Ulta chor kotwal ko daatey

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Navya 's pov :-

" I left my job and now I'm jobless " hearing that three pairs of eyes flung towards me with shock . I can't blame them though . But I can't tell them what that asshole of Arjun did with me .....

Flashback 1 week ago .....

After my b'day Arjun and I started a cordial relationship and my life was smooth without any drama .....
But then , one day I took leave to attend an important lecture in college . After lecture I was hanging out with Anu , Laksh , Anand and Kriya . Working in office I didn't keep much tabs on my friends . So it was no surprise for me to know that Laksh started dating  Kriya and Anu and Anand for a change stopped their cat fights .
We were enjoying in the cafeteria while Laksh told us his love story with Kriya on his side blushing all the time . For few moments I was envious of their love but I was happy for Laksh .
     Soon I receive a call from Nirmala aunty saying that Arjun wanted to meet me in his office and that it was urgent . I excuse myself from my friends and reach office .
   I knock on his cabin door and heard a dominating  come-in . I enter his cabin and see him in his usual beast form . For a moment i get scared of him seeing his clenched jaw .
    Sir , you called for me ? I ask in my composed voice .....
     Do you know typing Miss Navya ?
I feel irritated at his question but then I nod my head and say yes sir .
Very good then miss Navya . Now start typing saying that he forwards his laptop towards me . Dear sir ,...... No no cancel that type
   Respected Sir ,
                              I agree that I've stolen the confidential files from your cabin and I agree to any punishment given to me by my management .
                                       Yours sincerely ,
                                        Navya Sharma .
After typing the letter , I look at Arjun disbelievingly and shouted What the hell ? Why are you accusing of me something I haven't done ?
Oh really ! So you haven't stolen that confidential file . Then why is
Dev Dixith sponsoring your Europe trip ? He asks me with
What Europe trip ? Wait a second .... Now I get it . You're accusing of betraying this company because you couldn't bed me in Delhi and after that you thought that I wouldn't come to office and resign but since I didn't leave the office you're accusing of something I wouldn't do ..... This is what is called Ultra Chor kotwaal ko daatey .....
Shut up ! Don't come to conclusions so easily . That day i had asked you to keep the files in locker . Since I don't steal in my office so left is you ......
Just think once why would I do something like that ? I ask him tiredly
Ofcourse for money . You're so low .....
Now just print this resignation letter and never show me your face . Saying this he dismisses me . Tears form in my eyes at his accusation but I don't want him to see me week and so I print the resignation letter and sign on it . Keeping it on his desk I go out of his cabin without looking back . I hurriedly reach home after buying a tub of chocolate ice cream only to find bhai and bhabhi fighting through which I came to know that they haven't moved from the time they were married as a deal ..... So that day I decided to bring them closer . To make then see how much dependent they're on each other without them knowing ...
So from next day I avoided bhab's questions about my office and arranged a date for bhai and bhabhi which I was sure they enjoyed .......

Navya , tell us what exactly happened ? Bhabhi questioned me and having no other way to escape , I told her Arjun's accusation but not the Delhi part . By the end bhabhi and Laksh were furious while Anu started pacing as she couldn't control her anger .
You shouldn't have left your work chutki bhabhi said after some time .
Yes , Navya by resigning you just confirmed his accusations , Anu said .
I sat there shocked because I never thought about those possibilities .
  It's ok chillax shona . Now youre coming with us to mall . It'll help you feel better and from tomorrow we all will get busy in organizing the fest , Laksh said strictly .
Yes boss ! I agree and all of us burst out laughing . Finally , after a week I smiled heartily .....


Hey friends ! Here's another update of Crossroads of life ......

  Do you really think Navya stole those files ?
Who's Dev Dixith ? Why is he sponsoring Europe trip for Navya ?

Please do vote , share and comment .
                                      Yours lovingly ,
                                       Barbie Doll 👠


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