Chapter 14

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3:17 is the time, all of my bags had been tossed out the door, which was practically none, only an old backpack, with some food, clothes, and rope in it. I had changed back into my original clothes , and left at 3:20. Baylor said nothing as he watched me leave. I walked out with my head held high, but that's what they saw, what they didn't see was me crying as I left. Once I left palace grounds I collapsed onto the ground. People walked by and around me. One old woman stopped, and lifted me off the ground. "Rise dear child, what has happened? You seem like a naturally strong soul, what happened?" She asked again.  "I have lost my true love. I may never see him again, and the worst part is that I lost him because of my best friend, Mack. "Dear child, Grandma Ruth can heal any wound, but the broken heart is the hardest, but I can make it better, give me time." Ruth took me back to her house and she ran a steaming hot bath for me. When I climbed in, it fell like all of my problems slipped away.

I was given new clothes, a plaid shirt, a red jacket, black pants with lace on top of it, and some brown boots with fur. When I came out she ran up to me, with a necklace in her hands. "This was my mothers, and was mine, and now it is yours. It will help you find love, it worked for me and my mother, it should work for you." She said while glowing with happiness.  "Thank you." I said as I sat down. She asked me to tell her my story and she listened from the very beginning to the very end.


Thank you for reading, and like I said before, I start school on Wednesday! Yeah, the 12th. So I won't be able to update as much, but after Christmas, I will be updating a lot more. Night! -Dani 

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