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    I kiss Steven's cheek as I plop down beside him on the couch, kicking my legs over his on the coffee table. If mom and Susannah knew we left the house, the two of them wouldn't leave me alone, worried that my sudden exposure to outside air and sunlight was going to kill me. Conrad and I drove home together, and Steven went home ahead of us to make sure our moms didn't catch on to me being out, which they hadn't.

"Have I ever told you you're the greatest brother ever?" I ask Steven, placing the ice that'd been put back in the freezer on my chest again.

"Not often enough." Steven teases me before lowering his voice to a whisper, "so, what happened with you guys? I'm embarrassed to admit, but I'm kind of invested."

"We're friends," I say to my brother, smiling. It was easier this way. With his mom being sick, I just want to be there for Conrad and be a good friend. Maybe one day down the road, we can try and if being more works, but for now, I'm happy just being best friends with Conrad Fisher.

Before Steven can reply, his phone chimes, "it's Shayla," He tells me, already typing back a response, "she wants to show me something before the volleyball tournament."

"Shit," I muttered, running my fingers through my hair. I completely forgot that was today. We were raising money for our charities today. Mine was education for girls in places where it isn't always accessible. I've been so excited about it, even if I suck at sports. "I totally forgot that was today."

"I think they'll understand that you can't do it," Steven reassures me, squeezing my knee before walking out of the living room, leaving me all alone.

I rack my brain, trying to figure out a way to fix this, something that'll help raise money for these girls, but not strain my injuries. Before I can think of something, Jeremiah and Isla walk into the house, laughing. "Hey, you," Isla greets me with a gentle smile, "We got you something."

She hands me a stuffed bear. Its fur is pink and soft, its nose shaped like a strawberry, "Because we missed you berry much," Jeremiah informs me, winking. When neither Isla nor I laugh at his terrible pun, he adds, "Berry, get it, cause the- "He sighs, running his hand through his hair, "forget about it."

I smile as Isla rubs his arm, mocking support, before plopping down beside me on the couch, "So, what are we going to do this afternoon while everyone's at Volleyball? I told your mom I'd stay back to hang with you."

It hits me then that Isla was supposed to be my partner despite her unathleticism, but maybe she could still play? Maybe I just needed to find her a partner to take my place... I look over at Jere, and I can't help but smirk at how perfect it'd be. He and Isla clearly like one another, so why not give them a gentle nudge, all while raising money for a good cause. "I was actually thinking... what if you still played? Jeremiah could take my place." Before she can argue, I add, "I really want to raise the money for this charity. It would mean a lot to me if you guys did this."

Isla knew how hyped I was over my charity pick, and despite wanting to make sure I was okay, she also cared about this charity just as much as I did, "are you sure?" Isla asks, hesitantly.


"Well, then, who's gonna take care of you?" Jeremiah asks. Despite his concern for me, I can see he's excited at the prospect of spending more time with my best friend.

Before I can answer his question, which I don't have an answer for, Conrad leans against the doorframe, "I can," He offers, his voice gentle and reassuring. He's showered since we got home, his hair wet and hanging over his forehead.

I wish I had a camera so I could capture Isla's eyes as they practically fall out of her head, shocked to see Conrad suddenly acting so cool around me. I know we're keeping the whole I left the house thing a secret, but I'll tell Isla later when everyone else goes to bed. Unlike Isla, who's so shocked she can't speak, Jeremiah nods at his brother, "cool, bro, thanks." He says, slapping his brother's shoulder lightly as he walks past, "is your volleyball shirt in your room, Flo? We need to leave soon."

"Are you sure?" Isla asks me again, this time quietly, hesitantly looking between Conrad and I. The look in her eyes is curious, questioning whether things are better between us now.

I nod, a reassuring smile on my face. The idea of having the house to ourselves sounds kind of nice. With everything that's happened, I think we both need it, "yeah, go kick some ass for me, kay?"

Isla laughs at that, shaking her head as she stands, walking over to the doorway where Conrad is, "I'll try my best." She says, before looking at him, despite being much shorter, the look in her eyes is serious, almost intimidating, "she better be in one piece when I get home."

"So, no skydiving?" Conrad asks, a teasing smirk on his lips.

"Haha," Isla mock laughs, rolling her eyes. Seeing this two interact made my heart swell with happiness, "you're hilarious, Fisher," She calls as she's leaving, making her way up the stairs to put her volleyball shirt on, "should be a comedian."

Conrad laughs, before slowly making his way into the room, "I get why you like her so much," Conrad says, nodding to where Isla stood seconds ago, "she's funny."

"She's dramatic," I correct him, to which he laughs. I've come to the conclusion that Conrad Fisher's laugh is my favourite sound of all time. I wish I could bottle it up and play it on repeat when I'm back home, "but yeah, she's the best."

"Flo, Isla," Mom enters the room, Susannah behind her. I allow my eyes to linger on my mom's best friend for a moment, noticing things about her that I hadn't until now. She looks so tired, her normally bright eyes dull with bags underneath that not even her fancy concealer could cover. Susannah's always been small, but she looks frailer, her face less full than it usually is. The more I look at her, the sicker she looks. How had I been so blind to it? "Oh, Conrad? I thought Isla was taking care of Flo while we're gone."

"Isla's gonna play with Jere for my team," I explain to mom, "so Conrad volunteered to stay."

"That's my boy," Susannah smiled proudly. Her smiles typically send a surge of happiness through me, but right now, every time I look at her, all I feel is sadness, knowing what's going on behind her kind smiles and cheerful attitude.

"Thank you, Conrad," Mom smiles, and she quirks her head, sharing a look with Susannah that I can't quite read, "well, um, the doctor called and said you can take a nap if you want. You just need to be supervised while you're asleep."

"Okay," I nod. Sleep sounds amazing, though. Despite my extra-long nap in the hospital, my entire body felt exhausted. I'd been thinking about getting under my covers and falling asleep all day.

"Call us if you need anything," Mom says to Conrad, not looking at me because I, unfortunately, am still not allowed to use my phone, "and if the pain gets too much, you're due for more medicine in about an hour."

Mom sounds stressed, and I think Susannah can tell because she places a hand on my mom's shoulder, squeezing it reassuringly, "Connies got her," she says to my mom, "we'll see you two later, okay?"

Everyone leaves along with the moms, all coming in to say goodbye to me before doing so. Belly and Cam, who she finally asked to the Deb ball, both come in, my sister not fazed at all by Conrad sitting next to me. Isla and Jeremiah come in next, and I had to laugh at how my shirt fit him, slightly too short, showing off his midriff with each raise of the arm. Shortly after that, everyone is gone, leaving Conrad and I alone.

Now that we're just sitting here, my pain is apparent, with nothing distracting me from thinking about it. My back feels tense, my shoulder and neck unable to move due to how stiff they are, I try stretching them out, but it only results in me wincing in pain, "you okay?" Conrad asks, noticing my discomfort.

"Just hurts," I say honestly.

Conrad frowns, humming under his breath as he thinks, "I uh, think I might know something that could help?" He offers, hesitant and unsure. He looks so cute right now, concerned and running his fingers through his hair, "I mean if you want."

"If it helps the pain go away, I'll try anything," I admit, desperate for some relief. Conrad nods, standing and holding his hand out to me. I allow him to pull me up. His hands are rough from working on the boat this morning but warm and familiar. Despite walking on my own being easier now, Conrad keeps his hand on the small of my back as we make our way up the stairs, the warmth of his hand sending a shot of electricity up my spine.

"I'm gonna go run the bath in my mom's room," Conrad says once we're on the top level, he looks bashful and shy, "uh, maybe you could go change into a bathing suit or something?"

We both go our separate ways, Conrad into his mom's room and me into mine, where I throw on the first bathing suit I can find, a pair of white bikini bottoms and a baby blue top. With my stomach on display, I find even more bruises along my thighs and torso. They weren't nearly as bad as the ones lining my chest and shoulders, but still there, nonetheless.

I find Conrad in his mom's bathroom, where her luxurious bathtub sits. As kids, this was where we all had our baths together. My mom has an embarrassing amount of pictures of Conrad and me in here, both pudgy and chubby-cheeked babies with barely any hair. "I hope it's not too h-"Conrad pauses as he turns to face me, his eyes shifting from my eyes to my chest, down to my stomach and eventually my thighs.

"I know," I use my arms to cover my torso, knowing what he's thinking, "they're really gross." I've never been the self-conscious type, but these stupid bruises were making me one. They were disgusting looking, fading into shades of blue, purple and even yellow.

"No, no," Conrad is quick to reassure, shaking his head. He slowly walks over and pulls my arms away from my torso, his green eyes piercing into mine, "I don't think you could ever look gross, Florence."

I want to kiss him so bad. My eyes dart down to his lips, pouty and perfect. I can't, though. He's vulnerable and going through a lot; the last thing he needs is more confusion over what we are, "thank you," I whisper, "for all of this."

"Of course," He nods, interlocking our hands, "come on, before it gets cold." He doesn't let go of my hand as I step into the tub, slowly moving to sit in the water. My body aches as I move down but instantly relaxes once it's resting in the hot water. "Mom said the hot water might soothe your muscles," Conrad explains. He sits on the floor outside of the tub, leaning against it.

I leaned my back against the back of the tub, wincing as it pushed into my shoulder blades. While the hot water was soothing, the edge of the bath was by no means comfortable. I needed something to lean against, like a pillow or something. "Conrad," I look down at his legs to see he's wearing swim trunks as shorts, "could you um-"I hesitate, figuring out how to ask my question without sounding weird, "do you think you could..."

"What is it?" He tilts his head curiously when I can't finish my sentence.

"Could I lean on you?" I finally ask him, my words not making much sense, "it's just the back of the tub it's a little rough on my back and shoulders, so I was just wondering if maybe you could..."

"You want me to get in there with you?" His face flushes, and I suddenly regret even thinking of it.

"Forget I mentioned it," I say, shaking my head, "it's weird, and um, this is fine. I've just gotta get comfortable."

"No, no, uh," Conrad stands and takes his shirt off. His torso is toned, and it takes everything in me not to stare at it for longer than a second, "just uh, scoot forward a bit." I do as told, and Conrad moves behind me. Luckily, his mom's tub is huge, taller and wider than most, making it easy for Conrad and I to both fit in it comfortably. He leans his back against the tub, "Come here," Conrad gestures for me to lean back against his, spreading his legs so I'm lying between them.

I hover at first, not wanting to make him uncomfortable, but Conrad tugs me closer, reassuring me it's okay. My head and back rest against his chest, which is far comfier than the tub's edge. I expected this to feel weird or awkward, but everything feels easy with Conrad, like we're always supposed to be like this.

"I think our moms would scream if they found us like this," I whisper to him, playing with his hands that rest around my waist.

"Our of excitement or terror?" He asks, chuckling, his warm breath hitting my neck, "'cause I'm pretty sure they've wanted us together since we were born." Mom and Susannah always made jokes about that, me and Conrad. They said from the minute he was born, I was drawn to him, always wanting to be closer to him. They had those childhood dreams of their babies falling in love.

"Maybe a little bit of both," I shrug. We stay in this position for a bit, both talking and laughing, letting the hot water sooth my aching muscles, my head resting on Conrad's chest as he draws patterns on my hands. It feels like it's been an eternity since we've talked like this, filling one another in on what we'd missed in each other's lives. I tell Conrad about prom and how Isla and I went together, dateless. He tells me about this girl named Aubrey he saw for a bit and how she photoshopped their faces together to see what their kids would look like...

"It's not funny," Conrad tells me as he helps me step out of the bath. He wraps a soft towel around my shoulders, "it took me weeks to break up with her. She kept coming back."

I giggled, "were the babies at least cute?" I ask him, tugging my hair out of the bun I'd thrown it up into. My entire body felt ten times better, relaxed from the warm water.

"They were alright," He shrugs, shaking his head at my question. We leave his mom's room and move into the hallway, both standing outside our bedroom doors. "I've seen cuter," He nods to a photo on the wall. It's one of us, taken before Belly and Jere were born, Conrad, Steven and I were in matching onesies, laying out on a fluffy carpet.

"I know," I pout at the photo before turning to face him, "Steven and I were adorable."

Conrad rolls his eyes, but a smile tugs at the corners of his lips, "go change, Flo." He nods to my room, "I'll meet you in there?"

I nod, and we go our separate ways, me into my room and Conrad into his. I throw on a pair of PJ shorts and a cousin's Beach t-shirt that's so old the letters are beginning to fade, the blue shade it once was fading into an almost grey colour with age. Susannah must have washed my seats before I got home because I got into bed. They smelled fresh with laundry detergent. "You can come in," I call to Conrad as he knocks on my door.

He enters and is changed into a pair of sweats and a white t-shirt, "ready for your nap, Flo?" He chuckles, taking note that I've already made myself comfortable, nestled under my comforter.

I stifle a yawn, nodding my head, "very." The warm, lavender-scented bath, combined with the long day it's been has made me very sleepy, ready for a well-deserved nap.

"Well, I'm just gonna sit over here," He nods to my bay window, "I'm here if you need anything, okay?"

Even with the lights off in my room, my room is still somewhat bright, the sun beaming through the closed curtain. My body is exhausted, but my mind is wide awake, replaying the events from the past 24 hours in my head like a movie. No matter how hard I try to sleep, nothing works. It was hard to relax after laying in Conrad's arms like I had been like nothing could top that.

"Con," I whisper, even though we're the only ones home, he hums, and I continue, "I can't sleep."

"Want me to read to you?" He questions, this was something we did all the time, but it was usually the other way around. When Susannah first got sick, Conrad had a really hard time sleeping, he'd skype me every single night on his laptop, and I'd read to him until eventually his eyes fluttered closed and he was asleep. We did it the summer she was sick too, with him sneaking into my room late at night. He's never read to me before; the thought alone sends a surge of excitement through me.

"Yes, please," I say, scooting over so he can get into my bed, pulling the covers down so he can get in. Conrad grazes his finger over the spines of books on my shelf before grabbing one, getting into the spot beside me. He leans up against my headboard, and without a word, I scoot closer, tucking under his arm and resting my head on his chest.

"I've missed doing stuff like this," Conrad admits, rubbing his hand along my arm, where goosebumps are beginning to form.

"Watching me sleep while I have a concussion?" I ask teasingly.

"Being close to you," Conrad corrects me, tugging me closer. I lean into his touch in response, silently giving him the answer that I feel the same. Conrad isn't extremely affectionate, but he always was with me. I missed being with him like this too.

Conrad begins reading to me a cheesy romance novel off my shelf that his mom bought me ages ago. He doesn't complain about it, though, twisting my long hair around his fingers as he reads, his voice soothing. I don't remember when my eyes flutter closed or what happens in most of the book because soon after, I fall asleep, nestled in Conrad's arms.

This chapter is so long lol

Hope you enjoy!!

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