Chapter 39: Twofold Retaliation

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In one of the mountain of Tramuntana, blast and blast seen from afar.

Miguel try to hold on the magic bombardment with his own magic, each sending fireball, thunderbolt, anything they had, but each cancel each other. The small man named Ugor certainly not a normal wizard.

"That's enough, Ugor. This getting too long." Miguel sighed as he see no result after all these minutes of watching the firework. "Eli, attack them." He look at the silent girl with the hoodie. She slowly look back. "Can I use anything...?" She asked timidly. Ricardo smiled brightly. "Of course! Do it as you please."

He then back away slightly along with everyone. "Then... I'll use that." The girl point to a massive rock as it began to shake of and start to levitate from the ground. She point it toward their enemies and the rock was thrown to them, causing everyone who's in awe to run away from her. "What the... Levitation ability? Telekinesis?" Fahmir quickly back to his feet and observe the girl. She calmly continue levitating more huge stone around, and Fahmir was more than just in awe. He's shocked because not even Almerich can do this so effortlessly.

As they evade one after another, she uproot trees and thrown it to them, and basically any object. Soon the entrance of the place is all messy and deranged as dust and smoke blown everywhere. The girl yet still in her unmotivated face. "That's enough Eli. Now..." Ricardo tap her shoulder, then look at the small mage. "Ugor. Made sure you blast them good this time."

From beyond the smoke screen, the four can see bright torch of flame sphere formed in the air. They barely escape the solid object rain, and now they're going to be finished.

As the fire blown into them, another fire blast from beyond the smoke screen into the flame, causing blast as the two torrent of fire meet and making the air blown by the heat and moisture vapor.

"For Pete's sake.... One minute late and everyone roasted. One minute early and we're crushed." Sound coming behind the smoke as it slowly became transparent view again, revealing that Laya and Reynold was arrived. "You're pretty late, but I can't complaint..." Fahmir laughed weakly as he tried to wake up, and so does the other three.

Ricardo's expression change on the sudden shift of the tide. He know they're heading here, but he didn't expect them to be this fast. "Well, well... Seems this is getting more balanced. However, I still had the upper hand." He prepare his blade and gun again. "And in case more of them coming, I can handle them with my Phantasm." He add additional comment inside his mind.

"We don't had much time. Soon their leader will reach the idols and it will weakened the seal even more. We must make haste." Fahmir prepare his saber again. "Alright, I'm in!" Laya replied positively and Reynold could only smirk at his opponent, being cautious on their movement.

"Then I'll start it with this... Ugor, smoke!" He command his Luchador as the petite mage tap his staff to the ground, and from the skulls come darkening smoke that soon engulfed the battlefield.


Somewhere else in Majorca city.....

Barrage of shadows pierce and flow through the city seamlessly, able to cut things at ease without an even slight delay. Noir and Almerich flight back and land on the pavement as debris blown around. From buildings on the side, scarlet-cloaked man jump around like a cat and pounce down on the two unsuspecting target.

"This guy-!" Noir retaliate as his swing his blade above, meet the bloody blades of the other guy that result spark of energy. Almerich unleash projectiles of psychokinesis force toward Deva, which swat down by his shadow tendrils effortlessly. More powerful blown fired at him, resulting bigger explosion, but Deva simply barricade himself with walls of darkness.

"Useless. I'm on my maximum power by now. I don't even need my full strength to defend myself against your Phantasm and anything else. My shadows is invulnerable to all but light!" He send his arm forward, commanding his shadow army to launch forward like a spear. Almerich know he can't defend against it, so he run back as fast as he can with his kinesis acceleration, and eventually flight shortly, then take a sharp turn to the intersection, making the shadows blast through the buildings instead.

"Oi, we're not taking responsibility on the destruction around here. There's civilians around!" Noir shout to Deva as he try to fend of the red-haired one. Varain laughed as he jump high and and beside Deva. "Do you think we care? Don't you had any idea how much people we killed already? And what made us care!?" He continue to laugh amusedly, put his hand on his forehead as he barely holding himself.

Noir get even more irked, but no use to debate about such details. He see some peoples already fled as the battle start. Good thing they're in small city. It's still busy time so there could be people watching, but either way, they didn't had much choice but to fight.

"Then I'll be the one who stop that!" He prepare dozens of shining blade in air, pointed right at his enemies. Varain made an "oooh" sound of amazement while Deva simply raise his shadow walls. The blade launched and stab the walls, but not strong enough to pierce through. Then, without them knowing, something fall down from the sky and it's way too close when Deva realize a car just head straight from above to him. A loud crashing sound made as debris blown and the vehicle wrecked, meet with the barely-made shadow shield of Deva that barely could keep on. The shadow might be invulnerable to physical damage, but he can't support the weight with just his body, and he didn't had enough time to fully encased himself in shadow barrier, so he's holding it by hand.

Deva and Varain roll out as Almerich continue to assault them with large debris from building to the road pavements. Seems he's not holding back anymore and decide to disregard the casualty, since it's not their authoritative location anyway. Noir jump into one of the debris that crash the road and shout "Almerich!", and the other boy know what to do. He levitate the structure and send it flying to Deva, which was protecting himself with his black barrier, and didn't realize an attack from another side.

With a battle shout, Noir put his strength and delve his heavy sword deep into the shield, penetrate the layer easily, but Deva manage to evade. When the barrier collapsed, what existed inside isn't human, but shadow doll. Noir and Almerich quickly try to locate the real one, but he's nowhere to be seen. Then black tendrils rose up from below, entangle the white-haired boy on the hand and feet. Taking the chance, Varain spring out his blood blades and rush in, but of course Almerich won't let that. A surge of psychokinesis beam fired to the red one, causing him to thrown into the road, rolling and spinning and bleeding, as the blast hit right on his head.

The veiled one appear from one of the nearby rooftop, seemingly amused. "Excellent cooperation, but you failed to see through my trick, Shadow Replacement. I can swift my position with any of my shadow unit, and..." He lift his right hand as if he controlled marionettes. "...I can create so many of them." Dozens of ink-black being materialize, awakened from the shade and given form. Compared to his doll that he use before, this one noticeably smaller and lanky, almost like a stick figure. "Lesser Shadow Puppets, attack."

They jump down and raid down the two Mirage member. Noir lift his heavy sword again and swipe the nearby one, and they surprisingly easy to kill, but overwhelming in number. He de-summon his sword and summon two smaller, longer sword. With greater speed, he jump to them and start cut them down efficiently. Almerich could do nothing but dodge around, but when he try to blast them away, it surprisingly enough to blow them, albeit no damage caused. While they're still only vulnerable to light, but they're more lightweight now, and impact seems to affect Deva's Phantasm in general, albeit once again, no damage.

From the vanishing black puppets, Varain emerge and wildly swing his scarlet blade. Noir carefully dodge it and overwhelm him in both speed and strength, surprising his opponent which didn't expect him to improve this fast. He smirked and jump back, as he crossed his two hand and release it, launching small red spikes. "Blood Needles!" The projectiles goes through Noir, some able to graze and pierce him. As the white-haired one kneel, the scarlet one goes in and prepare to stab him with the gift from Ricardo; The Vipertear dagger.

However Varain notice a slight smirk on Noir's face. Before he able to react, small Phantom Blade in form of knife materialize and slash his feet, stop his movement for a moment. Noir was in disadvantage, but he sense his partner coming, so he just need to buy a time.

When Varain turn, he's was late to react again as he see the black-haired boy already stand beside him in a martial art stance, clenching his fist in full strength and punch the man from his side, knock him away with the Phantasm-imbued fist. The scarlet one just get up quickly as he land on both feet and hand. His body protrude with his Blood Claw Phantasm, but Almerich able to catch up before he react. He dash with accelerated pace thanks to his Poltergeist, and in full strength, he dive his palm again against the scarlet one. He put his open hand there as he release his charged energy. "Shock Shotgun!" A force of shockwave goes through Varain's body, flesh and bone, and blood burst from his mouth. He thrown back as if he just get rammed by a car or something worse, since he can felt his backbone breaking.

"That's for what you did to Noir on our last meeting, Varain." Almerich stay in his stance as magenta energy still emit slowly from his palm. Before he able to finish him off, silhouette spears fall down from the sky as Deva descend down, riding his shadow tendrils. "Not bad, but this is as far as you-" He immediately stop his casual talk as his eyes dilated, spotting the white-haired swordsmen rushing into his with his two cyan sword. Instead making barrier, he try to send down his shadows, but Noir can easily knock them away with each swing. His thin sword isn't enough to cut them down in a strike, but enough to just send them away.

Deva try to dodge, but he can't do much. Noir successfully strike him as the man evade, cleave open his right wrist and blood spray out. Finally, he's been waiting to see him in pain.

The veiled one scream as he frightfully held his wounded arm with his other hand. Noir continue to advance, but Varain compel him by manipulating the blood drop of Deva and send it to the attacker like bullets. It's just a shot, but a single ballistic shot entered the man's chest, fending him off.

"We're retreating! Now!" Deva ignore his wound and use his both hand to weave large amount of shadows. Almerich send volley of missiles to him, but Deva able to shield himself and retreat, erect towering black structure that soon shift into a sphere, then it float away into the direction of the most nearby mountain.

"Damnit! We almost did it!" Noir curse as he's still agitated, but he know better than chasing them down won't do any good for now. "Well, I highly doubt chasing them will do any good. Who knows where they lead too?" Almerich try to calm his mate down, and the white hair counterpart turn around in complaint. "Come on, Almer. You can send me flying and I can shoot them down with my blades!" He suggest an idea, which is pretty good for Almerich, but he still refuse. "It's too risky. And not like killing them is our priority, because they're only a distraction. Meanwhile the temple might get attacked."

That words open up Noir's mind as he just remember about their priority. "Ah crap! We waste too much time here! We should search for vehicle..." He look around in hurry, but Almerich tap his shoulder to stop him from going away. "No, we had another way to go." The blue eyed one look at the red one which was smiling. "You're right about one thing. I can send you flying. Both of us."

He prepare his Phantasm as the Poltergeist start to cause spiral of wind. "Hold on to my shoulder!" He told his partner and he do so, but as their body start levitating into the air, Noir shift his hand to held him tightly instead. "Oi, shoulder, not my sides." Almerich halt the ascension, and the situation suddenly get awkward. Noir stutter slightly before he reply. "Ohh sorry! You know, it's kind of surprising when you start lifting, like losing your feet of the earth..." He try to made up an excuse for his instinctive movement, and Almerich only sigh. "Well whichever is fine for me, I don't mind. We'll fly now, so hold on tight!"

He activate his Phantasm again as wind formed and they levitate into the sky, wrapped by the force wave and slowly start moving, before he add more speed until they goes fast enough to reach the temple in less than fifteen minutes.


Serra de Tramuntana, Baal's Temple, half an hour ago.

Ricardo command his mage Luchador to blow smoke all over the area. Everyone would assume it's for covering themselves, probably so that they could do surprise attack, flee, or prepare something unexpected. Not even Fahmir know what happened, but he predict that an attack will come soon.

Then, massive boulders goes through the smoke, blowing the cover slightly as everyone can see the projectiles coming, but too late. Just as they about to react and evade, the stone crash to a layer of shining barrier mid-air, some roll back to the ground and other get reduced to smaller bits of rocks and dust.

Miguel was there, with his wand glowing, writing something out of thin air, and the ground below him emit light. "I know an attack will come. Don't worry, I'll not let anyone breach-" Just as he try to reassure his allies, barrage of fireball thrown there, then lightning bolt, then ice blast. The barrier flick, but that's all. Meanwhile on the other side, the samurai-looking Luchador approached the magical wall with a stride of composure, drawing his long red-hilt katana, and whispered words. An incantation or poem on his mother's tongue. The sword start to shine like the sun, then he unleash it in battle cry, slam it to the barrier and more flicker of energy made.

Soon the barrier start to crack, so before it break, Garcia and Lionel step forward and deliver and attack to the man as their weapons passed the boundary. The samurai pushed back unscathed but his armor scratched. He got back into his stance, with another two fighter behind him; Adomus and Kenneth.

The serial killer move first, draw his grizzly blades and grin, only to be countered by Lionel which draw his spear and swiftly thrust forward, impale the thin man. Blood spur down, but he's still moving. Weird, just like before, it felt too easy for him to just receive the blow like that, and not to mentioned he survived the last one when his body rapidly stabbed through everywhere. Regardless, Lionel swing his spear, throw the man away. His lightweight body fling into the enemy territory and hit a tree.

"Ouch, that's gonna hurt." Ricardo casually comment on one of his own subordinate. "Well, now we're on an even number." He smiled nonchalantly and shoot his gun around, making explosion of alchemic-gunpowder on each shot. Miguel easily deflect them, as each bullets deflected. Then a vibration-like ring heard as something more powerful hit the barrier. The explosion is rainbow bright, like gems shattered to billions pieces and each shine brilliantly. One, two, three more successive shot thrown. Miguel look around, trying to find the source...

"There." Suddenly Fahmir replied, glaring at one of the tall tree few meters from the main enemies. A girl with dark-brown hair were holding unique-looking sniper rifle."Keep on the shot, Lizzie." Ricardo glance at her as he speak. The girl doesn't respond or even flinch, staying on her dark camouflage. If not because of Fahmir, she won't be spotted. But alas for her, Clairvoyance can see many things that ordinary magic can't even detect. Regardless she keep shooting, until she seen danger coming in form of hot-incandescent fireball, and in a blast, destroy the tree.

"Tch, she dodge." Reynold hissed. Meanwhile, Miguel try to repair his barrier from whatever shot she made. It's so powerful, it looks like pure magical energy thrown from the sniper.

Lionel and Garcia stay in defensive position, trying to be cautious against the sniper, but she solely focus on breaking the barrier, for some reason. Lionel throw his spear up on the air, but it instead levitate upward. He focus his two hand on praying position as they clasp together. "I'll use my spiritual power to control my spear and hit the sharpshooter. When she's distracted, you go for the Japanese warrior." Lionel whisper to Garcia, and the taller man nod.

"Lanza Cruzada, aim to the heart of wicked one." He chant to his spear. "Go!" With the command, his spear launch itself to the sniper lady which was hiding behind the tree. The spear goes to curve route and aim on her. She dodge frantically and hide on another tree, but the spear fly around like it's a remote control helicopter. She took a quick stance and shot the spear down. It flinch, but won't fall. She keep shooting. But then she suddenly moan as if her blood drop low. "My mana running low." She just realize that she shot enough ammunition. Her sniper rifle, Opal Beretta, is a magical weapon that suck up her mana and use it for ammunition, resulting prismatic colorful blast, hence the name. It's powerful, but the bullet travel slower and she can't keep shooting all the time or she'll faint, even dying. Which is why she took the duty as sniping - one successful shot for each head is the best way for her.

Meanwhile, Garcia readied his blade. His heavy broadsword meet the sleek and thin katana of the red-armored man. Spark of metal made for each attack. First Garcia swing down his sword, second, the samurai step back and deliver quick light cut on the saint, which block by the bigger sword.

"You're skilled. I can sense a swordsman's spirit within you." The Japanese-looking warrior speak. "Oh so do you, Mr. Samurai." Garcia replied.

"This will be a honorable fight. Who's your name?" The man took stance as he prepare his blade on his side. "Garcia. Garcia Marrow. Also known as The Executioner of Balearic. One of the descendant of the saint that guard the temple which your master try to seize." The samurai nod his head lightly, as sign of respect. "Hayato. Kyouma Hayato. Also known as the Half-Blind Samurai. I'm the last descendant of Kyouma clan, and now serving under master Ricardo Velazquez"

Hayato prepared himself, put his strength and concentration at his fullest. Wind blow, showing his right side of the face which was covered by his hair at default. There's one long, vertical scar across his cheek to his eye, which shut close and never opened again. "We're swordsmen, born and life to kill. Our sword is the only witness and partner that we need. Now, saint, be prepared for your death!" He dash at incredible reflex and agility forward. Garcia barely could withstand his merciless, constant, fast and deadly slash.

On the other side, Fahmir finally step out from the barrier, along with Laya. "Remember the plan. Don't you rush into them, and only aim to one of them. Either the mage, or that telekinesis girl." Fahmir speak. "Aye sire!" Laya replied in cheerful, passionated voice. He then turn to the two. The mage were occupied with Reynold, and the girl stay stationed with bored, dull looking eyes.... Wait, she's not. She's trying to keep herself awake! Laya realize that and going to aim for the girl.

"One.... Two...." She activate her Phantasm and draw as much power as she could, as much as her body could withstand. Three times faster than speed of motorcycle should be enough for her. "Three!" In a shout, she dash. Her initial jump create much wind on her force as she dash straight to the pink-haired lady. However, as she just about to reach her, instantly her eyes open wide and shine like a full moon. The red-haired runner pushed back as she's just a meter away from her, as what seems to be invisible barrier protect her, and she thrown with such strong force, she fly straight back to the temple's wall. She scream, and part of the walls break. Then she fall limp. Some of her bones must been break.

"This is bad!" Fahmir thought, and realizing they're in disadvantage, it's not even worth for him to rush in like her too. He retreat and unsheathe his saber, and stand on her side. Then he point it on her as healing light start to shine.

"One down for each side!" Ricardo laughed. His facial then change as if he forgot something. He look back and notice that Kenneth was there. His wound is all gone, and only his clothes torn apart. "Sorry to discount you, Kenny. I just forgot you can't die." He laughed. The thin, slightly shorter man smirked. "But master Ricardo.... It was pleasurable.... I'm shaking.... That spear tear my organs and backbone. I took my time to recover, and.... I enjoy every second of it...." His voice is all shaky, and Ricardo smile sourly at him, feeling tad disturbed. "You're as weird as always..."

The leader of the six Luchador look around. "Should we end this already? Also, where's Lizzie?" He ask. "I'm here!" Her voice is loud, bold, but surely not commanding toward her master. "And where you was?" The man asked. "Chased down by flying spear. Then it suddenly fly back to its user after few minutes."

On the other side, Lionel was having his spear on his hand, still seemingly praying, gathering spiritual power. "Aghh..... I really don't like it when I run out of spiritual strength..." He sighed indolently. Meanwhile Miguel glance around the battlefield. Lionel were exhausted as he can't control his spear for too long. Garcia occupied by the samurai. Reynold busy countering whatever the mage thrown. Laya is crippled and Fahmir were treating her wound. He himself can't move as he focus on the barrier. This is really bad.

"Okay, settled. Game end. Adomus, you charge. Eli, you throw heavy stuff to break the barrier. Lizzie, you kill anyone you can snipe, and stop focusing on the barrier. I told you to kill whoever you want." Ricardo speak. "Well, sorry. My ammunition is limited, so I try to focus on killing the barrier mage since he's the key player." Ricardo shrug it. "Whatever."

Fahmir still treating her wound, and both of them won't be able to move for now. He glance to his enemies. Ricardo point to Miguel, and the muscular hulking blue-man dash in great strength to punch the barrier, which flick as if it's a glowing mirror.

Garcia was trying to help, but as he move, Hayato strike him. "No. Don't avert your eyes from your enemy." He warned. Lionel wield his spear and stab him, but there's barely any scratch made. Adomus ignore all the attack and focus on punching the barrier again and again. From the enemy's side, Eli uproot two trees without even moving, seemingly do it by her mind alone. The heavy-weight tree logs fling to the barrier as it flick harder, and wide crack made.

Adomus keep punching, and then, something hit his head. Part of the temple's ruin fly right at him, sending him away. Everyone look at the direction, and realize four new people entered the battlefield. All of them looks exhausted, especially the blonde girl which seems to be half-dead, seconded by the brunette teen that sweating all over himself. The blue haired man was sweating too, but not looking as tired as the rest. And there's also bigger dark-skinned man looking totally vigorous. How not? He just throw some of the temple's ruin boulder away.

"Took you long enough, Tybard!" Fahmir smiled brightly at the sight of the hope. On the contrary, Ricardo looking confused. "Wait.... Wait..... My father and his troops supposedly distract you! How could...." He stare at them, rambling around and in mess of state between utterly surprised, panic, and upset, and yet he's excited to fight more people. Although his main worry is defeat by now.

"I know your father would aim at different target beforehand. While your appearance is out of my prediction, I already prepared for this, so I call them here for backup." Fahmir confidently explain the reason. Ricardo get even more confused. "Wait, I can't believe this! You let the idols of Baal left unprotected while enemies heading there? Absurd!"

"Who said it's unprotected?" Miguel's turn to speak. "Far before all of this happened, I already live here since long. The sacred site is protected with my magic and I don't need to do anything for now." He bluff.

The young successor of Velazquez observe the whole bunch of enemies. First it's 6 vs 7, but now it's 10 vs 7. If only they appear bit late, this could be done quickly and cleanly....

"No other choice. I'll go all out..." He lift his hand up above. "Adomus! Throw my shelf to the woods!" He commanded the Luchador and the macho blue-man do as he said, lifting and throw the shelf as far as his muscle let him do.

"I warn you, Mirage and saints.... Doesn't matter how much number you gather on me, it doesn't matter. I'll be able to handle it...." He smirked before he quickly turn away and goes into the woods.

Fahmir and the rest about to follow him, but the rest of the Luchadores is on the way. Adomus goes in first with full strength, followed by Hayato and Kenneth.

Tybard jump into the line, activating his Fist of Polaris that coat his knuckle with celestial-like energy, and strike into the larger, heavier fist of the dark blue-skinned man. Surprisingly, it's even. Their fist clenched, and Tybard smirked, slightly sweating. "This man... Had outstanding brute strength!" He can't hold him anymore and pushed back. Because while the initial impact of his punch will always be destructively powerful, it doesn't mean he had super strength or anything.

Meanwhile, Fahmir dodge the sharp attack of the samurai gracefully. As he about to counter, his Phantasm send him dangerous signal. Lizzie shot a brilliant spark and the man dodge as if he see it coming. "Melisa!" He shouted, and the blonde girl already aim her arrow by then, always ready for an attack. She shot down the trees where the sniper hide, and she run from it.

On the other side, Gourd wield heavy boulder and throw it to the small girl on the enemy side, but by just staring at it, the object halt, and sent back at him on greater speed, knocking him out. Just by that, Reynold use Conflagration and send pillar of fire on her, and she evade, rolling down, barely escaping. "Ohh so there's also things you can't block, huh?" He smirked. Everyone thought her power is like Almerich, that is force that affect all physical object, even fire, and can be made into force field, but they're wrong. Seems it's just a really powerful telekinesis.

Meanwhile the Luchadores occupied, Fahmir goes into the forest, only to retreat few minutes later as he almost fall to Ricardo's trap....


On the other side of the island, a sacred sites.

The place is like ruins, same with the temple, but it's bigger, since the whole site span hundreds of meters, where various of ruins, pillars, relics, scattered, decay by age, covered with vines and mold. On top of the hill, there's circular hall with marble stone, a podium on the center, two guardian knight statue in scale about ten meters, and a smaller statue of humanoid, demonic deity, chained down and kneeling. The idol of Baal.

"Hundreds years ago, the glory of Baal worshiped with such marvelous, grand idol. Now the saint seal his curse in this makeshift imitation of mocking idol of his mighty figure being subdued. Ironic."

Large group of armed man, leaded by an old man in purple robe and heavy armor, while on his side is noblewoman-like with furry fan.

"And it seems.... They're not as careless as they seems. They've seen this danger, and this site isn't unguarded."

Just as he's halfway into the top of the hill, the two knight statue vibrate in mana. It activated, and their eyes opened, shining like the sun.

"O unwelcomed stranger. Answer to us, the protector of the cursed power; What thou seeketh?" They spoke in union. Deep, reverberating, imposing voice.

"I seek to awakened Baal. Get out from my way." Jorge answered bluntly.

"Ye shall not obtain what you seeketh! Away!" Their voice getting louder.

"Don't command me, you golems, artificial being of man! How dare you disrespect me!" The leader of Velazquez step ahead by himself, and the two statue also start moving. Crack and sands fall down as they began moving, after hundreds years lies dormant, still, unmoving completely.

One of the golem open their hands, summoning several fireballs in the air. They thrown to the armored men, but he react nothing other than simply slap them away with his hand, sending them back at the user and made their stone face crack. He move forward, and in response, the other golem swing his sword down, but it somehow repelled as it hit Jorge's armor and the knight move back a feet. He took the chance. With great strength, he leap into the front of the golem, and punch it down the face. The solid hard sculpture break as its  head fall down and their body stop moving.

The other one unleash fury of flame as bigger and more fireballs summoned. Jorge didn't had time to counter and consumed by the flame. Meanwhile some of the fireballs fired at the Velazquez's troops. They run, but the lady did not. Her body wrap in flame to, then she casually walk away from the flame unharmed. On the other side, a random soldier suddenly ignite in flame, in response as her body burned. "My, what a savage being, attacking a lady like me."

From the sea of fire below the golem, the armored brawler spring up and land aside. The one last golem swing down the blade, and Jorge throw both his hand forward. Upon contact to the blade, a knockback impact made, and the living statue thrown away, fall from the cliff, and collapsed as it meet the cliffs.

The victor, Jorge, reap his prize and objective.

With gleeful smile, he stare at Baal statue. Eye filled with obsession, hungry for power.

"Idol of Baal... This site is place where they contain the leftover power of Baal, the demon that once rule this land. In order to prevent his power from returning, they made this to weakened the curse. Fool them. This will be their demise. As long his power remain exist, he'll be awakened again."

With that, he placed his hand on the podium and start chanting the release spell. After minutes, the demonic statue emit dark malevolence aura.

In hours, the power will return back to the temple, and the place will once again become unholy. 


Author's Note 

Hello there, nice to see you in another chapter. ^-^ This one is pretty long, isn't it? Long ago, short chapter is around 2-3K words, but now short chapters is around 3K, medium is 4K, and long is 5K. This one is 5K. The last time I had such chapter is the previous arc on the final fight against Bokrug. (Actually, that one is originally 5K, then reach the peak at 6K, but I separate it into two chapter because it's too long, and add details to each separated chapters, so both of them became 4K)

I try to thin it to just around 5000 words because this essentially is 5.5K words. I want to at least decrease few hundred words, but I can't do much but shortened it a little. XD

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