Chapter Eight

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As the mages disappeared, Virgil felt dread wash over him. He put his head in his hands as he tried to regulate his breathing. His chest was shuddering as quick and shallow breaths fought through his throat. His whole body had begun to tremble and his vision was going blurry again.

This time these symptoms were not the result of another mage attacking him. His only enemy was his own mind. Janus' words were racing around his head. Virgil was Dorchadas' chosen successor... He didn't know what the illusionist meant by that, but it made bile rise up in his throat. He felt like he was choking on the air he was trying to breathe. He realized that he hadn't had a panic attack this severe since the events of last year. 

"Virgil? Virgil! Are you alright?!" a familiar voice was calling. He tried to pull himself out of it, seeing his prince above him and feeling his arms around him. "Virgil, I'm right here, I've got you."

A sudden wave of darkness washed over him. Virgil coughed and shuddered again, leaning against Roman desperately as he felt his skin grow cold. He felt his hands turning black and the mist that accompanied his powers began to swirl from underneath him. He squeezed his eyes tightly shut as his panic grew. He wasn't trying to use his powers, but his body and mind was betraying him.

"Just give in to the power," a deep voice murmured in his head. "My power is your power."

Virgil's eyes snapped open. "NO!" he screamed. He shut the feeling down, pressing his fingernails into his palms until blood trickled from them. The dark mist disappeared and he fell  against Roman.

"Virgil, what's wrong? What happened?" he asked him frantically.

"I- He- I can feel him," the dark prince tried to say, feeling his head still spinning. "I can feel him- I'm part of him-"

He passed out, lying limply on Roman's legs. The prince felt his heart pounding in his chest as panic overwhelmed him. He pulled Virgil close and pressed his fingers against his neck, feeling for a pulse. Fortunately, he found it quickly, making him sigh in relief. 

His relief was short lived as he replayed what Virgil had said. He'd said he was part of Dorchadas, that he could feel him. He gazed down at the dark prince in fear and worry. He hoped that didn't mean that the dark mage could use Virgil against them in some way. Could Dorchadas spy through him? Could he control him? What did this mean?

"Roman! What's happened? Is he alright?" King Patton asked, rushing over to him. 

"He's not injured, but he needs to be taken inside. He suffered from a severe panic attack," the prince informed him. He pulled Virgil into bridal position and stood up with him in his arms. He felt light, but fortunately not nearly as light as he had been prior to him coming home. Roman brushed the boy's bangs out of his face. "You're going to be okay, Virge... I've got you."

He carried him back into the palace and up to his bedroom. He was tucking him under the covers when the others joined him. Thorn stepped forward to assist him and then place her palm over his forehead. It glowed faintly. 

"He's stressed, scared... filled with self-loathing," she murmured with a deep frown. "I'm going to put him under so he get actually get some rest."

They all nodded in agreement. Once she had put him in a deep sleep, they left to go to the conference room. It was silent in the room. A heavy feeling hung over them like a cloud. King Logan was the first to speak.

"From initial reports, there have little-to-no civilian casualties. We can presume that the intention of this attack was not to harm the people of the village, but rather promote fear. I'm willing to bet that Dorchadas is playing the long game," he explained. "He's going to try and break our spirits before unleashing his full strength. This could mean that he's weaker than he wants to be. Perhaps he's trying to stall until he's stronger."

Roman nodded. "I agree that this attack was not meant to hurt the people," he said, leaning forward on his hands. "However, this was definitely premeditated. There was a reason behind this other than to just strike fear."

"What about Virgil?" Luis pointed out, looking toward his brother-in-law with concern. "Didn't he stop to talk to one of the illusionists?"

"He did, this man with a face that looked half human and half snake," Roman recalled. "I didn't hear much of their conversation though. I was busy fighting and only got there in time to help Virgil when the illusionist actually grabbed him."

Logan looked thoughtful. "So this illusionist, he didn't make an attempt to hurt him until they had finished their conversation?"

"It seemed like it," he replied with a confused expression. "I'm not certain. I saw them circling each other and thought Virgil could handle it, but after a few minutes, I noticed a shift and the illusionist was grabbing him. He seemed to still be talking to him-"

Realization hit him as he spoke, causing him to gasp. "Oh! Wait, wait! Virgil said something, something about being part of Dorchadas," he told them. "What if-"

"What if this attack was to get to Virgil?" Thorn finished, nodding. "If there's a chance that Dorchadas could use Virgil, I don't see why he wouldn't take it. He's one of the most powerful dark mages we've ever seen since Dorchadas was actually alive. Now that he's back, what if he's connected to the person responsible for bringing him back?"

"I can see that being possible," King Logan said. "We have to hope Virgil can tell us more once he's woken up. If he can tell us about the conversation he had with that illusionist, that would help us understand why they attacked."

Roman nodded, feeling a twinge of hope in his chest. If they were right, that gave them an advantage; however there was a chance that Dorchadas knew how to use Virgil against them.

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