Chapter 29

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Rye and Thad watched as Kalowin and Ashuek pulled a warrior's unconscious body up against a tree. He was young. Most of Solmin's warriors were young and they held no value of their own lives. They chose death over returning as failures. He doubted anyone they captured would actually cooperate with him. Ryevin may be intimidating, but they were terrified of Solmin.

"Did anyone see you?" Rye asked

"I do not believe so," Ash answered as he began tying the man's wrists behind the tree. Rye's hand started to twitch with restlessness.

When Ash finished, Rye kneeled in front of the prisoner. He smacked him on the cheek in an attempt to wake him. The man stirred and Rye hit him again.

"Hmph," the man uttered as he slowly opened his eyes. When he took in the sight of a mud-covered Ryevin, his face transformed into confusion. "What is this?" the man questioned while he tugged on his restraints.

"Tell me what happened to the girl. The mage," Rye spat with venom. Realization formed on the captive's face. While pulling on his restraints, he returned Rye's glare with stoic indifference.

"What do you want with her?" the man's voice was steady and even. Was there a trace of protectiveness within it? Rye shook the thought away. Solmin's men were incapable of feeling anything.

Rye unsheathed his sword and placed the pointed end right in the middle of the man's neck. "The mage. Tell me everything." The man blinked at him and showed no fear of the sword pricking his neck.

A smile began to curve on the man's lips. "I am unafraid of death. I even welcome it. I'll ask again. What do you want with her?"

"Those are brave words," Rye muttered while he pushed the sword harder into him. "I am her protector. She wears my chain." At that, the smile slowly disappeared from his face.

"Solmin had her beaten when she refused to kill a man." The warrior paused, seemingly contemplating what he would say next. Ryevin's chest constricted at his words, but he tried not to show it in his features. Rye exchanged a look with Kalo and Ash. He wanted her to kill a man? What sort of game was Solmin playing with her?

"Why?" Rye demanded impatiently. The warrior's lips pierced into a scowl and lowered his eyes downward toward the threat poking his throat.

"Can you lower your sword? If you truly are here to protect the girl then I am willing to help you." Stunned, Rye pulled his sword away from him. It took a moment for Ryevin to realize that the captive's behavior so far had been atypical of what he knew about Solmin's warriors.

Thadeon spoke this thought first. "You trained in Solmin's camp?" The smile crept back on the warrior's face.

"Aye." His gaze went back to Ryevin. "Your woman changed me." Your woman. Those words triggered Rye's memory from that first day. He closed his eyes and remembered her outrage at them.

"Changed you how?"

"My heart was always vacant, but when she grabbed my hand she sparked life," the warrior answered with awe.

"Anna did that? She put feeling in you?" Rye asked hesitantly.

"Yes, she is changing us all." Ryevin sighed in relief. Sudden emotion took hold of him. He had called her his. He had claimed the Fates gave her to him. It was entirely the other way around. Pride and longing filled his heart.

"Casten is helping her?"

Their captive nodded. "He is her brother."

"Solmin is Anna's father?" Disbelief etched into Rye's voice. "He had her beaten?"

The warrior nodded his head solemnly. "The warlord realized her strong spirit. He means to break her… and Casten."


"He is the one who beat her." Instantly, Rye's blood ran hot, his eyes darkened, and his hands clenched into fists. He wanted to return the favor. The man's lips worried and he sighed. "Casten was under his father's orders. The warlord knew she was his weakness. Casten is on our side, helping her to change the men. We are almost there now. Soon, we will all revolt against Solmin. The Fates have willed it."

"What is your name, Warrior?"


"Mathen, you will sneak me to her."

"We must inform Casten first."

Rye heaved a heavy breath. If he saw the bastard he would beat him to death and Anna would never forgive him. He pinched the bridge of his nose, thinking.

"Rye, it sounds as though Casten can be an ally," Thadeon interjected.

"He hurt her," Rye said stubbornly. He knew he was thinking irrationally. Mathen was glaring at him, Thad was exasperated. How could Solmin force Casten to do it?  Did Solmin grab his son's fist and hammer it into her? No, Casten made the choice and it was the coward's option. Ryevin loathed cowards.

"My absence will not go unnoticed," Mathen pleaded.

Reigning in his pride, Rye nodded his head. He could control his temper and not murder his claimed's brother. Her father? That was a different matter. Solmin was responsible for so much grief and pain. Anna would understand and she'd  forgive him.

Challenging Solmin would be easy once he didn't have an army to hide behind. If Rye closed his eyes he could envision it. The thought brought a smile to his lips.

He motioned for Ash and Kalo to unbind the captive. Mathen slowly stood and rubbed the back of his head. A strange twinge of guilt mangled its way into Rye's chest. He shook it off. The information he had learned was valuable and despite their new alliance, he was a warrior from an enemy land. Still, Anna would probably want him to apologize. He tried to remember all the steps–

"Sorry," he simply muttered.

Kalo and Ash turned toward him in amusement. Mathen's eyes widened in surprise but he nodded his acknowledgment.


Anna held the wineskin filled with water to Oz's lips. She poured the liquid slowly into his mouth. When he spit it back up, she pulled it away. Barely conscious, his body slumped and his chin sunk into his chest. She placed her palm to his head and found him hot with fever.

She grabbed the bottom of her shirt and with both hands ripped off a piece of fabric. She took the pouch and poured some water over the material. While softly speaking reassuring words to him, she gently pressed the cool cloth above his brow.

His feelings were dull, peaceful. The pain numbed. She worked on pouring all her best emotions into him. She wasn't quite sure how her power worked, but she tried. God knows she tried.

A tear slid down her cheek. With two fingers, she checked his pulse in the hollow of his neck. It was slow. Too slow. He wouldn't last much longer.

Her heart was heavy with the thought of how she would tell Rye. She closed her eyes and tried to remember him. The way his hard lips would curve into a smile when she jested with him. The way his green eyes twinkled with amusement at her foreign lingo. When his hands reached out like he was cradling his sister. The pain that shadowed his features. Now. Now, she would be the one to cause it. His brother was soon to be dead and at the hands of her father. Her sperm donor. God. How would he react to that news? Doubt continued to seep its way into her mind. Could he even still love her?

A creaking noise came from behind her and she jumped. Her heart pounded and she could feel the pulse all the way up to her ears. Her head turned toward the wagon door and a gasp escaped her lips.

A large man, covered in a dark substance stood before her. "Rye," she whispered with disbelief. His green eyes pierced hers and didn't let them go. Overwhelmed with emotion, the tears pooled and poured out in a monsoon.

Ignoring the pain in her ribs, she leapt at him and his arms curved around her body in a tight embrace. She croaked out a pained shriek, as her side crushed into him. He immediately loosened his hold and she adjusted herself to fit him comfortably. Her face nuzzled into his chest and she didn't care that he was for some reason caked in mud.

"I'm sorry," she murmured into his chest. Rye's hand softly stroked her matted hair.

"For what?"

"For Oz. For…" At that, Rye stilled. Anna lifted her eyes and saw his gaze focused on his brother. "He isn't doing well. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry." She shook her head and sobbed.

Soft lips pressed against her forehead and a calloused hand stroked her cheek. "Why are you sorry? Did you beat him?"

"My…my fa–ther did." The words barely made it out. That inner doubt that he would reject her when he knew the truth laced her tongue. She swallowed it away. How could she think so selfishly when Ryevin's brother lay dying?

His hand continued to brush her cheek, like he didn't hear her admission. His lips leaned down and kissed her softly. He let her go and gently scooted her to the side. After he lifted himself into the space, he crawled his way to Oz. The wagon felt small and cramped with the three of them inside.

Anna watched as Rye took in Oz's state. He had to know he was about to die. Turning his head toward her, he asked in a strained voice, "Is he in pain?"

Anna shook her head. "Not anymore." Rye nodded his head with understanding and turned back to Ostiel.

"Brother," she heard him whisper. He lifted his hand to Oz's face and gently tried to wake him. Oz stirred and his eyes lifted slightly.

A wave of shame and trepidation hit Anna in the gut. There was also a cooling feeling of relief.

"Rye," he croaked. "I am sorry…I was foolish. Jealous."

"It was more than foolish…How could you betray me this way? How could you give Anna over to him?"

"Rye, I…I thought…I thought because he was her father he would treat her well. It was a mistake. I wanted her for myself. You have everything. I…I have no excuse. Forgive me. Please. Forgive me." Ostiel's words came out in a pitiful sob. Wanted her for himself? Anna shook her head, incredulously.

"You thought Solmin would let you join with her?" Rye pushed. his tone filled with anger. She wanted to intervene, but decided against it. They needed closure.

"I made myself believe it. I know I am not good enough, Brother. I made so many mistakes. Many more. I should confess it all. I just…I  can–not." Oz's breathing started to labor. She moved close to Rye and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Rye…please…can you speak the last rites over me…the Fates must take me." Rye nodded his head.

"I find I cannot hold onto my anger when you are this way. You are lucky you are dying," Rye said lightly. Oz chuckled through his breaths.

She felt his admiration and then his peace.

"I am ready, my brother. I am glad to have seen you one last time." He turned his eyes to her and said, "Anna. Take care of him. Love him."

She placed her hand in his and gave him a reassuring smile. "I will." Ostiel nodded and closed his eyes.

Rye lowered his head and took his brother's other hand. Following his lead, she bowed her head with him. Then he murmured that familiar prayer.  "Fates take him to the land of unwanting.  The land of plenty. Bring him your favor as he goes bravely to the light."

With perfect timing, she felt him go. When she raised her head, Rye was looking down on her like he wanted to speak. She placed her hand on his muddy cheek. "Are you okay?" she asked him.

"I will be," he answered. His eyes looked at her tenderly. "It has been a strange torture being separated from you. I would give anything for us to leave together at this very moment. But…your heinous brother is waiting for you outside. He wants you to finish this mission tonight. When morning comes, all will be over."

"Are you going to kill Solmin?"

Rye eyed her warily. "Yes," he finally answered with resolution.

"Good," she uttered. Rye nodded his head in surprise at her response. He then leaned down and kissed her eagerly.

The creak of the wagon door interrupted them. Casten was standing at the entrance with a solemn expression and sporting a fresh black eye. Avoiding Rye, he looked gravely at Anna and rasped,"Let's finish this."

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