Chapter 6

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Today we start school and I am terrified,when I walk into the room the other girls give me all smiles. The teacher Madame Gintoni starts teaching us about the history of our country. Then it's math,which I am the best at out of all of the girls.Then we go to English our last subject, since science is no longer needed to be taught. When she says that our home work is to read one chapter of Romeo&Juliet, I tense up and she notices.When class over I go up to her and ask if I tell her a secret and she nods silently.I tell her that I can't read, so she helps and says that she can tutor me, with tue other girls. The thought that I was not the only one that could not read was reliving. At least today was over.

I slipped into my night gown before I crawled into the soft bed. As my head hit the pillow I fell asleep. Later in the night and could not go to back to sleep when I woke up, so I headed to go out of tue room but realized that I was still in my pajamas. I quietly put my self into a tight shirt and leggings. When Mack woke up I told her that I was a dream and to go back to bed. She did as she was told, I unlocked the door and entered the hall, surprised that no does were guarded. I walked down to Baylor's room where no guards were. I walked to the door that was inside and again unguarded. I went inside and the first thing that I saw was dried blood. I ran around the corner to where Baylor's bed was. When I saw what happened I was astonished.

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