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A/N: This chapter is on the long side but it is the last. Thank you for reading. Enjoy😊


The air was chilled and frost coated the grass and leaves on the trees. Anna closed her eyes and basked in Rye's warmth as he held her against him on the horse.

Excited energy bounced off Rye's men in waves. In return, her heart amped in anticipation. After weeks of travel, they were finally close to home.

Rye pressed his lips to her head and squeezed her tightly with one arm. When she turned to look at him, she noticed his eyes were bright and his lips smiling.

"You seem happy to return home," she mused. 

"Yes. Very." He leaned down and tilted her head toward him and tried to read her face. "You are not. Why?"

"I'm just nervous, I guess."

"My people will love you."

"All at once? Because crowds are not my thing."

He chuckled. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to do."

"Okay," she answered, unconvinced.

He trailed kisses between her neck and shoulder, causing her to shiver. Not even the intimacy of the ride, with her body pressed up against his, was enough to distract her from her thoughts.

"What will I do all day?" she asked anxiously.

With another kiss on her neck, he whispered, "Whatever you please."

Disappointment flooded her. This was not quite the answer she was looking for.

He pulled back and when she narrowed her eyes at him, he was contemplative. "I had hoped you would sit with me on counsel and on court."

Her heart warmed. She would have a place here, and a voice, not just a womb like she had feared. "I would like that," she breathed.

Rye nodded with a small smile. "You will bring change. My mother foresaw it."

After what she had been through, the idea of a bigger purpose was no longer as frightening as before, especially now that she had a supportive Rye by her side.

The pounding of hooves turned Anna's head. Kalo rode up next to them and interrupted, "Anna! Will you meet my claimed on our return?"

Kalo spoke of Cara so often that Anna felt like she already knew the girl. "Of course," she replied warmly.  Kalo's face lit like a Christmas tree.

"She is a good woman," Kalo announced proudly, like he needed to endear her more than he already had.

"From everything you told me about her, I have a feeling we will be fast friends," Anna replied.  Somehow, Kalo's grin became even wider. She laughed, he gave her a satisfied nod and then took off in a gallop.

Thinking about Caralie gave Anna a smidge of self-consciousness. She was not dressed like a lady and certainly not one matched to a warlord. Or she didn't think so anyway. Anna always had an array of female friends, but sometimes other women were tricky. They always seemed to find ways to compare themselves to each other. Anna knew she would be heavily scrutinized, and if she showed up in raggedy pants and wild hair, she would be torn apart.

"What are you thinking about?" Rye asked her.

"I'm thinking Sera's dress looked complicated."

"The wise woman?" Rye asked with surprise.

"Yes. I have no idea how to be a woman here."

Rye laughed. "All will be well. Your lady's maid will help you."

"Can I wear pants sometimes?"

"If you want."

"Would that embarrass you?"

Rye laughed again. "Anna, why would that embarrass me? You worry more than you should." Rye paused for a moment and his eyes turned heated. Leaning into her ear, he whispered huskily, "In truth, I am looking forward to seeing you in a fine gown."

A shiver ran through her, and a smile pierced her lips. "I guess it would be harder to run away from you."

Rye chuckled. "If you run, I wouldn't chase you." Then he added in a low voice, "Unless you wanted me to."

With burning cheeks, she turned to look into his fiery eyes. Her body felt electric all over. As she turned his words over in her mind, her demeanor grew more serious. "You're so much different now than when I first met you."

Rye shifted and sighed deeply. "I regret it, Anna. So much. I regret it. If I could do it all over again, I would. I wouldn't have killed the boy, and I…I wouldn't have forced you to come with me. The Fates know I was a fool. I'll never force anything on you again. You do not have to join with me or bear my children. Everything from now on will be your choice. Always your choice."

Anna swallowed. He was so sincere. She could hear it in how his voice cracked and how his eyes bore so intensely into her own. She didn't think it was possible, but her heart swelled even more for this man. The chain around her neck proved his claim, but what he offered her was completely counter to the values and customs of his culture.

"Thank you. Choice and freedom are important to me," she said with emotion.

He gently grabbed her chin and allowed her to see all his feelings through his features. "I know," Rye said softly. "You tried to tell me, but I ignored it. I'm not perfect. There will be mistakes. I will say things wrong or lose my temper. But know, my beautiful Anna, that you will always have my heart. I'll never hurt you and I'll always protect you. There will never be another for me, and even if you do not return my affections, all I'll ever want for you is your happiness."

He was a brute, but also a marshmallow. It was hard to believe that the fierce warlord who compared love-making to mounting horses turned out to be a tender and gentle lover.  He had done some horrible things, but he had also shown her that he was capable of unwavering kindness and great change. This life wasn't her choice, but he was doing everything in his power to give her the autonomy that she craved. 

Tears welled in her eyes, and without even thinking, she brought her hand to his cheek."I love you," she murmured as she brought her lips to his.


"Our warlord! Our warlord has returned!" a deep voice bellowed from the top of a large stone wall. Overwhelmed, Anna stared at the significant structure. Men or guards lined the top and the bottom of the wall. 

"Roderick, stop your caterwauling! We have no need for a welcome party. Men! Open the gate!" Rye hollered back at them.

"You heard our warlord! Open the gates! Bring down the bridge!" Roderick yelled. Men's voices and grunts could be heard from behind the wall, and the sounds of clinking chains. The doors slowly began to spread open. "Warlord! Who is that riding with you?"

"Tis Anna. The woman who has claimed my heart," Rye shouted back at him.

Anna's cheeks warmed, and her heart nearly exploded at Rye's introduction of her. He had no qualms about telling others of his love for her.

"Welcome, Lady," Roderick replied. She could hear the smile and enthusiasm in his voice.

"Thank you! It is nice to meet you, Roderick!" Anna called back to him.

Once the gates opened completely, the drawbridge came down in a loud thunk.

As they trotted across the bridge, Anna was pummeled with exhilaration and curiosity. Trying to block out unwanted emotions, she raked her nails into her skin. She smiled awkwardly at the men as they passed and their inquisitive eyes bore into her.

"The Northlands, Anna. Home," Rye whispered proudly in her ear.

Home. Anna was taken aback by how grand and large the Northlands' Keep was.  Their home was a long stone structure that seemed cold and daunting.

Dozens of houses of stone could be seen in the large clearing, and shops lined the road, bustling with merchants and villagers.

People ran out of their homes and gathered to greet them when they saw them approaching.

"Warlord! Our warlord is home!" villagers shouted. Despite Anna's protest, Rye had ordered Ash, Kalo, and Thad to keep all the onlookers back.  Rye had taken her worry about crowds seriously and didn't want her to be overwhelmed. Anna, however, didn't want to look like a stuck-up bitch. So, she smiled as brightly as she could and waved as they passed.

Among the greetings, she also heard the curious conversations.

"That's a woman with him."

"Did you see her eyes?"

"She's dressed like a servant."

"The warlord has his arms around her."

"Is she wearing his chain?"

Rye must have heard some of the things that were being said because he pulled her closer to him and turned in for a kiss. In front of everyone!

Gasps could be heard in response to his gesture. Rye laughed loudly.

"Welcome your lady. This is Anna!" Rye bellowed.

Then cheers erupted through the crowd. Despite the manufactured distance, Anna could still feel emotions barreling inside her from the gathering. Her nails glided into her skin with slight discomfort, but it was when she leaned further into Rye that her love overtook the feelings of everyone else. With Rye by her side, she managed to block the unwanted emotions out with ease. With a soaring heart, she realized that they were made for each other.

"Thad! Thad!" a woman's voice called from the crowd.

"Lor!" Thadeon called back. He leaped off his horse and embraced a woman in his arms. Anna's heart warmed when they kissed passionately. This was Elorede, the woman who had helped raise Rye.

Ash and Kalo also had gotten off their horses and were greeting familiar faces in the crowd. She had never seen them look so happy. It was contagious because she was smiling too.

She turned to Rye and said, "You can go and greet your friends. I will be okay."

Rye studied her for a moment and then nodded. He lowered himself off the horse and went straight to Elorede and hugged her. Then he whispered something to her and led her toward Anna.

"Anna, this is Thad's joined, Elorede.  Elorede, meet Anna. She is my claimed, or I am hers. We haven't quite decided," Rye said with a wink and a smile.

Elorede beamed at her. "At last. We have been waiting for you. Please call me Lor."

Anna could tell immediately that Lor was a beautiful person inside and out. "It is nice to meet you. Rye has told me so much about you."

"I hope to get to know you better, Anna."

"I would like that." Tears started to swell in Anna's eyes. She was so worried that she wouldn't have friends here, but Lor was so welcoming. So sincere. Elorede nodded kindly.

"Lor!" Ash interrupted and the two turned toward each other to catch up.

It was an odd feeling. She was an outsider but she could see herself here. Kalo, Thad, and Ash treated her as a sister, and she had also come to view them as family. The intimacy of travel caused them all to grow close as they allowed her into their tight-knit group.

Kalo charged excitedly over to her with a young woman and a girl who looked to be about thirteen. The young woman had plump, rosy cheeks, and beautiful green eyes. The young girl had similar coloring and features, and Anna could tell almost immediately that they were sisters.

"Anna, this is my claimed, Caralie and her younger sister, Maybelle," Kalo said cheerfully.

Anna smiled down at them, "It is nice to meet you both. I hope we can be friends."

Caralie smiled back at her and answered, "Of course! Please call me Cara."

Kalo could barely contain his happiness as he hugged Cara into him.

"You can call me May," the younger girl allowed. Her eyes then skewed with curiosity. "Why are you dressed like a man?"

Cara's face paled and she nudged her sister with admonishment.

Color returned to Cara's cheeks when Anna, Kalo, and Rye all laughed.

Anna good-humoredly answered, "It's a long story, May. Since we are friends, I will eventually tell you everything. For now, I will say that I have mostly been only in the company of men for weeks, and Rye gave me nothing else to wear."

"Men are stupid," May replied.

"We can be," Rye agreed.

May's cheeks turned red. "Of course, I didn't mean to offend you, Warlord."

Anna laughed again, "It's okay, May. The warlord has had his stupid moments, but giving me pants isn't one of them. I can't imagine riding for days in a dress."

"You don't have a riding dress?"

"No…" Anna turned to Rye.

He turned to the two girls and said, "Maybelle and Caralie, can you help Anna pick out a new wardrobe? She has nothing."

"Of course, Warlord," Cara answered.

"Are you sure? I'll need a lot of help," Anna said.

"Nothing would give us more pleasure. I can send over a few things. We aren't quite the same size, but it can hold you over."

"Thank you." Anna smiled. Everything was looking up. She missed women, and the three she met so far were kind. She liked them already.

Rye lifted himself back up on the horse and gave a polite goodbye. They strode toward the large imposing structure that would be their home, waving at onlookers as they passed.


Anna woke with her head on Rye's chest and a familiar pulling feeling within her soul. Her body was tender from their love-making, and she had only moments ago fallen asleep, content. Before retiring to their room, Rye had given her a tour of the property. The dining hall was regal but their attached home was more like a large cottage than a castle. It was humble, yet beautiful.

The longer she lay awake, the stronger the pull in her chest tightened. Momentarily closing her eyes again, she saw an unmistakable vision of water.

Swallowing, she tried to rid herself of the knot that formed in her throat.

"Rye," she called hoarsely while shoving his arm.

He grunted, but his eyes opened and when he saw her, his face twisted with concern.

"Anna? What is it?"

She took his hand and placed it in the center of her chest. "I…I feel the Fates." Her voice was panicky, and her mind muddled.

She wasn't prepared for this.

Confused, Rye took his other hand and pulled her to him. He rubbed her back in an act of comfort.

"Breathe. Tell me what you are being asked to do."

She opened her mouth to tell him, but nothing came out. The tug inside her chest became a force so powerful that she thought her insides were being torn out.

Go. Now, it seemed to say.

Naked, she rose from the bed, tugging on Rye in the process.

"Anna, tell me," Rye pleaded anxiously.

She shook her head, barely keeping it together. "I need clothes," she said while curling her arms around her center.

Rye cursed under his breath and pulled on his own trousers. He slowly cracked open the door and knelt down and grabbed a stack of clothing that had been left on the floor outside of their room.

He tossed a simple linen gown to her and she threw it quickly over her head. Once dressed, she took Rye's hand and pulled him out of the room.

"Anna. Stop. You are scaring me," Rye ordered while planting his feet.

"Th-is way," she stuttered, trying to nudge him toward the back of the house. He wouldn't budge, his face serious.

"Tell me."

"It's tug–ging me to the ri–ver." Her face fell as she took in Rye's expression. He looked broken.

"Rye," she whispered, "please."

Nodding, he allowed her to guide him again. Several servants gawked at them as they passed. Her chest was tight, but her body moved with a mind of its own. Their footsteps reverberated against the stone and Rye's palm sweated in her hand.  When they made it to the back door Rye ordered the guard to step aside to let them through.

Anna couldn't hear the guard's response and his surprise and curiosity didn't register. All she could think about was the water. The river. Home.

The cool air seeped under the thin material of her gown, and their bare feet sunk into the soft grass, making footprints in their wake.

The cold couldn't touch her. It was only the water and the harsh tug inside her chest that overwhelmed her thoughts.

She sank to her knees when she made it to the river's edge, unaware of the tears strolling down her cheeks. Rye knelt too and watched stoically behind her.

Instinctively, she dipped her hand into the icy water. Along with the stabbing cold, she felt that odd caress. She gasped as she tried to contemplate what was happening.

"They're here, like before," she sputtered.

She turned her head to look at Rye, but he was no longer stone. His eyes were red and his lips were quivering, he was crying.

"I don't want you to go," he breathed, "but I won't make you stay."

Her throat closed. She couldn't breathe. She couldn't speak.

Anna said nothing as she turned her head back to the river. Her heart throbbed, she missed so many things from home. Her friends, the twins, technology.

Home. It didn't feel that way anymore. She didn't belong there, she never truly did.

"I want to choose," she murmured to the water.

The pull inside her eased and she felt like she could breathe again. 

She had believed that one day she would choose her own family. Rye. Rye had become her family.

"Him. I want to stay with him," she whispered. 

Immediately, a sense of peace filled her soul, and her lips curved into a magnificent smile. She reached her hand into the river and invisible fingers embraced her skin and then let go. It was a peace offering. At the lake, they had sucked her in and then spit her out, but now they were giving her the option. Stay or go.

"Thank you for giving me the choice," she said, her heart filled with gratitude.

When she turned to face Rye, her smile seemed to stun him. His eyes raised in question and before he could speak, she threw herself into him.

"I love you, and I want to stay," she murmured into the crevice of his neck and shoulder.

His arms squeezed her tighter. "You're staying?"

"Yes. I claim you. I choose you."

Rye brought his lips to hers and he kissed her fervently.

Breaking from her, Rye vowed, "I'll make sure you never regret it."

It felt right, this love between them. In the short time she had been in this strange world, she had changed. Love had changed him too.

Her empathic powers at times had been cruel to her, but she saw how much good could come from them. She had kept them to herself, her secret torment. Now, she was no longer alone in it.

The ruthless warlord and the empath.

Rye and Anna.

The end.

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