Chapter Twenty-Three💥Touch of Trust

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I don't own anything except any original characters (including the Reader's concept) and/or any original plot


Chapter Twenty-Three - Touch of Trust


For budding heroes, 1-A really had to work on their secrecy when it came to strategizing. While you missed their initial planning session, they continued to fine-tune things both in the vicinity of lower floor windows and outside when they were moving civilians. It made it easy to get to the island ahead of them. If they made it over before you, you would have had to swim since their eyes would be on the land bridge.

You found a place high up in the ruins, on top of the castle. When everything had been set up, Shoji, Midoriya, Jirou, Ojiro, and the two kids settled just below you- giving you a perfect view of them and, with your binoculars, of the fight happening below.

The first phase of their plan was to split the trio up- which was completed successfully thanks to navel lasers and canons created by Yaoyarozu and Aoyama. Phase two would be happening in three different areas, with different students fighting each of the three villains. You'd focus on Nine since he was both closer and your mission.

Phase two was Uraraka and Sero, using their quirks in tandem to throw giant boulders at Nine. He took them out easily with lasers from his fingers, but what intrigued you is that the heroes didn't seem to be panicked. They weren't trying to beat him. If anything-

They were trying to wear him out. Oh, Class 1-A was full of little geniuses.

After the initial rounds of boulders from the sky, Uraraka and Sero met up with Mineta in front of a landslide waiting to happen, held back by a quickly thrown together wall of stakes. The rockslide was deadly fast, and buried Nine before he could use one of his Quirks to avoid it. Mineta used his Quirk on top of that to secure the boulders.

Nine didn't stay down long though, a giant force field pushed the rocks away. No matter how many Quirks Nine had used at this point, he was still in a better state than the 1-A students.

Then, like a savior, Katsuki came flying in with a giant blast. From below, you saw Midoriya flit off to join the fight as well. The pair worked together incredibly well. They'd make great heroes one day, especially if they teamed up.

It became hard to see the details of the fight as dust and smoke was dredged up. Still, every once in a while you would catch a glance of one of them, either avoiding or initiating another attack.

Joining the fight again was Sero and Uaraaka, but they were dealt with quickly and harshly. If their injuries were addressed soon then their conditions would worsen drastically.

The twin blue monsters sprouted from his back and pushed Katsuki and Midoriya back into one of the brick walls of the ruins. If he kept pushing they'd be buried in the earth. Your grip tightened on your binoculars.

Then, the Quirk deactivated, and Nine stumbled in pain. Midoriya and Katsuki perked up, sprinting toward him. But just when there seemed to be hope, Nine's mask dropped, and clouds rapidly gathered in the sky- blotting out the sun.

A giant thunder bolt struck the ground, and you weren't fast enough to divert the energy this time. Swallowing a whimper, you leaned over the side of the ruins trying to spot the two- no longer worried about hiding your presence.

"Shoji, take Katsuma and Mahoro and go. We'll hold the villain back."

Shoji nodded, running down the path party way before he rapidly extended his arms to be able to reach the next wall and pull himself up. Without warning, he turned to face you.

"I'm not with him!" You held up your hands in a surrendering motion, "I was sent on a mission to simply observe. He's an interest of the League's. Keep running with the kids, I won't fight you."

Shoji accepted your statement and kept running. He was truly desperate if he was willing to turn his back to you, but what else could he do? He was the kids last line of defense, his goal was to get them as far away as possible. Watching him go, you decided that if he failed then you'd step in and protect the kids yourself.

Jirou and Ojiro were dealt with painfully quickly- the twin monsters from before both slamming them into the castle wall and giving Nine the leverage he needed to pull himself up.

Before you could step in, Nine shot out enough lasers that the kids were thrown from Shoji's arms. He urged them to keep moving before turning back to Nine. It was a pitifully short fight, as most of the ones before it had been as well. Even when Jirou and Ojiro tried to step in again, nothing came of it except more injuries for all of them.

Your time of observation was over. All you could see in those kids was Eri, wide-eyed and scared. She didn't deserve that- they didn't deserve that. And who was there to protect them besides you?

"Nine!" You came up from the side, drawing his attention away from the children who were frozen in fear, "Lovely to see you again."

"Don't tell me Shigaraki doesn't trust me to handle myself," Nine's voice was dark, and riddled with obvious pain.

Ignoring his concerns, you resumed your slow waltz toward him. The kids were still crying in front of him. You had to get them away, or get Nine away.

"Unfortunate, isn't it? Having Quirks that use energy. When facing someone who can harness it, you're nearly useless. Why, those with the most power are meant to rule, aren't they? So kneel, Nine. Kneel before someone who holds more power than you... and I might let this go."

Nine's eyes narrowed. He was picking up on your implications- which was good because you'd practically slapped him in the face with them. You couldn't give a shit about the future he wanted to build because it would never come to fruition. The powerful were supposed to protect the weak, help them if they couldn't help themselves. To want to lord over them- well, Nine deserved to know how it felt to be weak.

"Has Shigaraki decided I'm useless?"

"He wasn't the one who asked you to kneel, was he? I've decided I'm done observing."

Nine attacked then. Like bullets, lasers shot out of his hands toward you. Ducking under two, you winced when the third hit your arm. Energy ebbed from the spot and into your body, but a sharp pain was there as well. You wouldn't let it show on your face.

"SMASH!" A steel-toed boot slammed into Nine's cheek, sending him at least twenty feet away. With the scream, came the tell-tale crackling of explosions.

"And here I thought I'd get to have all the fun," you drawled, approaching the two heroes. Midoriya immediately took a defensive stance in front of the kids, but Katsuki stood there dumbstruck.

"What are you doing here?" He finally grit out.

"I'm on a mission. Wasn't aware 1-A was here, but it all worked out in the end, didn't it?"

"A-are you a hero?" Mahoro asked, clutching her brother close.

Normally, the question would make you laugh until your sides hurt. Was the black theme and the scary mask not enough of a sign? But the question coming from her mouth, so full of hope at having another protector, just made you want to cry.

"You'll always be my hero," Eri told you, with so much conviction that you believed her.

"No. I'm definitely not a hero," you shook your head, turning back to Katsuki and Midoriya, "Call this a favor. I don't like Nine's ideals and I want to protect the kids too."

"Like Eri," Midoriya whispered, "She called you a hero too."

Oh, that brought tears to your eyes. Eri knew you weren't good, she knew what you did, and she still thought of you as her hero. The thought of being not only her hero but Katsuma and Mahoro's? You clenched your jaw and looked away from the four, unable to respond.

It seemed like you wouldn't have to, as Nine got to his feet.

"Take your sister and run," Midoriya ordered.

The siblings nodded, took each other's hands, and sprinted away. With them out of the picture, you, Katsuki, and Midoriya used your respective Quirks to speed toward Nine. He quickly erected a force field to avoid your attacks.

"How did you avoid my lightning?" Nine asked through gritted teeth.

"You used that attack before!" Midoriya yelled as the shield came down and Nine was pushed back.

"We knew you'd do it again, so we used that idiot Kaminari as a lightning rod!"
Bakugou added.

Lasers, force fields, even the twin monsters were easily taken down now the three of you were working together. It was easy to absorb the energy from most of Nine's attacks to make way for Katsuki and Midoriya to actually strike.

From Katsuki came a giant explosions that set the entire field in front of you on fire. Panting and tired, the three of your stared at the flames. For just a few moments, all fell quiet.

The already present cloud darkened.

It wasn't lightning this time. No- it was three simultaneous tornados. The wind funnels were quick to absorb the fire Katsuki had inadvertently created, crashing together to create a deadly mass of wind, fire, and lightning.

"A tornado!"

"He can control all types of weather. (Y- Energy?" Katsuki looked at you, almost desperately.

"I don't- I don't know. I could mess with the lightning maybe, the heat, maybe the wind- but all of it together? It's impossible."

"We'll face him together then," Midoriya said determinedly, body lighting up with the tell-tale glow of One for All.

God, it was such a stupid idea. But with no other options, you combined your energy blasts and your superstrength for the first time and darted forward. Using your energy blasts to form a path, your super strength kept your propelling forward. But the wind from the outside was nothing compared to inside. You were swept up, screaming as fire came too close for comfort.

Barely able to hear over the wind, you could distantly make out Katsuki and Midoriya screaming as well. Did they get swept up too?

The winds didn't last much longer, as the tornado slowly faded away. Falling to the ground, you groaned upon impact. You'd just finished healing from the Deika fight, and now you jacked up your body again.

"It's no use. You simply don't have enough strength to defeat me," Nine landed in front of you, "How pathetic. A villain trying to play the hero. You could have risen quickly in my society."

"I don't want your society!" You screamed, thrusting your leg out and knocking Nine to the ground, pouncing, you wrapped your thighs around his neck and held tight. He went up to his knees and threw all his weight back, slamming you against the ground.

Yelping, you felt blood rapidly pooling at the back of your head. Shaking your legs off, Nine stood again, relatively unharmed from your physical attack.

"What new society?" Midoriya struggled to get to his feet.

"One ruled by power. The strong will lord over the weak  in my utopia."

"Same old crap."

One Of the twin blue monsters grabbed you around the middle and swung you into the air. From the grunts of pain next to you, you had been scooped up with Katsuki. You would have noted that Nine could only made two of the blue things at a time, but it didn't feel like it mattered anymore.

"Labels like 'hero' and 'villain' won't be necessary. Power will be the only factor that matters. That's how a true superhuman society should be constructed."

"Sounds like something a power hungry madman would dream up!"

"If you attempt to get in my way, then you'll have to be eliminated."

The jaws of the monster holding you clamped down, and you were sure that your ribs would be cracked or broken by the end of this. Tilting your head, you aimed to get one last look at Katsuki- but then Midoriya's broken arm caught your eye, and a plan (mainly put together thanks to survival instincts and desperation) formed.

"Katsuki, can you touch Izuku?" You grit out, fighting through the pain.

"If I can reach."

"Good. Grab his hand and tell him to activate his Quirk, okay?"


"Katsuki trust me, please!" You all but begged, bending at an awkward and painful angle so you could meet Katsuki's eyes- even if he could see past your mask. Oh no wait- you felt wind on your face. Your mask had cracked in half, "I'm not letting him get those kids!"

Throwing a hand onto Katsuki's stomach, you closed your eyes and blocked out the rest of the world. Beneath his skin you could feel his life and spirit, and below that his Quirk. Then there was another.

"Be fast, if I'm not touching you then the transfer won't last long!"

Reaching out, you grabbed a hold of that second Quirk energy and pulled, manipulating it into not just Katsuki's body but your own as well. Screaming in pain, every nerve in your body felt as if it was on fire as you went through the transfer. You'd been getting better at absorbing and using Quirks yourself, but the last time you tried a transfer between other people both Himiko and Jin had passed out and you got a bloody nose.

You prayed to whatever deity would listen that no one passed out this time.

Body on fire and being dunked in ice water simultaneously, you bit back a sob at the pain you felt. What the hell was Midoriya's Quirk? You knew he got it from All Might and he'd broken his bones numerous times in the past, but this raw power seemed to become unlocked when you messed with Izuku's Quirk- like there were layers of it and you uncovered a new one.

"Go now!" You screamed when you were sure the transfer was complete. Pushing most of Izuku's Quirk energy and your super strength into your hand, you slammed it into the monstrous jaw holding you hostage. It imploded. Imploded.

Air whipped around your head and through your hair. Strong arms wrapped around your body and set you on the ground. You couldn't see who, but you knew.

"Help them."

Rolling to your side, you winced as you tried to get up. Head wound, cracked/broken ribs, and a hand broken in several places. Not to mention any other injuries that were less painful but still there. Based on the fact that you eyes were open and you couldn't see, you were on the verge of passing out as well- probably the head injury.

"I can help," Katsuma spoke from next to you.

"Do what you can," you laid your head down and closed your eyes, giving into the darkness. It was out of your hands now. If Katsuki and Midoriya both failed, then all of you were dead. So you put your faith in them, knowing there was nothing else you could do.


When you woke up the sun had returned. Your body screamed in protest as you sat up with a groan. Looking around, your eyes widened at the wide spread damage. You didn't realize Midoriya's Quirk in Katsuki's hands would end in rubble. You should have known.

Pushing yourself to your feet, you winced as you went. Body still extremely tender, you had to admit that Katsuma had a pretty powerful Quirk if all you felt was extremely sore. Of course you'd still have to get checked by a doctor since adrenaline could still be in your system, but you weren't about to throw up because of the pain anymore.

Looking up at the sun, you closed your eyes and basked in the warmth for a few moments. The heat combined with your dark clothes provided you with much needed energy.

"(Y/n)," a pained voice grunted out.

"Katsuki?" You whipped around, rushing to his side, "Shit, both of your arms are broken. I can give your cells more energy to speed up the healing process. Where's Katsuma? Katsuma?" Katsu-"

"Shut up, you're so loud," Katsuki sighed, closing his eyes momentarily before blinking them open again, "It was stupid of you to be here. I would have beat the shit out of you if we weren't dealing with that other bastard."

Closing your eyes, you couldn't hold back a small smile, "Don't tell me two broken arms are gonna stop you."

"Broken ribs too," Katsuki grunted in pain as he tried to shift. He was silent for a few seconds, looking at you intensely, "You helped the kids."

"Of course I did. I'm not a monster, Katsuki. I know what it's like to be quirkless, I didn't want that for Katsuma."

"You aren't as evil as you pretend to be," his words made your breath hitch, "About what happened last time-"

"I'll visit you," you interrupted, "When you're less delirious from pain. We can talk then. And if you still want me behind bars, then say the word. Saving those kids felt-" a near silent thud came from behind you, "Hawks. Ever the early bird, huh?"

Hawks let out a dry chuckle. Looking back at Katsuki, you realized he'd fallen unconscious again. Resting a hand on his chest, you pushed energy away from unnecessary bodily functions and made it focus on his cells.

"Killing him now won't do you any good," Hawks said quickly. Raising a brow, you stood and turned to him. You were uncomfortable knowing you only had a half mask on, but there was nothing you could do about it, "The heroes would know."

"Because you'd tell them?" You circled around him like a predator stalking their prey. He was six years older than you and a pro-hero, yet both of you knew you were currently untouchable. Why? You went to your tiptoes to whisper the reason in his ear, "I know who you are, and you aren't a villain. Watch yourself carefully."

Stepping back, you have him a small salute before turning around and making your escape, "Tokoyami is under the collapsed ground near the caves by the way, alive."

Hawks took off. As far as the League and the heroes were concerned, neither of you either saw the other.


"There were better ways to summon me," you hissed, coughing up the last of the sludge lodged down your throat, "The Doctor's little Nomu is the worst."

"You weren't answering your phone. This was the easiest way."

The two of you turned in sync and stared down at Nine, who was having enough trouble breathing that you could hear it. He looked ghastly, his hair white in the sunlight and his body covered in severe burns. His blood was tarnishing the flowers around him. How sad.

"Did you have a good life?" Tomura asked.

"It's not... it's not over."

"I'll take over your dream."

"There only needs to be one ruler," Nine hissed.

You and Tomura walked closer to the man. The same sort of vicious detachment that you felt with Overhaul was dredged up again as you looked at the broken man in front of you.

"You would not survive in the society you wished to create," you hummed in mock disappointment.

"He won't survive in ours, either," Tomura placed his hand on Nine's face, and he crumbled into dust.

You looked at the ashes on the ground until the wind blew them away, then you turned to Tomura, "I never want you to send me on a solo mission again."

"It wasn't that bad."

"I almost died, I got spotted by the heroes, and I had to work with them!"

"Enemy of my enemy and all that," Tomura shrugged, pulling out a phone and sending off a quick text, "Let's get back to the mansion and get you checked out. The others are worried."

Rolling your eyes, you mentally prepared yourself to be teleported again, sneaking one last glance at Nabu. The heroes would be fine. They didn't need anymore help from a villain.


Katsuki didn't want to join the rest of the class in their celebration. It was supposed to be a "going away" and "we lived" type of affair on the boat ride back. All Bakugou wanted was some air. Aizawa had been hovering annoyingly since he arrived on the island. No matter how much he pretended he didn't care, it was obvious he mentally adopted all of 1-A.

"Do you know them?"

"Who?" Katsuki didn't look back. Deku had been just as annoying as Aizawa, always sending Katsuki weird looks like he was trying to figure something out.

"Energy. It just seemed like... they seemed comfortable."

"Energy is a villain. Probably just didn't give a shit."

"They came to see us when we were injured," Katsuki's eyes shot to Deku when he said that. He didn't know that, "They didn't hurt us or the kids, just observed. I couldn't see their face so I didn't know what they were feeling- but why would they go out of their way to see us in the first place? The rest of the class was in the building. They wouldn't stand a chance if they were caught."

If only you knew how often they snuck into a building full of heroes, Katsuki thought amusedly.

"If you keep trying to understand villains you'll make your head explode. Just focus on taking them down," Katsuki grumbled out.

Deku had that damn thinking look on his face again. It kind of made Katsuki want to punch him.

"Do you think they could be good?"

Katsuki remembered telling (Y/n) that they were as evil as they acted, "Energy made their choice. There's no going back."

"You know that's not true. People change," Deku sent Katsuki a smile, "Energy saved Eri at the Shie Hassakai raid. Eri still says that Energy is her hero. Same with Mahoro and Katsuma."

I've been talking to Energy for months. I know their true identity. I know they aren't really evil. I know Energy was quirkless like you. You two would probably get along. We kissed twice. I liked it. I want to do it again. I think I'm in love with a villain.

Instead of letting all of his thoughts spill out, Katsuki simply smirked, "I'm one in a damn million. You know that."

Deku chuckled a bit at that, "You sure are special Kacchan... it was just a thought. I'm going to go back to the party."

Katsuki gave a grunt in response, which was good enough for Deku because he left.

(Y/n) said we would talk, Katsuki stared out at the sea, wondering where (Y/n) was, if they were safe, And I know exactly what I want to say

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