Chapter twenty

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        Chapter 20

         “Endings are hard. Any chapped-ass monkey with a keyboard can poop out a beginning, but endings are impossible. You try to tie up every loose end, but you never can. The fans are always gonna bitch. There’s always going to be holes. And since it’s the ending, it’s all supposed to add up to something. I’m telling you- they’re a raging pain in the ass.” -Chuck Shurley 5x22

         The two demons brought Alex to a tallish building in Detroit. It had some type of Chinese resturant on the first floor, then two more floors above it. Meg hadn’t come with her, surprisingly.

         “Hm. Nice place.” Alex commented when she saw the inside that was old and falling apart.

         “Hello, Alex.” Lucifer greeted, continuing to look out a window.

         “Hey.” Alex crossed her arms. It was still funny to her how she could have casual conversations with Satan himself.

         “Do you know why I called you here?”

         “Uhm. Not really.” Alex shook her head. “I figured it’s cause I messed up another horseman’s plans.”

         “No. I don’t care about that really.” Lucifer turned away from the window to look at Alex. “Sam Winchester will be here shortly.”

         “Really...why?” Alex asked, then remembered Lucifer had said Sam would say yes in Detroit. “You don’t honestly think he’s going to say yes, do you?”

         “I think he will. It’s inevitable. But I have another matter to discuss with you.”

         “Ok. What?”

         “What have you been doing with the Winchesters lately?” Lucifer stared at her coldly.

         “What do you mean?” Alex shifted her feet slightly.

         “They obviously have a plan, and I want to know what it is.”

         “Oh...I don’t know.” Alex looked away.

         “Don’t lie to me, Alex.” Lucifer warned.

         “Well…” Alex let her arms fall to her sides and she put them in her jeans pockets. “They were collecting all of the horsemen’s rings…” Alex mentally cursed herself for giving away their plan.

         “Hmm. To open my cage, yes?”

         “Uh….Yeah…” Dammit. Sorry guys.

         “Oh don’t be sorry,” Lucifer walked over to Alex and placed his hands on her shoulders. “This is good.”

         “Yeah, for you.” Alex pushed his arms away and backed up.

         “You know, you’re going to have to accept your destiny eventually.”  Lucifer pointed out.

         “No, I th-” Alex stopped talking when she heard yelling outside.

         “Alright! We’re here ya sons of bitches!” Alex walked over to the window and saw Sam outside. Oh no. Sam…

         “Looks like he’s here.” Lucifer commented, now standing beside her.

         Alex backed away from Lucifer a little and watched two demons pull Sam and Dean in.

         “Hey guys,” Lucifer greeted, looking out the window like he had when Alex came in. “So nice of you to drop in.” He blew on the glass and it froze, “Sorry if it’s a bit chilly. Most people think I burn hot,” Lucifer drew a trident in the frost. “It’s actually quite the opposite."

         “Well, I’ll alert the media.” Dean said, looking a bit nervous, but Sam looked terrified.

         “Help me understand something guys,” Lucifer  turned away from the window and walked towards the brothers some. “I mean, stomping through my front door is...a tad suicidal, don’t you think?”

         “We’re not here to fight you.” Sam said, still nervous but a bit more confident.

         “No? Then why are you?”

         “I want to say ‘yes’.”

         “Excuse me?” Sam inhaled deeply and closed his eyes, killing the two demons that had brought them in. “Chock-full of ovaltine are we?”

         “You heard me, yes.” Sam repeated.

         “You’re serious…”

         “Look, judgement day is a runaway train, we get it now. We just want off.”


         “Deal of the century. I give you a free ride, but when all this is over, I live, he lives,” Sam gestured to Dean. “You bring our parents back.”

         “Okay can we please drop the telenovela? I know you have the rings, Sam.” Lucifer said, a finger on his chin.  Alex looked away, still ashamed she ratted them out.

         “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Sam wasn’t ready to back out of their plan.

         “The horsemen’s rings? The magic keys to my cage? Ring a bell?” Lucifer walked forward to stand between Sam and Dean. “C’mon Sam, I’ve never lied to you, you could at least pay me the same respect!” He continued walking forward so he was behind the Winchesters then turned back toward them.

         “It’s okay, I’m not mad.” He assured, smiling a little. “A wrestling match inside your noggin. I like the idea. Just you and me, one round. No tricks. You win, you jump in the hole. I win, well, I win….What do you say Sam? A fiddle of gold against your soul, cause I’m better then you~” He said the last part in a sing-song voice.

         “So he knows, doesn’t change anything.” Sam said to Dean, not looking away from Lucifer.

         “Sam-” Dean tried to stop him.

         “We don’t have any other choice.”



         Alex was frozen and shock, and she was sure Lucifer held her in place too, as a bright light covered the room and Lucifer changed vessels from his old one into Sam. She closed her eyes, and when the light died down, Sam and Lucifer’s old vessel were lying on the ground.

         Dean pulled out the horsemen’s rings that were shaped into a key and threw them onto the wall, where to Alex’s surprise they stuck, then he began to speak in Enochian, “Bvtmon tabges babalon.” The wall around the rings began to crack and a large hole appeared in the wall, blowing everything around the room.

         “Sammy!” Dean went over to Sam who was beginning to wake up.

         “Dean!” Sam groaned, “I can feel him!”

         Alex could tell it wasn’t Sam who was talking, “Dean!”

        “You gotta go now!” Dean helped Sam up, not hearing Alex trying to stop him. “Go now, Sammy. Go!”

         Sam walked towards the hole then stopped, turning back to Dean, “I was just messing with you.” Lucifer said. “Sammy’s long gone.” He turned back to the cage door and chanted, “Chdr btvmon tabges babalon,” closing the cage. Lucifer walked over to the rings and pulled them off, putting the key into his pocket.

         “I told you, this would always happen in Detroit.” Lucifer told Dean, then teleported himself and Alex away, leaving Dean alone and near tears.


         Alex watched from the other side of the room as Lucifer killed all of Sam’s old school friends who had been possessed by demons. There was blood all over the place, and the demons were torn to shreds.

         She now stood behind Lucifer where he sat on a few stairs, hands and clothing coated in blood. He looked over to a mirror, “So, are we having fun yet?” Alex assumed he was talking to Sam.

         Alex shifted her feet uncomfortably, no idea what to do next. There was nothing she could do really. Their plan was ruined, and the fight was going to happen. “Alex.” Lucifer turned to her.

         “Y-Yeah…?” It no longer felt like she was having a normal conversation, Lucifer was cold, and evil, and he was getting his way.

         “Why don’t you go have some fun, yeah?” He suggested.

         “Uhm...Fun?” It didn’t feel right looking at Sam but talking to Lucifer.

         “Yes, tomorrow I will be fighting Michael and you are not allowed to interfere.” Lucifer seemed to be warning her to stay away.

         “Where’s the fight? So...yanno..I, uh, stay away…” Alex still had some hope she could stop this.

         “Lawrence, Kansas. But there is nothing you can do to stop this Alex, I will not allow it. Now, go, blow off a little steam.” Lucifer ordered.

         “Y-Yeah....” Alex teleported herself to a random city. “Holy shit…” She sighed and rested her hands on her knees. “That...that was...something…” She was at a loss for words. What do I do now?!

         “You okay lady?” Alex looked up to see a man standing there, a worried expression on his face.

         “Yeah, yeah...I’m...fine…” Alex stammered as the ground began to quake. Oh for fucks sake Lucifer. The man began to freak out, along with everyone else in the town, trying to run to safety.

         “Alright, you know what? No. You are not going to make me do this!” Alex yelled at the sky. “I’m not going to hurt innocent people anymore just because you say so!”

         You’re going to do whatever I tell you to do.

        “No! Stop!” Alex ordered. Her head began to ache like someone was cracking it open with a hammer. The ground didn’t stop quaking, and people’s screaming intensified, along with the police sirens. “STOP!” Alex screamed at the top of her lungs.

         Everything around her instantly quieted, the people’s screamed included. The people that were still nearby held their throats in confusion, opening and closing their mouths as they tried to talk. Alex’s head began to ache again, but she felt like Lucifer wasn’t there anymore. Did...Did I break the spell?! Not even Death can do that!

         The pressure in her head increased and she fell to her knees, feeling like her head was going to explode. He’s trying to get back in! “I-I’m gonna call D-Dean…” Alex reached for her phone and scrolled to Dean’s name. It rang for a while and no one answered as it went to voicemail. “Dean! Where are you?!” Alex knew she was yelling but she couldn’t hear herself think over the noise that was now in her head. “I-I think I broke my connection to Lucifer. At least for a little while! I want to help!”

         Alex dropped her phone, managing to hang up. Her ears were ringing, but the pressure had calmed down, Is it over? Am I free of Lucifer? Her phone began to ring again, and she picked it up. “Dean?”

         “Alex? What’s going on?”

         “I-I somehow broke the spell Lucifer had on me, or at least weakened it for a while. I can help stop this. Where are you?” Alex panted.

         “I’m on my way to Lawrence, Lucifer and Michael are gonna fight there.” Dean told her.

         “Ok, good. Where are you now though? What highway?” Alex asked, then teleported to Dean when he answered.


         “It’s good to see you, Michael.” Lucifer greeted his older brother as they stood in a cemetery.

         “You too.” Michael agreed. “It’s been too long.”

         “Can you believe it’s finally here?” Lucifer asked.

         “No. Not really.” Michael walked forward a few steps and sighed, “Are you ready?”

         Lucifer inhaled deeply, “As I’ll ever be….Part of me wishes we didn’t have to do this.”

         “Yeah. Me too.”

         “Then why are we?” Lucifer took a step forward.

         “Oh, you know why. I have no choice. After what you did.”

         “What I did? What if it’s not my fault?” Lucifer suggested.

         “What’s that supposed to mean?” Michael asked.

         “Think about it, Dad made everything. Which means he made me who I am.” Lucifer walked closer to Michael. “God wanted the devil.”


         “So why? And why make us fight? I just can’t figure out the point.”

         “What’s your point?”

         “We’re going to kill each other, and for what? One of Dad’s tests. And we don’t even know the answer. We’re brothers. Let’s just walk off the chessboard.” Lucifer was close to sounding like he was begging.

         “I’m sorry. I-I can’t do that.” Michael refused. “I’m a good son. And I have my orders.”

         “But you don’t have to follow them.” Lucifer pointed out.

         “What. You think I’m going to rebel? Now? I’m not like you.”

         “Please Michael-” Lucifer tried.

         "You know, you haven’t changed a bit, little brother. Always blaming everybody but yourself. We were together. We were happy. But you betrayed us- all of us. And you made our father leave!” Michael accused.

         “No one makes Dad do anything. He is doing this to us!”

         “You’re a monster Lucifer. And I have to kill you.” Michael stated.

         “If that’s the way it’s going to be, then I’d like to see you try.” Lucifer challenged, and the two began to circle each other.  

         They stopped when they heard the Impala’s engine rev, and turned to see Dean and Alex driving up, Rock of Ages by Def Leppard playing from the car speakers.

         “Howdy boys,” Dean greeted, turning the engine off, along with the music, Alex getting out too. “Sorry, am I interrupting something?”


         “Hey!” Dean closed his car door and Alex did the same, both of them walking to the front of the car. “We need to talk.” He told Lucifer.

         “Dean. Even for you, this is a whole new mountain of stupid.” Lucifer stated.

         “I’m not talking to you, I’m talking to Sam.”

         “You’re no longer the vessel, Dean. You have no right being here.” Michael said.

         “Alex, you shouldn’t have come here either.” Lucifer glared at her.

         Alex shifted a little and Dean apologized to his brother Adam that Michael was possessing. Alex could feel Lucifer trying to break into her head again, and she was worried it was working.

         “You little maggot.” Alex was pulled from her thoughts by Michael insulting Dean. “You are no longer a part of this story!” He walked towards Dean.

         “Hey! Assbutt!” Castiel appeared with Bobby and threw a molotov made of holy oil at Michael. Michael instantly light up in flames and disappeared screaming.

         “Assbutt?!” Dean looked at Castiel.

         Castiel shrugged, “He’ll be back. And upset. But you got you five minutes.”

         “Castiel…” Lucifer looked to the angel. “Did you just molotov my brother with holy fire?”

         “” Castiel backed up nervously.

         “No one dicks with Michael, but me!” Lucifer raised a hand and snapped his fingers, making Castiel explode everywhere. Alex gasped, and took a few steps away from Dean, but couldn’t move any farther because Lucifer had gotten control over her again. Oh no….

         “Sammy, can you hear me?” Dean tried to reach his brother.

         “You know, I tried to be nice...for Sammy’s sake. But you…” Lucifer walked to Dean and grabbed him by his jacket, “Are such a my ass.” He threw Dean backwards, where he landed on the Impala, shattering part of the windshield.

         Bobby tried to help by shooting Lucifer with the Colt, which only made Lucifer more angry. Alex and Dean watched in horror as Lucifer raised his hand and twisted, snapping Bobby’s neck. “No!” Dean yelled.

         “Yes!” Lucifer went back to Dean and grabbed him by his leg, pulling him closer to him and punching him in the face. Alex tried to break free of Lucifer’s spell again, but couldn’t, the pressure in her head becoming too much to bear.

         “Sammy…” Dean tried again. “Are you in there?”

         “Oh he’s in here alright.” Lucifer punched Dean again. “And he’s gonna hear the snap of your bones!” Another punch. “Every single one!” He picked Dean up off the ground and slammed him against the side of the Impala, Alex watching, unable to do anything. “We’re gonna take our time.” Lucifer continued to punch Dean.

         “Sam, it’s okay. It’s okay. I’m here.” Dean held on to Lucifer’s arm. “I’m not gonna leave you.” Lucifer didn’t say anything and continued to hit Dean.

         Stop….Alex tried to move, to do something to help Dean. She watched as Lucifer raised his fist, getting ready to land a stronger punch than the last ones. But something changed, something made him lower his fist. Alex fell to her knees in pain, suddenly able to move. “S-Sam?!”

         “It’s okay Dean.” Sam comforted his older brother, who was sitting on the ground against his car, face swollen and bloody. “It’s gonna be okay. I’ve got him.” Alex stood up shakily and watched Sam throw the horsemen rings onto the ground and chant in Enochian.

         “Sam!” Michael reappeared. “It’s not going to end this way! Step back!” He ordered.

         “You’re gonna have to make me!” Sam yelled over the wind. Alex took a few steps towards the archangel, ready to grab him if he tried to stop Sam.

         “I have to fight my brother Sam. Here and now! It’s my destiny!” Sam glanced at Dean on last time before relaxing his body, ready to jump into the cage.

         Everything seemed to happen in slow-motion, and Alex wasn’t sure what she was doing. Sam let himself fall into the cage. While the same time Michael went to stop him. Alex grabbed Michael, but was unable to get a strong grip on him for long as Sam also grabbed the archangel, pulling him down with him.  

         The next thing Alex knew, she too, was falling into the cage with Sam, Michael, Lucifer, and Adam, unable to stop herself.


        Alex woke up and looked around, confused. She tried to move her arms but found them held by chains above her head. Where am I? How long have I been out? She looked around the medium sized, dark room, and could vaguely see a body holding a knife, coming towards her. 

        Alex tried to pull away but couldn't and the person laughed evily as he stood in front of her. Lucifer! She could now see his face in the eerie red lighting that filled the room. She tried to look for Sam and the others, remembering they fell into the cage too, but couldn't see them. Oh me.... She closed her eyes and tried to block out the pain of Lucifer cutting into her stomach. 

         “No doubt, endings are hard. But then again, nothing ever really ends, does it?” -Chuck Shurley 5x22

 Author's Note-

I do have an Epilogue written, but it is a little weird- in my opinion. It has a pretty big time skip. But I do still like it and will probably add it. Also I added the quotes from Chuck cause I thought they worked well.

I hope you enjoyed..... Even if it's kinda upsetting with Alex in hell and all.... I did want a happy ending so that's why there's an epilogue. 

Ugh, I really hope I didn't mess up by adding this..... *hides* anxiety's a bitch don't mind me. 

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