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Serena's POV

After about 10 minutes, we finally arrived at school. I was the first one to get up and start walking out of the bus. Everyone else was groaning that we were finally here.

"Girls! C'mon! Let's go!" I tried pepping them up.

"Serena, not everyone loves school like you do..." Misty grumbled.

"Yeah... Just give us like five more minutes..." May drowsily said.

"You girls have to get out now." The bus driver said loudly from the front of the bus, "I don't have all day."

"Man, we gotta go now." Dawn sighed, as she got up and stretched.

"Serena, you go ahead." Iris suggested, still slouching in her seat, "We'll catch up later."

"Oh, alright." I said, a little disappointed that they didn't want to go.

"Don't worry, Serena. I'll go with you!" Ash said, putting his hand on my shoulder.

"O-Oh, ok." I stuttered.

It's happening again! I'm getting all nervous around Ash! As soon as he put his hand on my shoulder, I started feeling warm again! Ugh. This feels really weird, but nice at the same time.

When Ash and I entered the building, we saw a sign that said to head to the Principal's Office to get our schedule. The school itself was massive from the inside, so it was a good thing the signs were there to guide us.

We met with our principal and he gave us our schedules.

"Do we have any classes together?" Ash asked, observing my schedule over my shoulder.

"Um, let me see..." I said, closely observing both of our schedules, "We have 1st period Math, 4th period History, Lunch, and last period English."

"Wow! That's a lot of classes we have together!" Ash remarked, surprised at what I said.

"I know, right! It's great!" I exclaimed.

Woah. I said that waaaaay to enthusiastically. Why did I do that? Am I that excited to have that many classes with Ash?

"Well, we only have half periods today, just to meet our teachers." Ash explained to me, while looking around, trying to get to know the place, "And lunch will basically just be a free period."

"Alright, well what room is our first period in?" I asked.

"Room 216." Ash told me, now scoping out for something specific, "So it's upstairs."

"How do you know?" I asked, confused as to how he knew which floor the room was.

"Well, the hundreds digit shows what floor the room should be on." He explained, "So, if it was room 116, it would be on the floor we are on now."

"Oh, that makes sense." I said, happy that I at least know that about the locations of the classrooms in the school.

"Ok, let's get going now." Ash said, as he motioned for me to follow.

When we got upstairs, I observed that the second floor mimics the first floor in design. There were a lot more people trying to find their way up here than downstairs.

I was still looking around the second floor, trying to get accustomed to the place, when I bumped into a girl with blue hair.

"Hey! Watch it!" She shouted at me, attracting the attention of everyone in the hallway.

"Oh. I'm sorry..." I meekly apologized, not looking up.

"Look at me." She growled, pushing my chin up, "Don't ever do that again. Or else there will be consequences."

I was too shy to say anything back. The only time I would talk back to someone is with my mother occasionally. That skill would be really helpful now.

"Ok. That's enough." Ash stepped in, pushing her away from me, "Back off."

As soon as that girl saw Ash, her face expression changed drastically, but then she focused back on me.

"You got lucky. If you didn't have this cutie to protect you, it wouldn't have ended well for you." She said, emphasizing 'cutie'.

When she called Ash cute, I seriously wanted to punch her straight in the face.

"Anyways, text me sometime." She said, giving her number to Ash and walking away, "See ya!"

I have now officially found my worst enemy here at high school.

"Serena, are you alright?" Ash asked with concern.

"Y-Yeah. I'm fine." I quietly said.

"Ok. If she bothers you again, just tell me." He told me, with an expression on his face that said he would kill her if that happened, "Now, let's get to class."

"Wait." I stopped him, hesitantly, "Are you, uh, going to text her?"

"I don't really know." He admitted, "Probably not."

"Oh. Ok." I said in semi-relief, "Let's go."

Ash and I continued walking, side by side, to the classroom, leaving that hallway incident behind us.

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