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Sorry if my writing is not as decent as it has been in the past. Still trying to get back into the swing of things.

Ash's POV

The second I got home, I threw my jacket on the couch and then went upstairs to put on sweatpants. I really didn't feel like doing anything today, and all I felt like doing was anything that didn't involve me moving.

"Ash, don't you want to go outside and go out with your friends?" My mom asked, "It's not like you to want to just camp in the living room all day; especially on a Friday..."

"I just want to watch TV and stay inside today." I stubbornly replied, continuing to shove mini pretzels in my mouth.

"Alright then. You want some more snacks? You look like you're close finishing that whole bag right there." She offered, already knowing my answer as she opened the snack cabinet.

"Yeah, sure." I said, eating the last of the pieces that were left inside the bag.

As my mom came into the living room with a bowl of chips, we both heard a knock on the front door. She looked at me as if she expected me to get up and open the door, but I told myself that I would not get up from this spot until tomorrow, and I will stick to my word.

"Coming!" My mom shouted, giving me a light glare, probably because I didn't answer the door.

As I heard the door open, I kept on praying and praying that the person who was at the door isn't the person I think it is.

"Hi, Ms. Ketchum. Is Ash home yet?" A female voice spoke.

"Hi, May." My mom responded, "He's actually in the living room right now, so you can talk to him if you would like to."

Alright, at least it's not Gary, so that was a small weight off of my shoulders.

Footsteps started to echo throughout the house, and I tried using my mind to slow down time for even a second because I had a slight idea of why May was here.

"Ash, May is here to talk to you. You two can share those chips if the both of you are hungry." My mom told me, walking upstairs after she showed May into the living room.

"Ash, can we talk for a second?" May asked, sitting down on a chair to my left.

"Let me guess," I started, "This is about Serena and that guy, right?"

"Calem, yeah." May informed me, "Are you still upset about that?"

"Yeah. I am." I quietly snarled.

"Well, are you mad at Serena?" May asked, trying to practically interview me at this point.

"A little." I said quickly and softly, not really wanting to talk too loudly or at all.

"Ok. That's good." She sighed with relief, "Because she's on her way over right now."

"Wait, what?" I said, sitting up even straight than I was before, "Why is she coming here?"

"You'll find out when she gets here." May crypticly stated, laughing after her sentence, "I guess I'll be going now. Tell your mom I said bye!"

"Alright. Bye, May!" I said to her as she walked out of the living room.

The moment May went out the door, I dropped my act and slouched as deep as I could into the couch. I really don't feel like talking to Serena after everything that's happened today.

Maybe if I get out of the house now, I'll be able to get out before Serena gets here. Yeah. Let's do that.

I ran upstairs to change out of my sweatpants and into something else, and I nearly crashed into my mom while doing so.

"Sorry, Mom!" I rushed my words, running past her and into my room.

"It's fine!" She shouted from the hallway, "When you get out of your room, tell Pikachu to get out of the clean clothes in the laundry basket! He won't listen to me!"

"Ok! Ok!" I groaned, looking quickly in the mirror before I left my room.

I swung the door open and started sprinting down the hallway, before remembering what my mom asked me to do.

"Pikachu! Mom bought three bottles of ketchup!" I yelled into the laundry room to my right and then ran down the stairs, not looking if Pikachu jumped out of the basket or not.

I hastily grabbed my phone on the couch and put on my jacket.

"Bye, Mom!" I yelled as I opened the door and started picking up speed.

The thing was, not even a second after I opened the door, I was stopped by someone who was standing in front of me.

"Hi there, Ash."

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