c h a p t e r 10

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Milenna was catering to the man's injuries when she heard the loud voices.

"Lucas- "

"But how-"

"It can not be- "

"Father- "

Milenna stood up. She turned towards Tara and said, "Tara, I need you to take it over from here."

Tara, who was washing bowls containing herb paste, washed her hands hastily and came to her Mistress' help. Milenna spared one look at the man. He was healing astonishingly well. Now, she calculated another week and half instead of two.


Milenna dipped her hands in the cleaning bowl and wiped them dry. Then she bunched up her dress and hurried in the direction of the sound.

They were talking about the attack. She must not miss it.

The Court room was not far from the injury room. Sometimes, she could hear faint echoes from the injury room. Especially when there wasn't much sound, Milenna could easily catch pieces of words while attending to a sick.

Milenna broke into a run. She didn't know the last time she had been in the Court room. Or in the same room as her father other than dinner time.

She skidded to a stop right in front of the big, ornately crafted brass door. She lifted her hand to open the door but stopped inches from it.

Should she...?

She shouldn't be in there. The Court room was not for her. She wasn't a ruler, a warrior. She was just a healer.  What could she contribute? And her father... she couldn't take his disappointed eyes. No.

Milenna closed her eyes and steeled herself. This castle was as much hers as it was her sister's and her father's.

And a war needed it's healers.

She pushed open the door before she could over think and cower away. Inside, silence fell.

She found her father on the throne and Isabella standing at one side. Thomas was seated on his own seat. A soldier stood in the center of the room.

Her eyes scanned the room for the old knight. How she wished Sir Isaho was here! But he wasn't here.


It was her father. Milenna's breath hitched in her throat. Her father was addressing her by her name!

"Father," she softly said and curtsied.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I heard some sound, father. What is happening?  Has the Conqueror made his move?"

"Milenna, this is not something you have to worry about. Go to your room and don't worry about it. Let the strong handle this."

Let the strong handle this.

Milenna bit the insides of her cheek to stop herself from retorting sharply. "Father, I am not a warrior. But Darius is my Land as much as it is yours. I have a right to know what is happening."

The King narrowed his eyes. He wasn't used to being defied by her. "Milenna -"

"Father." This time, it was Isabella. She had been standing silently all this while. Now she stepped forward and said, "She is right."

She didn't shout. She didn't make any extra movement. But she had a steely authority in her voice that demanded attention and obedience.

Even from their father. Because the King turned towards Milenna now and gave her a curt nod.

Milenna wanted to despise her sister for sharing some form of normalcy with their father. She wanted to hate her because father listened to her. But she couldn't. It wasn't Isabella's fault that father chose to consider Milenna weak.

It only made Milenna angrier.

"We should travel north. Forget about allies. It will take time to cross the Terra. Not to mention how it is impossible for an army to cross it."

The King stared in the distance. There was a hollow sadness in his eyes. Milenna was not familiar with this side of their father. Then again, how well did she even know him in the first place?

"Isabella, someone needs to stay back. Take care of the people." He turned towards Thomas. "Thomas, our people must know now."

Thomas bowed his head. "I understand, your Majesty. Leave that to me."

Satisfied, the King turned to Isabella. "Ride north, Bella. This Land needs you."

Milenna watched as Isabella touched the hilt of her sword and curtsied. "I will give my everything, father," she said.

"I know," their father said.

A sudden thought piped up in Milenna's head. "I will accompany her!" She said, loud and clear. Every head present inside the room turned and stared at her. She almost shied away from the excessive attention but held her ground. 

"Milenna, why?" Her sister asked.

Milenna glanced at her sister briefly before focusing on her father again. Isabella might be able to sway the king but it was he who held the final power. 

"Your army needs a healer. You know I am the best you have in your Land," she said with conviction.

"What about that man?" Thomas said.

Milenna faltered. She hadn't thought this through. She just wanted to go to the Wall. Take care of father's soldiers.  Then maybe he would look at him the same way he looked at her sister. With pride.

To Milenna's surprise, it was Isabella who provided a solution to her problem. "We will carry that man with us."

"Isabella- "

"No father," Isabella said. Something cold glinted in her eyes. "He is my prisoner. I will interrogate him. And at the end, if it is needed, I will be the one to behead him."

"And I know I will enjoy doing that," she said with a cold smile.

Milenna gasped softly. Even the King looked at Isabella thoughtfully. Milenna had never seen this spark of real violence in her sister.

At last, the King said, "Very well. It will be arranged." He turned towards Thomas and gave him a small nod. The old Minister immediately stood up, bowed and left the room. Then the King turned towards the silent soldier. "Inform your comrades. Go to the armory and collect your weapons. We have a war to fight."

The soldier bowed low. After he had left the room, the King turned towards his daughters.

Milenna waited to hear his next set of orders.

He first turned towards her sister and said, "Isabella, I wish for your presence in my room before you set for your journey."

And then, much to Milenna's shock, her father turned towards her and softly added. "You too, Milenna."

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