Chapter 11

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 Crowpaw woke with damp fur and sore muscles. The strange den he had slept in hadn't been very comfortable, but he was thankful that he didn't have any dreams. He stood up, stretching out his aching muscles and continued on his journey. He wanted to get out of the twolegplace, he hated everything about it and just hoped that it didn't go on forever. In his direct vision, Crowpaw could see nothing but twolegnests. Behind him was towards MoonClan and ahead of him was possible dangers, but he had no choice. He went forwards.

The stone continued to make his paws ache, he wished for grass but he had to deal with it for now. He kept his nose in the air, attempting to scent anything familiar. His stomach ached and he hoped to find prey, but didn't know what he would find in the twolegplace. He only knew that it probably wouldn't be rabbits or fish.

As Crowpaw walked through the twolegplace he saw his first glimpse of twolegs. The sight of them scared him and he ducked behind one of the crowfood holders. The twolegs stood tall, taller than any cat and only had fur on their heads. They wore strange colored pelts and spoke loud nonsense.

There was another sound that caused Crowpaw's fur to stand on edge. Near the twolegs was a dog with long black and white fur. It barked and jumped around the twolegs' feet. Crowpaw had heard stories of dogs, they would sometimes wander into MoonClan territory and were incredibly dangerous to cats.

The dog looked towards Crowpaw, causing him to tense and hide even more. Did it scent me? Crowpaw stood still until he heard the dog's barks faded away along with the sound of the twolegs. He poked his head out, trying to get a better look at where he was. There was grass ahead of him, but it looked wrong. There were several twoleg nests with wooden walls similar to the silver one he had crossed to get here.

In between the rows of the twolegnests was a thunderpath which made Crowpaw uneasy. That did not look like a place he wanted to go, he could hear more twolegs and more dogs. He spotted a cat sitting on one of the walls, but Crowpaw had no interest in talking to a kittypet, especially one on the other side of a thunderpath.

Maybe there's another way out of here. He wondered and turned away, back into the darker area with crowfood. He walked through along the stone path, much preferring aching paws to coming face to face with a monster or a dog. He made his way back to where had slept for the night, the boxes were up against a large stone wall, he wondered what was behind it. It was impossible to climb, but perhaps if he followed it he would be led somewhere.

Crowpaw did just that, following the wall and feeling much more comfortable in the shadows. His stomach was really starting to ache for food, he needed to find something to eat. Crowpaw could only hope that he would soon find a forest or river.

Crowpaw walked for a long time, his paws ached and hunger clawed at his belly. He had given up hope of finding prey in the twolegplace when he heard the scurry of tiny paws. He stopped and looked around. He narrowed his eyes, spotting movement in the shadows down a long alleyway. He recognized the creature as a rat, and didn't have much interest in eating it; but he needed the prey.

Crowpaw dropped into a crouch, keeping his eyes focused on the rat as he waited for it to come out of hiding. The rat snuck out from underneath a rock formation and sniffed the air. It's fur was dull and brown but it was fat. Crowpaw waited, he was used to hunting rabbits but Silverpool had given him a quick lesson on catching mice, surely a rat wouldn't be too hard to catch.

The rat moved forward, twitching it's tiny pink nose and ears. Crowpaw waited until it was close enough to him and he leapt forward, claws striking the rat's spine. He bit into its neck and it killed it quickly. Crowpaw picked up his rat and carried it to a more secluded area to eat. He bit into the rat, the taste slightly bothering but him his stomach was grateful for the food. He ate it in a few quick bites, thankful that the ache of hunger had started to ease.

He left the remains and continued on, feeling more energized now that he had eaten. Crowpaw continued to follow the wall, feeling hopeful when he heard the sounds of birds overhead. Birds means trees. He told himself and quickened his pace.

In the distance he could see a gap in the wall, the wall was separated by a large thunderpath. However, Crowpaw quickened his pace, he wanted to see what was on the other side of the wall. Beyond the thunderpath on either side was a vast, empty field. In the distance Crowpaw could see the buildup of trees into a forest. Excitement quickened his heartbeat, he would finally be free of the twolegplace.

He reached the edge of the thunderpath, the scent once against burning his nose. To his right, he heard a terrifying, growling side. He looked and saw a monster racing up the thunderpath. He jumped back in alarm as the creature tore past, leaving Crowpaw breathless. That thing could kill me instantly! He realized, trying to calm his erratic breathing. But I have to cross. He looked once more for any monsters coming before taking a moment to dash across the thunderpath.

When he reached the other side safely he walked past the wall and into the field. He breathed in the fresh air, away from the twolegplace. He could smell grass and trees, which was much better than the foul and bitter scents of the twolegplace. Crowpaw started walking through the field, the grass much taller than what he was used to. It went up to his belly, completely covering his legs.

He pushed his way through the grass, hoping to reach the forest before sundown. Crowpaw's legs were starting to ache and thirst was yet again a problem, he hadn't drank anything since the puddle on the stones in the twolegplace, but he had hopes that now he was in the wilderness, he would find a stream.

The grass was brittle and scratched as his legs, but Crowpaw felt relieved having open skies to breathe, the twolegplace was crowded but this was peaceful and more like home. Or my old home. The thought brought his mood down slightly, but he knew that he couldn't turn back now.

Crowpaw pressed on, his heart skipping a beat when he heard the trickle of a stream. He nearly broke into a sprint, following the sound of the water. It soon came into view, a tiny stream trickling down a slope towards the twolegplace. Crowpaw sent a prayer to StarClan and bent down to drink the water. It was icy cold and fresh, invigorating him with energy.

"Crowpaw!" Crowpaw's entire body went stiff. Who knows my name out here? Who found me? He turned away from the stream, trying to see who was calling his name. He saw across the field, the shimmering silver tabby pelt of Silverpool.

No! How did she find me? Crowpaw looked towards the forest, thinking of breaking into a run but he knew he could never outrun, Silverpool. He also couldn't bring himself to do that to her so he let his mentor approach. He lowered his head as she neared him, her breaths were rapid and she sounded exhausted. "Crowpaw!" She exclaimed once more. "What in the name of StarClan are you doing out here?" She pressed against Crowpaw and pulled him close, Crowpaw couldn't help but be grateful for her in that moment. He breathed in the familiar scent of her and MoonClan.

After a moment she stepped back, her eyes were a flurry of emotions. Anger, pain, love and disbelief. "Why did you run away?" She demanded, her voice nearly cracking.

"I had to." Crowpaw replied. "I needed to leave MoonClan."

"Why would you ever think that?" She raised her voice. "You belong with us! You're a MoonClan cat."

"I don't know!" Crowpaw lied, Silverpool winced slightly. "Something is pulling me out here, and I need to go." He dropped his head. "I overheard Skyclaw talking with Owlstar that a cat needs to leave the Clan and that they could save it."

"Then let them send a warrior! You're just an apprentice!" Silverpool cried. "This is not your responsibility!"

"I think it is, Silverpool. " Crowpaw pleased. "I saw a crow over the camp, Skyclaw saw it too, and it flew this way. I think this is what I'm supposed to do." He then added with a stern tone. "I'm not going back."

Silverpool dropped her head, looking defeated. "I'm sorry you have to deal with everything, Riverlight being the way she is and Blacksky dying but you can't just run from your problems, Crowpaw."

"I'm not running!" Crowpaw argued. "I told you, I'm doing this for the Clan. You can't stop me." He turned back towards the stream. There was a moment of silence between the two of them, Crowpaw hated himself for yelling at Silverpool the way he did, but he couldn't go back to MoonClan now.

"If you're not going back to MoonClan then I'm coming with you." Crowpaw turned on his paws, staring at Silverpool in shock.

"What?" His jaw dropped.

"You're just an apprentice, barely older than six moons. You need help out here, you need me." Silverpool's voice was strict. "I'm not letting you make this journey alone."

"But--" SIlverpool cut him off sharply.

"But nothing, Crowpaw. I promised that I would take care of you and I'm going to. I don't know if I could live everyday wondering if you're going to come back to us or not. You may not be my son but I love you like one, Crowpaw. I told you that the day your father died."

Crowpaw dropped his head, he knew that he couldn't convince Silverpool otherwise. Now he had no choice but to let her accompany him. "Okay." He agreed, turning away once more.

Silverpool stood beside him, looking at the stream. "Where are you doing anyway?" She questioned.

"I don't know." Crowpaw shrugged, turning his gaze towards the distant forest. "The forest I think I'm just walking until I find a sign."

Silverpool nodded. "Then the forest it is." She leaned down, lapping up some water and rested her gaze on Crowpaw. "Let's go." She took the lead, causing Crowpaw to fall in behind her. His tail dragged across the ground and he stared at his paws. It wasn't supposed to be this way. You weren't supposed to join me, you have a life back at MoonClan, I don't. He wanted to tell her that so badly, but remained silent.

After a while of walking Crowpaw finally spoke. "How did you find me, anyway?"

"I didn't start looking until this morning. I followed your scent for a while, it went to the thunderpath and I assumed you crossed it, so I did as well. I then found your scent all over a stack of small dens. It was hard to keep track of it throughout the twoleg place but I found the remains of a rat and assumed it was yours." Silverpool explained.

Crowpaw hissed at himself for being so careless, he should've covered his scent more. Silverpool wouldn't have been able to find him otherwise. He sighed and went silent once more. The forest was much farther than he thought and they walked for a long time. When the sun started to fall, Silverpool stopped walking and turned to face Crowpaw.

"We should eat and rest for the night, we don't want to be caught out at night. We'll have to find somewhere to sleep thought." She looked around. "The forest isn't too far, maybe we can find a den."

The two pushed on farther towards the forest, Crowpaw wasn't keeping much of an eye out for anything. He felt defeated and guilty. He dragged Silverpool out here into the dangerous unknown, he wouldn't be able to live with himself if anything happened to her because of him.

"Over here!" Silverpool's voice pulled him out of his thoughts and he looked towards her as she ran over to something. It was a burrow in the ground. "It looks like it could be an old badger or fox den, but the scent is long gone. We should be safe here." Silverpool looked at him. "You rest and I'll go find us some prey."

Crowpaw didn't argue, he didn't have the strength to. He stepped inside the den, feeling a pang of familiarity. It reminded him of the dens in MoonClan, which were almost all old burrows. He sat down inside, watching the sky slowly turn from night to day. Silverpool returned quickly with two mice hanging from her mouth. She set one down in front of Crowpaw and sat down beside him.

"I know it's not fish, but it's something to keep us going." Silverpool mewed, taking a bite of her own mouse.

"Thank you." Crowpaw said quietly, staring at his own mouse. He took a tiny bite and looked up at his mentor. "Thank you for taking care of me, and thank you for making sure I was okay."

"Of course, Crowpaw." Silverpool nuzzled him. "I will always take care of you." She nuzzled him, sending pain deeper into his heart as he thought about what he was soon going to do.

The two of them finished their prey in silence before settling down to sleep for the night. Crowpaw slept next to Silverpool, wanting to share as much of her warmth as he could. Silverpool fell asleep quickly but he couldn't find the same peace to do so.

He waited a long time, listening to the sound of Silverpool's gentle breathing while he could. He closed his eyes, making sure to hold onto this moment forever. He stood up as silently as he could, looking over his mentor's sleeping form. He silently exited the den, making sure to do one more thing.

In the field, he hunted down a mouse and left in the den, so Silverpool would see it when she woke up. "I'm sorry to do this to you again." His voice was nearly silent, and cracked with emotion. Silverpool's ears twitched but she didn't wake up. "I hope you go back home, you deserve to be happy." He turned out of the den, not looking back as pain tore his heart. I don't have to do this, I can let her come with me. He closed his eyes, forcing himself not to turn back. But she needs to go home, this is my journey and my journey alone.

This time, Crowpaw had to hide his scent better. He walked along, finding another part of the stream that was especially muddy. He dropped into the mud and coated himself in it, he hated the feeling but it was for the better. Crowpaw looked towards the forest, this time he had to put a lot of distance between him and Silverpool, no matter how much he hated it.

After a quick drink from the stream, Crowpaw broke off into a sprint. He ran as fast as he could. I'm so sorry, Silverpool. Please forgive me! He cried silently as he ran even farther. Crowpaw pushed himself as hard as possible, the forest nearing him at a rapid pace. He broke through the trees, suddenly the sky was hidden from him and the field was fading from sight, and yet Crowpaw kept running.

He ran as hard as could, nearly tripping over rocks and roots but still not stopping. His muscles ached and his lungs screamed for him to stop. Finally, Crowpaw couldn't run any farther. He skidded to a stop, collapsing to the ground and gasping for air. His lungs and sides ached. Once he managed to catch his breath, he looked around. There was nothing but forest as far as his eyes could see.

I'm still not far enough. Crowpaw told himself, forcing his sore legs to stand. He wasn't going to run anymore, but he would continue ahead. Crowpaw walked through the trees with no sense of where he was going, he just walked.

Crowpaw spotted a patch of wild garlic a few taillengths away from him, not too far from a river. Crowpaw approached the river, lapping up several mouthfuls to try and soothe his lungs and stepping inside to wash the mud off. The water was freezing at bit at his skin, but he bore through it, slipping under the surface to get all the mud he could off his pelt.

After he was clean, Crowpaw went up the wild garlic and rolled around in it, until he could smell the garlic radiating off his pelt. He smelled horrible but it would deter Silverpool if she did manage to follow him this far.

Crowpaw followed the river, soon spotting a small waterfall that lead a rocky outcrop. He narrowed his eyes, trying to get a better look. The outcrop would provide a solid den for the night and it was well hidden. He walked through the river once more, watching his step on the rocks.

He jumped from the river to the den. He sniffed the air, only smelling wet rock and no other animals. Crowpaw slipped into the tiny entrance of the ten, he would sleep here for the night and continue tomorrow. He only hoped that Silverpool wouldn't try and follow him again. He curled into a ball, painfully longing for Silverpool but forcing himself into sleep.

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