch to another nearby. Two soldier on far try to shoot him, but Tybard simply evade behind the rock, and as the soldier continue firing, the man already behind them and put both to sleep with a powerful swing of his feet. He inhale, and as soon it's safe to breath, he put the headband back to his head. 

Melisa and the group soon goes down too with a shortcut from behind, where Tybard use to ambush them. "Impressive. None of them got squashed like a watermelon!" She said sarcastically, knowing just how destructive his punch is. "Well of course. Against these guys, I don't need to fully activate my Phantasm. Just a tiny bits of its power is enough to take them down." Tybard stretch his arm and soon yawn. "Johan, your dose is too high! Even without direct inhale, it still made me drowsy!" He complain to the brunette that only could smile. "We had no other choice. These guys fully armed. After all, since you had Phantasm, my Panacea won't affect you as much as normal people, so with that resistance, you won't fall asleep instantly." 

Tybard rub his eyes, which still pretty sleepy. "Alright, alright. The area is clear anyway~" He grab the transceiver and try to made a call. "Tybard here! We cleaned the first wave of the mountain area! Where is the rest?" He speak with loud and clear voice to not sound suspiciously drowsy. "Good work. The second wave should be heading northeast. As you know, both wave head to Serra de Tramuntana or Tramuntana mountains, where the temple located. However, according to my analysis and prediction, I foreseen that their secondary objective before going to the temple is to restore the Idols of Baals that scattered around the mountains. Prevent them from reaching any of the idols at all cost!" Fahmir ordered new objective to them. 

"Well.... That's far... I wish I keep one of these trucks so we don't need to walk." Tybard sighed. He blame Johan for making him all sleepy like this and now he's totally not on the mood for this. 

"If you guys want, I can do a little help." Johan smiled as he show his left hand covered with his aura again. "Oh not again Joh-" Without letting him finish, he shot a small sting to the man and the aura absorbed into his body. In almost instant, he felt energized and all fresh, he may even say he's feeling all excited. "...It felt great! What you just do?" Tybard getting all passionate all of sudden. "It's like an energy doping that would refresh your body system by accelerate stamina recovery and energy process. You'll be hungry and feeling aching muscle later for hours, but with my medical treatment, you don't need to mind the side effect." Johan explain the technique lightheartedly. 

"I'll do the rest for everyone so we could run straight for an hour or more. We'll get ahead of them by taking advantage over the forest terrain instead using the road." He prepare more injection for his friends as he speak. 

When everyone ready, the group rush down the hill and going through the forest, heading northeast to Tramuntana mountains.


Meanwhile near the shore of Majorca island...

On the back part of the city, Noir and the group suppose to ambush the Velazquez convoy and eliminate them quickly. However, it's not an easy thing since they spread around everywhere. Fahmir instruct them to just take out the nearby enemies and not to face their leader yet, at all cost. 

So, taking the group by surprise, Noir jump in with Laya to kick the head convoy, while Almerich fling away their vehicles, rendering them helpless by the sudden assault. Unfortunately, the blast attract more soldier and now they cornered, getting shoot from two side just in the middle of a road.

"Damn! Come on!!" The Velazquez soldiers fire all the round of their rifle, but the four people between the two shooting side just stand idle. None of them can see a series if Phantom Blades circling around, protecting them from the shoot. Noir look at them with bored face. He want to slice them already but he prefer not to kill needlessly. If only Laya is outside from the circle, she already snap them from behind, but she couldn't do it since they're everywhere.

"Oy, Reynold... Why don't you help at all?" Noir glance at the older man who simply stare at the distance. "I said, I prefer not to kill civilians. You don't wanna see all these peoples get burned alive, right?" He sigh. If he had gun, he could eliminate them easily, but he didn't carry them anymore.

"No need for that. The charging was done." Almerich extend both of his hand to the side, aiming at both of their attacker's side. Swirling energy form in his hand into sphere. "Noir, gave me a little space just so that my grenade can pass through your blades..." He warn his friend about his plan, and he do so. "Double Psyche Grenade, go!" The two projectile fired to the soldiers and explode, blowing everything and sending them away.

As the hail of bullets stop, Noir deactivate his Phantasm. "Now that's an instant victory. Like winning a battle in just one attack, or two?" He switch around, looking to both side of the road that is getting ruined by the grenade. Luckily there is no house nearby, or the casualty would be big. This is not Hessenstadt, and SPD had no authority in here. If they destroy public property or even cause troubles, no one can cover them. 

Fortunately, no one suspect anything about the SPD, nor knowing that their enemy is a family that plan to resurrect Baal. This would properly be reported as gang fight, since Velazquez is indeed a mafia-like mercenary family.

"Alright, done! Now what's next?" Laya smile enthusiastically. While Noir and Almerich look at her and amazed on where she get all those energy. "We'll go to Tramuntana mountains. As what we heard from Fahmir just minutes ago, their goal is somewhere in Serra de Tramuntana, which is a series of mountains. Just for a fun fact, the highest point in Majorca island located there, so it's a pretty big mountains." Reynold open a map as he speak. It's very far from their current location.

"Well, it's very far. Other than Laya, we won't reach the place in just an hour of running... So we had no other choice. Almerich, please un-flip one of their cars so I can drive it." Reynold ask Almerich. The boy simply point to several crashing trucks near the road. "Those? I doubt it still functioning, but alright." Reynold wipe his face with his hand. He should told him to spare at least one.

"That's alright. I'll try if any of them still functioning." Reynold confirm his order and Almerich nod, levitating one of them carefully, flip it, and land it to the road. The damage is pretty severe, and this one even had the tire distorted. No way it's going to work properly. The rest looks even more wrecked, so if this not working, then the rest not going to. "Oh well I guess we're gonna walk all the way-" He halfheartedly announce their situation that is desperate and need to go marathon over hundreds of miles, until he see another of the similar truck heading to their way.

The driver stop and soldiers jump down from the side. "What the heck!? All the main troop have been defeated by just four people!?" The driver was shocked, and the shock turn to fear when he see all of them was smiling, looking at him.

"Look, Reynold! Free transportation!" Noir smile and point to the driver.

"I don't mind running but I guess we need to borrow your truck." Laya ask their permission with a carefree, innocent face and tone.

"We had no other choice. I'll be considerate on not beating any of you if you surrender the truck peacefully." Almerich speak to them with no trace of sympathy.

"Hey, you heard the kids! Leave the truck..." Reynold head over the truck with a grin, along with the rest, and crack his fingers. "...Now."

After few meaningless effort of the soldiers of Velazquez, the Mirage group take over the truck and drive away, leaving about 15 peoples unconscious on the road.

"Ahhhh finally we could move!" Laya happily stretch her hand and pop her head out from the window while Reynold drive. Almerich clean his bloody fist, where Noir was looking with dumbfounded face.

"I don't expect you actually beat them too, for real..." He speak to him, still quite surprised. "You guys do the same." He respond simply. "But none of us use our Phantasm! You actually empowered your punch with Poltergeist, right? Those two poor guys pouring blood!" He shout at him in comical way.

"I'm not physically strong like you guys, so I need to add little force of distortion to my fist. It won't kill them anyway." He respond flatly again. From behind, the front seat, Laya lift her hand. "Just saying. I'm physically strong enough to do some fightin, but even so, I use my Phantasm there. So he's not the only one doing it." She speak nonchalantly. Considering they armed, it's OK for her to be like that. After all, Noir himself use his sword as shield.

Noir just nod, he's not going to argue anymore. "Oh well, not like anyone would care. They're group of mercenary. Their death not going to be a big fuss over media, in case anyone of them actually died." He speak as he remembered how Almer blow them with his grenade earlier on. Really, everyone one Mirage know to never mess with Almerich because while he's not a hothead, he can be destructive and often take things too seriously.

Their vehicle soon travel away from the cities and going into the mountains.


Not so long ago, Serra de Tramuntana, Baal's Temple...

Four people were stationed on top of the fortress-like structure and watching the area carefully.

"Good. Everything go under control. Now the only problem is why one of them decide to separate itself from the main wave by using a helicopter? Surely there is a reason..." Fahmir was trying to analyze the plan of his enemy again. Their enemy is trained mercenary family, that work including for assassination. They're not as stupid as the bandits they fought at Stockverst.

"Could that be the odd son of Velazquez, Ricardo? I heard about his selfish reputation where he prefer to march on his own. However, he's a clever man and he didn't do it because of a rebellious nature. He must had a different goal than the group, but what?"

The man continue to gain insight and hoping to get a vision already, but there isn't any. Meanwhile Miguel was looking at the sky, and soon detect something coming from the distance.

"Everyone. Something fast entered this mountain and heading here through air." He notify the group, and Fahmir know better. Speak of the devil. "Tch... So they aim at us directly?" He prepare his sword by start accumulating mana on it.

Meanwhile on the other side of the mountain, Ricardo land his Apache. He come out along with his group of six fighter. When they reach the end of the forest, they finally reach the area that they thought as Baal's temple.

"Ohh here it is! Alright where is the Mirage-" He abruptly stop his sentence as energy blast fired at him, where he instinctively jump back to evade. As the dust dissipate, four men was approaching them and stop not so far from the entrance gate.

"As expected, the diversion is the young successor of the family, Ricardo Velazquez." Fahmir unsheathe his saber and point it to the man. "Aren't you quite of fool? Attack head on to your enemy base, and also only with six person to back you up?" He smirk, taunting his enemy, which didn't show any concern at the slightest.

"Is that so? Well I'm not going to follow my father's boring plan, so I create my own. Of course I'm not a fool either, because I already talk about this to him. He follow my fabricated scheme become one of my pawn too." Ricardo start to reply, or ramble what seems to be needless information. "He's now heading to Tramuntana mountains, and I know you divide your number to few group, and one of them might meet my father soon..." He smirked back at Fahmir, right when Fahmir's smirk slowly fade when he realize what the man means.

He's not the diversion. He is not the main force but he's the main card, with just few person to secretly attack their main target. Their strongest player, the main force, instead seize their smaller target, and soon might meet the other Mirage member, where Ricardo fully acknowledge that the Mirage separate itself to few group. It's a smart plan. Fahmir's plan is to attack them one by one and not to face them head on, but Ricardo counter it by putting their strongest card on one of the convoy to annihilate the divided Mirage units, so if one of the other failed, AT LEAST some of the Mirage will be decimated. 

Meanwhile his plan to face the guardian of the temple by his own group does reckless, but working well because their defense have been separated, so the temple isn't so well defended. Fahmir plan to leave the temple with just four of them because the Velazquez was separating itself and to attack them first before they reach the temple. However, the twist is that Ricardo predict that they would separate themselves too into few group, and he take advantage over that by using such counter. 

Now Fahmir was really sure there is someone behind their back if they know the Mirage that well.

"You.... Who are behind you!? I know you're not alone, and someone from outside of your family is helping you!" Fahmir get agitated as his plan used to attack him back. Truth is, Fahmir dislike disorder and didn't like his plan getting ruined. He always try to see further and plan further to prevent this, but being used by this just hit him on the spot.

"Ohhh you mean Deva and.... Crap I forgot his name. It rhyme with rain." He said nonchalantly as he forgot someone that he just greet hours ago, especially after he said that his name is easy to be memorized. Fahmir totally knew who he just mentioned, and his deduction is right. "Anyway, they're not here because they decide to take a little detour... I believe, right now, they're having some touching reunion, right?" Ricardo smirked even more, and Fahmir's face was sweating.

"Don't tell me..." Another bad scenario come into his mind. "They're attacking Noir and his team!?"


Ten minutes afterward, in another city of Majorca island...

The truck was moving smoothly into another city. Everyone was resting, and then Almerich suddenly go standby, looking at the window.

"This presence... Could it be..." 

Noir wake up and looking worried at his friend since he's being all serious suddenly. "What's up, Almer?" 

The ravenette squint his eye and observe the building around. "I think someone was watching over us. It could be..."

Suddenly, Reynold turn his steering wheel as black spikes formed in front of them and block their path. The truck stop, and they were caught off by it. Laya even thrown back to her seat, moaning "Ouchhh" as she rub her head. 

They head outside and watch around cautiously. "No mistake.... This shadow power.... It's him." Noir glance at the black spikes that slowly submerge back into the ground, becoming semi-transparent shadow again.

"Nice. Seems everyone still sharp as ever... Mirage." 

From behind the truck, two men surfaced from black pool of liquid-like shadow that seems to work like teleportation. A man in black hood and veil, and one man with spiky black hair painted with scarlet streaks appeared.

"You two again!" Noir prepare his sword, fully knowing who the two is and their capability. They're not someone they could take on easily.

"All of you can face us at once, or just two of you is enough. Both are profitable for us." Deva slowly speak, though it doesn't seems to be taunt. "What do you mean by that?" Noir cautiously ask with a low tone. Varain chuckle in response. "Everyone on Velazquez is busy handling their own duty. However, with you, Mirage unit, scatter around like this... You won't be able to beat them. If you fight us, everyone else will mostly get their ass wiped soon. Your choice." 

The Mirage was glaring at them in such a pinch condition. They can't trust their info, but if they're right, the other was in danger. This is a smart plan to divide the group into smaller parts. Right now they toy them with two decision, which is to leave two of them fighting and save the rest, or stay there but the rest could be in danger. Not willing to take a rest, they took the safest option.

"Reynold! You and Laya go help the other! We'll be fine!" Noir turn to Reynold with certain eye. Reynold was conflicted over leaving the two unsafe or leaving the other in danger. Though unwilling, he leave them and entered the car again. "You two better survive this unharmed!" He yell at them as he start the engine again and drive as fast as he could.

"Heh, they took our advice... Which is good for us, since this battle become fair and we had a better chance to win." Varain smug over the two with their upper hand, but Noir didn't think so. "Not a chance! We'll finish you two quickly and help everyone afterward!" He prepare his blade and stay in fighting stance, and so does Almerich that activate his Phantasm too.

Deva laughed at the joy of able to fight his old enemy again. 

"Well, isn't this such a good time to settle this?" He lift his hand as his shadow began to materialize. 

"I'll be sure to made our second encounter to be worthwhile." 


Author's Note

Phew! Finally able to upload something after more than a month of mini-hiatus! Actually, I was pretty busy right now, handling two battle thread on Wattpad forum (Epic Battle Game and Fantasy Character Death Battle) as a moderator, plus I'm joining some shipping week for my OTP (It called Asurayuu/Yuuasura from Owari no Seraph, btw), but on the twist, I had best chance to be active on this week since my roommate is away, so the computer is all mine all day long! :D

I'm pretty excited on finally be able to upload Crossing Illusion again. Since last month, I was busy doing my other stories, mostly Sugarcoat: Game of Promise (which also my NaNoWriMo project, but I halt it soon, because I don't wanna write in hurry and I prioritize plot of the story, so I can't continue it yet), but now I'm back for the mood of Crossing Illusion. Sorry for you guys who need to wait for long, since I don't wanna rush my story and I want them to had good quality.

Anyway, wow, the perspective/location change is way more often than usual. There's usually like 2-3 change of perspective/location in a chapter, but this one had like 5 change. I think the story slowly get more thick and complex as time go, as the story advanced, which is good.

Since I had some spare chapters for the next few chapters, then I might be able to upload another chapter next week or ten days later. Hopefully. Ciao until then and hope you enjoy the story! ^-^ 

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