𝒙𝒙𝒙. you were bigger than the whole sky

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            Pope, JJ and Maggie arrived at the dock. JJ and Maggie put the boat in the water. Kiara and Adriana weren't there yet, which was odd. They should've been able to arrive before them. Finally the two girls arrived at the dock.

            "Finally!" Maggie shouted, jumping off of the boat. "We thought you guys drowned or something."

            "Nope, didn't drown," Adriana replied sharply. "Did discover some interesting things, though." Maggie noticed a sort of poisonous tone in her voice. When Kiara rolled her eyes, she understood who in it was targeted at.

Adriana stepped onto the dock with a backpack full of food. Maggie stepped closer to Kie, who remained still. "Trouble in paradise?" She asked her, a small glance back at Adriana.

"Don't worry about it," Kiara replied. Her face grew worried. "What happened to your nose? It's all blue."

"Don't worry about it." Maggie smiled, using Kia's own words against her. She looked to the setting sun, casting a orange–ish light onto the OBX. "Hey, what time is it?"

Adriana checked her phone. "3 PM."

            "Dude, where is he?" Kiara worried.

            "Give him a second. He'll be here." JJ and Maggie agreed with Pope.

            A siren came closer to them then. The police car in question stopped at the dock. The Pogues panicked, telling each other to get on the boat in case they needed to run themselves. But there was no necessity to do such thing.

            When the door swung open, the Pogues expected Shoupe or any other officer to step out. Instead, John B — John Booker Routledge, the "criminal" — stepped out.

            "Tienes que estar de broma, tío guay." Adriana marveled, seeming to not notice she had transferred to the Spanish language. The rest of the Pogues said variants of the same.

            John B ran a hand through his messy hair. "Shoupe let me take it for a spin."

            "Okay. That's believable," Kiara nodded with a bright smile. "I'll buy that for now." She stepped forward to embrace John B. Maggie was next for him, she stood next to Kiara, after all.

            "It wasn't easy bro," JJ made his way to the front of the boat. "But I got the Phantom for you, and she runs like she was made yesterday."

            Maggie chuckled. "It'll need some warming up, though, so don't go full speed immediately. Start low, build up, at least three minutes. Because the dynamo will break down." She had always been more on the technical side of things.

            "Yeah, yeah, snore," JJ said. His grin told Maggie he was just messing with her. "You ready to go?"

            John B didn't seem ready. His eyes scanned the boat. "Where's Sarah?"

            "She's not with you?" Kiara asked.

            "No, no, we got separated in the swamp," John B explained. He started to panic. "She said she was gonna meet me here."

            Pope replied. "No, no, we haven't seen her, man."

            "Okay, well, I'm not leaving without her." John B was determined.

            Adriana jumped off of the boat onto the dock, a sympathetic look in her eyes. "Look, man, as much as I'm all for romance, you got no time whatsoever. You cannot wait longer, because you'll get arrested."

            "You got plenty of gas, plenty of food," JJ continued. He went to stand in front of John B. "Once you get around that point, it's a straight shot across the sound to Dismal Swamp, okay?" John B nodded, but to Maggie he seemed distracted. "Once you get there, lay low, all right? Hang out for a couple of weeks and then go overland, cross the border at Brownsville, you got that? Brownsville. You— Hey!" He grabbed the side of John B's face, sensing he wasn't listening. "You got that?"

            "Yeah, yeah. Brownsville." John B echoed. Maggie could see in his eyes he still wasn't on board with leaving Sarah. That was most likely the reason why he was so distracted.

In the distance, she heard rumbling of an upcoming storm. It worried her more than ever. Storms were like a forecast for terrible things to happen.

"All right. Saddle her up, saltwater cowboy. Let's do this." JJ swung his leg over the railing, climbing onto the dock. John B, in turn, climbed onto the boat.

Pope and JJ were ready to push the boat away from the dock when John B stopped them, tears in his eyes. "Hey, hey," He sniffled. ""I'm sorry for basically . . . throwing us off a cliff with this whole treasure hunt thing."

"Hey, John B, yo . . . we were bound to jump off a cliff at some point, right?" JJ answered. His face showed no sign of regret or sadness. He laid his arm around Maggie's shoulder. She immediately reached for his hand because she knew he did feel sad. How could he not, when he was shipping his best friend off? He continued. "At least we did it together, though. Pogues style."

Maggie let go of JJ's hand to put her own arm around Kiara's shoulders. JJ did the same with Pope on the other side. Adriana doubted, but then allowed Kiara to put her arm over her shoulders.

John B repeated in a mere whisper. "Pogues style." His eyes were red and casted on his friends. Who he'd be leaving for an unknown time.

"Get out of here! Please." Kiara begged.

"We'll see you down in two months, down in Mexico." Pope added.

Adriana laughed. "Yeah, maybe you'll see my dad," She said. "Oh, and when you do, ask him about a guy named Terry. He'll give you some warm food."

John B nodded, mouthing a thank you. He meant to speak it, but there was no sound erupting from his throat. "Love you." JJ said instead.

The brunet started walking away from them. "Hey, wai— wait a second," He cried, leaning on the boat. "Tell Sarah I said goodbye, okay?"

Not one person spoke. Maggie nodded, but she, too, didn't know how to say something without hurting him. JJ tried to avoid the topic. "Don't forget. Cross the border at Brownsville, okay?"

"Got it." John sat behind the steering wheel. The Pogues pushed him away, staring at him. No one waved, no one spoke. They were sad to see one of their own go.

Maggie walked back to the police car, her feet felt heavy beneath her, as if they were not her own. She bowed down through the open window of the driver's seat. "We should maybe drive this car someplace else." She thought out loud to JJ, whom she knew stood behind her.

"Yeah, we will," He replied. Maggie got back up. She leant against the car, arms crossed over her chest. "Maybe you should get some ice on that nose." He smiled, pointing at her nose.

She smiled back, swatting away his hand. "I might leave it like this. It's giving Reputation."

JJ couldn't help but crack a laugh at that. They weren't given much time for laughter. They'd been so indulged in their conversation to one another, that they'd only heard the police sirens when it was already too late. The Pogues tried to run away, but it was no use.

Shoupe jumped out of a black Chevrolet. Kiara stood still with her hands up before they even started to order it. Maggie, JJ and Pope put them up reluctantly. Only Adriana kept them down. She stared up at the officer who now stood so close to her, Maggie was sure she could feel his breath tingling against her skin. She stared at him through her eyebrows, her eyes searching to bore a hole through him.

"Ana, please." Kiara begged of her. Maggie had never heard her sound so desperate. Adriana's hands went down.

"We're too late," Shoupe sighted. "He's gone. God damn it! Bratcher, have your guys stand down. Let me talk to these kids. All right, where the hell is he?" He shouted. "Where the hell is he? JJ? I see you're living' up to your name. Pope, how about you? This isn't a fucking game! You can do the right thing right now! Where'd he go?"

"That's not talking, Shoupe. That's shouting," Maggie told him. "You talk to us normally, or you don't talk to us at all."

"All right, listen here, Hallie—"

"Maggie," Maggie corrected. "And, no, I will not listen. You didn't listen when John B told you the truth. Why should we?"

"Mags . . ." JJ said slowly. Maggie saw his pleading look, and reluctantly backed down. The Pogues were brought into the cars. Maggie, JJ and Pope in one, Kiara and Adriana in the other. The sun had set entirely by the time they made it to the FBI's instalment.

They followed one of the officers to a small tent where they were instructed to sit down and wait. To the left, they could see a bigger tent with lots of computers inside.

JJ was tensing his jaw. That was enough to tell Maggie he was more nervous than he was letting on. She poked his foot with her own. JJ casted his eyes up, when they were at the floor first. She gave him a smile. It'll be alright. It told him. But there was a sadness in her eyes. One he couldn't deny.

Maggie flipped her head towards Bratcher, who made his way towards the bigger tent. The Pogues were left alone with a single officer for twenty minutes, maybe longer. Meanwhile the storm only grew stronger. This time it was JJ to comfort Maggie. She might have thought it'd be fine, but the storm still scared her.

Shoupe and his men entered the tent in fluorescent yellow jackets. The teenagers instantly stood up to hear his verdict. Shoupe took off his cap. "Did you find them?" Pope asked him. There were still a few drops of (Rafe's?) blood on his white t–shirt.

Shoupe sorrowfully shook his head. "No."

"So, they got away?" Kiara asked then, a new spark of hope lining her voice.

The officer casted his eyes downwards. Maggie then knew what had happened. They did not get away. "They didn't, did they?" Adriana voiced her concerns.

"We uh . . . we lost them," Shoupe said. "I'm sorry."

Maggie's body left her. Her legs gave in, and she was relying on JJ to continue to stand. Time felt like it was in slow motion. She felt her breathing becoming louder, yet the rest of the world stopped moving.

"You lost them?" Pope stammered. "What do you mean you lost them? Like, they're gone? What're you talking about?"

"They took an open boat into a tropical depression, Pope." Was all Shoupe replied with.

"So, they're dead?"

Shoupe's eyes travelled to Kiara. "We don't know."

"You killed them, man!" Maggie sobbed. She let go of JJ, instead hugging her own body.

JJ's anger was unmatched, too. "You drove 'em straight through the storm, man!" His voice left him. "Are you kidding me? Come here!" He charged forward, hoping be able to let his anger out in the form of violence. A big, strong officer cried him away from Shoupe, but JJ continued to yell.

Pope was the next person to grab ahold of Shoupe. His eyes were wide as he cried into his face. "He didn't kill anyone, and you know it!"

"We're still looking for him, all right?" Shoupe tried to reassure him, but it was no use. His words did nothing for the heartbroken teenagers.

Footsteps approached the tent. Anna and Mike Carrera, Mr. and Mrs. Heyward and Carmen Reyes entered the tent. They were soaked from the rain, but it didn't stop them running towards their children. It seemed Adriana had an argument with her mother, but Maggie couldn't hear what was said through the fog of her pain. Her world was silenced.

Especially now, seeing all the loving parents, Maggie couldn't help but spill tears. She knew if her father had been her, he'd have been the first to embrace her. Now there was no one. JJ had no one either, and they confided in one another, but it wasn't the same as knowing your parental figure is there with you. Richard Clarke had not just been her father. He was her best friend. And it seemed his death was only now hitting her.

She felt horrible. Two whole months Maggie had been able to block out the pain of losing her only parental figure. Two whole months she hadn't thought too much of him. It seemed losing two close friends of her was what was necessary to bring back the memories. This was going to make it harder for her to control her emotions.

Because all good things should've come to an end, but if you don't want something to end, couldn't you just stretch it out? No, maybe there was no way to stretch things out. Maybe this was their life now. Full of death, and full of sorrow.

FINALLY FINISHED ACT ONE!! i cant help but cry at this finale so i hope i was able to cast that upon you guys. if you didn't get this from the writing, maggie's now going to be more desperate to get back and get revenge on dear old daniel. lucky for her thats not so long anymore

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