Chapter 5: Investigation of Redshore

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Cold air clinging to the lung each time I inhale my breath. Clearly, September is not a warm time of the year..

"They're late.. Fahmir said we meet up here." A boy with hair as pale as snow was talking. They're clearly in cold. Not even their sweater help.

"Hmm.. I think we should move around a bit? Maybe they was around?" The other male speak. His red eyes shine a contrast value than his partner's blue eyes.

"Nah... I had feeling they'll arrive soon.." The silver haired man take a gulp out of his pouch. Clearly not an alcohol, so it doesn't help fight the cold.

Few minutes later, a black European car stop by, its a Rolls Royce. The window slid open as a man with long hair and long coat speaking. "Come in!"

As the two enter, one of the ask. "Why must you took us to the place by car? We can go by ourself if you give the direct location." Ask Noir, the white haired boy.

"No, we should move together. The perimeter is dangerous, wide, and full of issues. Making you two waiting there would make you a sitting duck where the culprit may gang up on you. And beside.."

The man in steering wheel pause, looking at the two. "Those vampires rumored hunting down teenage. Additional point for your eyes, Almerich."

Almer know best what he meant about. His natural red colored eyes is similar to vampire. While his color not really red, as it rather pale rose of carmine, it still will add some suspicion.

The ride goes smooth after talk. Other than silent, its more like uneasiness, especially for the red eyed boy.


Brickbane city, Redshore district, 19:47 PM

From far of the dense urban buildings, a classic black car make its appearance. "We park here, it's too dangerous to park flashy expensive car in those area."

The boys step out from the car. Fahmir come out with class, as he wear his formal coat of SPD. For Noir and Almerich, they simply wear everyday casual shirt, added some jacket outside. Obviously, they need some extra thickness in the cold night air.

"We're gonna start from where?" Ask Noir. "Those busty apartment up ahead. Those are some crowded housing with various people goes in and out. It's relatively cheap." Fahmir describe the place while they walk through the main road into a smaller complex.

In one of the rent, enter a group of teenage. "Y'all ask for a night or what?" An old man with unkempt look was asking. "We're from the SPD. May ask things or two?"

The man startled. "Whoa dude! There is no problem here, I mean, sir." Noir and Almerich only get suspicious, but Fahmir stay in his poker face. "May we ask about a rather.. weird subject?"

The old man sweating, trying to figure out what question to expect. "Let just say... ever heard about the red-eyed one? People here maybe refer as... vampire?"

The old man stood still, with blank expression. After a long silence, he finally drop his stiffness. "Ahhh I got it, y'all play a trick on me!! Dude, don't do that to a good ol' fella like me! Hey... hey wait!!"

The man still talking as Fahmir goes out, followed by the two younger male. "Hey Fahmir, why we just leave?" Fahmir took a single thick stick from his pocket. He lit it in fire, burning the dried plants inside.

"He's innocent, and he have no info. I could conclude that as easy as reading a book" He sip his cigar and blow smokes. Unlike his appearance, Fahmir does smoke. An old styled expensive tobacco shot, just like the taste of aristocrats.

The black haired one nod, understand what does it mean. "Side ability of your Clairvoyance Phantasm... so, you could read mind?"

"Limited. I only draw few information from his reaction. Clairvoyance Phantasm give you a clear mind, so an insight may come. To read mind, all you need is a few grain of information, with help of his reaction to know whether he's telling the truth or not." The man with long black hair give a lengthy explanation before he put back his cigar at his mouth.

The white haired one seems to think until he smirk. "Could you.. use this ability to get money too?" Noir ask. Almerich drop his jaw, unbelieving at why Noir ask that.

Fahmir look at Noir, and answer. "Of course." He answered lightly, followed by "WHAT!?" of Almerich.

"We work at SPD, so we get paid for our ability, right?" The two younger boys have no word, just realize that it mean that way. Seems they conclude too soon about his boss.

"But I get money from using it out of my work. You know, playing on stock exchange, predicting economies... stuff you don't understand" Fahmir add his sentence. Now the two boys back on their disbelieve face.

"You don't use it on gambling too, right...?" Noir ask again. Fahmir inhale his cigar deeply before he ready to speak.

"You could say so. Just a bit." He then extinguish his tobacco bar and thrown it to the bin. "But I don't overestimate my ability. I also not a greedy man which aim to get as many money as possible."

Noir and Almerich turn their forced laugh to an an understanding, a little bit of respect. Normal people would go straight to Vegas and pull all the jackpot that they could take.

That short chat add little warmness in that night, as they continue their investigation.


Redshore, Iron Lantern Inn, 21:31 PM

"Fahmir took a long time.. Don't tell me he hangout at the poker house."

A man in white hair was sitting in bed, looking at his cellphone.

"Be patience, Noir. He said he's calling for backup."

Another man laying in bed, covering his eyes, seeming to be resting in dormant state until the other man was speaking just then.

Speaking of the devil, Noir's phone ring, an incoming call with name shown on screen as 'Clairvoyant dude', clearly refer to Fahmir. As he answer the call, they being ordered to go out as the units have arrived.

As the two teenage go down the small, old wooden stairs and meet the open door, cold air blow and the first thing they see, is hair as red as an apple. "HEYYAAA GUYS!!" She speak aloud, basically yelling.

"Laya? And Gourd too! So you go to the investigation too, huh." Said Noir, put his hand on his pocket. He regret not bringing some warm gloves on that night.

"Well, more guys is up around. We get lots of Mirage unit this night." She speak again. Almerich look around, and indeed, there are more people ready in their places. "It sure does. Usually, we only get two or three backup."

"That's correct." A man with long black hair close the door of the police car. Which mean his black classy vehicle is still on his place. "The place are hostile and we're against a community of vampire, which technically stronger than normal human."

"Not to mentioned that the reason for this backup is because we found another dead body, with fang mark on its neck." The red eyed boy adding the additional note on why they require backup.

"So... we gonna catch 'em and bring them to jail?" Said Laya. Noir then smirk. "Only if they're human, Laya. We don't put monster on jail, though humanoid one like vampire may make an exception. However..."

Noir put his hand in front of his face. "That's if they survive anyway..." Noir seems to just prepared to unleash his sword. He can feel that bloodthirsty tension felt the air, and increasing as night fall. They're watching the polices from far.

"Noir, put your hand down. While vampire, they still counted as human in legal law. We can't treat them like monster, unless if they ask for it." Said Almerich. "Don't worry, I'm gonna do some nice kick to make them all know pain!" Laya contribute to the talk with a rather brutal suggestion. Still, better than seeing Noir cut them to pieces though.

"Which is why I choose Laya and Gourd. We deal with intelligent, humanoid subject. In case we get in fight, it's better to do a non-lethal blow than killing them. Laya and Gourd are perfect for this." Fahmir lit another ciggs. He collect his breath before he speak for the last time.

"Alright, let me resume the objective: Collect information about the vampire, especially any suspicious activity related to my vision. Example is like plan for massive killing spree. We spread and also search for the culprit of the murdered body we just found. Ask any vampire you meet, but don't resort violence unless needed. Go!" Fahmir give his last speech before they all going.

From top of the buildings, shadow of what seems to be human was watching. Their red eyes shine like a red moon in the dark night. As they show their lustful grin, their fang also shown. Traces of blood was still visible even after they brush it off.


Author's Note

Thanks for reading and your patience. New chapter would be done after few more days ahead, but could also be done on next week. 

As always, some little comment and vote will be deeply appreciated ^^

Note: Apologize, next chapter seems rather too long. In fact, this chapter is bit too short and next chapter is bit too long. Please be well prepared.

New! This chapter now dedicated to @story_hunt for her contribution on editing my chapters! (I did not put her edit yet, but she tried)

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