The Note

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Warning! This chapter is exceptionally long! I was writing way too much and stopped myself at 1542 words! That may be good or bad for you! I'm not really sure!

Ash's POV

"Ok, class! Today we will be learning about imaginary numbers!" The teacher announced cheerfully, as if math was the most interesting thing in the world.

"Ugh.. Come on.." I groaned, instictively resting my head on my desk.

Ok. It's enough that we had numbers to deal with when we were kids. Then, in middle school, letters were introduced. Ok, that's not so hard. But now, IMAGINARY NUMBERS!? There's no way that's actually a thing.

At least I was sitting in the back of the room. Hopefully I wouldn't get caught immediately if I took a nap right now.

Except, just as I was sinking into my sleeping zone, I felt a pencil whack me on the left side of my skull.

"What the-" I growled, ready to punish the person who disturbed my slumber.

I would've probably been really pissed if someone had just hit me in the head out of nowhere, anybody, really. But it turns out that it was Serena who hit me just now.

"Serena!" I whispered, slightly annoyed at her, "What was that for!?"

"You have to pay attention!" She started scolding me, leaning to the right from her seat and picking up the pencil she threw at me.

"But Math is pointless!" I whined, "I'm never going to use this when I'm out of high school!"

"You wanna bet?" Serena said, a confident smirk growing on her face.

"Yes. I do." I glared smugly at her, confident that I was going to win.

"Ash!" The teacher yelled, making the whole class turn their heads towards me, "No talking!"

"But it-" I started protesting, looking at Serena's petrified face when I was about to snitch on her, "Ok. Sorry."

I looked back at Serena to see a now thankful expression on her face. She owes me big time for taking all of the blame.

Even though Serena had thrown that pencil at me to make me concentrate in class, I still took a nap. Honestly, how could you not, because I would be interested to know that.

By the time I woke up, half of the class had already left the room, which included Serena. I mean, it sucks that she didn't wait for me, but I can't really blame her.

Well, off to 2nd period, I guess.


Serena's POV

"So, your homework tonight will be page 14 in the textbook, numbers 21-40." The teacher explained, before heading back to her desk to do work on her computer.

Man. Second day of school and we already have homework... If this is how bad it is now, I'm a little nervous to see how it'll be later on in the year.

And I'm also worried about how Ash is going to survive his Freshman year. Even after I disturbed his rest earlier this period, he still decided to go to sleep.

He can figure out what homework he has later today. I won't mind telling him, just not when I have to get to a class to get to.

So, Science is next. I actually don't remember what room number it is. I was only able to get to first period because I was following Ash...

I pulled out my phone from my pocket and checked my schedule. Room 207. Ok. I have to remember that.

Oh, wait. It's literally the room right next to my Math class.

I'm an idiot.

Upon entering, I saw Dawn taking off her backpack and placing it on the ground. I also noticed that Miette wasn't here yet, so that was a good sign.

"Hey, Dawn!" I greeted her, walking the seat next to hers.

"Hi, Serena!" She said, sitting down in her seat and turning towards me, "So, you wanna know something cool?"

"Uh, sure." I hesitantly said, taken by slight surprise because of her sudden question.

"Well, apparently we're getting a new student in our class!" Dawn cheerfully said, clasping her hands together.

"What..?" I said, surprised that we got a new student this soon, when I barely know everyone in this class, "Why?"

"I'm not sure about that." Dawn sighed, facing forward and leaning her back on the chair's backrest, "Maybe this person was just placed in the wrong class, or something."

"Ok. Whatever." I said, taking out my Science binder from my backpack, "The teacher's not here yet?"

"Actually, she came in early and said that she was going to go to the main office to pick up this new kid." Dawn informed me, tossing her pencil case on her desk.

"Oh, alright." I sighed, looking at the clock, which displayed the time to be 8:48.

Within the following two minutes, the other kids in this class started flowing in quickly, but out teacher still wasn't here yet.

Not only that, but I was kind of excited to see who this new student would be.

A couple of seconds after the bell rang the teacher was standing in the doorframe, waiting for us to quiet down.

"Ok, class. I have a very important announcement." She started saying, "As some of you may or may not know, there is a new student joining us this year. Since most of us are all new to each other, it wouldn't hurt adding another student into the mix."

Oh my lord. Enough with the speech. Just tell us who it freaking is already!

"So, I would like all of you to say hello to our new classmate, Calem." She said, stepping inside the classroom and letting the new boy follow her.

As I saw this boy, my heart jumped for a millisecond because I thought that it was actually Ash. Except, as soon as I got a closer look, it wasn't.

He was wearing a jacket very similar to Ash's, except it was long sleeved. His dark blue jeans dropped all the way down to his boots, the end of each side tucked inside. His cap was a solid reddish-brown color, with black sunglasses resting on the visor. His hair was also raven-colored and spikey, just like Ash's.

Honestly, he's kinda cute. But that's only because he really, and I mean REALLY, looks like Ash.

When he walked past me, I saw his pupils widen in an emotion I was not able to detect. Hopefully it was nothing bad or anything.

"Anyways, you can introduce yourselves later. Let's just get started." She said, popping open an Expo marker.

Science is really my best subject. I could honestly doze off like Ash and still do relatively well on tests. Relatively well meaning B to A-, but hardly an A if I don't pay attention.

Dawn was actually paying attention, which was a surprise to me. I don't remember the last time I saw her this attentive.

It really seemed like this class period blew by quick. By the time I turned my head over to look at the clock, it was already 9:34. 1 minute, and I'm out of here.

"Now, your homework is-" The teacher started, before getting interrupted by the ringing of the bell.

"Yes!" Dawn cheered, stuffing her belongings in her bag and jumping out of her chair.

"Huh. Alright. We'll continue tomorrow, then." She calmly said, erasing all the content she had written on the board.

"Dang it. I have gym next." I groaned to Dawn, throwing my bag on my shoulders.

"Um, Serena?" Dawn said, looking behind me, "You dropped something."

I was confused at first as to what she was talking about. I was almost positive I didn't forget anything before I had zipped up my backpack...

But, it turns out that Dawn was somewhat right. There was a folded up piece of paper on the ground where my backpack was positioned. I couldn't recall dropping a folded paper on the ground, but I picked it up, regardless.

"What is it?" Dawn impatiently said, stretching her neck over my shoulder.

"Hang on a sec." I told her, carefully unfolding the paper.

As I flattened the paper out on my desk, we both saw that there was writing on it. Not certain that Dawn could make out the words as well as I could, I decided to read the note out loud.

Dear Serena,

If you have time after school, please meet me under the cherry blossom tree to the far left of the school's front doors. I'll be waiting there for you, so it should be easy to find me.

Hope to see you there!

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