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Chapter Four: Contacting Suzie

(Suzie, Do You Copy?, Pt. 4)


It was a beautiful day for a climb.

The sun was shining, puffy clouds were scudding across the sky and a mild breeze drifted in the air, teasing Cami's curls and rustling the green grass of the hill and the field below them, the wildflowers dotting the hill, the leaves of the woods around them. And despite the sweat clinging to her skin, despite the burn in her legs, Cami was smiling, breathing it in as she was more or less surrounded by nature. She loved nature, ever since she was a little girl and had hated New York and its skyscrapers, had spent as much time as she could in Central Park. Being in Hawkins, surrounded by the woods...

It was like a literal breath of fresh air, and Cami loved it even more on days like these.

However, Cami did kinda wish she was hiking up Weathertop, apparently the highest point in Hawkins, solely for that purpose. Unfortunately, she was not.

Beside her, she could hear the puffing and panting of her friends, as they with the exception of Dustin wore grumpy looks as they climbed up the hill. Hugin was the most miserable of them all, the zombie raven having rejoined them and soon clinging to Alistair's shoulder the minute they arrived at Weathertop a couple hours ago.

And that hiking was kinda difficult when you were wearing a dress.

"I am so regretting wearing a dress today," Cami muttered as she panted, feeling the sweat drip down her forehead.

"You okay, Cams?" Alistair asked, and Cami realised her best friend must have heard her.

"I'm peachy, Al! Just wish I wore shorts instead today," Cami told him, a smile on her face.

"Should have guessed you'd be positive," Alistair muttered as he shook his head, smiling.

"What's not to be positive about? The sun is shining, this place is so beautiful and green with such pretty wildflowers, we're all getting some Vitamin D, and romance is in the air!" Cami declared as she twirled, hair and skirt swishing around her.

Alistair rolled his eyes and groused, "Yeah, and we're sweating bullets and our legs are seconds from committing mutiny if we take one more step."

"And that's why we work," Chai chirped, smiling her gap-toothed smile as she continued the hike, a new spring in her step. She felt the sun on her face and basked in the warm rays, feeling as if they were making her skin glow from the inside out, like she was being suffused with the sunshine she always radiated, Vitamin D sinking in. 

It felt almost magical.

Only Dustin seemed to share her good mood—probably because of Suzie. Everyone else looked like sour lemons as they huffed and puffed, Hugin cawing miserably, as Lucas asked, "Aren't we high enough?"

"Cerebro works best at a hundred metres," Dustin informed him.

"You know, I'm pretty sure people in Utah have telephones," Max said, her face a picture of grouchiness.

"Yeah, but Suzie's Mormon," Dustin revealed.

Cami blinked. She heard about the Mormon sect of the Christian religion, and it sounded way more intense than her Catholic upbringing, and that was saying something. If she was being truly honest, it kinda sounded like a bonafide cult. 

Lucas was also taken aback just like her, as he said, "Oh shit. She doesn't have electricity?"

"That's the Amish," Max corrected with a roll of her eyes.

"What are Mormons?" Will asked.

"Super religious white people," Dustin answered before Cami could, as she turned and stage-whispered to everyone, "They're basically a cult."

"They have electricity and cars and stuff, but since I'm not Mormon, her parents would never approve. It's all a bit... Shakespearean," Dustin went on.

"Shakespearean?" Max echoed, with as much disbelief as Cami felt as she stared at Dustin.

"Yeah. Like Romeo And Juliet," Dustin replied.

Cami and Alistair shared a look as Max snarked, "Right."

"I think you're over-exaggerating a little, Dustin," Alistair said drily.

"Also, you do remember how it ends, right? Do you really want to compare you and Suzie to Romeo and Juliet?" Cami asked as Alistair nodded in agreement.

But Dustin ignored them as he said, "Star-crossed lovers."

"I got it," Max snapped, rolling her eyes. She looked at Cami and Alistair, and Cami shared her exasperated look. Honestly, if anyone were star-crossed lovers, it was Alistair and Will and maybe her sister and her crush, Robin—but that was because the world was stupid and seemed to think boys kissing boys and girls kissing girls was wrong or something.

"Hey guys!" Mike shouted and they all turned to see Mike and El a couple metres down the hill as he continued, "This is fun and all, but, uh..."

"I have to go home," El revealed.

Cami blinked, though she was not really that surprised—honestly, she was expecting this to happen sooner.

"But we're almost there," Dustin said, gesturing to the top of Weathertop.

Mike shrugged. "Sorry man. Curfew."

He turned to El, grabbing her hand as he murmured, "Come on, let's go."

"Good luck," El wished, before she and Mike were running down the hill, hand-in-hand, El giggling as they did. And it was a really adorable sight.

"Curfew at four?" Dustin questioned, right after he checked the time.

"They're lying," Lucas said.

"It's been like this all summer," Will added in, irritation visible in his voice.

"It's romantic," Max and Cami said in unison.

"It's gross," Will rebutted as he rolled his eyes.

"It's been pretty annoying," Alistair agreed.

"It's bullshit," Dustin said. "I just got home. Well, their loss, right? Onwards and upwards! Suzie awaits!"

At that, they all groaned—even Cami let out a groan—before they turned to make the climb. And they did, for a while, until Dustin noticed Alistair and Will weren't following.

He looked back and shouted, "Will, Al, come on!"

Cami turned to see Will and Alistair standing together before Will began climbing, Alistair about to before he paused, staring out into the distance. Cami frowned as Dustin noticed too, and he shouted, "Al! Are you coming, man?"

That had Alistair jump, and he looked back to them. He turned back, hesitating, before climbing up the hill.

Cami frowned. What was going on with her best friend? Did he see some ghosts? That had to be it, right? It couldn't be anything else because the gate was closed. 

Yeah, it had to be the ghosts, Cami thought as she resumed climbing. It couldn't be anything else, because It was all over, right?



At last, they reached the summit.

Cami puffed out a breath, planting her hands on her hips as she breathed in and out, feeling the burn in her legs—between the bike ride to and from Dustin's place and the hike, her legs had gone through a sufficient workout. Sweat clumped in her curls, which was a nightmare that she would have to worry about later, and she couldn't wait to sit down after she helped set up Cerebro.

In front off her, Dustin dropped his bag as he announced, "Made it."

"Yeah, it only took five hours," Max grumbled as she, Lucas, Will and Alistair put down their pieces of Cerebro.

"Why couldn't we just play D&D?" Will complained. Alistair gave him a sympathetic look as Cami groaned and leaned on his shoulder, fanning herself. Her best friend wrapped his arm around her as Hugin croaked and rubbed against her cheek affectionally. Cami sent a grateful smile to them both.

"I'm so thirsty," Lucas muttered as he grabbed his water carton and began drinking the water inside noisily. Max watched as he did, disbelief etching her face as her eyebrows raised up higher and higher with every gulp Lucas took.

When he finished, Max asked him sardonically, "Did you seriously just drink the rest of our water?"

A panicked look came onto Lucas' face and he hurriedly spat some water back, holding it out to Max with a grin. Max turned away with a scoff as Alistair wrinkled his nose, and Cami could admit that had been gross, before Max headed over to Dustin to help set up Cerebro.

Lucas and Will joined them right after, while Cami and Alistair paused to appreciate the view—to see the sunlight gilding everything golden as the grass and wildflowers below swayed in the breeze, the perfect summer's day—before joining in on setting up. And with them all helping—including Hugin whenever he could—Cerebro was assembled. And together, they pushed it up, until it now stood tall and proud.

Cami stared at it, letting out an impressed laugh at seeing it, still not entirely believing Dustin had built that. And, if he was right, it was functional.

"Pretty impressive, right?" Dustin said with a grin.

"Yeah," Lucas said.

"I'll say," Cami murmured as she still stared at Cerebro.

"Dude. It's... wow," Alistair said, holding his hand out for a fist bump. Dustin reciprocated before he asked, "Now, you ready to meet my love?"

Max shrugged. "Okay, sure."

"Yeah," Will replied with a nod.

Cami also nodded as Alistair only shrugged—she was curious to see if Suzie was indeed real. That was all Dustin needed as he grabbed the radio microphone and switched the radio on, saying into the microphone, "Suzie, this is Dustin. Do you copy? Over."

Static crackled back.

Dustin looked at them and said, "One sec. She's probably... she's there."

Cami looked at Alistair and Lucas as Dustin turned back and repeated, "Suzie, this is Dustin. Do you copy? Over."

Just like last time, only static replied back to Dustin's message. No sign of Suzie responding on the other end—if she even existed in the first place.

Dustin turned to them and said, "I'm sure she's there. It's just..."

Alistair and Lucas nodded as Lucas said, "Yeah."

"You know, maybe she's like busy, or..." Dustin reasoned.

"Yeah," Lucas said again.

"it's around dinnertime."



"Uh..." Alistair faltered, before Max and Cami nudged him and he quickly said, "Yeah, yeah, totally."

Dustin hesitated, as if he thought they didn't believe his excuses, before he grabbed the radio and tried again, "Suzie, do you copy? This is Dustin. Over."

A static hiss only greeted Dustin for a third time as they now all turned away, knowing they'd now probably have to wait until Suzie picked up. Cami finally sat on the sun-warmed grass, relief filling her as she buried her hands in it, tangling her fingers around the strands as she tilted her face to feel the sun's warmth on it, to catch what she could as it steadily dipped below the horizon, night only just a short time away.

Max and Alistair talked a bit before parting ways, Alistair to Will and Lucas while  Max headed over to Cami, as Hugin flew in to the sky to stretch his wings. Cami picked a wildflower and placed it in her lap as the redhead sat beside her and Cami started braiding a section of Max's hair, the wildflower ready to be put in it once she was done, her fingers weaving Max's hair deftly—she'd gotten a lot of practice in braiding Max's hair over the past few months since they met and became best friends. Cami hoped she could do the same with El soon.

Dustin, however, stayed by Cerebro to try and get into contact Suzie, for however long it took. 

Cami hoped it wouldn't be long.


She was wrong.

It was now nighttime, stars replacing the sun in the sky, twinkling as best they could, shining brighter than they did in town due to less light pollution, and a lot brighter than they did in New York. Cami sat with Alistair and Will while Max and Lucas laid next to each other, two braids in Max's hair that Cami had done with a wildflower adorning each braid. Hugin had come back, and Will was absentmindedly stroking the undead corvid's head as his single eye was closed in contentment, Will and Alistair looking up at the starry sky, which could have been an absolutely perfect romantic sight, especially since they both tried to stargaze earlier but had had failed, if they weren't all here...

.... And if Dustin still wasn't trying to contact Suzie. Like he'd been doing for hours.

"Suzie, do you copy? This is Dustin. Over," Dustin said, repeating the same message he'd been saying over the radio for the last few hours. When the now-familiar hiss of static greeted him back, Dustin repeated, "Suzie! This is Dustin. Do you copy? Over."

Nothing but static.

"Suzie, this is your Dustin! Do you copy? Over. Suzie—"

"Dustin, come on!" Max exclaimed, the first of them to snap. "She's not there."

"She's there, alright? She'll pick up," Dustin defended.

"It's been hours, Dustin, and she hasn't," Cami pointed, her optimism dulled now by the hours of no contact, which had ground down her belief in Suzie's existence. "Maybe it's time to call it quits and head home."

"No, she'll pick up! She's probably just busy," Dustin rebutted.

Cami stared at him in disbelief.

"Maybe Cerebro doesn't work," Will hypothesised.

"Maybe you overestimated Cerebro's range," Alistair muttered pessimistically, Hugin cawing from his place now on Alistair's shoulder.

"Or maybe Suzie doesn't exist," Lucas snapped, saying what they'd all been thinking for hours. Even Cami, if she was being honest with herself.

"She exists!" Dustin protested shrilly.

"She's a genius, and she's hotter than Phoebe Cates?" Lucas said, sounding as skeptical as he looked. "No girl is that perfect."

Like clockwork, Max sat up and eyed Lucas as she asked in a dangerously light voice, "Is that so?"

Realising he'd screwed up, Lucas sat up and salvaged, "I mean... you're perfect. I mean, per... perfect in your own way. In your special... your own special way."

Cami looked at Alistair as they shared a grin as max smiled and assured, "Relax, I was just teasing."

That spared Lucas from trying to save himself fron the grave he'd only been digging deeper as Max turned to Dustin and went on, "I'm obviously perfect and Dustin's obviously lying."

Dustin gave an affronted look to Max before he turned to the rest of the Party and asked, "You guys think she exists, right?"

Cami's brain froze as she sent a panicked look to Alistair and Will before Will said, "Uh... I mean, I do, but..."

He looked at Cami, 'Help me' on his face, but Cami's brain was still rebooting as she hurriedly waved her hands and said, "That is, we don't think you are, but um—"

"We kinda do think you are," Alistair admitted, shrugging. "Sorry, dude, but I'm taking it with a grain of salt."

Dustin stared at the trio as Cami gave him a guilty look, but before anything else could be said, Max stood up and offered her hand to Lucas as she said, "Come on, Don Juan."

Lucas took her hand and the couple strolled down the hill, leaving the four of them behind as Dustin asked, "Where are you going?"

"Home," Max called back over her shoulder.

As Lucas and Max walked down the hill, Dustin turned to them and said, "Well... guess it's just us four, guys."

A guilty look crossed over Cami's face. Max saying home had reminded her about her curfew, and while her parents were more lax due to summer and how she was more or less staying over at her friends' houses, they still reminded her she had a curfew and would be mad if she was late. A look at Will and Alistair told her they also had to get back home, as Alistair quietly cursed at the time when he looked at Will's watch.

"Um... it's late," Will said, wearing his own guilty look, which Cami couldn't blame—her mother would be the exact same if she had been lost in a nightmare dimension and was then possessed by an eldritch shadow monster like Will had been. Which was why Cami was kinda glad she had to sign a non-disclosure agreement along with Max after everything ended a few months ago—if her parents found out she'd fought literal monsters and almost died, they'd never let her leave the house, much less hang out with friends who fought and nearly died by said monsters with her—especially Alistair, if they ever found out about his powers over the dead.

Actually, scratch that, her parents would probably forbid her from ever seeing Alistair again if they found out about his powers.

"Yeah, and I have curfew," Cami informed Dustin, wincing as guilt stabbed at her. If she didn't, she'd stay with Dustin, but she was not keen on risking her mother's wrath or her father's disappointment  if she got home late—and given that, even though it was closed, Cami knew what lurked in the dark, she'd rather be home before it got too late.

"I also need to get back home—family movie night," Alistair explained.

Dustin didn't say anything, but he didn't need to—Cami could read it all over his face.

"Sorry," Will apologised as Cami and Alistair gave him their own apologetic looks.

"Maybe tomorrow, we can play D&D," Will offered, giving a tentative smile to Dustin as Alistair nodded and told their cap-wearing friend, "There's this campaign me and Will have been planning together—it would be really fun to do it with you tomorrow."

"And even if we don't, we can still do something fun. Like we used to?" Will suggested.

"Like the arcade, or going to the movies," Alistair nodded as Cami nodded beside him.

"Yeah, we could catch The Goonies or this new movie coming out in a couple of days," she said, smiling at Dustin.

Dustin nodded, the look fading as something sparked in his eyes at the mention of D&D. "Yeah, sure."

Will's smile widened a fraction. "Welcome home."

Alistair nodded, also smiling. "It's good to have you back, dude."

Cami smiled, letting Dustin know she was truly happy to have Dustin back in Hawkins—the small town just wasn't the same without him.

With that, the three made the descent back down, Hugin cawing from his spot on Alistair's shoulder. Cami noticed how Alistair and Will were close together. She also made sure to walk a few steps forward to give them privacy, and that when she looked back, she saw how Alistair's and Will's fingers would occasionally brush together and a sense of victory thrilled through her.

Her best friend and his crush were hesitantly reaching out to each other, testing the waters.

Now, it was up to her, Camila "Cami" Alejandra Isabela Martinéz, the best wingwoman ever, to give them that extra push into the waters.


Mercifully, Cain arrived just before her curfew.

Hopping off her bike and bringing it into the garage, Cami jogged into her house, greeting, "¡Hola, familia!"

"¡Hola, mija!" Cami heard her father greet back as he rounded around the corner, smiling at her before he pulled her into a hug.

"Dad!" Cami laughed out as he swung her.

"I'm sorry, but you're growing up so fast. I need to hug my little estrella before she gets too old for her old man's hugs," her dad said as he let her go, a smile crinkling at the corners of his eyes.

"I'll never be too old for your hugs, Papi," Cami told him, smiling as she hugged him back.

In all honesty, after fighting monsters, Cami was grateful for any chance she had of still being with her family. Of hugging her father. In fact, it made her even more grateful for these hugs and him calling her his star than it already did with his job as a firefighter first in New York, and now in Hawkins. When every call he got to a burning building could mean he'd be in the hospital or in a coffin right after, but he still did it because as he always told her and Valerie, it was the right thing to do to help people, smiling the smile Cami had inherited from him.

She got it even more now after her near-death experience, where she had helped save the world. Because it had been the right thing to do.

"Rick! Is that Camila I hear?" Cami heard her mom call out from the kitchen.

"Si, mi amour. Nuestra prequeña mariposa acaba de regresar," her dad called back as Cami groaned in mock embarrassment at the nickname. 

"Dad," she groaned as he only chuckled

"Okay. Cami, tengo una cena para ti! Come and have it before it gets too cold!" her mom told her.

"I will, Mami!" Cami called back, a grin on her face.

Her dad chuckled as he pressed a kiss to the top of her head and they walked into the kitchen, where Cami saw a delicious-looking bowl of spaghetti and arroz con cebolla. Cami's stomach grumbled and she dived into it, hungrily eating away. She didn't even care that it was slightly cold. It tasted so good after having nothing to eat for hours.

Over her eating, Cami heard the creak of floorboards as her mom stood behind her and said, "Hey, mija."

"Hi, Mami," Cami responded, pausing in eating as her mom paused a kiss to her forehead.

"How was your day with your friends?" her mom asked, smiling. "Was your friend surprised?'

"Oh, he definitely was," Cami affirmed with a grin, before she winced and admitted, "Though, he did accidentally blind Lucas with hairspray."

Her mom chuckled. "Glad you had fun. Though, next time, try coming home a little bit earlier. You were cutting it close, mija."

"Yeah, I know. I lost track of time," Cami admitted.

"I know it's summer," her mom went on as her dad stood beside her, giving her a look, "but we still worry about you staying out too late. Especially with all those deaths and your friend Will's disappearance..."

"I know," Cami repeated, her voice growing quieter, remembering the real reason for those events. "I know."

"We just want you to be safe, estrella, just like we did back in New York," her dad said. "You and Valerie."

"Yeah, I know," Cami said, this time trying for a smile. "Las quieros, Papi. Mami."

"Las quieros, mija," her dad responded as her mom smiled and pressed another kiss to her forehead before they left to the living room. Cami smiled and focused on eating the last of her dinner.

When she did, Cami put her bowl in the sink and began cleaning up. As she did, she heard the noise from the television—a telenovela, if Cami was hearing it correctly—as her parents chuckled. Rinsing the last of the sauce and rice off, Cami stacked it on the rack and walked out into the living room where she saw her parents on a couch, the TV playing a telenovela just like she suspected... and Valerie, curled up on the armchair, her face looking tired from a full day of serving ice cream.

"Hey, Val!" Cami greeted, smiling. Valerie only grunted in response.

"How was Scoops?" she asked, sitting on the couch.

"Good. Just the usual. Served some people, dealt with Erica, made sure Steve didn't break the cash register," Valerie answered, her tone carefully bland. "It's just a summer job."

"Well, summer job or not, it's good you're working. Earning your own money, mija," their dad said, smiling as Valerie gave the ghost of a smile back.

"Gracias, Papi," she murmured.

"And hopefully having you're learning valuable life skills as well," their mom said.

Cami swallowed, focused on the TV as Valerie bit out, "Yeah, I am. In fact, I'm saving up money to go to film school. There's one in Purdue, and it looks like the best, especially for special effects."

Their mom's lips pressed together, before she said, "Good. But we'll pay, okay? Save that money for something else, just in case you need a backup plan and this fails for you."

"I know," Valerie returned. 

Their mom narrowed her eyes at Valerie. "I'm trying to look out for you, Valerie, especially if it doesn't work out for you. Don't take that tone with me."

"Yeah, I know you are. But I know what I'm in for, and so does Cami if you also get on her case about this," Valerie shot back.

"Do you?" their mom asked, eyebrow raised.

"Yes," Valerie ground out.

A silence settled before their dad said, "Sofia. Remember what we said, mi amour? About supporting our daughters, and what they want?"

Their mom looked at him, jaw working, before sighing. "I do."

Turning to them, she said, "I'm sorry, girls. It... it was hard, for me and your father, when we moved to America, to give you the best opportunities we could, And you both have something you love, but I'm just worried how you'll be okay if you do it. But if it is what you love and want to work hard for, then do it, okay?. Just have a backup plan, in case it doesn't."

"Your mother's right. You both have talent, mijas, but it doesn't hurt to have something to fall back on," their dad agreed. "Just that we'll love and support you, no matter what you choose or do."

"We will," Valerie said, voice as tight as her jaw. he sighed and apologised, "And I'm sorry, too. I know you're looking out for me, and I appreciate you and Dad paying for Purdue."

Cami only nodded, her eyes glued to the screen.

"Good. Good," their mom murmured. She smiled and added, "And thank you, for the apology, mija."

Valerie gave a thin smile back.

Everything was silent except for the ticking of the clock before Valerie cleared her throat and asked, "So, Cami. What was your day like?"

Cami smiled, this one feeling genuine.

"Good! It was good!" Cami said, latching onto it. "Me and Al had a bit of a dance party, and then we surprised Dustin after he got back home from summer camp."

She laughed and added, "Well, we actually scared him and he blinded Lucas with hairspray."

Valerie snorted as her mom asked, "I forgot to ask, but is he okay?"

"He's fine, Mami. But it was kinda funny," Cami assured, smiling.

"Okay, As long as everyone was safe and okay," her mom said, smiling too. The tension clearing.

That was how the rest of telenovela watching passed, just talking about their days—about the lull in calls at the station, at how the day went slow for their mom since she hadn't been working today at the diner, about Scoops and hanging out with her friends—and anything else, talking in English and Spanish, Cami and Valerie practicing the language with their parents and watching the telenovela. Nobody mentioned the sort-of argument and Cami was glad for it. She knew her parents' worry was from a place of love, but she hated when it lead to a potential argument between her mom and Valerie. Especially when Cami knew her sister would be winning Oscars for it like she'd win Grammys.

Cami much preferred if they didn't argue.

After the telenovela's episode ended and Cami and Valerie registered that their parents wanted to watch it alone, Cami fed Annie and checked to make sure her plants in her garden out in the back were doing okay, she took a shower and washed her hair, tying it up as she retreated into her room and hunkered down in her bed, the stereo playing Daniela Romo as she wrote in her songbook, humming along to lyrics as she occasionally stroked Annie, the kitten a beacon of warmth against her leg.

Looking up, Cami noticed the time and decided to head to sleep, turning off the stereo and putting away her songbook and getting into her pyjamas. Taking her still-damp hair out and putting it carefully into a bonnet, Cami slid into bed as Annie burrowed in and Cami smiled softly, stroking the kitten as she whispered, "Goodnight, Annie."

Annie mewled and pressed herself against Cami, purring against her.

Cami's smile widened and she reached forward to turn the light off, leaving the room in darkness.

And as Cami fell asleep, she hoped she wouldn't wake up screaming from nightmares of the junkyard and tunnels that she'd talk to Alistair about, and that summer would continue just like this—fun, sunny, and full of spending time with her friends.

Little knowing that, for both her and Valerie, their summers would be getting a little less fun, and a little more cruel.


It has arrived!

I loved writing this so much! Like I said, Cami's so fun and I really loved writing her, especially when she's so bubbly and positive compared to most of the Party (also, her and Alistair being grouchy x sunshine besties, we love it)

And yeah, Cami tries to see the positivity in everything... but even her positivity fails her sometime, especially since she's now thinking maybe Suzie doesn't exist now (but she's holding out hope she does)

And yes, you've met the rest of the Martinéz family! Ricardo Martinéz is the main breadwinner as a firefighter, while Sofia Martinéz is a part-time worker at a diner in Hawkins. Ricardo is very loving and supportive and protective and Sofia... she's trying to be a good mom, but she's failing, especially with Valerie. But while she is trying to be supportive, she has a realist thinking with her children and how their dreams (special effects makeup artist for Valerie, singer for Cami) could crash and burn and they don't have any backup plans or money, so she tries to suggest they pursue more financially stable careers. Of course, this creates tension—especially between Valerie and Sofia—and yeah Sofia is not a good mom with Valerie, but she has good intentions. She's just... complicated (she gets better, though, and definitely becomes a good mom) And yeah, Valerie was also in the wrong, but that was mostly from her frustration of her mom not approving her dream—and the fear of not being accepted—so that adds onto the tension. But Valerie—and the dynamic between Valerie and Sofia—improves, so stick with me

Next chapter should be soon and will be Cami-focused! But don't worry, next chapter after, we'll be back with Valerie and Scoops Troop!

Spanish translations:

¡Hola familia!: Hey fam!

¡Hola mija!: Hey daughter

Estrella: Star

Si, mi amour. Nuestra prequeña mariposa acaba de regresar: Yes, my love. Our little butterfly's just returned

Tengo una cena para ti: I have some dinner for you

Las quieros: I love you

Gracias: Thank you

Please read, comment and vote!

GhostWriterGirl out!

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