cherry wine

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her eyes and words are so icy,
oh but she burns like rum on a fire♫

"What was that about?" Sam asked the girl carefully as she stormed back over to him.

"Prick," she mumbled under her breath, an insult she had picked up from Lily, who would often mutter it herself.

"Here, have this," he offered her a beer, "We'll go take your mind off him," he said gently, his hand on her lower back as he guided her away from the boy, who's eyes were still following him closely.

Madi could feel it now, she realised Conrad was right, and knew she desperately needed to sober up, as if she continued to get more drunk, things wouldn't end well. "Um," she stumbled, "Actually, I don't, I don't want this," she stammered, holding the beer out to the boy.

"Come on," he laughed, "What you the DD or something?"

Madi forced a laugh, "No, I'm just, not feeling it," she said.

The boy sighed, nodding, as he put the two beers down on the sand, before sitting himself down. They were right beside the bonfire at this part, the heat of the flames making Madison more and more anxious.

"Hey," Sam breathed, his hand resting on Madi's leg, trying to get her attention.

Madi froze, before looking at the boy, subtly pushing his hand off her leg, "Yeah,"

"You okay? You want to leave?"

Yes, she thought. Away from you.

"No, let's just stay here," she said, her eyes scanning the beach, looking for Steven or Jeremiah desperately.

"No, come on," he said, standing up, and taking her arm, "I'll get you home, you don't look well,"

"No, I'm okay," she shook her head, trying to move away from the boy, whilst being dragged to her feet. Her knee had tensed up though, and she had to grip onto his arm to help it losen off.

"I can carry you if you want me to?" He offered, attempting to pick her up.

"Stop it, I don't want to go home," she snapped, pushing the boy off her.

"What? So you just lead me on night. I'm following you around like a fucking puppy. And after doing everything right, defending your friend, letting you and whoever the fuck that boy is have a little jealous argument, just for you to use me as bait all night. And I get nothing out of it?" He whispered, his voice too low for anyone to hear.

Madi could feel tears start to form in her eyes, but she swallowed them back, "I didn't lead you on, not on purpose. I have a boyfriend," she said clearly.

"I know! The whole distraction boyfriend. You were fucking leading me on, I should of known this would be a waste of time," Sam groaned, and Madi could feel him getting angrier and angrier, yet she couldn't find any of her friends.

"I'm sorry okay, I didn't-"

"I know you want me Madi, come on. No one will find out, it's fine," he said, a forced smile on his face. He was trying to manipulate her, but she wasn't stupid.

"No," she stated.


"She said no bro," Conrad's voice appeared behind Madison, who jumped out her skin.

Sam laughed, "Boyfriends here,"

"Beat it," he stated, pulling Madison behind him.

Nicole was standing behind Conrad, a worried look on her face. "Are you okay?" She asked, her hands on the girls arms, a cup filled with water in her hand. "Here drink this, it's just water,"

Madison nodded, taking the cup in her hand, and drinking the whole thing. "Thank you," she sighed, her heart rate decreasing.

Conrad however, felt his heart rate peak, as he shoved the boys shoulder, putting as much distance between Madi and Sam.

Sam laughed, shaking his head with a smile, "What? All this cause your jealous?"

"You're pathetic," Conrad spat, "Piece of shit,"

"Who you calling a piece of shit?" Sam stood his ground, clearly offended by the common term.

"You. You got a problem with that?" He warned the boy, who took a step forward.

"Yeah," Sam stated, the boys sizing each other up.

The pair had gathered a crowd, people oohing and ahhing at the boys. Nicole had waved Steven down, who was now standing beside Madi, making sure she was okay, while Shayla got her another water.

Nicole had now out herself behind Conrad, pulling his shirt back, "You're drunk." She stated, "Let's just go,"

Conrad shrugged the girl off, not wanting to look weak infront of Sam.

"Mommy's calling," Sam smirked, egging on the boy.

"Fսck you, bro," Conrad snaps at the boy. "How do you think everyone would feel when I told them why we're fighting huh?" Conrad mumbled to the boy, a smug look on his face, before shoving the boys chest, pushing the boy awake from him.

Unaware to everything happening around, Belly began to run up to the crowd, moving through it.

Whilst Madi was standing at a reasonably close distance, she could not see the girl until it was too late.

"You guys, you guys, you guys," she shouts, as she reaches us, standing behind Sam.

"Oh that's how it is," Sam pulled his arm back, his elbow colliding with Belly's face.

The girl fell back to the sand, holding her face as she moved to the side.

Madi jumped forwards, ignoring Steven's yells of warning, and anger do to his sisters harm. Despite the fading drunkenness, and the aching in her leg, she reached the girl. "The fuck is your problem,"

"I mean should we be surprised? Assault, that fits your whole thing going doesn't it. Harrassment, assault, what's next?" Conrad sneered.

"Are you okay?" Jeremiah was crouched beside the girls, comforting Belly whilst Madi argued with the boy. Madi turned her attention back to the girl as she sat up. She helped her stand up, as they moved out the way of the looming fight.

"I give you one job? Look after Belly, come on Madi?" Jeremiah grilled the girl quietly, genuine annoyance in his face.

Madi swallowed back the lump of guilt and sadness she felt, and instead tended to Belly, not even wanting to give my time to feel guilty for that yet.

"You okay? Are you hurt? Where did you get hit," Madison asked the girl, whilst Jeremiah went to drag his brother away.

"Im okay, don't worry," she said, shrugging. "I got punched in the face. That's so badass," she smiled.

"Good for you girl, first black eye," Madi held her hands out, which Belly high-fived enthusiastically.

Madi spun round as she heard fists colliding with faces, Conrad landed a few solid punches, and Sam vice versa.

The whole thing was brought to a quick ending as sirens whooped and the moonlight, dancing flames of the beach was replaced with fluorescent blue and red flashes.

"Cops!" The word echoed around the girls, causing more confusion and fear than anything.

"Shit, run Belly," Madi helped the girl up, and pointed towards Jeremiah, who was looking around for the girls frantically.

"Come on," he shouted, dragging Belly away, forgetting that Madi couldn't run if her life depended on it, never mind on sand.

After a short, excruciating slow sprint, she reached the end of the beach, met with a familiar voice yelling, "She can't fucking run Jere, go get her. Please,"

"You go get her, I'll bring the car round," Jeremiah replied to his brother.

"You don't get it, I can't- I can't be around her right now,"

Madi turned revealing the two boys who had been arguing being a dead shrub "I'm here, let's go," she mumbled, pulling both boys arms forward.

Madi noticed that Conrad seemed to be a lot drunker than she had thought when he 'saved' her, not that she would even say it that way.

"See, she's here, let's go," Jeremiah confirmed to the boy, as they walked in a small three.

However, Madi couldn't keep up with Jeremiah's anxious pace, as he soon was quite a bit ahead, whilst Conrad was still in pace with Madi, due to his slightly stumbling and uncertainty on his feet.

"Thank you," Madi breathed quietly, hating the phrase being said to the boy she so very much hated.

Conrad stayed quiet.

"And," she hesitated, rolling her eyes before she had even said it, "You were right, he just wanted to sleep with me," Madi looked at the boy, a small smile on her face as she waited for the boy to gloat in being right.

Conrad again stayed silent. He needed her to stop talking. He knew he wasn't in the state to be with her, he knew he'd fuck something up.

"Oh come on! I just admitted you were right, and nothing? Like come on what's hap-"

"Shut up," Conrad mumbled, his eyes on the road ahead. "Just don't talk, don't talk to me," he said, seriously.

"What's your issue?" She asked, a very noticeable tone of hurt in her voice. She couldn't take being shouted at by both Fisher boys in the space of ten minutes.

"You, you're my issue," he muttered.

Madi couldn't help but pick up on his genuine tone, no traces of anger, sarcasm, even gloating. To her, he meant it.

Conrad wasn't sure if he meant it or not, he was still deciding on that. "Every time I like a girl you have to show up, you have to be there,"

He meant that, he knew he meant that. He also knew that he would regret saying that in the morning.

"The cars this way guys," Jeremiah shouted back, pointing towards where his car was parked.

"Well I'm very sorry to be around you, I would try to limit that, but we live together Conrad. I can't help it," she stated, not wanting to have the blame out on her for something that was not her fault yet again.

Madi sped up, getting into the front seat of Jeremiah's car, plugging her phone in instantly, resulting in brutal by Olivia Rodrigo blasting out the speakers, "I want it to be like messy," Madi said with an amused smile, nodding her head along to the song.

"Seriously. Come on," Jere coached Conrad, opening the door for him. "Get in the car,"

"Just, give me-" he begins, as he goes to adjust his hoodie.

"Get in Conrad," Madi stated bluntly, not wanting to put up with the boys bullshit.

"I don't have to listen to you," Conrad mumbled so quietly she couldn't hear, yet still got into the car instantly.

"Watch your head," Jeremiah guided the boy, helping him into the car, "Legs, legs,"

"Yes. I know how to get into a car," Conrad mumbled, tired of being babied.

Madison couldn't help but smile slightly at the boys impatience, whilst she bouced gently to the song, her slight tipsiness helping her get over the argument quickly.

Belly appeared at the window of the car, the boy standing beside her.

"Belly. Let's go," Madi enoucraged her friend, leaning forward to see her properly.

"Get in," Jeremiah said, as he got into the drivers seat.

"Cam can give me a ride home. Right, Cam?" Belly beamed, gesturing to the boy beside her.

"Yes. That's no problem," Cam assured Madi.

Madi smiled at the boy, nodding, not seeing an issue as the boy seemed very responsible, "I don't see why not,"

Conrad let out a breathy laugh, "Yeah trust Madison's judgement. We've just seen how good that is,"

Madi ignored the boy, a twang of hurt hitting her as she tried hard to hide it.

Conrad may have been drunk, but as soon as the words left his mouth he wanted to scramble to take them back, to grab them before they reached her ears. But he couldn't, so instead he avoided looking at her. Not able to handle the quick blinks she done whenever the girl was trying to hide her emotions.

Madi was in fact blinking quicker than normal.

"No, you're not gonna get in a car with a guy you just met," Jeremiah said, turning Madi's music down a bit.

Madi shot him a glare, but didn't react, leaving the music quieter.

"I'm Cam. Cameron," Cam said to Jeremaih.

"Your name is Cam Cameron?" Jeremiah said, a mocking tone in his voice.

Madi slapped the body arm, feeling bad for the boy, "Stop that," she scolded the boy, who had a smirk across his face. "He's nervous," she whispered to him, her heart hurting for the boy.

"No, it's ju-just Cam," the boy corrected Jeremiah. "But we actually, we know each other. Seventh grade. Latin convention. So, like, we're not total strangers,"

"Okay. No offense, but no. Belly, get in the car," Jere said, shaking his head, gesturing for Belly to get into the backseat.

"Just get in the car," Conrad spoke up, looking out the window bored.

"Oh, we've got Mr Responsible in the car ladies and gents," Madison mocked the boy, rolling her eyes.

"Can I sit in the front? Please," Belly asked the girl, a sad look on her face.

Madison knew she couldn't say no, as she nodded slightly, getting out the car to let Belly in.

"Move," she mumbled to the boy, as he moved from the middle seat into the one behind Jeremiah.

"You're welcome," Conrad muttered pointedly, as Madison got into the seat.

"I said that last time and you had a meltdown over it," she shot back quietly, pissed off with the boy, "Maybe I should of said it then, guess my judgement isn't great for things like that,"

"You just don't let things go do you?" He groaned, tried of the girls pettiness.

"And you just always have to take things too far, don't you?"

Belly got into the car, oblivious to the argument behind it, everyone but Conrad and Madi oblivious to what the argument between Conrad and Sam had really been about. Belly however, continued to talk to Cam Cameron through the window.

"Take things too far? I said one thing," Conrad mumbled, shaking his head.

"And it was fucked up. It's too soon for that shit," she snapped, "Start the engine so he'll leave," she said bluntly to Jeremiah, hoping to chase away Cam Cameron.

Jeremiah laughed, starting the engine.

"Nice to meet you Cam Cameron," Madi said politely, looking round at the boy, desperate to get out of the car, away from the boy beside her.

"You too," he said nervously with a small wave.

"He's cute Bells," Madi made sure to add quietly, before sitting back in her seat.

The car had barely been in movement, before the lack of people clicked in Madison's head. "Where's Steven?"

"Fսck! Steven!" Jeremiah groaned, moving back into the car pace, "Watch Conrad. I'll be right back," he said, leaving the car, leaving it in an uncomfortable silence.

The car was loud with silence, the song had changed to 'Dancing with our hands tied' by Taylor Swift, and the volume was on low, as we all sat in a tension filled nothing.

"Your hair's like a little kid's, the way it's always so messy," Conrad said, leaning forwards to touch the girls windswept hair.

Madison's eyes widened as she looked down at her phone, doing anything but looking at the boy beside her, "That's not creepy at all," she mumbled, only loud enough for her to hear.

A knock at the window stops the awkward moment instantly. "Have you kids been drinking?" A police officer spoke loudly, staring at the three teenagers.

"Oh my god," Madi mumbled nervously, closing her eyes gently, "No?" She attempted, looking up at the officer.

"Get out the car," he said, taking a step back.

"Great job Taylor, you really convinced him there," Conrad slow clapped, while they all got out the car reluctantly.

"Shut up Fisher," Madi spat back, her heart racing, not wanting to get told off my the police.

"Wait, your Mr Fishers boy, aren't you?" The cop said with a smile, pointing at Conrad, who nodded, confused. "I'm friends with your dad,"

Madison sighed with relief, and couldn't even help but let a smile flash towards Conrad, who'd face lit up slightly in unison.

The cop took the group home, Jeremiah and Steven with them, letting the teenagers off easy, due to the connections that the Fishers had. It wasn't exactly fair, but they took it regardless.

"Officers, thank you. It won't happen again, I can promise you that much," Laurel said genuinely.

Madison avoided her mothers gaze like the plague, her eyes stuck strongly to her hands, which where fidgeting with her nails nervously.

Laurel was still talking to the cop, causing Madi to sigh, tired after a night of arguments, drinking, and fear.

"Madison Taylor, I know you are not sighing at me right now," Jade Green snapped, glaring at her daughter.

"Please, can I get this lecture tomorrow. It's been a long night, and I think I get the gist," Madi pleaded with her mom, desperate to get away with having to deal with Laurel's condescending tone.

"Be my guest Madi, you give the lecture," Jade said in a calm tone, holding her arm out to the girl, letting her take control.

Madi found that much scarier than any shouting. Staying deadly silent gave the answer Jade expected, and she nodded, while Madi kept her eyes on her hands.

"How could you guys be so irresponsible?" Laurel scolded the second the door was shut.

"Mom, it wasn't a big deal. All right?" Steven debated, walking towards his mother.

Madi kept her eyes on her hands, uncomfortable with the risk of being reprimanded.

"Seriously. The cops were just looking to break up the bonfire," Steven continued.

"Not a big deal?" Laurel practically gasped, sounding genuinely shocked.

"Yes," Steven shrugged.

"I would say getting picked up by the cops for underage drinking is a pretty big deal, Steven," Laurel snapped, leaning towards the boy.

Steven sniffed, a smug smirk on his face, "Were-were you guys, you guys smoking tonight?" Steven asked cockily.

Madi glanced at her mother, spotting the guilty look on her face. "But mom? You told me smoking was bad for you?" Madison teased her mother in a childlike tone.

Jade shook her head, biting back a smile, "Shut up Madi," Both of the blondes knew fine well Jade smoked often, whenever Liam wasn't about to smell it.

Conrad couldn't help but see the similarities between Jade and her daughter, both of whom seemed to carry the same mannerisms, the same crinkle at their eyes when they thought they were concealing a smile.

"So you were smoking," Steven stated, his smug smile remaining.

"What? Keep your voice down. Susannah's asleep on the couch," Laurel mumbled, looking about like she had been caught out, "And Liams only just gone to sleep,"

"Well, I wasn't yelling?" Steven said at a normal volume, confused.

"Well, you-you-you were," Laurel stumbled over her words clearly not expecting to be caught out by her children.

"Just so you know, Laurel, Jade, I-I didn't drink tonight. I was the DD, I swear," Jeremiah interjected, stepping forward, which resulted in both parents shooting him a warning look.

"Suck up," Conrad mumbled, so only the blonde girl beside him could hear. Both of them left with a small smirk.

"You're the oldest," Laurel snapped, turning to Madison, wiping the smirk off her face instantly, "What the hell's gotten into you?"

Madison wasn't sure what being the oldest had to do with everyone else drinking, if anything being the oldest should be an excuse. But not to Laurel, no Laurel seemed to have an agenda towards Madison. An agenda that only Madison and Jade seemed to be aware of.

"You too Conrad," Jade added, scolding the boy. Secretly she just didn't want her daughter to be taking the whole blame for the situation which was most likely a group effort.

"And when did you leave the house without telling anybody? And what in the world are you wearing?" Laurel snapped, looking at her daughter. "Is that yours," she added, glaring at Madison.

Laurel loved Madison in the way she loved the boys, she treasured them and their relationship with her children. However, she believed that both of her children were easily influenced by the girl, and felt that she corrupted them at times, which in realists, they corrupted themselves, she was just nearby.

"It's not mine," the girl mumbled sending her mom a knowing glance. She looked back to her lap, smoothing the dress out over her legs, trying to cover them more. She had to stretch out, pulling from underneath her more. Her leg leant against Conrad's, his warm skin against hers was nice.

He flinched though, moving his leg away. "You're legs freezing," he mumbled, rubbing the area which her leg had touched his.

"You're warm," she stated quietly back. She didn't know what it meant, or why she had even said it, but she missed the feeling on her leg, the warmth, the comfort.

"It's Taylor's," Belly corrected her mother, resulting in no apologetic glance to Madison from a mistaken Laurel. "And why am I the only one who's not allowed to go out?"

Conrad instantly felt bad for jumping away from the girls coldness, and his guilt not feeling any less from the girls simple statement of 'you're warm'. He instantly wanted to put his leg beside hers again, but he knew she had done it as an accident, and was worried putting it back would be a statement. A statement he wouldn't mind making.

"It's not that you're not allowed, it's that you should have told us you were going," Jade comforted the girl, a softer tone on her voice than Laurel had been using.

"How did you even get there?" Laurel snapped at her girl.

"I wa-" Belly began, but Madison quickly cut her off.

"I picked her up," Madison lied, knowing that Belly telling her mom she walked to the beach at night, would only make everything worst for everyone.

Laurel turned to face the girl, who was desperately trying to make up a lie. "Of course," she sighed.

"Taylor phoned me, said that Belly was a bit down, and she convinced her to go out with us. So - before I had drank anything- I drove round quickly to get her,"

"You drove?" Jade asked her daughter, a look of pure joy and excitement on her face.

Madison's stomach dropped at her mother's excitement, as the group all stared at her.

Madison hadn't driven since her accident, and she wasn't sure if she would be able to, it was something she planned on learning again at Cousins.

Conrad's stomached dropped in unison, watching the girls expression change instantly, before realising her lie would not cover how let down her mother would be due to the lie. "I drove," Conrad interrupted, "She just came with me,"

Jades smile dropped slightly, before she built up a fake one, nodding slightly, "Oh. Oh okay, that's- that's um fine,"

Madison couldn't even look at Conrad, she didn't know how to react to his statement, the fact he had actually saved her from having to expose both her and Belly. Instead she stayed with her eyes on her hands, her heart racing.

Conrad knew the girl wouldn't respond to his words now, or most likely ever. Nor did he want her too. He knew she was grateful, as she was quiet. If the girl hadn't wanted the boys help, she would've been shouting over him, and most likely sent an elbow to his stomach as he spoke. He didn't know how to tell the girl he knew that she was thankful.

Until he looked at what her eyes were on, her hands which were sitting on her lap.

The boy smiled the smallest smile, before moving his warm skin against her freezing legs.

She knew he knew.

She pushed her leg slightly closer to his, feeling the warmth more, both of them hiding a smile from the other, terrified they would notice.

"Can you stop treating me like a kid?" Belly snapped, bringing both back into the conversation.

"If you want to be treated like an adult, you need to act like one," Laurel snapped right back.

"Then maybe you guys should, too," Conrad interrupted the mother daughter.

Madison's eyes widened slightly, as she tried her hardest not to laugh at the boy's response.

"What does that mean?" Laurel asked, her gaze on the boy, before it flickered to Madison, "Why's that funny Madi?"

The pair shrugged slightly, shaking their heads in unison, neither giving the woman an answer.

"I hope you realize this night could have ended a lot differently if your family wasn't your family," Laurel sighed, looking between the Fisher boys.

"We're sorry, Laur," Jeremiah mumbled.

Madison refused to apologise to Laurel, instead looking her mom straight in the eye, "I'm sorry mom," she said.

Jade let a smile escape, which he covered carefully with her hand, nodding.

Madison didn't miss it though, as she pretending to scratch her upper lip, realistically hiding her smile.

"Just... go to bed, guys," Laurel sighed, shooing the group away.

Conrad got up before Madison, his warmth leaving her cold once again. Just as Madison was about to stand up, the boy held his hand out to the girl, his eyes on her silently.

She looked at the offered hand, and then the boy holding it out to her, before placing her icy skin on his heated skin. He pulled the girl up, making it easier to stretch her knee out after it having stiffened for sitting for too long.

As soon as she was standing she dropped his hand, the boys hand began stretching out slightly without his brain meaning it. It seemed to miss the coldness that seemed to comfort him.

Madison left the boy there, whilst Jade went to follow her. However the woman stopped beside the boy, leaning close to him. "I know she won't say it, but thank you,"

Conrad felt a bit thrown off, as he stumbled over his words, "Oh- it's fine, I just helped her up,"

Jade smiled, "Not for that,"

Conrad wasn't sure whether she meant for 'driving Madison too get Belly' or for lying to help cover her lie. Regardless, he nodded slightly, before Jade patted the boy on the back, and went to follow her daughter.

Conrad couldn't help but smile slightly, the side of his leg overheating, craving a cold release, his hand missing the tingling frost of her skin. He just couldn't help but smile.

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