Chapter 25

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"No! No, I lost you all over again! Why? This is all of my fault!" I scream and sob loudly. "Ahem!" Mack said as she entered the room. She was wearing a purple ruffled dress with a small baby bump. "Em, why are you crying? I mean, I know Baylor is dead, and all but why cry over him? He broke your heart, didn't he? How many times was it, again? 2,3, oh well I lost count after you walked in on us." She said laughing. "You did this, didn't you?" I said as I got up, blood now on my skirt. My hands covered in the dried blood. The smell of his cologne on my shirt. My fists clenched when she laughed. "He may have not loved you, but at least he tried, you are a-" I was cut off by her shoving me. I tripped over Baylor's body. "Save your Bad girl talk, because we all know you don't have it in you to kill me, a pregnant woman." I got up on my feet and walked over to her silently. You are not what Baylor ever wanted, you have been horrible to him, I know what you did to him. Believe me, soon I won't be the only one. Watch your back, because this country still loves me too, and when I tell them why you did, it will be an outrage, a stampede of mad men breaking down the walls of the palace. You will be dead in minutes." I say with my fist clenched, and my voice showing fury. "Em, you wouldn't do that to me, I was your friend. You can be queen, just let me be. Please, I am begging you!" She yelled. "You can be queen, but I will surly stick around, anything bad happens to anyone the secret is no longer zipped, whether or not that baby is born. Got it?" I ask her, while slowly unclenching my fists. She nods as I sit back down and rock Baylor in my arms, I hold him until I am forced off of him, when the guards found us. I will truly never let go, because he was my everything, my little crowned prince, king, love.
Okay, so this chapter was interesting, this is one of the final chapters, but do not fret my dears. A second book will be coming out soon. Probably after Christmas. This chapter is dedicated to @equestrian44, she has always been a faithful reader. Thank you all though, if you want a chapter to be dedicated to you comment in anything, I love feedback or just something funny. Love all of your pretty faces out there- Dani

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