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All of a sudden, I'm updating constantly, and I don't know why xD

Ash's POV

By the time I had slipped my backpack on my shoulders, Serena was already in the hallway and heading to the cheery blossom tree. I wasn't lying when I said I had to go to my locker, though. I haven't had my mom wash my gym clothes in weeks, so I might as well pick them up now.

Only thing is, my locker is all the way on the other side of the school. There's a potential three minutes I could spend relaxing wasted. But I kind of have to do it. I don't want to smell like the boys locker room every time I put those clothes on. The worst part is that I haven't washed them in so long, the stench will linger on my body throughout the rest of the day.

The hallways were pretty clear, for the most part, so I was able to sprint my way to my locker when there was nothing in my path.

As I got closer and closer to my locker, I saw someone with blue hair standing in front of it, with her back turned towards me. I prayed to every legendary Pokemon in the world that this wasn't who I thought it was, and approached my locker.

Unfortunately for me, the girl turned around as soon as I laid a hand on my locker lock.

"Oh! Hey, Ash!" Miette cheerfully greeted, as if she didn't expect me to be at MY locker.

"Hi, Miette." I grumbled, ignoring her and inputting my locker combination.

"So, what's up?" She asked, being ever so nosy and annoying.

"Just getting my gym clothes." I said, pulling my locker door open and grabbing my gym bag.

"Cool!" She chirped, as if what I said was the most interesting thing ever, although I couldn't see how that could be in any way, shape, or form, "You wanna walk home together?"

"What?" I said in disbelief that she went there that fast, and slamming my locker closed, "Why?"

"Well, I mean, clearly Serena's not with you, so I thought that we could walk together." She quietly said innocently, clearly trying to put on an act.

"Well, sorry. Serena and I are already walking home together anyway." I proudly said, boasting a little too gleefully.

"Really? Then where is she?" Miette asked, a smug tone now ringing in her voice.

"She's going to meet someone under the cherry blossom tree." I mumbled, recalling what I had read on that note earlier today.

"Ok. Would you like to know who it is?" Miette asked in an almost hypnotizing tone, a small smirk now rising on her face.

"Sure, if you know, I guess." I shrugged, secretly anxious to know who this person was.

"Alright. Serena is meeting with-"

"AAAAAAAASHHH!! YOU HAVE TO SEE THIS!!" A feminine voice squealed a decent distance behind Miette, her hard running and loud shout echoing throughout the hallway.

As I looked behind Miette to see who it was, I saw May dashing up towards Miette and I, along with Barry following behind her. They were able to reach my locker in two seconds after May had screamed, and that was pretty fast, considering the distance they still had to travel.

"May? What is it?" I asked, before realizing Barry was actually here, "And Barry, where were you fourth period?"

"I was actually at a doctors appoint-"

"THERE'S NO TIME FOR THAT!!" May shouted in all of our faces, making me flinch slightly.

"Ok, May. You need to calm down." I sighed, adjusting my jacket after she had stopped yelling.

"I'm sorry! It's just that something terrible is happening!" She yelled at a lower volume, still seeming frantic about whatever she was talking about.

"What's going on then?" I questioned her, starting to get a little worried, based on her current attitude.

"Come on! I'll show you!" She quickly blurted, grabbing me by my arm and dragging me in the direction she came from.

"Ok! Ok! I'm going! There's no need to drag me there!" I yelled, prying her fingers off of my hand, which took a lot more effort than I had thought.

"Fine. Then you better run." She worriedly said, dashing towards the nearest school exit, with Barry following behind her and me in the back, following Barry.

May practically rammed the doors open, because of how much force she had picked up from running so fast. Barry almost got sandwiched in between the two closing doors, but managed to slip past. Which meant that the doors were now closing in o! me, as they knocked me back inside the school. I was trying really hard not to get frustrated at a door, but I was really close to failing. Brutally, I pushed the doors open, scanning the campus for a sign of May or Barry.

I didn't see either of them, but I was able to see Gary waving his hands in the air, motioning for me to come to him.

Gary was in the middle of this huge crowd surrounding the cherry blossom tree, which was odd. I would imagine that everyone would want to go home immediately after school starts, instead of stand around a tree. Who would want to do that anyway?

As I slowly walked towards where I saw Gary, I had just remembered something seriously important.

Serena was supposed to meet someone under that tree. The tree that a whole bunch of people were surrounding.

I ran as fast as I could, dodging all of the straggling people who were not bunched up in the crowd around the tree. Gary had actually made his way to the perimeter of the circle, allowing me to easily spot him and run to where he was.

"Ash, come on to the front." He said, splitting the crowd once again to make a path to the front, "I'm not sure you'll like this very much."

"What's going on? May didn't tell me anything!" I frantically asked, aching to receive answers of any kind.

"Let's just go." He groaned, taking me by my arm and dragging me through the tightly packed group of people.

People were constantly saying "Watch it" left and right, but I really did not care, and neither did Gary. All I cared about was seeing what May was so concerned about.

Once we got onto the center of the crowd and closest to the cherry blossom tree, I froze.

Serena was there, as I predicted, but a person who I never ever wanted to see around Serena ever since seventh grade was there too.

And they were doing something that shattered my heart.

Calem handed Serena a rose.

And she actually blushed. She actually was wooed by that. I've known her for, what, my whole freaking life, and she's only known him for two days?

"Uh, you ok, Ash?" Gary asked, waving his hand up and down in front of my face.

"I'm..uh..I'm just going to go home now.." I sighed, turning around and pushing my way through the crowd.

"Alright! See you tomorrow!" I heard Gary shout, but I didn't acknowledge it.

There was too much going through my head at this point. Frustration, anger, and confusion were the main things causing a storm up there. I just wanted to vent all of what just happened to someone, but I realized that Serena's the person I always bounce my feelings off of.

And now, I can't do that.

I had pretty much my ENTIRE LIFE to say something, but no. I kept quiet. And look where that brought me.

Friends. That's all me and Serena are. Arceus has made his judgement, and now there's nothing I can do about it...

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