Erra In The Dress

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A/n - Don't ask about the title, I just thought it was funny😂 I know, I have no sense of humor.

Leviathan Riam

As I was coming back from the library to greet Asher at his expected time of arrival, I saw Angelina waiting for me in the throne room. "They should be here any minute now, your highness." I nodded and stood next to her, tapping my foot on the carpeted floor, beginning to get bored. 'He's late.' I was about to talk to the pointy-eared girl until I saw Violet. She was walking out with Valerie, who was in a nightgown, looking like a beauty queen... Even though she was in pajamas. I immediately clamped my mouth shut knowing that it would stay open if I didn't.

Valerie saw me forcefully closing my mouth and staring, "W-what are you looking at, dumbass?!" She looked like she was about to blow a fuse - red faced and all - despite just coming out of the bath. "N-nothing! Just stand there and wait for Asher!" She growled at me then turned and crossed her arms, "Pervert." 'But...Dean's the pervert...'

As I was pouting out my sadness, the door burst open with Asher striding out in his favourite blue tuxedo and overrated sunglasses, "Sorry for being fashionably late, Leviathan." He said this while dramatically taking off his sunglasses. 'This guy...' "Welcome, Asher. It appears we need your assistance with fashion." The dark-haired male walked up to me and asked with a skeptical tone of voice, "What's with you being so formal?" To be honest, I didn't even know.

He looked next to me to find the fae girls and the vixen women eyeing him weirdly, "Ooh, I see." He walked up to Valerie while putting back on his sunglasses, only to tip them forward in a flirtatious manner, "And who might you be?" Valerie growled under her breath, not pleased with his advances, "Who's asking?" 'It's like she didn't even hear me say his name.' Asher backed up a bit and answered, "Asher, Prince of Pride. And the King of Fashion." I face palmed. "So, you're the douche Leviathan sent to make me a new wardrobe?" The proud dude in the blue suit chuckled, probably amused with Valerie's constant back lash. "You could say that. He does consider me a douche sometimes." He glared at me for a few seconds. I just gave a sigh in response.

"Anyway, Leviathan, why does she want a new wardrobe? The outfits in there are perfectly fine and beautiful," Asher asked, utterly confused. "She doesn't like things that are 'too princess-y'." I put finger quotes around "too princess-y", making Valerie roll her eyes. Asher faked being shot in the heart, "What is the meaning of this?! There is no such thing!" The prince pulled out a picture of an old design of a dress for a fae girl from his blazer pocket.

"Is this not to your liking?!" he asked while holding the picture up to Valerie's face. He looked like he was about to cry. "Too princess-y," she plainly stated. Asher slouched in defeat for a minute but picked himself back up in just a few seconds, "Well, you know, I'm not doing my job unless all my customers are satisfied." 'That's the Prince of Pride for ya.'

Asher looked behind him and said, "Come on, team! We're gonna need measurements on this fox girl!" I swear that I heard Valerie snarl. Asher's team of designers immediately filled the room and started taking the orange-haired girl's measurements. She looked really uncomfortable with everyone just swarming around her but stood still.

Asher went up to her with a number of drawings and a note book, asking questions about her particular style, "Do you even like dresses?" Valerie shrugged and responded with an annoyed expression, "I don't really care much as long as it's more or less badass." 'She's cooperating?' I never expected her to even help Asher out. I assumed her to have almost as much pride as Asher... I guess she cares more about not wearing a silk dress tomorrow.

Asher pulled out another old drawing, "How's this?"

"A bit too showy." Asher started writing down notes and asked another question, "Not much for bling?" The emerald-eyed girl shook her head in response. Asher pulled out a different drawing. It looked a lot more recent.

"What's your feeling on this?" Valerie looked deep in thought for a minute, "Not bad but not my colour." The dark-haired man stepped back and made a rectangle with his hands, looking Valerie over from top to bottom. "You'd look good in red. I think we might have a winner." Asher smirked at his idea and called out, "Alright, boys. We got work to do! Let's head out." Some of the girls grumbled when he didn't address them as well. It didn't look like he cared. "We'll see you again soon when the outfit is done." I gave him a nod as he walked out of the door.

"Well, how long is he gonna take?" Valerie asked, skeptically. "He'll probably be here tomorrow. It is late. How about you get to know the maids more till you fall asleep? I'll be in the library if you need me." She nodded her head and walked out the throne room, dragging Violet and Angelina with her by the arms.

As they disappeared into the guest room, I had some thinking and investigating to do. "Who exactly is miss Erra?" I asked myself. Getting to the library, I pulled out a book I read a long time ago with the title, "Famous Myths and Legends". I grabbed a seat and opened the book, looking for anything related to higitsunes. After scanning a few pages, I found a chapter that read, "Royalty of the Kitsunes". I actually became really interested in the chapter. I never really read that part because I never liked all that stuff especially since I lived the life of royalty.

I started to read out loud at a particular part, "Although kitsunes are said to be magical foxes, they can also take the form of a human and a half human. Some of them can't even turn into foxes. The ones who usually have this power are of the 13 royal families in the kitsune hierarchy; the Landrums, the Hellarchs, the Masons, the Yuras, the Erras..." I decided to skip all the names after the last name, "Erra".

I continued, "These families are much stronger than the average kitsune and are ranked depending on their power level. But being in the family isn't easy. They have a strict set of rules to live by and their fate is set in stone. The off-spring of these families have to take the role of providing for the kingdom. In the case that there are siblings, the eldest or more mature will take the role and the other will live as a beacon of power and an influencer. As an influencer, they have to use their power to convince the people who think lowly of the kitsune royalty and/or hierarchy that what they do is right. These measures are usually painful if the person resists." I couldn't believe what I was reading. 'Does this mean that Valerie is royalty?! Why didn't she tell me...'

I read further and found that the Erra family were of the fifth rank and the family consisted of higitsunes while the others held different types of kitsunes like those of thunder (Sandāfokkusu), wind (Kaze Kitsune), spirit (Supirittofokkusu) and many more. Overall, it was really interesting.

'I'll have to speak to her about this after she gets her outfit.' I put the book back and made my way out the library. It looked like I was in there for about an hour. "Time for a well deserved sleep."

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