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       Shopping was exhausting. All morning Belly and I were in and out of changing rooms, trying on various pieces that Susannah pulled for us. My sister's style was classic and girly, filled with cute jean shorts and summery tanks, and mine is simplistic, with neutral tones and soft linens. I didn't step out of my comfort zone very often, preferring comfort over everything. I didn't like to stand out or draw attention to myself, which was hard to do in the white poufy dress Susannah picked out for me earlier.

It was hard now, walking into the country club with the ridiculous hat on my head. It was emerald green, the same shade as the dress Susannah bought for me. It had a square neck and fell just above my knee, while the fascinator on my head had a small veil draping over my eyes. "I can't believe you're doing this," Belly, who mom had stopped as we left the car, caught up to me. She wore a blue dress, a pink fascinator adorning the top of her head. "I mean, it's out there for me, but you were so against it last night... what changed?" before I can reply, she adds, "and be honest, I know this is about more than just your novel."

I sigh, "mom said some things to me when you all went to bed last night. She acted like the whole night was my fault," Belly opens her mouth to say something, most likely to argue that it's not true, but I continue, "I've spent my whole life being good examples for you and Steven, doing everything mom tells me and more. I just... I wanted something for myself, something that she can't control."

Belly reaches over for my hand, squeezing it, "so you're doing the Deb because you know mom hates it?"

"Exactly," I nod. It felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, being able to tell Belly the actual reasoning behind me becoming a debutante.

"Well, I'm proud of you," Belly says, knocking her shoulder against mine. I can't remember the last time I heard those words. It certainly wasn't from mom, "and I hope you find something in this place to make it worthwhile."

"I hope we both do," I say, smiling at her, "what did mom want, by the way?"

"She was giving me an out, saying she wouldn't say I told you so." Belly rolls her eyes, and my stomach sinks. Mom told me the exact opposite earlier. She'd hold it against me if I quit; she was waiting to prove me wrong, to prove that she knows me inside and out. "I hate how everyone doubts me, you know? I'm not a kid anymore."

"You're not," I agree, squeezing her hand as we approach the entrance, "it's just hard. You'll always be my little sister, Bels, even when we're old and have wrinkles."

Belly laughs, just as a familiar figure approaches us, holding a stack of towels in his hands, "Hey," She calls out to Jeremiah. He's shirtless, wearing the same swim shorts he'd been wearing at home, "Jeremiah." She says his name, laughing when he doesn't look over at us.

"Oh, my god." He gapes at Belly, who's rushed ahead of me to greet the boy, waving her gloved hands at him, "uh, Belly, Florence. Wow, I didn't even recognize you guys."

"Tell me the truth," Belly says, glancing down at her floral, checkered print dress, "do I look like a fool?"

"Um..." He chuckles, looking over at me before looking back at Belly. He looks at my little sister with pure admiration. "Uh, no. Y-you, look good. Florence, on the other hand, looks a bit like a fool." He shoots me a cheeky grin, "I'm kidding. Here, let me walk you guys over."

"I think I'm gonna find the restroom," I say, nodding towards the building, deciding to give the two of them space. I didn't actually need it, but my gut was telling me to leave the two teens alone. "I'll meet you guys there."

I watch as Belly and Jere walk away, both chatting. A giggle escapes her lips as she twirls, linking her arms through Jeremiah's. Their friendship reminds me of the one I used to have with Conrad, back when things were different. I wouldn't have to worry about getting a date to this thing if Conrad were still my best friend. It'd be a given. He'd probably make fun of my dancing and how clumsy I'll be in the heels and dress. But he'd make it fun.

I've never actually been to the country club; mom was always adamant about never coming here, and I typically sided with her. The place was filled with snooty rich people who couldn't see their own privilege. I thought I'd feel out of place dressed like this, but no one gave me a second look, obviously used to seeing girls wearing these ridiculous things on their heads. I look around, mentally cursing myself for not following Jeremiah and Belly to the tea. This place is a lot bigger than it seems. "You look lost," I flinch as a boy steps beside me, "sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."

"You're fine," I reassure, turning to look at him. And he was, both literally and physically, the boy beside me might just be the most beautiful guy I've ever seen, with floppy brown hair and a black vest worn over his white button-up, the sleeves rolled up to show off his toned forearms, "and is it that obvious?" I ask him, referring to his opening line.

He laughs, I shouldn't be shocked that his laugh is so attractive, but my heart still flutters at the sound. I might be a feminist, but that does not mean I can't admit when a man is attractive, which this guy certainly is, "just a bit," he says, "where you headed?"

"The debutante tea," I answer, gesturing to the fascinator covering my eyes, "isn't that obvious, though?"

"I didn't want to assume," He holds his hands up in defence, a few rings are displayed across his fingers, "I was sort of hoping you were, though. I'm headed that way too."

"Oh," is all I say. Seriously Florence, this attractive, nice guy is straight-up saying he was hoping you'd be headed the same way as him, and all you can think to say is "oh." "Would you mind showing me where it is?" I ask him, my fingers fidgeting with the satin gloves on my fingers.

"I thought you'd never ask," He smirks. Of course, he has dimples when he smiles, "I'm Tripp, by the way. Tripp Hale."

He holds his hand out to me while we walk, and I shake it briefly. His hands were cold from the air conditioning, "Florence," I introduced myself.

"Florence," My name rolls off his tongue like a melody, "pretty name for a pretty girl."

I pride myself on being the type of girl who can keep her composure. On the outside, Tripp sees me ducking my head, a soft smile on my lips. On the inside, though, I'm squealing, mentally taking notes so I can tell Isla everything about this interaction later, "so, do you live in cousins? Or are you just visiting for the summer?"

"I live here," He answers, "and I'm assuming you're visiting for the summer? I'd remember your face if you lived here."

"Yeah, we've been coming here every summer since I was a baby," I answer, happy for the blush Susannah coated on my cheeks before I left, covering up the natural one that began to spread below it.

"What?" He asks, shaking his head at me, "how have we not met until now? I totally would've remembered you."

"I don't really come to the country club that often," I shrug, following him up a set of stairs, "and I'm the girl at parties who's usually in the corner, on designated driver duty."

"Well, now I know where to find you," He nudges my arm with his own, shooting me a playful wink, "are you busy tonight? Maybe we could make up for lost time?"

Is he asking me out? I pause at the top of the steps, where pictures of past debutantes line the walls, "like a date?" I ask him, biting my lower lip to repress the dorky grin that's fighting to spread across my lips.

"Yeah," He says confidently. He pulls his phone out of his pocket, passing it to me, "here, give me your information. I could pick you up at seven?"

Before I can nod, I remember moms book party tonight, "shit." I curse, shaking my head, "I completely forgot. We're having this book signing for my mom tonight. I promised I'd be there, could you meet later possibly? I only have to go for a bit."

"Yeah," He nods like it's no big deal, "I'll pick you up there."

"Cool," I type my number into his contacts before handing his phone back, "I, uh, should probably get in there." I gesture to the tea, which has already started. I spot Belly sitting at a table with an empty seat beside me.

"Yeah," he nods, "me too."

"You're a waiter?" I question, tilting my head to the side. Today was just getting better and better. He nods, "well, I'll uh, see you in there."

I walk ahead into the room, immediately catching Belly's attention, who waves me over, awkwardly sitting with a bunch of girls. I'd seen some of them around before but never actually spoken to them, "You must be Florence," One of the girls said, smiling at me as I slid into the seat beside her and Belly, "I'm Nicole. Everyone, this is Florence, Belly's sister. They're family friends of Conrad and Jeremiah."

"Hi," I smile at the girls, placing my napkin on my lap, "sorry I'm late. I, uh, got lost."

"This place is a maze," Nicole laughed. She was beautiful and suited the fascinator much more than I did.

"Uh, so are you and Jeremiah, like a thing, Belly?" A blonde girl in a white fascinator asks, "are you gonna take him to the ball."

Nicole answers on behalf of my sister while Belly chews the piece of food she'd shoved into her mouth, "Oh my god, back off, Gigi." She chuckles while Gigi, the blonde, tries to defend herself. "They're, like, basically related, okay? So you have nothing to worry about."

"I'm not worried."

"Gigi has had this thing for Jeremiah..."

The girl beside Belly finishes Nicole's sentence, "ever since he got abs?"

The girls giggle, and I share a look with Belly, pretending to be grossed out. Jeremiah felt like a little brother to me, the same as Steven. It was weird hearing girls talk about him like this, "I'm not into Jeremiah Fisher," The girl who I learned is named Shayla shook her head.

"Yeah, and you're noticing his abs?" Gigi argued.

As Shayla begins to disagree, another girl in a green dress speaks up, "She's too busy eye-fucking the waiter."

"Dude," She glares, her cheeks flushing with embarrassment, "that's Belly and Florence's brother."

"Ew," Belly finally says something, her face scrunching up in disgust, "gross."

"Steven?" I ask her, baffled. Are we talking about the same person? "You have a thing for Steven? My annoying brother."

The girls giggle as if I'd just said a funny joke. I wasn't trying to make a joke, though. If she spent enough time with Steven, she'd know, "So," Nicole nudges my arm, "what's it like living with Jeremiah and Conrad?"

"Now look who's being nosy," Gigi remarks before I can say anything, teasing Nicole, "trying to figure out why Conrad hasn't asked you out since he took you to the ball last summer?"

Conrad took Nicole to the ball? Was she the reason he hadn't spoken to me last summer? Did they have a thing, and he got too busy for me? And now he's ignoring her too... typical Conrad. Before I can reply, a woman walks to the front of the room, beginning to speak, "Hello, Debutantes."

I spent the rest of the tea watching Tripp as he filled glasses of water, ducking my gaze every time he looked over, trying to ignore the thoughts that rushed through my head about Nicole and Conrad, wondering whether she was the reason our friendship ended.

If you're wondering who the face claim for Tripp is, please go check the intro chapter where the cast is!! he's definitely gonna stir up some more drama...
Also in this version, Nicole and Conrad are not a thing, just a little change.

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